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Every once in awhile, I find myself watching 20-minute long videos on Youtube on something that most people will probably find quite bizarre: Carpet cleaning videos. (This video has 5.4m views!!!!) It's... a particular kind of Youtube rabbit hole. I concede that. However, I must say that I find such videos strangely relaxing and soothing. Beyond the ASMR component of it, I do find something quite nice about the specificity and particularity of such videos, and in some ways the simplicity of it. In a world of endless clickbaity 90 second videos with endless jumpcuts and people shouting all the time, it's a nice change of pace to have something like this. The relative quietness is a nice departure from the noisy chaos that come to define most of our waking moments. And I do also find it quite shiok to watch these carpets being cleaned, and brought to new life. But this also raises some very obvious and pertinent questions: How did these carpets get SO dirty? And who the heck are these people who LET it happen?? Anyway, if you need a new method of relaxing, may I suggest carpet cleaning videos. This channel's 415k subscribers seem to also agree. ~ Desmond
One of my favourite channels on Youtube involves a completely silent half naked man making bricks. Hear me out. It's called Primitive Technology, and it's pretty much as the name suggests. Here's the description in the channel's About section: Primitive technology is a hobby where you build things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. These are the strict rules: If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. It is utterly fascinating to me. And this isn't just one man's eccentric hobby. 'Bushcraft' is a not insignificant industry (especially and expectedly in places like America and Australia), and you will even find several 'primitive technology' imitators on Youtube. But this man is the OG, and easily the best. A channel with no talking and nothing more than the sound of rain falling, tress rustling and fire bellowing has 10.9m subscribers, and each video has millions of views. Build your own Crocs What exactly is the appeal? On one hand, I think it is precisely because his entire endeavour is simple, unpretentious, and in some ways purposefully boring. There's no attempt to be entertaining or exciting - even his commentary (turn on subtitles) are purely matter-of-fact. It feels like a stark departure from every other Youtuber trying so desperately and shouting so loudly to grab peoples' attention. It is also quite relaxing and calming, almost zen-like. In our world of constant stimulation, its refreshing to have a break from all of it. To watch one man do one thing laboriously but simply. I find it quite meditative. Often, it would be the last thing I watch before going to bed. And the outcomes - through sheer labour and time - can sometimes be inspiring. The man builds a whole tiled roof hut with literally his bare hands! And perhaps in our hyper-modernised society where we take for granted how convenient and easy life can be, this is a worthwhile and stark reminder of how harsh and difficult life used to be. It offers important perspective: Be appreciative of the things we have, and don't take for granted just how easy technology has made our lives. And it also offers interesting perspective on technological advancement. We now tend to think of technology in terms of the Internet and the latest iPhone, AI and Blockchain are the buzzwords of tomorrow, but let's not lose sight of the fact that technological advancement has been consistently happening over time. One could make the case that fire might have been Man's greatest technological invention (though some may argue farming is). And of course, I'm also fascinated by what he does next. Considering he has metal, he's at least reached the Iron Age. How far will he go? Will he reach the Medieval Era? When will he invent the Internet? Also, the comments section? Hilarious. "We have entered the Iron Age." ~ Desmond
Partying to an orchestra: Why unusual cross-genres are in fact amazing
bobthemob posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
The Youtube algorithm is annoying. Click on a few videos from the same broad ‘topic’, and suddenly your entire Youtube home page is filled with similar videos elbowing out all your usual ones. It then takes quite a while before your ‘normal’ recommendations start appearing again. So, the latest Youtube rabbit hole I’ve recently tumbled down into is a very particular and specific one - orchestral ‘club’ music. It’s basically music you’d associate with clubbing - usually EDM but not limited just that, but performed by orchestras instead of the typical DJ. The correct answer is always.. Darude Sandstorm I enjoy classical music, especially orchestral music, though I certainly don’t listen to it on a regular basis. But I do enjoy a good orchestral concert (the most recent Distant Worlds was glorious!). And yes, while I won’t say that I’m a massive fan of EDM or dance music in general, I think there is a part of me that finds that kind of music… familiar. After all, it’s music that I was regularly exposed to in my younger, partying days. It’s far from my go-to genre of music on a day-to-day basis, but it can be occasionally invigorating. I do enjoy it, time to time. What I find particular intriguing and interesting is the intersection of the two. On one hand, you have orchestral music, which is often thought of as very bourgeois, atas, high-culture, etc. It’s also exactly the kind of music that most people would associate with being quite high-brow, perhaps even a little stuffy – orchestral performances would stereotypically involve people in tuxedos and evening gowns sipping champagne. On the other hand, you have dance music. Nothing against it personally, but I think there’s definitely a perception among many people that its ‘clubbing’ music (and the perceived debauchery that can be associated with it), which can be construed as ‘less-classy’. Instead of tuxedos and champagne, it’s maybe more crop tops and tequila shots. You could certainly make the case that on a so-called ‘musical spectrum’, these two genres would exist on either far end of it (though I would not for a moment propose that any ‘spectrum’ would exist in a simple, linear form). You typically won’t expect fans of one to like the other. And it’s fascinating when seemingly opposing worlds collide. Part of why it is so intriguing to me is the basic assumption that they “could not”. How could these seemingly disparate things intersect, let alone flourish? And this doesn’t solely apply to music. In all instances, I am fascinated when people manage to make the “unworkable” work. Hamilton: A marvellous intersection between cutting political commentary, hip-hop beats and rap, and the musical theatre stage. Chess Boxing: People alternate between sophisticated strategy and punching each other in the face. Even TV: When a serious drama suddenly decides to do a whole episode as a musical. Beyond anything, you must admire the ambition that goes into these endeavours; daring to not just think outside the box, but break it, even. Such experimentation may not always yield success, but when they do, the results tend to be impressive. But back to classical EDM. Proof of concept that orchestral EDM is awesome: It's even now featured at what is arguably the biggest dance festival in the world I particularly like how many of these acts now perform at events/festival within the same lineup as ‘normal’ DJs, playing to the same party-loving crowds. I do think it speaks to the universality of music, and also underscores the fact that music, at its very core, is constructed using a pretty standard ingredients list. To be fully technical, it’s really just notes and frequencies, right? So, regardless whether it’s a trumpet, oboe, cello, or synth, these are all flavours developed using the same fundamental ingredients. And in the specific case of EDM, a lot of it tends to be constructed using digital versions of real instruments. In the case of these symphonic interpretations, you could even see it as the orchestra taking the tracks back to their original roots – played using instruments rather than a KORG MIDI pad. Look past the technical aspects, however, and I think the other aspect that I enjoy the most is the ability to bridge these two seemingly unbridgeable worlds. Just as you see the crowds lapping up EDM classics, so too are the musicians in the orchestra bopping their heads and playing with massive grin on their faces. And of course, the conductor absolutely having the time of her life (it’s a fun contrast against a more ‘typical’ depiction of a conductor, such as in the movie Tar). It’s fun precisely because it embraces the fact that its different and unusual. And yes, maybe it says something about me also that unusual things especially appeal to me. And even in a traditionally 'classy' place like Royal Albert Hall, this same cross-genre of music has gained traction Music, like many (arguably most) other things, exists across a wide-spanning spectrum, and people can often be too ready to pigeonhole themselves and each other some way or another. It is perhaps in these daring crossovers that we can all better appreciate the commonality of all the things we enjoy, and to embrace the fact that our lived experiences, while certainly different, don’t have to remain distinctly apart. Now, time to find a new Youtube rabbit hole. Drunk History might be next. ~ Desmond Images from Unsplash -
Property Investment Education Company Gets Called Out, They Defend Themselves On YouTube source: The I Quadrant Draws Flak For Marketing Ads, Explain Themselves On YouTube For those who have the fortune of coming across certain advertisements on YouTube – you know the ones – you’d know that they promote financial investment classes. People like Imran and Dominic are probably well-known to people by now. They appear enticing and promise that you’ll never have to work another day in your life by 40 — and all you have to do is listen to them and give them money, sometimes in that order. However, the people in these videos have been called out for their marketing tactics, though at least one of these companies offered a defence on YouTube. Responses to the videos haven’t been all too pleasant, however, with more thumbs downs than thumbs ups. The I Quadrant teaches property investing skills One of the companies which drew attention was The I Quadrant, a “financial investment education” company. The company was co-founded by 4 people: Germaine Chow Shawn Lee Ivan Cai Benny Ong They host seminars which people can, as you’d expect, pay to enter and learn from these gurus on financial investments. However, they staunchly claim that they are not a financial or investment company but an educational one. For a period of time in 2019, The I Quadrant was listed until the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)’s Alert List, but that listing was removed. This may be because they don’t provide investment services or financial consultancies. YouTubers call out marketing ‘gurus’ A YouTuber, Rishi, recently called out these “gurus” in a video. Among The I Quadrant’s claims in their ads – some of which drew over 1.5 million views – is that you can invest in property “with little to no money down”, meaning you won’t need a large down payment. Property agents give Rishi their thoughts on methods But the viral videos, Rishi said, don’t answer the most important part — how? Curious people would’ve clicked in to find out, but they’d have to attend a seminar to really get the information they seek. Although there are free seminars, The I Quadrant also try to sell their courses – known as Property Income Mastery Courses. Then, once students complete the course, they’ll get the opportunity to join “masterclasses”, which also come with a princely fee. The costs of these classes aren’t revealed on their website. So Rishi decided to ask 2 property agents about their thoughts of The I Quadrant’s claims. In short, their answer was — yes, you can make investments with little down payment, but the costs will be borne by others. Other YouTubers like Justaway Garnett have also made videos debunking The I Quadrant’s methods. The I Quadrant defend themselves Following the call-outs, The I Quadrant decided to make a YouTube video defending themselves. But it’s fair to say that reception to the video hasn’t been fantastic. However, that video was just a preview for what was to come. On 11 Nov, they released the first of perhaps a series of videos talking about their claims, and presumably, their legitimacy. They went into a case study explaining the methodology. To put it simply, in the video, they explain that others – such as the tenants you rent out to – can cover the repayments you’ll have to make to the bank, and they call this ‘good debt’. However, what we’re also told from the video was that one needs to select the ‘right’ property’ to get the ‘good debt’ going, which in term can yield the returns they supposedly made. And how do we do that? Well, we’re told that we must ‘acquire the knowledge’, which they can conveniently provide — for a fee, of course. Netizens aren’t convinced Regardless of their defence, however, not many have taken to their explanations — including from people who’ve allegedly gone for their seminars. Among the accusations are that The I Quadrant do not reveal the risks of their methods, and that they allegedly deleted negative comments left on their Facebook page. They also claim that people with little to no income can start investing in property as well — but many say this is highly risky and can incur bankruptcy. Selling a dream Whether their tips are true or not, how you spend your money is up to you. But do be wary of people who promise easy or quick riches, because that doesn’t exist. It can sound very enticing to not work a day for the rest of your life while income rolls in. But if that were so effective, people wouldn’t be teaching you how to do it. That, or these things you can find watching YouTube videos, which are free. Paying a lot of money for some secret you supposedly can’t get elsewhere sounds more like a marketing tactic than anything.
Has anyone seen this ? Did you accept it or continue viewing ads ?
Doing research for our YouTube channel, I would like to understand what kind of content you like to watch and on what platform, youtube, tiktok , podcast and. blah blah blah. Do give us your utmost honest comments, so we can improve and spam you with more enjoyable content that you like! Cheers!
Funny music videos parodies : Bohemian Rhapsody : Star Wars Edition Frozen : Star Wars Edition
I don't know about you but I find it unhelpful to users now that the dislike count is put to private. The dislike button will still be there and we will still be able to dislike the video but only the content creator can view it now. YouTube says it is supposedly meant to discourage trolls from doing a group attack. I do rely on the dislike count to decide if the video is worth my time or not, especially if it's an educational or tutorial type of content.
Crash detection is one of the new features of the iPhone 14. If the phone detects a collision, then it makes an emergency call after 20 seconds unless the person cancels it. If the occupants are unresponsive, there's an audio message for emergency services that advises them of the incident and the latitude and longitude coordinates. The YouTube channel TechRax puts this system to the test. The team has a beat-up Mercury Grand Marquis as the test vehicle, and there are a bunch of wrecked cars to crash into. The sedan has a rig using an electric skateboard so that the accelerator works remotely. The seatbelt is around the steering wheel to keep the vehicle going straight. The first attempt at testing the system we see in this video is a failure for a few reasons. They underestimate the Panther-body Grand Marquis' strength, and it plows through the burnt-out car acting as an obstacle. Also, there's seemingly no control of the brakes, so the sedan goes pretty far before rolling to a stop. Next, they put multiple cars in the Mercury's way. It's not too hard of a crash, but the collision is enough for the crash detection feature to activate. Like Apple says, the system doesn't start immediately. After several seconds, the phone begins a countdown before calling emergency services. There's also a loud noise that would get the attention of nearby people. The Mercury only suffered minor damage in this crash, so the team sets things up again. This time, the vehicle has a solid collision and appears to keep driving briefly after making contact. The force is enough for the airbags to deploy. After a delay, the crash detection system starts blaring. If you're curious about how the Grand Marquis is doing after these crashes, it's still running. These big, body-on-frame sedans have a reputation for being tough, like the Ford Crown Victoria police cars and taxis on the same platform.
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Why does the police play copyright music during work, particularly when taking actions against suspect(s)? Well, most of you should know that social media such as youtube, instagram and such have built-in functions for user to share copyright material, INGENIOUS act! 🤣👍 Cop Admits To Playing Copyrighted Music Through Squad Car PA To Keep Videos Off YouTube Source: Watch Sheriff’s Sergeant Play Taylor Swift to Avoid Ending Up on YouTube Source: New Video Shows Beverly Hills Cops Playing Beatles to Trigger Instagram Copyright Filter Source: Is This Beverly Hills Cop Playing Sublime’s ‘Santeria’ to Avoid Being Live-Streamed? Source: It Sure Looks Like This Cop Played Country Music to Avoid Being Filmed Source:
SINGAPORE: A 17-year-old boy learned how to drive on YouTube and illegally used his father's name to rent cars on a car-sharing service. The teenager, who is now 19, pleaded guilty on Monday (Jan 17) to a charge each of cheating by personation and underage driving. Another two charges will be taken into consideration for sentencing. The court heard that the teenager applied for a Tribecar account in his father's name around Sep 24, 2020. He submitted his father's particulars and uploaded photos of his NRIC and driving licence. The application was successful and the teen gained access to a Tribecar account in the name of his father, a 56-year-old man. Between Sep 24, 2020 and Oct 7, 2020, the teenager rented cars using his father's account on eight occasions and paid for the rentals himself. He usually drove the cars in the early mornings - between 12am and 8am. On the morning of Oct 7, 2020, he was ferrying two passengers in his car when he was stopped at a police road block along the Central Expressway and asked for his licence. The two passengers did not know that he was only 17 and did not have a valid licence. The legal age to apply for a driving licence in Singapore is 18. The teen was arrested on suspicion of cheating offences and crimes under the Road Traffic Act. He admitted to driving the rented vehicles on all eight occasions, despite being underage. He added that he had learnt his driving skills on YouTube. That's the thing with automatic transmission cars, anyone can watch a tutorial on YouTube and then learn to drive by themselves. I would imagine it'll be a lot more challenging to drive a manual just by watching a video. Impressive that he didn't butcher the car while parking though.
If anyone's bored.
Wasn't intending to post about this saga but I think with the release of this latest news today, it's almost the end of the road for Night Owl Cinematics. What a waste. PR disaster right from the start. Will NOC be able to pick itself back up, or is this the final nail in the coffin? 1 If Sylvia remove herself as management, is there a chance for the company to bounce back? 2 Will brands still believe in the NOC brand? 3 Will Ryan start his own company and bring staff along with him? Judging from the online support shown towards him, I'm sure he'll have no problem building his own fanbase or loyal supporters. 4 Say its not the CEO but an employee, should people "cancel" the entire company because of an individual? 5 If those conversations were sent to an individual over private message instead of a groupchat, would the damage be lesser? I mean, we've all cursed and sweared at colleagues or friends privately to another party, sometimes a rant, just wanna vent out your frustration. I'm not condoning her actions but I'm specifically picking two scenarios, change the variables and discuss the consequences.
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Just now i was watching youtube on korean food and an advertisement showed a boy stroking his "weapon" and then a lady hand stroking a big one. KNN i need pomelo leaves to wash eyes.. Youtube allow such advert meh?? i try to replay it never show liao.. this is the video i watched
I've been watching this channel for quite a while. Our Grandfather story on youtube. They have some rather excellent videos about awkward/sensitive questions that we'd rather not ask. The most recent one of course was the one with the mother with the 2 deceased children. But think their videos are worth checking out.
Hey there guys, So not a performance review this time ( next week will be another one though) but I did my first one on one interview with a known but very unpopular brand in South Africa ... Mahindra. I went to find out more about their range and history of the brand. a few very interesting facts came out that I didn't even know about. Was a fun one to do. Please let me know what you think.
Hi there guys, So this weekend I had some time spent with an OPC Corsa and decided to do my first Performance road test for 2019. I have to say, this was not blistering fast but my word was it a fun little car with a big bark. Yes I'm a youtube creator that does car performance reviews as a hobby Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks guys.
In a world where browsing social media, getting info on the net first hand is king, and binging videos on your rest days are a must, well... Youtube is down if that's even considered breaking news. It's as SERIOUS as the MRT breaking down. Brings your life almost to a halt (for some/many/most). If you're not seeing videos on the MCF blog, don't panic. It's not us. It's Youtube. So to summarize.. Youtube is down. Don't panic. Some reports are of blank screen, some showing internal errors.
Hi, Anyone know how to do the above?? some video i want to download and view.
Youtube CNN news Tsunami warnings are also in effect for Russia, the Marianas Islands, the Marcus Islands, Guam, Wake Island, and Taiwan. Tsunami watches are also out for Yap, the Philipines, the Marshall Islands, Belau, Midway Island, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, the Johnston Islands, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Hawaii. Airports across the Western Pacific are likely to be affected, as the geography of the coastline and islands of the Pacific mean that airports tend to be built towards the coastline. Initially reported as a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, the United States Geological Survey has hiked the reported magnitude to 8.9. After such a massive earthquake, tsunami warnings spread out across the Pacific
Hi all Need some advice and recommendation for my odd requirement / criteria for a HU. I would like to have the following features for my HU but I am not sure any .. please advice thanks a million ! 1. Volume knob ( not press button volume ) control, and I want it to be mounted on the right-hand-side of the HU instead of the usual LHS. 2. Touch screen double DIN that can play movies. 3. Can connect to Android phones by wifi / bluetooth so that I can play my Spotify or Youtube video onto the screen instead of from my phone. 4. Bluetooth hands-free capability. 5. Plays CD. Can be 1 disc, or multiple disc. 6. Can plug in SD card or thumbdrive to play video and music from the media 7. Or even better, I can download into the HU directly for playing. These are all I need for a HU.. any unit brand model you guys had been using and already had such features ? Please do recommend thanks
I notice those videos using [youtube ] are not turning out properly. But those [media ] are alright. e.g
Totally ROckS!!! Love the Song & Video.
A few vids from across the causeway.... No signal auntie Yellow light speedster Road bully Queue cutter