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Found 14 results

  1. Did remember someone from their country said that MY is very save ... Now survey conducted by their very own university ... from yahoo : Crime number one worry among Malaysians By News Desk in Petaling Jaya/The Star | Asia News Network
  2. Sky-high certificate of entitlement (COE) prices for commercial vehicles have become a worry for businesses, motor traders and the authorities. Premiums for vans, trucks and buses have been setting record after record in recent months. Now at $76,001, it has more than doubled its price since 2011 - chalking the biggest rise among all COE categories in the two years. The motor industry attributes the climb to three factors. First, there has been a construction boom that is driving demand for heavy vehicles such as concrete carriers and dump trucks. According to Mr Ron Lim, general manager of Nissan agent Tan Chong Motor, heavy vehicles now make up more than 50 per cent of commercial vehicle sales - up from the usual 20 per cent. Second, motor dealers are clearing existing stock ahead of a new emission standard that kicks in on Jan 1. Third, speculators may be hoarding COEs in the hope of turning a profit by reselling them to motor dealers stuck with stock as the new year draws nearer. Said Mr Lim: "If there is speculation, the Government should step in quickly to address the situation. Or consider a three- to six-month extension to the emission deadline. This should quell all speculative activities." The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said it is hard to detect speculative activities. But it added that there are deterrents in place, such as a shorter three-month validity period for commercial COEs, half that of car certificates. Still, an LTA spokesman said it is looking at ways to improve the system, including putting light and heavy commercial vehicles in separate categories. Buyers of the latter are better able to tolerate high COE prices since heavy vehicles are far costlier. Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew told Parliament in March that the Government "will study carefully" if buyers of "light goods vehicles should pay the same COE premium as heavy and very heavy goods vehicles". Small and medium-sized businesses hope something will be done soon. Association of Small and Medium Enterprises president Chan Chong Beng said that the issue of high vehicle costs has overtaken labour shortage as the top concern raised by members. "For many small businesses, a vehicle is a must... And because of the new emission standard, prices will continue to rise next year, and that's very, very scary." Vehicle cost will account for a bigger cost component for businesses, Mr Chan added. "Many, like hawkers, will find it hard to pass it on to consumers." He said having separate COE categories for light and heavy vehicles would be "a good solution". Ms Ivy Tao, 54, who runs a fleet of buses ferrying workers, said she has no choice but to delay replacing her older vehicles. "COEs are high, fuel prices are high. We don't feel secure any more." LTA said businesses can consider extending their expiring COEs - by paying a prevailing quota premium - by five years, which they can do twice now since a restriction was lifted in February. Previously, these COEs could either be extended by five or 10 years. Owners who chose the former had to scrap their vehicles at the end of their extension. Since the policy change, LTA said about 96 per cent of commercial COE renewals have been for five years, up from 57. Source: http://www.stasiareport.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/businesses-motor-traders-authorities-worry-over-soaring-coe-cost-20131
  3. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100382718
  4. http://www.divaasia.com/article/18126
  5. Renault tells me that there is a revolutionary way to own a car without worrying about COE fluctuations. I click to find out more. It tell me that I need to visit them to get the answer. Anyone got the answer already? http://www.renault.com.sg/
  6. When you're:- A. Before age of kindergarten B. kindergartner to say about 12 C. 12 to 18 D. 18 to just before marriage E. Now Two things in each phase of life which worry/disturb you most? For me:- A. Nothing much B. still nothing much C. Exams, but didn't last more than few days each time D. Same as C, add boss gave me more work after started working E. Now, disturbed by....... 1. Nothing worrying me, (too good too be true!)... Except for below 2. COE will be replaced by something more jiak lak!
  7. Anything online can be deleted for a price in China Big companies can even pay for yearly internet monitoring and real-time deletion of negative news posts year-round Asia Tech News For The World | 13-03-12 March 15, World Consumer Rights Day, is something of a big deal in China. Among other things, state broadcast conglomerate CCTV generally uses it as an excuse to drag skeletons out of the closets of a variety of Chinese businesses, those reports can easily turn into full-blown national scandals, especially when fueled by internet public opinion. So say you
  8. If you want to see how your estate will be become if you go with Opps...check out this link..
  9. after reading this http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showtopic=2656372 i getting very worried for my children's future in SGP whether the system can sustain future education, housing and jobs competitiveness amongst other nations. what you all thinking?
  10. "It's a new circuit, we don't know much about it, the schedule, the times of running. we all are a little bit concerned about the night race and the poor weather which might occur there," I am wondering if difficulty = challenge. And if competition is consider a form of challenge?? If everything is so perfect and predictable. Why not we just using a computer simulation?? A real driver can drive in any situation and a runner should not be able to perform if he is on the track. If it is not safe then they can just slow down. Whoever overcomes the factor best will be the winner. So what's the complaint !!!
  11. Taken from ST forum section.
  12. This morning when i first started the car engine, it automatically rev up to ~2.5k rpm for about 5 sec before settling down to the normal idle of ~1k rpm.. 1st time i every encountered this.. anyone got idea what could have caused it and if it is anything to worry about??
  13. 1. I find that we've to be extra careful when driving in housing estates. Many old folks seem to have the mentality that all cars must give way to them regardless of traffic rules. Many just cross without looking left, right and behind them, so dangerous! 2. Sometimes, so afraid that we might knocked one of them down one of these days, especially at night where visibility is lower. I wonder what would happen to the driver if they knock down an old folk that crossed the road by ignoring traffic rules? 3. There are so many SUVs these days and some have zero or very low NCAP Pedestrian crash rating hence chances of their survival would be low in such accident. Regards,
  14. http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2005/s1375137.htm With above report, Lancer owner U worry?
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