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  1. Understand that I need to pay a booking and service fee if I pay by credit card. What if I opt for payment over at 7 eleven? Can I pay by credit card as well or do I need to pay cash? Pls advise. Thanks!
  2. Hey folks, just curious to find out what are your takes on the above topic? Some ppl are very turned off by tattoos, perhaps because of religion or our society's common believe that tattoos = bad chick. Also, some ppl might feel intimidated or think that its disfigurement of the body.... I find gals with tattoos sexy, (I used to date a Tattoo artist actually). But I do have my limits... like full sleeves are a no-no.. (I don't even like tattoos on the hands of gals..) I reckon there's a thin line between artistic and ugly.... And for those guys who approves your gf with tattoos, which kinda designs do you like?? From common "tramp stamps" aka the lower back tribal pieces [sorry folks, the term may be offensive but that's what tattoo artists commonly refer to the placement and design as] to grey works, japanese works or the cute cartoon character, text in foreign languages or portraits, realistic works what are the design you would like (or secretly like) your gf or wives to have?? [PS: although my ex has quite alot of tattoos, hers are really nice, mostly grey works, realistic works and art nouveau designs... Its not the ah lian dragon/phoenix/eagle/ snake kind...]
  3. I just wonder how do they managed to drive around in wet weather with bald tyres? I meant bald to the point where I can't see any threads near the edge of the tyre. On the center only left some faint looking lines. thread wear indicator very visible. Its almost like slicks already. Cause today just saw a car parked at my office there with such front tyres. I wonder how do they managed?
  4. Just wanna share my experience ... About 2 months ago went to a tyre shop @ First Centre to change a set of tyres. Skip the brand & model part, price was slightly lower than tyrepac, which I am still ok. They bad mouth the famous shop at amk industrial park 1 blar blar blar, and say they provide after sales service (free patching, free rotation, etc) lah lah lah ... Suay suay last night punctured one tyre. Today went to them ask for replacement. I did not expect it to be as cheap as when I purchased 4 pcs, but the price they quote was horrible ($65 more), giving all the lame excuses etc. The boss even say if someone offer that price please go with them. I told him off so much of his after-sales service and went off. Went over the other end of the stretch and asked for quotation, price is $15 more than when I purchased 4 pcs ... fine with price and satisfied with service. Maybe tyre shops think how soon can a owner return to change tyre ? so they don't bother about keeping customers. But for the latter shop, I am impressed, and they will get a potential customer. I will go back to them when I need tyre replacement. I know getting 1 pc definitely will cost more than 4 pcs, fine .. but not to that cut-throat extent. All the bullsh*t about after-sales service, I know those are non-promises, but they are as good/bad as the famous tyre shop in amk park 1. And I know it's willing buyer/seller's world, so I am cool to walk off and let my hard earn money (though not much) earned by some other who deserves it more. Just wanna share my experience ... Thanks
  5. Personally, when i started, my RM keep asking me to average down many many years ago today the stock is only 4cents I bought at IPO made about 30K then RM ask me buy in when it dropped i bought it at 90+cents and average down along the way until 40cents then give up lost more than 1/4mil p i s s e d o f f lesson learnt - never be greedy, make your own decision - if wrong only yourself to blame this is my biggest mistake in stock market, i will always remember so that i will not make the same mistake again business - will share later when others
  6. I have the following existing incurable illnesses: 1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria Seen specialist in National Skin Centre 2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uveitis Yearly visit to specialist in National Eye Centre 3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankylosing_spondylitis Three mthly visit to specialist in SGH 4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irritable_bowel_syndrome Open date appt given by specialist in TTSH And just last week was diagnose with : 5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosacea Saw specialist in SGH How can I lower my medical bills??? Currently paying subsides rate of S$25 for consultation for seeing the different specialist. Each visit to SGH, spent S$100+. Every time ask me go for blood test, x-ray, bone density scanning and trying different expensive medicine. Any insurance company out there willing to cover me??? Willing to pay a small premium mthly to cover all my existing medical expenses. Currently it is being paid by my company lah but when I resign/terminated/retrench/retire, I still need to see these specialist for treatment. And not sure wat next illness will come and find me.
  7. Didu

    Suu Kyi detained

    Old thread. Suu Kyi in trouble with the Army again. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior party figures detained by army Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in an early morning raid, the spokesman for the governing National League for Democracy said on Monday (Feb 1). The move comes after days of escalating tension between the civilian government and the powerful military that stirred fears of a coup in the aftermath of an election the army says was fraudulent. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/myanmar-leader-aung-san-suu-kyi-detained-spokesman-myo-nyunt-14084948
  8. in my dealings with property agents I have NOT encountered a single honest hardworking agent YET I pray for one but the act of GOD has not given me one yet I hope i dont have to wait for 50 years my very first property that I bought b u s t a r d, the agent ask me for kopi money $15,000 if i dont give the property will go to another agent buyer s h i t how to complain complain cannot buy the property further more kena drink kopi and long long interview where got time so paid kopi money s h i t will continue please do contribute if you think will benefit our bros and sis here
  9. deg in semicon , how to migrate? got family liao, not much savings, maybe more if sell hdb flat.
  10. Looking for a HKS exhaust or FUJI for ZC21.. do reply!!
  11. juz wonder if any bro xperience this thing ?what r the cures?can dun operate?any traditional way to flush it out?
  12. Hi Pple.. I am looking for a place for dining, with Live Jazz or English rock music, to organize for a group of friends. Pls share with me some ideas.. Thank you so much. =)
  13. dear fellow bros, i would like to find out from u guys tat if those van installed with sofa seats behind, do they nid to b dismantled during inspectation? thanks bro and happy new yr to you guys out there
  14. Hi Appreciate if you can share your experience, recommendation or advice should you have had this similar problem I'm facing now........ Hired a 9 yrs experienced Indonesia maid - paid more hoping she can help my wife........Maid arrived & complained not happy, wanna transfer on her 3rd day. Called maid agency....... was told to hold on to her, no new Biodata available yet. Waited & waited, while bearing with her bad, 'bochap' attitude towards us despite treating her like one of our family.... makans, short tour, outings etc. Of course, gotta bear with her mistakes made........ she spoiled 2 TVs by wiping with wet cloth, choked toilet pipe & many others. Despite lecturing her, she continued her 'bochap' attitude. On the 4th week, she ran away (w/o our knowledge) to the agency & accused that my wife slapped her. Last I heard from maid agency that police report was made by them & she is now under investigation. I guess she's now either in the Home or agency's lodge. Obviously, agency is not helping us at all, for all this matter! We (me & wife) are concerned but not worry in proving our innocence. Yes, my wife chided her at times on her mistakes, but we do not lay hands on her! We lodged a police report for our perusal to further actions, if needed. Called MOM, they adviced to speak with concerned IOfficer for permission to cancel WPermit. Called police, they dunno if any abovementioned report was made against us, just asked us to wait . . . Called maid agency, I summarized the answer: 'no disclosure until investigation ends' Now, what can we do besides waiting........ WPermit is still under my name, I'm still liable for her & I'm sure there will be $$$ charged onto me during this 'investigation period'. Your Best Advice Please. . . . .
  15. my optra 1.6A is 1.5 years old. I have this problem as mentioned above. any one experiencing the same. Tq
  16. BANGKOK (AP) - Thai police are pressing drunk driving charges against the Red Bull energy drink heir accused of killing a police officer while speeding in his Ferrari and fleeing the scene. Police say tests taken in the hours after Monday's crash showed 27-year-old Vorayuth Yoovidhaya's blood alcohol content was at 0.063, exceeding the legal limit of 0.05. Police said on Thursday that the findings could result in a stiffer penalty for Vorayuth, who was originally charged with causing death by reckless driving. Police say Vorayuth has admitted to driving the Ferrari that struck and killed the officer but says the officer swerved in front of his vehicle. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...riving-20120906
  17. Today (15 March 2009) around 3.10-3.20pm, I was driving along Jurong East Central under a heavy thunderstorm when suddenly, the raindrop sound become different and i see small balls of ice dropping from the sky onto my windscreen.. The rain got so big that eventually, my gf n I decided to stop at nearby Jurong East MSCP to shelter my car from the ice. Within 10 min of stopping the car inside the MSCP, the MSCP start to flood. Luckily, the rain got smaller and we decided to move off towards Suntec City for IT show. The destruction of the storm is catastrophic. I see numerous malfunction traffic lights, many trees kanna blown off it root at jurong east area, traffic jam + accident at Jurong Town Hall Road, Trees hit a car on the road and falling branches all over the road... All in 10min.. Strong Wind was also experience when i was fetching my girlfriend from Bukit Gombak. I can feel my car shaking buy the strong wind.. Weather in singapore nowadays is
  18. As above. would u: 1) talk and ask her the reason(s) 2) divorce her? 3) look for ONS/sex worker? To Mr Mod: If this thread is rude or offensive, pls delete them.
  19. I am looking to purchase a 2nd hand car either from dealer / direct owner. How do i verify the history of the car if its accident free, mileage etc..? What are the info that i need in order to check? Currently, i only have the plate no. of the car i am keen on. Beisdes checking with AD, can i check with LTA? Thanks for help!
  20. Anyone knows of such device in the market where it works like a GSM alarm except that it doesn't have the alarm functions. Meaning to say it doesn't come bundled with an alarm system, but tap to whatever current alarm system you already have. So when your car is broken into and the alarm is triggered, the module will sms the owner to notify. Thereafter, the owner can use sms to track where the car is etc... just like a GPS tracker. Can also use sms commands like stop the car engine, lock/unlock car etc.
  21. COME next Monday, prepare to fork out as much as 49 per cent more for a cab ride, now that ComfortDelgro, Singapore's biggest player, has unveiled its 'overhaul' of the current taxi fare structure. This follows what it says was an 'in-depth review' of the taxi industry to address commuters' concerns, simplify the fare structure and encourage call bookings 'to better match the demand and supply of taxis'. City Area Surcharge - Up First, to incentivise more cabbies to ply the Central Business District during peak hours, the city area surcharge, which is now $1, will be raised to $3 between 5pm and midnight from Mondays to Saturdays. The lack of taxis in the city at the end of office hours on weekday evenings is a frequent complaint from passengers, the company noted. For drivers who are afraid of paying Electronic Road Pricing charges to enter the city and risk not getting a passenger, ComfortDelgro says it will even pay an 'ERP rebate' to cabbies who cannot land a passenger within 15 minutes of entering an ERP zone. Late Night Surcharge - Up The late night surcharge between 12am and 5:59am daily will be revised back to 50 per cent of the metred fare - instead of the staggered 10 to 50 per cent surcharges now in effect. Will this revive the old problem of 'disappearing taxis' between 11pm to midnight? The company says no, 'given that the City Area Surcharge will be in force right till midnight, giving little reason for taxi drivers in the city to 'hide'.' Peak Period Surcharge - Up Instead of the standard $2 peak period surcharge now in effect between 7am and 9.30am on weekdays and 5pm to 8pm from Mondays to Saturdays, passengers will have to pay an added 35 per cent of their metered fare during those hours. A detailed breakdown of this extra 'premium fare' will be shown on each receipt 'to ensure transparency', the company says. Flag down, distance rate, waiting time - Changed As hinted earlier, the flag down fare will be raised by 30 cents from $2.50 to $2.80 for the first kilometre. But the distance rate and waiting time will also be adjusted to 'more accurately reflect the cost of travel', it added. So instead of upping fares by 10 cents for each set distance or waiitng time, this will soon go up by 20 cents each time. Specifically, every 385 metres for the second to 10th kilometres, and every 330 metres above 10 kilometres. The waiting time will also be raised from the current 10 cents for every 25 seconds to 20 cents for every 45 seconds. Call Booking Fee - Down Bucking the trend of the increases, call booking fees will be cut from $4 to $3.50 during prime time hours, which are 7am to 9.30am and 5pm to 11pm on weekdays. It stays at $2.50 for all other times. 10 to 49 per cent more in overall fares Under the new pricing structure, ComfortDelgro says, the bulk of its passengers who travel during off-peak hours will pay 10 per cent more in fares. All other passengers will be expected to pay between 18 per cent and 49 per cent more. The biggest jump in fares will affect those who take cabs out of the city from Mondays to Thursdays, between 8pm and midnight. Instead of $7.65 currently for an average 9km trip, they'll have to fork out $11.40. With all these changes factored in, ComfortDelgro explained, peak-hour cab fares in Singapore are about the same as Hong Kong's but still only half that of Sydney's. Local fares are also only about a quarter of London's. 'Better match supply and demand' Refering specifically to the current difficulty of getting cabs in the city during peak hours, ComfortDelgro's CEO (Taxi Business), Mr Yang Ban Seng, said: 'We think this fare revamp will better match supply and demand of taxis. Our aim is to try and ensure that more taxis will go to areas where they are needed most and at the times they are wanted most.' Mr Nah Tua Bah, president of the Comfort Taxi Operators' Association, added: "The higher city area surcharge will act an an incentive for drivers to make that trip back into town." Welcoming the increases, a joint statement by six taxi operators' associations called the latest fare adjustments 'fair and timely'. The associations said cab fares should 'reflect the operating cost of the taxi business' and that the primary consideration should be the 'income stability' of drivers. The group urged other taxi companies to follow ComfortDelgro's lead and also adjust their fares 'as soon as possible'. Summary of Fare Adjustments Basic Fare Current Revised Flag Down: $2.50 for 1st km* 1km to 10km: $0.1 for every 210m Above 10km: $0.1 for every 175m Waiting time: $0.1 for every 25sec Flag Down: $2.80 for 1st km* 1km to 10km: $0.2 for every 385m Above 10km: $0.2 for every 330m Waiting time: $0.2 for every 45sec Peak Period Premium $2 flat rate Mon-Fri, 7:00am-9:30am Mon-Sat, 5:00pm-8:00pm (not applicable on Public Holidays) 35% of metered fare Mon-Fri, 7:00am-9:30am Mon-Sat, 5:00pm-8:00pm (not applicable on Public Holidays) City Area Surcharge $1 Mon-Thu, 5pm-8pm Fri & Sat, 5pm-11:30pm $3 Mon-Sat, 5pm-midnight Late Night Surcharge 11:30pm-11:44pm 10% 11:45pm-11:59pm 20% 12:00am-12:59am 35% 01:00am-05:59am 50% Midnight-05:59am 50% of metered fare Current Booking Fee Prime Time: $4 Mon-Fri 7:00am-9:30am 5:00pm-11:00pm Non-Prime Time : $2.50 All other times including Sat, Sun & Public Holiday Prime Time: $3.50 Mon-Fri 7:00am-9:30am 5:00pm-11:00pm Non-Prime Time : $2.50 All other times including Sat, Sun & Public Holiday * For Toyota Crowns and Nissan Cedrics
  22. Hi guys could you please help me with the Laplace transformations please? I'm really bad at it. Thanks in advance!
  23. I would like to know wat are the problems faced with the Optra 5.
  24. hi, What's your experience with your car vacuum cleaner? pls indicate your brand and model. thanks.
  25. Crazy MOE, http://www.facebook.com/pages/WE-WANT-to-S...1960353?sk=info Kindly "Like" it The Ministry of Education (MOE) has recently removed Archery from the 2012 MOE Sports Calendar just after 10 short months on the list. What will happen to us Archers? What will happen to those Archers who took up Archery as their CCA in school? Like many of the atheletes of other sports, we work hard, we train hard, we sweat, and all we want to do is to shoot. Why did MOE remove us from the sports calendar? What have we done wrong that made them kick us out? All we had done is practice hard and do our school proud, we fought for our school. Now it seems that all those efforts have gone to waste. Dear fellow Archers, if you love Archery and would not want it to be removed, please support us by liking the page. Please also help to spread this page to all the fellow Archers who are in Primary/Secondary school, JC or even tertiary levels. If the Archery Association of Singapore (AAS) does not do anything about this, let us tell the MOE. Feel Free to post on the wall of the page about how you feel about this matter. Although we are young, what about those seniors who have helped us in trying to include Archery as a main CCA? All our coaches have tried their very best to contribute to the sport they love by spending the past 16 years of their life trying to make Archery as a main CCA and be put in the Sports Calendar,. But all they have got in return is this? Is this fair to them? All the people whom have tried their very best, all their effort will be in vain. What would happen to the coaches of the many schools? To those who are non archers, although you are not an Archer but many of you might have friends or family members who love Archery and take them up as a sport. Do you want to see your loved ones give up on the things they love? Please also support us by liking the page. Our Voice needs to be heard, please help to spread this page to other people. As we need numbers to be able to convince the MOE to re-instate archery into the 2012 School Sports Calendar. Thank you
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