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  1. A taxi driver was jailed for two weeks on Thursday for assaulting a motorcyclist in a road rage case. Poh Teik Eng, 43, pleaded guilty to using both his clenched fists to punch Mr Yen Chee Jiang, 28, on his chest area at the junction of Havelock Road and New Market Road on Feb 10 last year. A court heard that Mr Yen was travelling behind Poh along Havelock Road on a right-turn only lane when Poh tried to change to the lane on his left. He abruptly jammed his brakes to try and filter to that lane but could not due to the heavy traffic. Shortly, Poh again jammed his brakes and tried to change to the lane on his left. Mr Yen sounded his horn at him and shouted "Oi'' as he passed the taxi. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...d-rage-20130711
  2. Seems like all the 51 men will go to jail. Some maybe run road liao. SINGAPORE: Former executive director of the Singapore Environment Council, Howard Shaw, has been sentenced to 12 weeks jail for having paid sex with an underage girl. The 41-year-old grandson of the founder of Shaw Organisation admitted in June to paying a 17-year-old girl S$500 for sex in October 2010. From CNA.
  3. Hi guys, hope I can get some advice on my car battery. I got the keys to my Honda City a few weeks ago. If I am not going to drive the car for up to 6 or 7 weeks at one time, how likely is the battery going to be flat and the engine cannot be started? This is considering that the battery is new and the car is in stock condition. I tried looking for a battery manager which seems to be a popular deivce in the States, but no shops here sell it. Some websites advise to disconnect the negative terminal, but I'm not sure if it's easy (and safe) enough to do yourself. Thanks in advance!
  4. A brand new Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTec belonging to an elderly German couple suffered a total write-off after a fierce fire started in its engine bay at a small town in Germany. The cause of fire was not mentioned in the report but it was said that the flagship sedan suffered extensive damage under its hood. At the heart of Mercedes' W222 S350 BlueTEC is a 3.0-litre V6 turbodiesel powerplant mated to a 7-speeder auto 'box to produce an output of 258hp and 620Nm of torque that will launch the 2-tonner sedan up to a max speed of 250kmh. Photos: www.merkur-online.de
  5. I am dismayed to be told it takes 3 weeks to get my broken windscreen replaced. Insurance approval is one thing. And then they do not have the parts. So the windscreen has to be shipped in from Germany. This is so different from my Toyota - almost instant service. My friend's Civic also dealt with immediately when he drove into Kah Motor. Today is my 3rd trip to VW and still nothing can be done. I just watch the crack get bigger and bigger everyday. No more VW for me after this.
  6. A businessman who attacked a passenger in a car which had overtaken him was jailed for four weeks on Monday. See Kuan Long, 62, had pleaded guilty to punching Mr Lim Beng Hooi, 34, on his face and head multiple times at the junction of Balestier and Thomson roads on Nov 6 last year. A court heard that Ms Lim Chai Hong, 29, was driving her father and the victim along Balestier Road when she overtook See's car on the right lane. When both cars stopped at the traffic red lights, See alighted. He gesticulated and banged on the front passenger seat window of Ms Lim's car. When her father wound down the window, an agitated See shouted: "How can you drive like that? You think this is your grandfather's road? You talk like that, then you better come out and talk.'' Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...rtaking-car-201
  7. Tweaks to the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system will be finalised in the coming weeks, said the Land Transport Authority (LTA) as it wrapped up its public consultation exercise on Monday. LTA said it has received diverse views from over 3,700 people who gave feedback. Most of them agreed that the current way the COEs are categorised -- based on engine capacity -- should be reviewed. In recent years, luxury car models have become more common in Category A, which is meant for the mass market or small cars of not more than 1,600cc each. To tackle this, the transport minister in May called for ideas on how the system could be refined. Most felt that categorisation should be based on the Open Market Value (OMV) of the car. More than 60 percent of those who took part in LTA's online survey felt that Category A should be set aside for cars with OMV of not more than S$20,000. Noel Davenash, a participant, said: "The best way to choose mass market would be through the cost of the car, and that's really all that boils down to. "Most people who buy mass market cars want something that is a bit cheaper, versus someone who wants something a bit more prestigious or luxurious." But there are those who feel that the OMV of a model can fluctuate due to variations in exchange rates and car specifications. This means the same model could fall into different COE categories at different times. Some voiced concern that the criteria, such as OMV and engine power, could be circumvented. Others suggested keeping engine capacity as a criterion, but factoring in other criteria such as engine power. They felt this will be good as engine power can be reviewed every few years to keep pace with technological developments. A majority of those surveyed also supported the proposal to levy a surcharge on multiple-car owners. But LTA said there was a lack of consensus on whether the levy should be imposed on an individual or a household -- and whether it should be a one-off or a recurring surcharge. There were also concerns that a surcharge could penalise bigger households, and that this could be easily circumvented. Many also wanted a pay-as-you-bid system for COEs, where every successful bidder pays exactly what he or she has bid. Some believe this will result in more conservative bidding, and therefore lower COE prices. But experts said this would not be as efficient. They argued that the current system, where all successful bidders pay the lowest market-clearing price results in the most efficient way and that bid prices are open to public scrutiny. Professor Ng Yew Kwang, from the Nanyang Technological University's Economics Division, said: "Under the pay-as-you-bid (system), everyone must underbid, and different people have different psychology. "Some underbid by a lot, and some underbid by less. Then the item may go to the wrong person, to the person who may not value it very highly." There was also a strong perception that motor dealers are driving up COE premiums and should be banned from bidding, but some said this would be more inconvenient for buyers. But others felt this would not help, as long as there is a strong demand for the limited supply of COEs. Some felt dealers typically commit to car purchase agreements to absorb the additional cost should COE prices move up higher than expected and thus have every incentive to bid low once a purchase agreement is signed. Some also felt that such a ban could be easily circumvented by buyers who may ask dealers to bid in their name. A good number of buyers also prefer to have the convenience of dealers bidding for them. LTA said whatever its decisions on the COE refinements, the industry and buyers will be given ample time to adjust. Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singap...-be/790958.html
  8. Hi all, Employer jailed 2 (two) weeks for maid abuse. do you all think it is fair ? i mean, how many times this things repeated (maid abuse)? Let help better quality life for all of human race.
  9. Ok. Starting this thread to see if there is any interesting development. Guess on the on set, the ganjiong spider buyers blink first. And now, with 2 wks more to go, will the dealers start panicking or reducing prices.
  10. Just to share a good experience i had with a used car dealer which i am in no way related to him. sign the sales contract and took over a 2009 car in week 2 of 2013. Only verbally agreed that i will come back to him if my car got any problem with the next 2 weeks. Car was in good condition when i test drive.. call me a easy buyer .. anyway its a bread and butter car so i didnt srutinise the car maybe like other detail buyers .. Test driven once and was happy with the visual inspection.. decided to buy after some consideration. Last week, the door indicators were faulty. went down to their associated WS for repair.. but before i could make it.. realise i got a bigger problem. Coolant is empty.. after 2 refills.. must be a leak somewhere .. Alerted the dealer and he was ok i include this in the repair job today.. Guess what, he honour what was promise and got me a brand new radiator.. Phew, i was glad and really please with this dealer ..i wasnt expecting this after reading so many bad remarks about the used car business. Bros, i guess it isnt everyday we meet a "honest" fella in the used car business.. so i thought i should share this with you folks :)
  11. Fancy visiting a country and when about to return, the airline tells you your next flight home is in 2 week times....... Posted on 11 Sep 2012 Next flight in 2 weeks' time, Batavia Air tells 25 stranded travellers STOMPer Sarmadi was appalled when he and other passengers were told that the next Batavia Air flight from Bandung to Singapore was in two weeks' time. Said the STOMPer: "Just imagine after a five-day stay in an another country and you are just three hours away from going back home to Singapore and are about to check-in at the airport when they tell you, 'Sorry, there's no flight going back to Singapore as the aeroplane is under maintenance'. "The next question you ask is when is the next flight and when can you get back home. The answer given is two weeks from now. "That was what happened on the Sep 6 2012 at Bandung Airport departing to Singapore under Batavia Air. "And the staff said the next flight will be on Sep 20 -- either you wait or you can take your money (refund) back. "The next thing my family and I did was to quickly rush to AirAsia Booth to ask for seats back to Singapore. "Eventually they have and we asked the Batavia staff to top up whatever cost that was going to be added. "But the staff said 'No they don't practise this'. "After a long argument which involved around 25 people, they finally gave a suggestion for us to take their -three-hour bus journey and travel to Singapore from Jakarta by Lions Air. "Upon arrival at Jakarta, the Batavia staff who followed us said that there are no seats available. "In the end they booked for us AirAsia instead to go back to Singapore from Jakarta."
  12. If you see a car park on the same spot for 2 weeks and have like 7 total of summon tickets you think there is a need to report it or do anything about it ? It's in a HDB multi-story carpark
  13. A passenger who kicked a cabby three times on the left side of his body was sentenced to six weeks' jail on Tuesday. Loh Kwai Lam, 49, a technical associate, was convicted after a three-day trial of causing hurt to Mr Tan Kin Hock, 43, in a taxi travelling along Farrer Road on Sept 2, 2011. He is out on $10,000 bail, pending his appeal. Mr Tan had testified that he had picked up Loh and another passenger who were both smelling of alcohol that evening. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_820669.html
  14. A taxi driver was jailed for four weeks and banned from driving all vehicles for five years on Wednesday for causing the death of an elderly pedestrian through his negligence. Sum Lai Thou, 61, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Madam Choy Yip Hian, 75, by failing to keep a proper lookout along Serangoon Road on Dec 15, 2011. The court heard that Madam Choy had jaywalked across the road when Sum's taxi hit her while travelling at a continuous speed of 70 to 80 kph. The impact caused Madam Choy to be flung some 10m ahead. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_802140.html
  15. A doctor was sentenced to four weeks' jail and banned from driving for five years on Friday for causing the death of a cyclist and four other traffic offences. Teo Tiong Kiat, 65, had admitted to causing the death of freelance writer Mok Chee Kong, 35, and causing grievous hurt to Mr Bertram Leong Poh Meng, 24, a chef, by a negligent act along Clementi Road on March 21, 2010. He had a glass of wine that evening but his breath specimen was below the prescribed legal limit. A third cyclist had testified that he saw Teo's car suddenly swerve into the extreme left lane where his two friends were cycling one behind the other. He heard tyre-screeching sounds followed by a loud collision. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_803049.html
  16. A despatch driver was jailed for four weeks for offering $100 to a cop for not issuing him a ticket for using a mobile phone while driving. Lim Kim Seng, 68, pleaded guilty to corruptly offering the amount to Coporal Ng Ching Heng along Thomson Road on July 6, 2011. He was also fined $800 and banned from driving for four months for using the phone while driving at about 3.25pm that day. The court heard that Cpl Ng was patrolling along Thomson Road when he saw Lim steering the lorry with his left hand and using the cellphone which he held to his right ear with his right hand. He trailed the lorry and signalled him to stop by the side of the road. When told of the offence he had committed, Lim pleaded with Cpl Ng not to issue him with a summons. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_788003.html
  17. A businessman who drank alcohol and fell asleep in his parked car became violent after a policeman woke him up and arrested him for drink driving. When he was inside the police car, Auric Sim Siu Ju, 35, head-butted the officer on the face. On Monday, Sim was sentenced to six weeks' jail, fined $5,000 and banned from driving for three years after he was convicted of three offences. He admitted to drink driving, using abusive words on Sergeant Koh Chee Wee and head-butting the officer to deter him from carrying out his duty on Jan 18, 2010. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_787147.html
  18. I hope someone remembered to impound their passports Anyway this guy made / scammed millions but got fined $60k ... sup sup sui. After the jail term, he can still live comfortably in retirement.
  19. A disgrace to himself, his family, his unit and ultimately the SAF... From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1149338/1/.html Army captain jailed 16 weeks By Alvina Soh | Posted: 26 August 2011 1801 hrs SINGAPORE: An Army captain with a gambling addiction, on Friday was jailed 16 weeks and fined S$40,400 for receiving loans in exchange for providing confidential information about military projects. Phua Poh Sim, 31, who has been suspended on no-pay leave by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), pleaded guilty to two charges of corruptly obtaining gratification in the form of loans, which amounted to more than S$53,000. Three other similar charges were taken into consideration. Phua received the money in mid-2008 from Richard Yow Wah, who was the managing director of Certified Aerospace Singapore. Investigations revealed that Phua had chalked up debts of about S$100,000 after gambling at casinos onboard cruise ships. Phua borrowed from various sources, including from his colleague, Major John Cheong Chee Wai, who later introduced Phua to Yow. Phua told Yow that he was involved in project work with the SAF and he could help Yow's business by sharing information with him. On May 3, 2008, Phua went to Yow's home and passed him a set of documents containing confidential information relating to military projects, which the SAF was keen to purchase. These included information on the new army combat uniform. Phua continued to provide confidential information to Yow in return for loans on various occasions. In mitigation, Phua's lawyer Mr Quek Mong Hua said that Phua had a distinguished record where he was awarded several scholarships and medals for his good service. This included the prestigious SAF overseas merit scholarship. He also came from a family with a military background as his father is a warrant officer and his brother is also a captain in the SAF. In addition, Mr Quek urged the court to consider the nature of the information revealed and said that Phua was mindful to not reveal information that was highly damaging. Mr Quek also noted that Phua was due for a promotion to the rank of Major during the time of the offences and had confessed to his misdeeds voluntarily during his interviews. However, deputy public prosecutor Adrian Ooi said that Phua's offences were a "disgrace to the SAF" and had compromised the public image of Singapore as a corruption-free country. Mr Ooi added that as an officer, Phua was not allowed to take loans in any case. The tall and bespectacled man remained emotionless during sentencing. Phua could have been jailed up to five years and jailed S$100,000 for each charge. - CNA/ck
  20. CNA Ranger jailed 10 weeks for maid abuse By Shaffiq Alkhatib | Posted: 13 July 2011 1536 hrs SINGAPORE: A ranger at Sentosa caned his maid on the back of her legs last October simply because she had forgotten to lock a window. About a week later, when 30-year-old Hamzah Abdullah noticed that the strap of his son's sandal was broken as the maid was helping the child put it on, he kicked her in the forehead before punching her once in the left eye. The burly ranger also stepped on Ms Solikhatun Khasanah's back - and only stopped assaulting her when his wife shouted at him to stop. Deputy Public Prosecutor Norman Yew said Ms Solikhatun suffered internal bleeding on her forehead and near her left eye following the incident. Hamzah, who pleaded guilty to two counts of maid abuse Wednesday, was jailed for 10 weeks. He could have been jailed up to three years and fined a maximum of S$7,500 for each charge. District Judge Toh Yung Cheong also ordered him to pay S$1,500 compensation to the 29-year-old Indonesian maid. Should he fail to do so, Hamzah, who was unrepresented, will have to spend an additional two weeks behind bars. - CNA/cc
  21. Hi, Just wondering if anyone is aware of reasonably priced rental options (e.g. monthly rates?)? Most of the sites like Hertz and Avis seem to offer pretty expensive weekly rates only. This is for a Singaporean with a local driving license, and for driving within Singapore only. Looking to rent a Camry 2.0 or similar. Regards,
  22. What a whirlwind the past few months have been for ex-deejay and celebrity host Jamie Yeo. Shortly after telling Yahoo! Singapore in March this year that she was
  23. One of my current car is a CNG car purchased from one of the "biggest" PI in Singapore. They also got their own workshop in Sin Ming. I will do my servicing regularly with them every 10,000km because mine is a CNG car and most of the time when I service outside, my car engine light will light up and I will need to drive back to this PI workshop to tune it ( and waste my time; imagine gota drive to and fro every 10,000km and sometimes they cant fix it on first attempt ) I was horrified when I called up the workshop to book an appt last monday when my 10000km mark is breached. Nobody answered my call for the whole day despite me calling 12-15 times. Next two days, I called and someone picked up and said they shifting to paya lebar. When? "soon" is the answer and kept asking me to call back. I call back 2 days later and they still say call back next week. Cmon, my car is CNG and I only CAN go to your workshop to service. I have breached the 12000km mark ( exceeed 2000km ) and now no one can give me an anwer and I cant cabut to another workshop. How can conduct business like that??? If anything happens to my CNG now, who is going to help? I called up other CNG workshop and they said cannot do anything as the installer is not them. And this workshop got one stupid policy. Lunchtime, they close down for 1-2 whole hour. Say 1pm-2pm lunch time, everyone MIA for lunch. So if your car reach there at 10am and by 1pm still not done yet, sorry u surely gota wait till after 2pm to collect your car. I understand the need to have lunch time for everyone but dont they understand how to plan shifts??? Seriously getting too arrogant this company.
  24. A POLICE CAR was badly smashed at SENGKANG EAST WAY TRAFFIC JUNCTION abt 2 wk ago. This afternnon abt 1 plus, another POLICE CAR was again involved in an accident at a TRAFFIC JUNCTION along HOUGANG AVE 2 near HG SPORT COMPLEX.
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