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Cost of Car Ownership in SGP Per Year - Wats Yours ?
Hitman posted a topic in General Car Discussion
My accounts dept just came back with the figures for the company financial year for submission to IRAS. And because most of my car running expenditure I charge to company accounts ... this is wat came back. The amount is staggering to say the least .... and its been rising since 2000 for me personally. Wats yours ?? Lets share ..... some costs are flexible like ERP Gantry charges 1999 Mazda 323 TarzanBoy ERP Gantries : S$6 per day x 5 days x 4 weeks x 12 months = S$1440.00 per year Car Road Tax : S$1400 per year Car Insurance : S$800 per year Instalments : S$8000 per year HDB Car Park charges : S$65 per month x 12 months = S$780 Fuel (JB petrol converted to SGP$$) : RM$60 per week x 4 weeks x 12 months = RM$2880.00 = S$1200.00 @ 31,000 km per year average Miscellaneous Carpark charges : S$300 per year Workshop / Repair / Maintenance charges : S$2000 per year (estimate) Thus as you can see ... added in total ... ownership costs falls easily within the S$15,920.00 Disclaimer : Insurance is at 50% NCD with staff discount. Petrol from JB is equivalent to 55% off ... if I pump in SGP , it would be S$2880.00 or more Put in your costs and see how much your car cost you on an annual basis. -
Dear bros, does it irritate you when a driver behind you has super white and bright headlights shining at you when u drive at night? it certainly does to me.... paisei, no offence to drivers whose cars do have such headlights.
You know... A(no licence) owns the car but he is definately not driving the car cause no licence so he will have a Named Main Driver in the policy. there is a technical term for this type of policy.. what huh? something like non-driver or other-driver... just cannot remember...
hi all... never had this problem.. i think... yesterday my frd called me ask why my signal light was on while parked/locked... i went to the car.. disiarmed and armed the alarm... nothing wrong... just that the left signal lights (all 3 bulbs) were on no flashing just constant on... the morning after whole night of parking nothin... but just now at work.. i armed my car... after awhile the left signal light went on... no sound... just lights... omg wats wrong
..walau, over last week, received daily calls, sms for them to want to buy my properties...knn....ppl doing work also kacau... next time, i gonna scold sooo hot meh? I have one approaching TOP, and that also they call and say wan to buy...but me holding outlah..even my cheap HDB, they wan...nb
Anyone can help? for my Gf's VW Polo. i only know of performance tyres but those only come 17" and above.. dunno anything about 16" tyres... preferably something quiet, good performance in wet weather and decent lifespan (& cost) (Pls dun tell me federel... bad experience)
I was wondering why is the Government so freaking harsh on diesel passenger cars? I mean take a look at the New Audi A5 3.0 TDI. Price abt e same as A5 3.2 FSI, performance better, FC better, emissions better. But the diesel tax seems like its there to kill!! It has already been proven that diesel's can now be as clean or even cleaner thn petrol and its more efficient as well. Aint Singapore being criticised for having too high a carbon footprint? Can we have a petition or something to convince the gov abt this? Anyone knws wats going on in the gov's mind?
hi bros, can anyone help to explain? front left tyre is wearing off on the outside rear left tyre is wearing off on the inside. looks like it is rubbing against something. but both my right tyres wears almost evenly. i'm thinking of changing all 4 tyres but i dont want this to happen again. painful on the pocket. any advise? thanx
preferable CI-4 / SL/SJ
Juz purchase my first car which is a Toyota Corona 90' GLi....notice theres a ECT button near my gear knob....juz asking around exactly wats the function and wats does it means.....thanx!!