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Found 14 results

  1. have you guys heard of it? Starhub is having this 4G4Good Movement that donates the remaining unused data, minutes and smses to charity. no harm pledging since it does not cost you an extra cent and your extra data, minutes and smses will not go to waste. more from http://www.starhub.com/personal/promotions/mobile/4g-4good.html
  2. I always see there are a number of "unused" COEs in every round of bidding even though the number of bids exceeded the quota...what do they mean?
  3. If we are going to leave our car unused for about 2 week at MSCP what are things we need to do to make sure that it will be in good condition and ready to use when we get back.Do we need to disconnect the battery negative terminal. Please need some advice from all Bros.
  4. Hi all, just curious to know what I can do with my old Singtel modem, now that Singtel has installed a new one for me without taking the old one back... eddie
  5. http://app.lta.gov.sg/corp_press_content.a...sh31qp54a7ul94j Unused Paper Day Licences 6. Between 26 October 2009 and 31 May 2010, OPC/ Weekend Car (WEC) owners can return any unused paper day licences that are not torn, tampered, defaced or invalidated to any SingPost outlet or to LTA's office located at 10 Sin Ming Drive to: a. Apply for a refund (applies to the $20 paper supplementary licences for OPCs only); or b. Convert the paper licences to e-Day Licences for use from 23 November 2009 (applies to both the free supplementary licences for Weekend Cars (WEC) and the $20 supplementary licences for OPCs/WECs).
  6. STOMPer Peter sent in a video to show how old tyres, which are kept in storage and unused for many years, may blow up and endanger lives of drivers and other motorists. He says: "I would like to share it with our fellow Singaporeans to equip them with some knowledge on what to look out for when they are buying a set of new tires for their cars." http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...t.jsp?id=33132# Beware Tyre Shop
  7. I was in ICA 2 days ago settling some immigration matters. I thought it would take 2 hours to finish but end up could settle in less than an hour. But I already tore 2 1 hour of parking coupons. So, I end up giving the other unused piece to someone else who happened to park nearby. (Option 2) What would you do?
  8. Any bros have left their cars unused for 3-6 mths or even longer? Do I need to get someone to drive it around every month? or is it ok to just leave the car alone for such a long period? Anything I should lookout for? also, possible not to renew road tax during this period, while still maintaining insurance and parking charges? Please advise. Thanks.
  9. Today at the National Stadium, I only tore one coupon, and displayed another 2 brand new unused coupons beside it. I figured that with so MANY cars in the carpark, Fatimah will not bother to look at each coupon in detail, and will likely take a quick glance and zoom in on only those cars without any coupons displayed Good idea right? Just wondering whether this is considered cheating and whether the fine will be heavier than parking without any coupons displayed. (this is not the case where the tabs are folded down without tearing them off entirely. for my case, i displayed brand new untorn unfolded coupon) well, i have the intention to cheat, but they can prove it right?
  10. Hi all, Currently , i m running an active front + sub setup, which occupies all the 6ch output from my HU. And is most likely there will not be any changes to my setup in the near future(read as 1 yr). This leaves me with my rear speakers unused. They are relatively new, abt 4~5 months old, so-so Boston FS60.... wat shld i do ? 1. Leave as it is ? 2. Remove and sell off ? But wat to do with the gap ? thanks mice
  11. i kept these in my storeroom during that time. RP 10W40. 2 X 1-qt bottles unopened and 1 bottle left about 2/3. Advisable to use? Can i mix with recently purchased 1 X RP 5W30? my car is 6 mths old, 7,000km. kinda wasteful to throw away the oil but if use ....
  12. Hi HI all Bros, I have a new unused long body bumper protector... It is black and sliver in colour..it come in a roll where u could cut whatever length u like and place it around the body of your car. help to protect the car body from dents... Who interested and wants can get from me free... Self Collect in AMK near MRT...
  13. Hi, I'm new here, just also want to kepo a bit, anyone realized or noticed that for the 1600cc and below COE of this bid, there was 1 ticket unused, wander why ? There were 3800 bids, how come 1 unused???? Anyone one can kepo to discuss......
  14. hello wish to ask if i leave my car for one week unused.... will any thing funny happen to my car when i use it after the week.... what measure should i take
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