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Family Living in Sentosa Offers Up To $5,500/Month For Home Tutor For Triplets source: Family Living In Sentosa Offers Up To $5,500/Month For Home Tutor For Primary 2 Triplets The Singapore school system is basically synonymous with the word “tuition”. It’s so common, that it’s more or less regarded as part and parcel of every student’s schooling experience here. Tuition centres with small class sizes are popular among many, but some kids need even more help and attention than usual. This calls for private tutors, who make house calls and can often teach more than one subject. Recently, a WhatsApp message requesting the services of a private tutor caught the attention of many who received it. Most private tutors are paid decently well, but this family’s offer sounds almost too good to be true. The full-time tutoring job pays up to $5,500 per month, and it’s at a beautiful home in Sentosa Cove. Tutor 3 triplets living in Sentosa for up to $5,500 per month The family looking for a tutor is supposedly a Chinese family who live at Sentosa. According to their message, they need a long-term, full-time tutor for their Primary 2 triplets. Unfortunately for the guys, they’re looking for female tutors only. Working hours are 2pm-8pm on weekdays, and 9am-6pm on weekends. The tutor is expected to teach the kids mainly English, and help them with Mathematics here and there. Tutoring 3 young, active kids for such long hours 6 days a week definitely doesn’t sound like an easy job, but boy, is that pay attractive. Family live at Sentosa Cove The family included their address in the message, so we took the liberty of checking out their sweet crib for a sneak preview of where the lucky tutor gets to hold her lessons. It’s a luxurious bungalow in Sentosa Cove. The best part is, it’s called Treasure Island. With all that clear blue water and open space around, it’s no wonder the kids need help with their studies. Who wouldn’t be tempted to go outside and play? Fill up Google Form to apply for the tutoring job We’re not certain if this job is really paying as much as it advertises, but it’s definitely worth applying for if you have the skillset and you like kids. The family included a link to a Google Form in their message. All you have to do is fill it up, and you’ll be in the running for this dream-come-true tutoring job. We wish the best of luck to all those who apply for this job. Make the most of it if you get it, and live your best life on Sentosa with your new clients!
- stop lying. AsiaOne Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 SINGAPORE - Mr Kelvin Ong Wee Loong, the founder of AristoCare centre, charges a whopping $250 per lesson for parents of primary school students looking to clinch a place in the coveted Gifted Education Programme (GEP). GEP is a highly selective academic programme in Singapore, designed to identify the top 1 per cent of students from each academic year. On his website, the 36-year-old claimed he was previously from Clementi Town Primary before being admitted to Anglo-Chinese School's (Primary) GEP in Primary 4. He further stated that he went on to attend Anglo-Chinese Junior College and the National University of Singapore, before becoming a teacher in the GEP programme at his alma mater. However, checks by the Ministry of Education (MOE) revealed that Mr Ong was neither ever a pupil nor teacher in the programme, The Sunday Times reported (SUT) He is not even a qualified teacher, and according to ACS (Primary), not even a student of the school. MOE was alerted to the claims when SUT ran a report on parents sending children for costly tuition, where Mr Ong was featured as a highly sought after tutor. In response to the revelations, Mr Ong said it was his mother who told him that he was from the gifted programme and he could not verify it because he does not have the records from the past. [laugh] Knn, he himself dunno wan meh? What kinda lousy liar is this? He has since cleaned up his website and now claims that he was a relief teacher at ACS (Primary) from 2002 to 2003 and 'helped out' with the gifted classes. Lobang pichar still want to lie somemore. However, this too is being disputed by the ACS (Primary), which said that a check with all its long-serving teachers revealed that there was never a Kelvin Ong who taught there as a relief teacher. This is not the first time Mr Ong has faced allegations of misleading claims. Two parents have asked him to remove positive testimonials supposedly written by their children, saying that their children never wrote them. In 2010, Mr Ong also got into hot water with MOE for selling fake 2009 GEP Screening and Selection Test papers. [email protected] Who bring their children to this fark dup centre? I wonder why MOE do not shut down his centre and blacklist the liar. Should sent him to jail for fraud.
anyone can recommend good tutor who teach pri six chinese. please pm me. thanks....
I am looking for a good Mathematics tutor for 'O' levels around the East or Punggol. Any Recommendations?
Any experienced tutors here? Would like to start off as one to earn some extra cash. Share with me how you guys started off. Whats preparations to make and any tips you guys can share. Thanks!
Hi MCF brudders, Can anyone recommend good maths tutor for primary 5 level. preferably u grad/ex-teacher who is familiar with current Maths syllabus. It will be home tuition in Bukit Batok area during weekends. Thank you in advance for your recommendation. Regards, Vroomtattat
Hi Guys, Cousin is thinking of getting a tuition teacher for her kid in pri 3. Just want to ask what the range of tuition fees for each core subject eg:Maths, English. Looking at a part time tutor, doing Dip/JC/Pre-U/Local U. Thanks all