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In Eunosville....dunno to laugh or feel concerned...hahahaha Python hides in Eunosville toilet bowl, bites housewife's thigh Python hides in Eunosville toilet bowl, bites housewife's thigh | The New Paper May 1 was Labour Day, her son's second birthday, and now, Madam Noraslinda Asat (above) has another reason to remember this date for life. WWW.TNP.SG May 1 was Labour Day, her son's second birthday, and now, Madam Noraslinda Asat (above) has another reason to remember this date for life. The 34-year-old housewife was bitten by a python as she sat on the toilet bowl last Thursday, around 5.10pm. She was in her Eunosville home's master bedroom ensuite bathroom when she felt the sharp pain. Standing up, she saw the jaws of a 1.8m-long python clamped on the back of her right thigh. She was taken to hospital where she received an injection and was discharged. The snake has not been caught and Madam Noraslinda is still traumatised. She has refused to use either toilet at home, preferring public ones at places like the coffee shop. Read the full report in The New Paper on Thursday (May 8).
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Body not bad leh. The top of one of the dancers slipped during the live pre-match performance at MediaCorp's sports reality TV show, First XI, exposing her breasts. Some of the 7,000 spectators had noticed her uneasiness when her wig dropped off prior to this wardrobe malfunction. It could not be confirmed if the television audience witnessed this. STOMPer footballfan15 wrote: "I feel so bad for her, having this happened in front of the spectators and on national TV. "The outfits of the performers didn't seem very appropriate for doing such a dance item."
good bye Tiko Liang!!! Sorry folks, only older guys and those into Taiwan talk shows would know him. But many would know his daughter, chio bu 谢金燕 2017年5月15日 星期一 02:35 PM来自/新明日报 Twitter Email (台北讯)台湾秀场天王猪哥亮,罹患大肠癌今晨病逝,大起大落70载人生谢幕。 猪哥亮因大肠癌末期入院多时,期间几度传出病危,今晨5时10分确定在台大医院逝世时子女随侍在侧,享寿70岁,遗体将送往板桥殡仪馆。 据了解,猪哥亮生前已交代后事,嘱咐在板桥“龙华”会馆助念,告别式在板殡景福厅举行,未来将葬在基隆一私人墓园,至于如何送这位秀场大哥的最后一程,将由家属作最后决定。 猪哥亮传奇一生从如日中天的秀场天王,到签赌跑路“出国深造”,复出再次暴红成综艺天王、国片贺岁帝,40年高潮迭起的演艺人生如戏。 猪哥亮2014年发现罹患大肠癌二期,但想多赚钱给现任太太和小儿子谢佑颖,因此拖到2016年9月才接受治疗。 与父亲冰释前嫌的女儿谢金燕,今天将从印尼搭机返台,无缘见父亲最后一面。谢金燕经纪人刚刚透过讯息表示:“请原谅!这些由家属及猪大哥经纪人回复。” 拖延治疗 选择宗教偏方 猪哥亮在2014年确诊罹患大肠癌第二期,却没立即开刀治疗,反而转往宗教神明方面追求心安。此外,他为了栽培女儿谢金晶出唱片和自身拍电影,因此拖延了病情两年多。 由于延误治疗两年,导致大肠癌由二期转往末期,病情急转直下,到2016年9月身体不适紧急入住台大医院开刀治疗,体重也爆瘦近15公斤。当时大肠癌手术虽成功,但医生警告“寿命只剩下四个月”,让猪哥亮感叹当初应该立刻住院治疗,而不是病情恶化后才开刀。 手术后,猪哥亮接受后续化疗,期间还上节目分享抗癌历程,他坦言“内心其实很怨恨”,2009年复出荧光幕第一年就罹患糖尿病;第二年眼睛开刀;第三年又碰上大肠癌,而他也表示像前几次化疗时体力不够,身体比较辛苦,后来都靠“意志力”,但只要看着亲人、儿女,那一种天伦就会让他想着要活下去。 难承受第6次化疗 猪哥亮病发后身形消瘦,2017年1月底出席电影《大钓哥》宣传活动时,自爆在做第5次化疗时,顺道电疗烧掉自己体内的六颗肿瘤,“医生一次电烧干掉”,话说得轻松,但猪哥亮有糖尿病跟败血症,体内癌细胞已从大肠扩散到肝和肺,3月中原本要入院进行第六次化疗,但他的身体无法负荷,更在3月底传出病危。 一般大肠癌患者约二三周得做一次化疗,但猪哥亮平均一个月做一次,间隔期拖得较长,上周入院原本要进行第六次化疗,因肺部肿瘤造成呼吸不顺,加上原本有败血症,体力难以负荷,今晨因癌末肝衰竭而病逝。 曾遭枪击 跑路躲债 猪哥亮在1980年代以《猪哥亮歌厅秀》红遍大街小巷,甚至风靡中国及东南亚,但秀场天王的光环让他渐渐涉及黑帮和赌博,1988年在蓝宝石歌厅后方遭枪击;1993年因下注大家乐赌债高筑,只好抛下一切跑路。 1997年,猪哥亮一度复出但失利,1999年再度神隐,一躲就是10年,直到2009年《苹果日报》在屏东一家小食店拍到他的行踪,让他顺势重出江湖。 猪哥亮一复出就接到广告,此后一路顺遂,综艺节目包括《猪哥会社》《猪哥壹级棒》和《万秀猪王》都有高收视;贺岁档电影《大稻埕》《大尾鲈鳗》和《大囍临门》也都是台湾影坛罕见的票房保证,片酬据悉逾1000万台币(约46万新元)。 4段婚姻共2子3女 猪哥亮四段婚姻共有二子三女,躲债期间至复出后,都与第四任妻子叶瑞美及现就读大学的小儿子谢佑颖同住。 二女儿谢金燕跟妈妈因被猪哥亮抛弃、家暴及负债,跟他关系长久冰冻,甚至还互揭难堪家丑,让猪哥亮后期事业颇受打击,也间接导致他首次监制的电影《大钓哥》在2017年春节档上映仅6750万台币(约314万新元)票房,首度在贺岁档未能破亿。 卖命拍戏拖病情 想多赚钱给家人 猪哥亮2014年发现罹患大肠癌二期,拖到去年8月才开刀;这期间他拍了《大囍临门》《大尾鲈鳗2》和《大显神威》等三部电影,开完刀又继续拍《大钓哥》,还当出品人,甚至病危时还託导演叶天伦替他催尾款,据悉是为了想多留安家费。 猪哥亮多次与身旁人提到,想多赚钱替现任太太和小儿子谢佑颖“买间房子”,弥补他们陪他跑路时,居无定所的苦日子。 谢金燕曝光父遗愿 帮‘换上帅帅衣服’ 谢金燕难掩丧父的激动,透过经纪人球球发声明:“父亲恸于今晨安详于睡梦中离世,通往西方极乐世界,家人随侍在侧,哥哥、姐姐与我为父亲梳洗换上帅帅的衣服。” 不过,谢金燕5月20日在纽约开唱的计划不变。她说:“在陪病的过程中,父亲跟我说此次慈惠堂纽约活动我能参与是非常大的福报,带着父亲的期许,我会提起最大力量如期完成演出!” 家属发出的声明稿则说:“他真的累了,所以离开人生的这个舞台。”并怀念猪哥亮一生在秀场的成就,“也希望大家心里记着这位秀场天王,你们口中的---猪大哥”。 心结纠葛18年 临终父女团圆 谢金燕15岁时以“猪哥亮女儿”身份在《欢乐周末派》以美腿小姐夺冠,当年她靠着和猪哥亮合拍广告与主持节目迅速累积知名度。谢金燕18岁时出车祸,猪哥亮出钱帮她整容,还为此跟导演吵架,更四处找人借钱。1993年猪哥亮因欠赌债跑路,谢金燕对外仅称和爸爸失联。 猪哥亮生前最在意的就是与谢金燕的心结,2009年他重出江湖后,曾八度喊话要见女儿,但谢金燕的妈妈林见如对猪哥亮怨怼颇深,包括当年他抛妻弃女、欠债等不堪过往,都让林见如无法原谅,不愿女儿与猪哥亮团聚。 直到后来猪哥亮病重住院,当时谢金燕到医院探视,在病床前陪爸爸聊天,一直陪伴着他,父女也联名发声明,谢金燕声明中向猪哥亮道歉三次,“身为女儿的我跟爸爸说对不起、爸爸对不起、爸爸对不起、女儿爱你,爸爸也对我说对不起、女儿对不起、爸爸爱你,每天我们互相道爱、道歉、道谢、道晚安!”两人才终于放下心结。 患癌前已百病缠身 其实猪哥亮患大肠癌前已百病缠身,2006年他曾因心肌梗塞,在赶拍电影途中发病两次,幸好即时服药无大碍。2009年底他确诊患糖尿病,严重时一天须吃五次药。 2010年他又发现退化性关节炎,施打五次玻尿酸缓解不适。2011年,他因下排牙齿神经溃烂,花20万台币(约9309新元)装11颗假牙。同年9月,他则动白内障手术,2012年也曾因高血压送医。 ‘猪哥亮’名 来自《廖添丁》丑角 话说猪哥亮31岁时,剧团导演找他出演《廖添丁》中的丑角“猪哥亮”,结果一炮而红,自此以这个角色名字当成艺名。公演结束后,他被推荐到高雄“蓝宝石大歌厅”,展开秀场天王之路。 风流一生 现任妻不愿再嫁他 猪哥亮住院期间子女轮番照顾,唯一在身边的太太就是现任老婆叶瑞美,叶瑞美与猪哥亮当年在秀场相恋,包括欠债跑路期间都只有叶瑞美知道他的下落,并靠叶瑞美在黄昏市场摆摊讨生活。 猪哥亮与叶瑞美携手走过22年,也生了一个儿子,猪哥亮曾感性说:“来世还要再娶你。”但叶瑞美却回呛:“不要,你太花了!” 2012年 父女相见不团圆 互揭疮疤开骂‘你好毒’ 2012年,谢金燕在台北小巨蛋开演唱会,猪哥亮杀进现场,但两人台上台下相距30公尺没团圆。后来猪哥亮新节目首录,力邀谢金燕却石沉大海,他气得开记者会撂狠话“父女决裂”,但谢金燕没回应。 2015年猪哥亮过69岁生日,谢金燕写家书表示愿意私下破冰,猪哥亮却坚持开记者会见面,还飙国骂呛本月不见,此生别想再见,父女关系雪上加霜。 压倒父女俩关系最后一根稻草是2016年5月谢金燕开演唱会时,猪哥亮前一天开记者会放话上台献花,被谢金燕哭求“不要来”。隔天演唱会谢金燕播VCR控诉猪哥亮早年对妈妈家暴、遗弃且债留她们姐妹,之后猪哥亮也公开1800字影片批谢金燕不帮老爸,连孙子生父是谁都不让他知道,还直呼谢金燕“你好毒”。 二女侍一夫 惹火第二任妻 除了赌债,谢金燕不愿“认爸”的主要原因是“妈妈”,即猪哥亮的第二任老婆林见如,不准谢金燕见猪哥亮,更放话“去见他(猪哥亮),就滚出去。” 林见如憎恨猪哥亮的最大原因,是“小三介入”加上“共侍一夫”,外传其实就是猪哥亮第三任妻子郭忆兰的介入,才导致谢金燕母女无法谅解。 谢金燕去年在小巨蛋说得很明白,她抱怨猪哥亮把小三接回家,导致林见如承受二女“侍一夫”的耻辱,她说:“妈妈这辈子最难堪的过往,就是父亲。” 父女俩隔空过招九次,18年不来往的桥段有如演不完的“人生剧场”。 猪哥亮大事记 ●姓名:猪哥亮(本名谢新达,2009年复出后改名谢友侦) ●家庭:与首任妻子育有一子谢顺福;第二任妻子林见如育有谢青燕、谢金燕二女;第三任妻子郭忆兰育有一女谢金晶;第四任(现任)妻子叶瑞美育有一子谢佑颖。 ★作品 *主持:早期录影带时期《猪哥亮俱乐部》等;节目《我爱彩虹》《猪哥会社》《万秀猪王》和《华视天王猪哥秀》等 *电影:《天下一大乐》《鸡排英雄》《大尾鲈鳗》《大囍临门》和《大钓哥》等 *唱片:《东山再起》和《你永远是我的最爱》等 *戏剧:《奋斗人生》和《珍爱林北》 ★奖项: 2010年夺第45届金钟奖综艺节目主持人奖 ★事件簿 *1980年代,在秀场主持,《猪哥亮歌厅秀》录影带风靡全台,与张菲、邢峰并称“南猪、北张、中邢峰” *1988年10月,在蓝宝石大歌厅遭枪击 *1993年,因欠大笔赌债跑路,1997年短暂复出,1999年再度离开演艺圈 *2009年2月,消失10年的猪哥亮被《苹果日报》直击在屏东吃旗鱼黑轮 *2009年4月,藉拍摄灿坤3C广告复出 *2010年10月,与侯怡君以《猪哥会社》获第45届金钟奖综艺节目主持人奖 *2014年5月,证实罹患大肠癌第二期 *2016年5月,谢金燕在台北小巨蛋演唱会播影片,揭发猪哥亮外遇、家暴、负债等;猪哥亮在22小时内自拍10分钟影片,回批谢金燕“你好毒” *2016年9月,证实因大肠癌末期进台大医院开刀,3周后出院 *2017年3月,和谢金燕和放下心结团圆
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A Channel NewsAsia newscaster was seen still doing her hair even as the camera had started to roll for the morning news segment on Wednesday (Apr 2). Facebook User Kamhani Bourne shared this on the social media site, with re-shares steadily increasing. In the video, it shows the local newscaster fixing her hair and checking her image in her compact mirror, unaware that she is on air. The camera had already started rolling for some time, fully capturing her pre-show beauty regime -- even allowing her time to use hairspray. The camera was then covered abruptly as controls might have realised the blunder. Watch the fixing-hair-on-air blooper moment here. SHE'S PRETTY!!
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Deciding that enough was enough, one woman in Singapore has made it her personal mission to nab all adulterous married men looking for sexual flings online. The woman said that she has gotten evidence of the cheating ways of some men who claimed to be married and are looking for sexual partners on a famous online chat app. She showed photos of the men, who she approached and who she said had admitted that they were looking for flings. One of them said that he had problems in his marriage and was looking for a way out. She says that such incidents only make her more determined to root out the problem of adulterous men online and that she will continue her acts as the masked female vigilante. Any of the bros photo here?
Source: Didn't know People can go bananas over
· 新加坡也有小鮮肉醫生哦~突然感覺自己好像生病了~ See Translation +7 6,058 people like this. 952 comments 3,712 shares Comments 50 of 952 camping here to see more fresh meat doctors, will i see RADX pictures posted here the members of the club got close to 7k can try to arrange for a male and female tiko mate up...sorry it's meet up then mate up
Reporting first
- Who says riding a heavyweight bike is only for men?! The 22-year-old student,PIAO PIAO (飄飄)weighs only 53 kilograms, but she can totally dominate this 400-kilograms Honda Gold Wing, which let her become the first female rider in this type of flagship heavyweight touring bike in Taiwan. The picture of her riding the motorcycle has gone viral on the internet, she actually just got the licence for heavyweight bikes recently, she told the reporter the reason she prefers to ride this rather than a scooter is because she thinks motorcycle is more violent and manly enough to let her feel safe and stable. Another eye-catching part is that instead of wearing a professional motorcycle suit, she likes to wear short skirts and tank tops while enjoying this heavyweight bike.
from CNA : Man fined for trespassing house with intent to insult modesty A man who trespassed into his neighbour's house with intent of insulting her modesty was on Wednesday fined S$2,000 by a district court for the offence. Low Kee Chuan, 63, was fined an additional S$1,000 for molesting another woman. SINGAPORE: A man who trespassed into his neighbour's house with intent of insulting her modesty was on Wednesday fined S$2,000 by a district court for the offence. Low Kee Chuan, 63, was fined an additional S$1,000 for molesting another woman. Both incidents took place in June this year. In the first case, the court heard that the 55-year-old victim's son had heard noises coming from the living room of the flat in Teck Whye area. When he went out to see what was going on, he saw Low kneeling next to the victim, who was sleeping, with his pants down. The victim's pants were also pulled down to her knees. The victim's son then shouted at Low, which woke the victim. Low then fled from the house. In the second case that took place a few days later, Low targeted a 21-year-old woman on board a MRT train. The court heard that he used the back of his hand to tap the victim's left breast as she sat next to him on the train. The victim's mother then alerted SMRT staff, who detained Low at Bukit Batok MRT station. Low could have been jailed and fined for both offences. - CNA/xq Ahhhhhh....... Bukit Batok & Teck Whye areas chio bu beware..... Fine only, no jail. So still lurking around ...
wake up news for the tiko but i think the woman is just the 'actor' to assist the seller to sell the mop, like the acting player in the old games at amusement park
My friend has this dilemma ... the story goes like this. Last month, his parents had gone overseas for a holiday leaving their maid with him temporarily. As he left to run errands, his neighbour (early 70's married with grandchildren) attempted to invite the maid into his house (whilst his wife was away). The maid was terrified and returned to flat (she was sweeping the corridor outside). Just as she returned to the flat ... the uncle raised 5 fingers indicating (?!?!?!?!?!?). Now my friend is troubled cos he thinks the uncle was accosting the maid offering payment for "something" in return BUT I told him that uncle could just be very friendly although I have my doubts! He wants the uncle to stop accosting the maid (happened 2-3times) and maybe tell uncle's wife BUT I told him that he might be gravely mistaken and create animosity between neighbours! I thought I'd ask you MCFers for your general consensus about what he should do.
here is the latest tiko rangers update as of today................9 june 2011............ 1) tiko rangers admin--------------Tianmo 2) super horny tiko ranger---------Pisces69 3) yellow flag tiko ranger-----------Ken4555 4) holey tiko ranger-----------------Evillusion 5) good trees tiko ranger-----------East539 6) great melon tiko ranger----------SJP1965G 7) poky tiko ranger------------------pokyman 8) XMM tiko ranger-------------------Berncsp76 may all tiko rangers live in peace.............and bring peace to everyone.............
If you are going to renovate you bathroom, with a limited budget and can only do up one area, which area that you would want to renovate? A. Window that able you to have view outside. B. A Big bathtub. C. A sparkling floor tile. D. An instant water heater.
Friday Humor! Got off SBF It might be well to be a bit knowledgeable about earthquakes in case someone asks or wants to know more about them. Since science was my chosen profession for 35 years, I might be a bit more able than most to explain it. In hopes of a "knowing" society, I present this. What's the difference between an oscillatory and a trepidatory earthquake? 1. This calculation is just for engineers: This is a trepidatory earthquake: This is an oscillatory earthquake: And this is a combination of both: (trepidatory and oscillatory) Science is beautiful when it is well explained... I am sure you would like some privacy to study this subject in greater detail. Disclaimer: Taken off SBF and is an excellent educational article. Pity the chewren go back to school
And now, the time has come, to face the final curtain............ this is the last 18hrs for me to say bye bye to all the mei meis................. indeed its very sad. VERY the SAD why must it come to an end?? ........... why cant it last forever?? my eyes have been filled in the past week with all sights of all the chio and hot tokyo babes............. but Haneda runaway is calling me, and I must go........... and take a buay ki back to sunny Singapore, no more cosplays, no more kimomos (without underwears)............... very sad now but the saddest part is............ my SD card is corrupted, all the pics i took become just memories................
Which previous jobs you gave at least 9 out of 10 for..... most tiko-friendly working environment?? one previous job i had got many syt, i mean really sweat!!! .......... most are part timers from poly / ites............. so 'fresh' and well-bodied... and always friendly even towards old man like me coz they got no choice in the hospitallity industry the job was in............... i gave 9/10 (btw, their 'uniform' was shorts .......... sometimes t-shirts, this's how good it was ) had a few more previous jobs which were rated high..... will tell later
Ok Lai Lai Lai, every post I see is about election, and fire burning everywhere.................... also can see some tiko like me and some bros here, let's have a show of hands who thinks that he is tiko, can put nick here. Let me start 1st 1) Tianmo
;;;lucky never molest the dead there Man molests colleague in mortuary By Khushwant Singh A TECHNICAL officer at the mortuary was fined $4,000 on Wednesday for molesting a colleague in their office. The 55-year-old man pleaded guilty to pressing her buttocks with his hand in the afternoon of Feb 16 while she was photocopying death certificates. A district court heard that the 27-year-old woman had quickly moved away but 30 minutes later, he went up to her again and rubbed her back with his hand before tapping her buttocks. Police investigations revealed that he had also rubbed the back of another colleague with his hand in April last year. The offender and the women work for the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and the court ordered that no details that could lead to the identification of the victims are published. At the hearing on Wednesday, the married man apologised to the two women. He also paid the younger woman compensation of $1,000 while the other victim received $500.
- June 2, 2009 Ex-police chief probed By Ben Nadarajan & Teh Joo Lin THE recently replaced commander of the Tanglin Police Division, Superintendent Paul Lim Choon Wui, is being investigated by the police after a waitress at the Shangri-La Hotel alleged that he had molested her. The alleged incident happened early last month at Shang Palace, a Chinese restaurant in the five-star hotel off Orchard Road. The 38-year-old bachelor was with a group of about 10 friends in a private room at the restaurant at that time. It is understood that Supt Lim was the only police officer in the group, and the dinner was a private event. The police are investigating the allegation of outrage of modesty, although they declined to reveal more because of ongoing investigations. The case is being handled by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), even though molestation cases are usually investigated at division level. The Straits Times understands that the matter has been referred to the Attorney-General's Chambers. Read the full story in The Straits Times on Tuesday.
wah lau.... see leow, shiok leow, then complain to STOMP! STOMPer TS, 60, and his wife were disgusted with this woman whose T-back was exposed to a peak-hour crowd at the bus interchange and on the bus they were travelling in. They saw this at about 12pm last Saturday (Feb 2) at Yishun Interchange. "My wife took the video. I I wouldn't dare take. I might get a slap," he told STOMP today (Feb 6). "The young woman, who's probably from China, was already showing her T-back when she was waiting for the bus. "She then boarded Service 800 and during the bus ride, her T-back was exposed," he said. "Everyone stared and there were murmurs going around. But she couldn't care less. "It was disgusting. There must be some decency in a public place, especially with so many children around," the STOMPer said.