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Found 10 results

  1. 19 year old got car wrong mean wrong, bargain failed still want to complaint 停残障人士车位 男生被罚428元 何智丰在公寓内将车停在防御残障位,管理层态度不好,直叫他缴交罚款就可把车开走。 男生到朋友公寓讨论功课,错把车子停在公寓停车场的残障人士车位,前后不过一个多小时,被罚428元。 19岁的何智丰(学生)在2月2日中午2时许,从学校载朋友回其位于武吉巴督的公寓讨论功课。他驶进公寓地下停车场后,认为只是停个10多分钟,就把车停在残障人士停车位。
  2. With Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle coming very soon. Perhaps it's time to refresh ourselves on the different iterations of the franchise, the characters and background. So we can better judge the movie and have clearer judgment of the upcoming movie. I'll be updating this thread on the different series of the franchise, starting with the original. 1. TMNT: The original 80s comic. In the early 80s, 2 buddy comic artists, Kelvin Eastman and Peter Laird, decided to doodle a parody of their favourite comic artist, Frank Miller (the author of 300) by mimicking his graphic novel "The Ronin". But instead of drawing ninjas, they drew the ninjas as "turtles" to contrast slow animals doing fast things as a joke. But after toying with the rough doodle, they had a great idea to expand it into a comic series, hence TMNT is born. During that time, it's difficult to get established companies like Marvel or DC to publish works of small time artists. So they took the own gamble and self-publish their own TMNT comic book with only $3000 funds. There were only 1000 copies of the 1st edition of TMNT and it's printed in Black and White in newspaper quality paper. But the copies where sold out within days. Word spread on the good artwork and unique story of TMNT and it shortly became the most popular indies comics during that time. That was TMNT's first breakthrough. ORIGINAL COMIC During the 80s, the American pop culture is heading towards the dark and gritty era due to the economic recession faced by many during those days, the comic industry was not spared from the trend. The story of the original TMNT based on the same formula and was targetted for teens and adult readers. In the comics, the turtle all wore red bandanas and were extremely brutal in their fighting styles. The violence level of the comic is pretty intense. Comic's origin: - Ninja master A, lover B and rival C - Ninja master A has a housepet rat who learn A's skilling by observing him training. - C try to rape B, A kill C. A and B run to New York (with rat) - C's brother, D vowed revenge - D trained hard and became Shredder - Shredder go to NY and kills A and B. Rat escape to sewers - Rat pick up 4 lost turtles in sewer - Rat and the turtle mutanted to humaniod by some chemical - turtles name rat "Splinter", splinter teach them A's skills Original Comic turtles all wear red and were all dark and violent. Leonardo: The cool, calm and collected. The one to lead. The most skilled (Katanas) Raphael: The hothead, violent and witty. The strongest and most street smart (Sai) Dontallo: The quiet one. The MR Fixit and maintenance guy. Computer whiz. (Bo) Michaelengalo: The playful and joker one. Youngest of the group. (Nuchuckus) Splinter: Master, old and wise. Shredder: A skillful and cunning ninja master who can take down the ninja turtles easily. April: A Computer programmer cum antique store owner. As you can see she is drawn with the 80s hair style trends. NEXT UP: 80s cartoon TMNT, the one most people knew.....
  3. how did they find this so-call 81 year old expert as a witness?? want to fight a multi-million dollar case, at least do more homework than using a photo from internet and a computer program...... [shakehead]
  4. Well, if you're quite a fan of car movies, especially the ones intensely packed with actions, doing some stunts in or probably around a car may sound familiar. However, we all know that you shouldn't try those kinds of stunts at home. Yet, the young teenage boy in the accompanying video doesn't seem quite knowledgeable about it. Well, either that, or he simply doesn't really agree at all that those stunts are not to be tried independently - without any safety precautions, too. You see, the young boy managed to persuade a young girl to drive a Nissan Sentra right into him at a speed that I would say is no less than 60km/h. Honestly, I don't know how he could have persuaded that young girl, keeping in mind that most girls are not bound to do something so dangerous. At first glance, I thought that this boy would definitely end up in a hospital, maybe even getting himself to the ER (Emergency Room). However, it turned out that I was totally wrong. The boy actually managed to spin in the air and come back again on his feet. Well, I think I should give the boy a thumbs up at least. However, I don't understand why the girl driving the Nissan Sentra mentioned that she couldn't drive and that she couldn't see a thing. For things to make sense, I think it should have been the boy who should have said such things. Well, it's confusing but it's also hilarious on one hand, isn't it? Still, though, keep well in mind that this is not something you are supposed to try at home!
  5. Good afternoon peeps, Meant to start the ball rolling but well, I just reached my 25th post quota so here goes. I'm sure many of you have a past that you rather your parents did not know, or your partner would never find out? *giggle*. I mentioned in my earlier posts that I used to frequent Sparks, Vogue and for a short while, Canto, before it was forced to close. Lots of sweet memories right there. Anyone care to share their teenaged "unglam" adventures? Let me break the ice. I was pretty much the ah lian wannabe back then, thanks to strict parents. I would spin stories like I have a class chalet going on and would not be home for the night (Sat). Then, a phone call to my fellow lian friend sealed my lodging for the night - bunking up at her place. I met my first serious bf there. He was - a beng..duh... but a very gentlemanly one *giggles*. There're many hilarious moments, sweet and bitter recollections ~ and so forth. Once this rival groupie couldn't stand the sight of me because they accused me of snatching their boys. Fact is, it was unrequitted love and because I was a little Eurasian looking and taller than my peers, these women insisted that I was being wanton, which lead to a fist fight. I didn't comply and they sort of forced me.... I remembered the fight ended up with me rolling down the steep hill some distance away from Canto. apparently, this is kinda trend.. because when I shared this story with fellow Uni mates some time later, they (the naughtier ones) said it was common a sight to see people fighting at that spot and gals rolling down the hills *giggles* this thread is dedicated to all the MCMs, Versaces, Sonia Rykiels, Ferragamo Belts, High waisted haute couture and the likes... come forth please... especially the guy who said you were once a beng *giggle* Hear from you all peeps I'm rushing for an ATL campaign now, so if my replies are few and far between, please forgive me.
  6. How much allowance or pocket money do you give them? On weekly or monthly basis? I'm interested in a gauge for my teenage nieces and nephews, cos my friends' niece and nephew seems to get a lot more than mine. Story is, a friend's niece gets $350 A WEEK for allowance. She's 17 years old in JC. She's a pretty obedient kid, goes out once in a while but has a very bad habit. She likes branded stuff. Hence the request for highweekly allowance I'm not too sure whether i heard my friend correctly, but he said his brother and his wife aren't the flashy type and don't indulge much in designer labels. So they dunno where she got expensive taste from. She's a smart kid, so her grades are like top few in her JC (cant say which). She just celebrated her birthday at a hotel with her own pocket money (she saved up, but it's not hard given the amount she gets a week). Only catch is that her $350/week covers EVERYTHING. Her food, clothes, parties, outing expenses, presents for friends, stationery, school supplies, taxi rides, everything except for school fees. But somehow I don't think those stuff count for much given her $1400 per month "salary". She has a brother who's 12 years old. He gets a lot less, but my friend (and I) still think it's too much for a 12 year old. His 12 year old nephew gets $350 a month - which my friend heard, half of which goes into a fixed deposit account. This younger one got some behaviour problems in school, but again, naturally smart. Good grades though never study. Friend's brother is quite well-to-do, very down to earth kinda guy. Cheap watch, cheap clothes. Wife also same. Two cars. One's a BMW 5 series, the other is a Golf. So quite humble for their income level. Wife quit job to look after kids. Saw them before. Wife looks pretty but very decent person. No flashy clothes. but somehow they spend all on their kids - as far as I can see from meeting them a few times. So how much do you give your kids every week/month? How old are they? How much more would you give when they reach what age?
  7. juz 2 find out how do u find nowadays teenagers?coz have been seeing students smoking,hugging and mis behaving in public places .its not about complaining,rather thinking to myself that i was like this when im in my teenage years .was wondering any bros here can share what u have done and not get caught during ur own teenage years, have u regretted what u done or finding yourself very irritating ?
  8. The two brainless students sitting on the floor next to the MRT train door are really stupid and inconsiderate. Even when commuters were going in and out of the door, they didn't budge or stood up. How stupid can people get? http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...t.jsp?id=13306#
  9. Wah just then , 3 teenage girls dropby my house pulling two ice boxes on trolley . They said their dad just pass away and they came all the way from Woodlands . Then offerded to sell me their ice-creams in the ice boxes to rise money , but i politely declined them , cos I am not convinced! Has anyone encountered them b4? We have elderly selling tissues and fake monks asking for donations... WTH! now we have teenagers going house to house to sell icecream?! New ploy by the syndicates?
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