many times on the roads hv noticed taxidrivers bullying others by tailgating, road hog, jus cut in2 lane w/o signal, jus stop at side of road...... i've expereinced it n many other mcf bros n sis hv also encounted it. m not biased against taxidrivers, my late father in law n late uncle were taxidrivers but i feel the present generation of taxidrivers tink they are the kings of the roads. a fren of mine tinks tat taxi companies. LTA, govt linked companies who surely hv shares in taxi companies, are slow to take action coz taxi drivers are in the front line of the tourism industry and do not wan the drivers to bad mouth the govt , so v hv to bear the brunt, its jus not right and mayb mcf members shld hv stickers that say "98% of taxidrivers drive like jerks!!! r u one of them ??" hehheheh, the 2% of taxidrivers are hardworking, honest, friendly people who v shld b proud of..... btw u tink its 98% 99% 100% or jus 50%????