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Found 8 results

  1. Hello Lords and Ladies! I'm playing this game.. anyone here playing as well?
  2. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/...ory_802913.html Two-and-a-half tales about service Published on May 25, 2012 ON MONDAY, I shopped at Winter Time in 313@Somerset shopping mall, where I was served by a Filipino and a Chinese national. The Filipino showed me many types of luggage, patiently explaining the attributes of each. He reached for one that was hardest to reach because I liked it, and which I finally settled on. In the clothing section, the Chinese national offered helpful advice on the winter wear she thought I would need. When the outfit I liked was not available in my size, she called the other outlets and reserved a set for me. Needless to say, I was impressed by the professional and courteous service. Subsequently, my wife and children visited the outlet at VivoCity and were served by a Singaporean. When my wife asked her about a design on the upper rack, she replied that it was too high and suggested my wife try out an outfit to determine her size before choosing the design. That done, my wife picked the design she wanted, only to be told that it was also too hard to reach. Instead, the salesgirl offered the same design two sizes smaller because it was more convenient. Needless to say, my wife left without buying. Singaporeans are missing a positive attitude, fighting spirit and the drive to achieve more. Our solution to the foreign competition we face is simply to complain. But are foreigners stealing our jobs or are we losing jobs to them? Are employers choosing foreigners because they are cheaper, or because they are better workers? Finally, I offer a vignette from South Korea to round up my pair of anecdotes about service and productivity. When I visited the country, I chanced upon a single attendant manning six kiosks at a petrol station. He directed traffic, pumped petrol and processed credit cards and payments single-handedly. I would bet his boss was not looking to hire a low-wage foreigner. I hope we will adopt a more resilient mentality and a positive attitude. We have the language advantage and if we have the right mindset, there is nothing to fear about this new reality of foreign competition. Lim Chong Jen
  3. Hi bros, need ur suppork, starting a new comic series called tales from the army, which is bout funny stuff that happen only in the army, pls like on FB/spread and also gimmie any suggestion that u have FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tales-from-t...0235295?sk=wall Thanks ah..
  4. http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews...808-293325.html The Star/Asia News Network Monday, Aug 08, 2011 A GROUP of friends had a shock of their life when they found that they "captured" images of a spirit in the photographs they took during a Hungry Ghost ritual recently. China Press reported that the images, which looked like a paper ghost, appeared in the photographs taken by the restaurant workers. The group had conducted prayers at about 12.30am on the first day of the Hungry Ghost Month at a roadside in Malacca. The group later decided to hold another prayer at the same site and were relieved that the spirit did not appear in any of the photographs that they took. However, a photography expert said the image of the so-called spirit might be just a reflection from a glass window.
  5. Found these in another forum and re-post here because they are quite interesting
  6. http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2011/01/27/ma...plane-insanity/ Former flight attendant-turned-writer, Yvonne Lee, reveals the dirty truth behind
  7. There was a story of this ORDing personnel who recieved his pink IC around noon and was told to go home. On his way to the main gate, he spotted a guai lan officer he had a grudge against. Thinking he was a free man, Mr ORD went over to knock the officer's head. What Mr ORD didn't realize was that his NS doesn't officially expire until 2359, so with less than 12 hours to go, he was charged and thrown in DB. Anymore contributions?
  8. Overheard this in a casual conversation. 1) This guy went to reservist and wore disposable underwear during the field exercise. After a few days or rain, what's left of the underwear is just the rubber lining!! Haha... underwear become G-string. 2) This mama's boy perspire a lot. Asked mum for advice. Turns out that he placed a tampon on top of his head and then put on helmet. So one day, when asked to take down helmet, his platoon mates saw the tampon on his head and cracked!
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