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  1. Damn good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0X2rbfF1n0
  2. But damn, this fella is good. Dey poondeh, u can sing like that anot???? [laugh] poonde...can translate?
  3. https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/former-ntu-researcher-took-upskirt-photos-400-women?utm_source=editorialteam&utm_medium=notification Manpower minister wants more Super FT in SG In fact he is a super upskirter Maybe he is researching different materials for tropical climate...
  4. From this video, one of the conclusions we can draw from it is when you have just been given a ticket by the parking officer, threatening him on whether he knows who you are or not isn't going to help you get out of trouble. As seen on SG Road Vigilante's recent post on 23rd of September 2...
  5. Totally agree with this guy. Time to clean up and get rid of foreign trash. ST Forum Mar 1, 2011 HIRING SINGAPOREANS FIRST 'Foreign' doesn't always mean 'talent' WHILE I agree that Singapore needs foreigners to stay competitive, there are levels of foreign talent ('Levy hike...
  6. Amazing magicians to share.............................. enjoy watching it.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKyOaDh5USI Riana, the Freaky Magician GIRL Scares Judges & Audience On Asia's Got Talent!
  7. Brother Lawrence Wong - He got talent! Gotta admire when \ a) An MP has the talent to do this b) AN MP is WILLING to do this draws even bigger plaudits from me Sing us a waiata (song) brother Wong! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlMq3SRbeqE
  8. Been seeing this 3 times in a row on news. Is it really that bad? During my time, nobody even cares about IT people. The only IT people around are foreigners let in by our generous system and all the locals were kicked out of the market.
  9. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153278646412934&id=93889432933 Look at his beautiful free kick and long shot. He could be the rising stars for singapore national team player soon to be.
  10. I think our current policy is as long as it's a human
  11. Read the comments too... So true, some of them! https://www.facebook.com/liupam/posts/634203156641015 He pulled my sleeve and told me to boldly cross the busy street when we were Hong Kong, telling me that he is "Kwai Lo" (Hong Kong term for expat) and nobody will dare run him down. And h...
  12. who say Singapore strawberry no talent?
  13. Any bros still remember this guy saying this back then? http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Issue/st...es20060627.aspx (Prime Page 4) The Straits Times, June 27, 2006 GRCs make it easier to find top talent: SM Without good chance of winning at polls, they might not be willing to...
  14. Kenny Gee is a Singaporean final year student doing his Masters in Film at NYU Tisch Asia in Singapore Watch the video to find out more. Worth every minute! Watch Kenny Gee's short. The ending will shock you (= And visit FOR A GOOD CAUSE! once you are done!
  15. For those who have still the 1960's mindset of Vocational education & industrial training, please watch this video
  16. The Straits Times www.straitstimes.com Published on Jan 17, 2012 http://www.straitstimes.com/print/Breaking...ory_756490.html 'Foreign talent policy had effect on income gap' Inflow hurt wage growth for some, says expert panel By Melissa Tan
  17. India Talent Show - Warriors of Goja AMAZING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SUaoVy_iU...layer_embedded# (They maybe highly trained but please do not practise it..)
  18. Would like to share a link with all. Limpeh is Foreign Talent. Kenapa-Singapura? (Why-Singapore?) Rantings of an ex-Singaporean now working in Singapore. http://limpehft.blogspot.com/2011/11/kenap...-singapore.html
  19. [bigcry] A 12-year-old Mongolian boy- Uudam (乌达木 Wudamu in Chinese) who lost his parents at the age of 8 in a road accident singing the song-"Mother in the Dream" (梦中的额吉) to his mother at heaven. He seldom talk about his story but when he miss his mother, he will sing this song. Besides, he a...
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=&feature=youtube_gdata_player warning: Don't watch this when you are in public. Just in case you start to
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MRjbAatv4&amp Do you feel like crying? [bigcry]
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