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Found 7 results

  1. Philipkee


    Why do people like to tailgate me when I am travelling at 90 km/ hr one lane one on an expressway when it is obvious that there is a speed camera in front?
  2. Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time.
  3. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Online...ory_811311.html Wrong advice on dealing with tailgaters Published on Jun 16, 2012 I AM appalled by Mr Nicholas Wong's suggestion for riders being tailgated to 'slow down until drivers get the message that motorcycles have an equal right to be on the road' ('3 misconceptions about motorcyclists'; Monday). Whether a person is driving a car or riding a motorcycle, the safe thing to do when being tailgated is to filter to the next lane when it is safe to do so. Slowing down in front of a tailgater is not only dangerous, but also frustrates the tailgater, who may become impatient and commit a rash and dangerous overtaking manoeuvre. The road hogger is probably just as inconsiderate as the tailgater. There is no need to be upset when being tailgated. Instead, we can assume that the tailgater has an emergency. We should then be considerate, signal our intention to change lanes, and do so safely. The Land Transport Authority should impose a higher speed limit specifically for the right-most lane of our expressways. For example, it can be raised from 90kmh to 110kmh. Drivers who prefer to keep to 90kmh will then have no reason to be driving on this lane. Daren Lau
  4. your cousins in MY.......... on NShwy, i have encountered countless SUPERtailgaters who keep so close to my rear bumper that i could see my car's image reflected on their sunglasses... at 160kmh+ for as long as the cars in front of, and also those on the next lane of, me are still blocking me..... traffic on NSHwy on certain stretches from Penang/KL/SIN are quite heavy, bumper to bumper, but these MY-boleh drivers are doing SUPERtailgating like no tomorrow even though they can see there are many cars in front blocking me.......... actually after a while i just got used to it and dont bother to look into the mirror... why do they do it? to tell the front driver they want to over take? but at that speed and with other cars blocking front/sides, there's nothing the front driver like me can do, right? the best joke is, the same Hyundai 3.5L MPV repeated this even after at a few points when the traffic was clear and i managed to pull away from him to reach 200kmh++ (he was left behind in split second and couldnt match my acceleration especially on uphill stretches) but when he finally caught up again due to other slow cars blocking me, knowing that i dont hog if there's a choice, he would still stick to my bumper and repeat the whole thing...... (maybe he felt humiliated that his brand new 3.5L kena trashed uphill? i dont know) but he's not the only one as mentioned above... many of such SUPERtailgater-drivers there... maybe they know something we dont? i try to figure that maybe they hardly see multiple-car pile ups in MY and dont realise that tailgating at such high speed is dangerous? or may be its simply their balls are really BIG?? so close that i didnt even dare tap brakes with left foot to signal them....
  5. Cannot imagine my horror when I learnt that the god damned tea pruning team stopped the truck in front of me abruptly causing a chain collision. I managed to stop in time but the blokes behind me didnt. Knocked me not once but twice. Thank God for In Car Camera. Watch how the truck was stoppe din its track. I called NEA to lodge a complaint, but I wonder if it is of any use. When I asked the a**hole NEA contractor for his particulars, he asked me to bugger off and said BO WA TAI CHI! KNN. Lucky my conti marque withstood the collision. Sorry for the Kia Forte and the Hyundai H100 van behind me. What a f&*king 'lucky' day. Thank god my kids are ok.
  6. Then again, maybe its because holiday season is hunting season for Traffic Police.. oh well, enjoying it while it lasts
  7. Will it works in $ingapore, especially we got drivers love to cut lane sudden-out-of-no-where syndrome which make worse on the 2sec gaps distance ?
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