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Source: 疑情海翻波,26岁男子开着马赛地载女友到多层停车场,两人被指一度争吵,男子过后危坐停车场顶楼,接着转身怒吼后从六楼坠下,伤重送院。 这起事故发生在昨天(10月15日)下午2时30分左右,地点是循环路(Circuit Road)第31A座的多层停车场。 一名热心读者拨电《联合晚报》,指一名青年原本危坐在多层停车场顶楼,后来不知因而坠下。 记者赶往现场,发现停车场入口处的地上仍可见血迹,不少居民在现场驻足围观。 据观察,停车场有六楼高,顶楼是露天的,警方在那里封锁现场调查。 在隔壁座组屋工作的女佣朱珠(译音,33岁)告诉记者,当时她听见很大的喊叫声,抬头一看,只见一名男子就坐在停车场顶楼。 “我看到他往后看,但没有看到其他的人,下一秒就发现他已经坠落底层,我第一次看到这样的事,被吓得全身发抖。” 附近眼镜店的负责人郑小姐(33岁)说,当时她也听见“碰”的一声,她走出店外看见一名男子倒卧在地,头部流了很多血,立即报警。 一名不愿具名的目击男居民指出,当时他曾听见组屋楼下卖板面的老板娘对着青年喊,叫他不要跳,但还是无法阻止。 男居民也透露,男子是开着一辆绿色的马赛地,载着一名女郎出现在该停车场,相信两人是情侣。 据现场传出有人听到事发前两人有发生争吵,但大家都不知男子为何会坠楼。 警方受询时证实上述事件,一名26岁男子在失去意识的情况下送往陈笃生医院。案件仍在调查中。 完整报道,请翻阅2019年10月16日的《联合晚报》。 Jumping from 6 storey high, a 26-year-old man because of quarrelling with girlfriend The suspected incident, the 26-year-old man drove his girlfriend to the multi-storey car park in Marseille. The couple were accused of quarrelling. The man later took the risk to sit on the top floor of the parking lot. Then he turned and roared and fell from the sixth floor. He was sent to a hospital. The accident occurred around 2:30 pm yesterday (October 15) at the multi-storey car park at Block 31A of Circuit Road. An enthusiastic reader called "Lianhe Evening News", referring to a young man who was originally sitting on the top floor of a multi-storey car park and later fell on it. The reporter rushed to the scene and found that blood was still visible on the ground at the entrance to the parking lot. Many residents stopped at the scene. According to observations, the parking lot is six stories high and the top floor is open-air. The police blocked the scene investigation there. Zhu Zhu, a maid working in a house next door, told reporters that she heard a lot of shouts at the time and looked up and saw a man sitting on the top floor of the parking lot. "I saw him looking back, but didn't see other people. The next second I found that he had fallen to the bottom. I saw this for the first time and was scared to shake my body." Ms Zheng (33), the person in charge of the nearby optical shop, said that she also heard a "touch". She walked out of the store and saw a man lying on the ground, a lot of blood in his head, and immediately called the police. A witnessed male resident who did not want to be named pointed out that at that time, he had heard the proprietress who sold the board downstairs and shouted at the young man, asking him not to jump, but still could not stop it. The male resident also revealed that the man was driving a green Mercedes Benz and carrying a girl in the parking lot. I believe the two are lovers. According to the scene, some people heard that there was a quarrel between the two people before the incident, but everyone did not know why the man would fall. The police confirmed the above incident and a 26-year-old man was sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital without any awareness. The case is still under investigation. For a full report, please read the United Evening News on October 16, 2019.
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