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banker's job can be quite stressed
Stressed.... Cause there's this new receptionist in my workplc.... Wear skirt so bloody short when she leans over a desk u can actually see butt flesh from behind... Wear so low cut can see half the boobs screaming for air.... Sometimes off shoulder blouse until can see the whole cup of the breast... But the face.... Omg.... Don't mean to be rude just speaking the truth.... LANGA Chui chui.... See already confirm plus chop cannot stand... And the winning... Knn... Fcuking irritating.... I can go on for another few paragraphs but I think at this point I must be kanna cursed to death liao.... Wtf everyday come to work see this damn spoil mood.... Need to walk around other departments to wash my eyes to feel normal everyday.... Haiz........
Interesting survey I read in Yahoon news report :
Just wondering, do you put on weight or lose weight in times of stress? When I'm stressed, I don't eat much, don't sleep much.. but I end up putting on weight, annoying!
But how can he sms stuff like dis? A real estate agent is not above sending rude SMSes to his clients as demonstrated by two STOMPers who sent in these photographs of the SMSes they received from him. In an email to STOMP yesterday (June 9), STOMPer Jason sent in this picture of an SMS which he received from a property agent, which contained a Hokkien swear word. He wrote:
- Its simple lyrics and light-hearted nature never fails to cheer me up! 半斤八兩 曲/詞:許冠傑 gun3 gan1 baat3 loeng2 - Words & music by Samuel Hui Verse-1: 我地呢班打工仔 ngo5 dei6 ni1 baan1 daa2 gung1 zai2 We are poor working people 通街走糴直頭係壞腸胃 tung1 gaai1 zau2 dek6 zik6 tau4 hai6 waai6 coeng4 wai6 Getting ulcers, running around 搵個些少到月底點夠洗(奀過鬼) wan2 go3 se1-siu2 dou3 jyut6 dai2 dim2 gau3 sai2 (ngan1 gwo3 gwai2) Chicken feed is our reward 確係認真濕滯 kok3 hai6 jing6 zan1 sap1 zai6 Round deal is what we get Verse-2: 最弊波士郁啲發威(癲過雞) zeoi3 bai6 bo1 si6*2 juk1 di1 faat3 wai1 (din1 gwo3 gai1) The boss is ever ready to explode 一味喺處係唔係就亂嚟吠 jat1 mei6 hai2 syu3 hai6 m4 hai6 zau6 lyun6 lai4 fai6 His barks are long, his face longer 翳親加薪塊面嗱起惡睇(扭下計) ai3 can1 gaa1 san1 faai3 min6 naa4 hei2 ok3 tai2 (nau2 haa5 gai3) When we ask for a raise 你就認真開胃 nei5 zau6 jing6 zan1 hoi1 wai6 Brother, you're in a treat Chorus: (半斤八兩)做到隻積咁嘅樣 (bun3 gan1 baat3 loeng2) ... zou6 dou3 zek3 zik1 gam3 ge3 joeng6 ... Working like a dog (半斤八兩)濕水炮仗點會響 ... sap1 seoi2 paau3 zoeng6*2 dim2 wui5 hoeng2 ... Things keep on going wrong (半斤八兩)夠薑呀,楂鎗走去搶 ... gau3 goeng1 aa3, zaa1 coeng1 zau2 heoi3 coeng2 ... Why don't we grab a gun and hold 'em up? (* coda of Chorus-1) 出咗半斤力,想話囉番足八兩 ceot1 zo2 bun3 gan1 lik6, soeng2 waa6 lo4 faan1 zuk1 baat3 g?/loeng2 At least making our effort worthwhile 家陣惡搵食,邊有半斤八兩咁理想(吹漲) gaa1 zan6 ok3 wan2 sik6, bin1 jau5 bun3 gan1 baat3 loeng2 gam3 lei5 soeng2(ceoi1 zoeng3) It's tit for tat, tat for tit (Verse3) 我地呢班打工仔 ngo5 dei6 ni1 baan1 daa2 gung1 zai2 We are poor working people 一生一世為錢幣做奴隸 jat1 sang1 jat1 sai3 wai4 cin4*2 bai6 zou6 nou4 dai6 Slaves to money for life 個種辛苦折墮講出嚇鬼(死俾你睇) go3 zung2 san1 fu2 zit3 do6 gong2 ceot1 haak3 gwai2 (sei2 bei2 nei5 tai2) Our misery, it's unspeakable 咪話冇乜所謂 mai6 waa6 mou5 mat1 so2 wai6 The burden, unbearable First time Instrumental Second time Fine (Chorus-2) (半斤八兩)就算有福都冇你享 (bun3 gan1 baat3 loeng2) ... zau6 syun3 jau5 fuk1 dou1 mou5 nei5 hoeng2 ... Happiness is not ours to share (半斤八兩)重慘過滾水淥豬腸 ... zung6 caam2 gwo3 gwan2 seoi2 luk6 zyu1 coeng4 ... Sufferings are ours to bear (半斤八兩)雞碎咁多都要啄 ... gai1 seoi3 gam3 do1 dou1 jiu3 doek3 ... A little more is a little more, we care
so funny. i tot ah long is the one going ard stressing ppl to pay up..... now also can get stressed.
Seems like more and more people are getting suicidal. Please watch out for human lying on the roads while you are driving.
Are you too stressed out... feel stifled? think about work all the time..worry too much...and having insomnia at times? easily agitated?