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Found 8 results

  1. does the dumbass stomper actually expects ppl to support her? you guys should see some of the comments.lol
  2. No relation to the STOMper nor driver but just helping to post an appeal for witness to an accident involving a silver Lancer & a red Civic on last Sat (29 Sep) along the PIE towrds Changi on their behalf. (Not sure why this was only posted on 04 Oct though ) From the photos, the damage was quite serious and they were damn lucky to survive though not sure if they had sustained any injuries... From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...r_to_crash.html Posted on 04 Oct 2012 Appeal for witnesses: Reckless driver caused this car to crash STOMPer Cindy says she was a passenger on board this silver Mitsubishi Lancer when an aggressive driver in a red Honda Civic collided with them, causing her car to hit a road divider. The STOMPer wrote: "A red Honda Civic hit a silver Lancer on the PIE towards Changi near Anak Bukit flyover, after the Upper Bukit Timah exit ard 7.30am to 7.40am on Sep 29 (Saturday). "The red Honda Civic was swerving in and out of the three lanes repeatedly and aggressively hit the Lancer at the Lancer's front and left passenger side with its rear right side at a very high speed. "The lancer was travelling within the speed limit on the moderately heavy traffic expressway. "The tremendous impact from the Honda Civic caused the Lancer travelling on the centre lane to move to the extreme right lane, hit the centre divider and move back onto the expressway, causing it to be severely damaged. "By then, the red Civic had sped off. If you happened to witness this accident or saw an old four-door red Honda Civic with a loud roaring engine (with new registered car plate) with damage on its right side at any car park or parking area, please come forward to inform the traffic police. "The driver of the Civic did not even stop to provide any assistance after causing such a serious accident. "No one would wish to see a loved one getting hurt and we must stop these irresponsible drivers from repeating history, endangering lives on the road."
  3. STOMPer Burnt was shocked when hot oil came spurting from one of the escargots she and her husband had ordered at a restaurant in Bishan, scalding their faces. Said the STOMPer: "This evening, my husband and I were having dinner at a restaurant in Bishan. Among our orders, we ordered a portion of escargots, cooked in garlic and herb. "After it was served, I was attracted by the smell and put my face near the dish to take a whiff. Soon after, I shrieked as one of the escargots exploded and piping hot oil spurted from the dish. "The oil scalded areas of our faces and landed on my husband's pants and shirt. The staff on hand had no reaction and did not know how to handle the situation as it happened. "Only when we pressed a senior staff member for action, did she provide Burnol cream for the burn. No explanation and no refund was offered. To make matters worse, we noticed that the junior members were giggling at our predicament. "My husband then requested and was given the contact number of the manager (who was not in the store at the time). When my husband spoke to her, he was appalled to be told that this is not an isolated incident! "It has happened before and apparently this explosion is caused by 'butter and water in the escargot reacting' and 'nothing could be done to prevent this from occurring'. "The level of service and reaction from the manager is absolutely unacceptable! "Not 10 seconds after the explosion, a lady with a toddler in hand took the seat directly behind us. My question is, what if the toddler had been mesmerized by the dish (like me) and put his face near the bubbling escargot, only to have it ejected into his eye and oil splattered on the toddlers face? What then would happen? "This issue is very serious and the restaurant needs to cease selling this dish until these dangers are mitigated and solved! We have eaten escargots many other times at different restaurants before, and never once has such an explosion occurred. Something is very wrong! "Another incident which happened previously at the same branch, was that my colleague had ordered a salmon crepe. In the midst of cooking, the service staff had put in I think four pieces of salmon. Soon after, the manager walked over, whispered something in her ear, and then proceeded to take out one piece of salmon and put it back in the ingredients container! "All this in front of us, the customers' eyes. This incident shows that they are very unhygienic and calculative too. "So this restaurant has two strikes from me, and I'm never going back to patronise them ever again."
  4. STOMPer Alex was appalled that the manager at Ben & Jerry's Orchard Central outlet, rudely told his family off that their bill was only for $28 when they presented a voucher to pay with. Said the STOMPer in his email: "My family and I dined at Ben & Jerry's Orchard Central outlet today (Mar 26) at about 9pm.We had the most unpleasant experience and that left a bad taste in our mouths. "We were appalled by the rudeness and audacity of the staff in the store, having the supervisor speak to us in a rude manner was bad enough, when we requested to speak to the manager, Mr Jeff, his tone was equally bad, if not, worse off than his subordinates. "This is the gist of the incident. Upon arrival at the restaurant, we presented a discount voucher issued by UOB bank to one of the waiters to check if we can use this voucher. The waiter was not sure and he proceeded to enquire from his supervisor, a China lady by the name of Jennifer. She confirmed that we were able to use the voucher and we went on to order our food and ice-cream. She then returned the voucher to us. "After we finished our food, we called for the bill and presented the voucher once again. The supervisor, Jennifer brought the bill to us and also collected our voucher, she returned shortly after and told us that the voucher has expired and could not be used anymore. "We were surprised as she was the one who gave the approval to use the voucher. A slight argument ensued and I guess for the fear of being reprimanded, Jennifer insisted it was solely our mistake and repeatedly mentioned many times that we should have checked the voucher before using and it was all our fault! "At that moment, she could not find anymore excuses and we demanded to see the manager. The assistant dining manager came out and before we could speak, he told us, 'yes, you can use the voucher provided it was not expired'. "We reasoned that it was his supervisor who told us we could use the voucher and that was why we sat down to order our ice-cream, how could he turn the tables around and say such illogical excuses? "We held our grounds and told Jeff that this verification was done by his waiter and supervisor. He should not deny and he did check with Jennifer. Seeing that there was no way out, Jeff mentioned very rudely, 'it is just $28, I can buy you the dinner'. "To my utmost astonishment and shock, that was not what I was expecting from a manager! Was he looking down on me by saying such things in a very rude tone? I warned him not to be rude and he mentioned once again, 'it is only $28 lah. I can buy for you'. He then walked away. "Actually I was pinpointing at the rudeness of the supervisor, but seeing how rude and uncouth the manager is, I forgave her and thought to myself, maybe this is Ben & Jerry's way of protecting their staff and subordinates, by standing on the staff side and oppose all customers regardless! "This will be my last visit to Ben & Jerry's. Customers to Ben & Jerry's at Orchard Central, beware."
  5. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=21694# http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/photo/getFullSizePhoto.do?id=20363 But he himself seems not to b keeping 2 hands on the wheels... 自己真是不小心。
  6. Sibei buay tahan... http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=16023
  7. haha... saw the below link... can stomp cos chicken rice de dark soya sauce give very little... jus tell the uncle more O Dao Yu pls... can le wat... http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=10245
  8. Taken from Stomp: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost6787.aspx The Stomper is really silly to simply trust the driver of the car that grazed his.
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