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  1. I have this water/chemical stain on my front windscreen which came from a leaky pipe in a basement car park that is super stubborn. I suspect the drip contains some chemical. The stain though transparent is very obvious when the windscreen is wet. :angry: I have tried Autoglym glass polish, thinner, turpentine, vinegar, lime, bleach, claybar, Jif but none seem to work! Anyone can suggest what I can do to remove it?
  2. Hi All, not sure if this is the right term but I got this glue/caramel/gum like thing dripped from the flowers or fruits from trees on my car's body and windscreen. when i spot it, sometimes it was not fully hardened, and rubbing to remove it may end up smearing it over a bigger area. onced dried/ hardened, it is like semi-transparent on the windscreen and not effect when I scrub it. what home-made remedy or off the shelf products I can use remove these stubborn glue-like thing?
  3. Hey guys! I suddenly found a stain on my beige interior car roof. Not sure how it got there and I was thinking if you guys have any suggestions/proven methods on how to remove it without any risks of adding more stains? Googled and there were some mixed reviews on baking soda, vinegar etc. Thank you!
  4. Today discovered some birdshit stain on my 3 month old black ride. Tried waxing it but seems like the bird sxxt a bit etch onto the paintwork liao. Any advice on removing it ? Advice appreciated.
  5. Hi, been about a year or so since I have my car....and the leather seats are getting dirty after sometimes.....is there any good soultion to clean it and bring back the cleanliness again? Is it worth to bring it to professional leather restoring service center? If so, which is the cheapest and reliable? Thanks..
  6. I was removing a scratch on my car door using scratch remover of the brand M.. After applying and using an applicator pad, I found it left a circular stain on my black paint. How could I rectify this problem? Send it to groomer to handle? Thanks in advance.
  7. How to remove superglue on car paint?
  8. I have a seldom wore white shirt kept in wardrobe. The collar has turned yellowish. Last time I read a news article of using spinach extracted water to clean it. Anyone has the full procedures? Or you have any special clean method ? TQ
  9. how to remove ?
  10. Any knows how to remove completely? I use a polish den wax and it has faded a lot, but still visible. Then suddenly there's a small patch that's lighter in colour then rest of the body. Any ideas why? 1 month old pearl white. TIA. Erm.. maybe this is not the correct place to ask, can i move this thread myself or only the mods can do it?
  11. any one has any solution?? imy black ride has a few drops of dried cement stain on the front and the side..... i don knw how to clear them....
  12. My car is parked at Open carpark that is subject to rain and sun. My car wash regime is usually around once every 2 - 3wks. There had been alot of unremovable water stains on the entire roof of my car despite polish after each wash. Can advise how to DIY to remove them and what product to use? Thanks alot Bro/Sis for advise.
  13. I was at my usual Car-tes for petrol then the guy who pumped in the petrol must be dreaming and spilled the petrol ..flowing down on my car's body ..resulting some greyish stains on it..seems like cant be remove...anyone faced such problems before? how to clean?
  14. Hi I just found 3 streams of what looks to be like hard water on my front windscreen. It's definately not paint and I got it whilst parked at an underground car park... must be leaked from the ceiling and can see it landed from the top of the windscreen and run all the way down. Initially, I thought I could remove with a bit of hard scrubbing (using wash sponge and car wash detergent) but it didnt come off. Went to HW DIY shop and bought Oust Descaler yesterday, applied it, left it for a few mins and washed off with sponge and water... it's still there!. Then I was a bit desperate and tried a rough sponge from the kitchen (you know the one use for scrubbing stubborn burn stain from pots and pans), I knew it was going to cause some scratches, so I tested it at the bottom of the windscreen first... after much hard scrubbing , I could only get 50% off but it caused a bit of scratches on the glass as expected so I stopped. At this time... I've left it as is, and seek your help if any bros out there have effective solution to resolve this. The other option is if anyone know which shop I can go to get this problem sorted out. Regards Mike.
  15. My one month old car is showing those grease stain from the door handle (must be the grease used as lubricant inside the door handle) after last month constant rain! Can someone kindly tell me how can I remove it? Can quick detailer do the job well?
  16. Hi all Juat want to find out from the experts what stain remover is effective in the market. This evening I was shocked to see some white liquid mist on my car bonnet. My car was parked in the office indoor car park. Could be some mischievious act of someone . I spent an hour applying several rounds of wax and rubbing it with Meguiar Quick Detailer but there is still this 50cents coin size like a bird stain substance stubbornly stuck on the bonnet.
  17. Hi brother, My Cousin, 1years old, sxxt on my driver seat. Any way to remove the smell and stain?
  18. Hi, I dunno how come my new car headlamp plastic cover have water stain that could not be removed. Can I use Autosol to remove it or is there any other alternative polish it in order to remove the water stain? Please advise. Thanks!
  19. Normally after certain time, there will be certainly some water mark/stain on windscreen especially those area which is not able to clean by wiper. Any idea of how to remove the stains? ANy product to use... Thanks...
  20. Hi to all bro of MCF , i just took my new Mit EX 1 week ago and one day i spray those oil that made the tire shiny shiny type ( bought from autobas ) and i think before it dries up i drove away , 2 days later when i was washing my car i saw spots of stain on my rear side bumber ( both side )and even after using waxing on it the spots still remains . I notice that the stain is like eat into the paint liow so i hope some helpful bro here can recommend a solution , be it buying certain chemical or going to certain car polishing centre that can help me to remove the stains . Thanks and regards
  21. Muths66

    Exhuast stain

    Anyone know used what to make off those yellow exhaust stain on my boot??
  22. Shouyi

    Tough Stain!

    Hi everyone, there are spots of tough stain on my pearl white car. I tried to remove using normal carwax but failed. Any product recommended and where I can get it at a good price ? Thanks for your help.
  23. Hi, Some inconsiderate bugger left his cigarette bud on my car bonnet. It left a yellowish stain on my car paint job. Was wondering how can I remove this yellowish stain. Please advice. Cheers Orac
  24. After washing my car today, and dry clean my car, i tried to apply Swirl Mark Removal on one area.. After few hours, i notice water stain marks/spots on the area where i apply the swirl removal.. and the cant be remove. Anyway to remove these marks/spots?
  25. got shoe print on inside of my car need removing...help
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