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Found 16 results

  1. https://www.reuters.com/science/israeli-scientists-create-model-human-embryo-without-eggs-or-sperm-2023-09-07/ Reuters September 8, 20237:46 AM GMT+8Updated 11 hours ago REHOVOT, Israel, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Scientists in Israel have created a model of a human embryo from stem cells in the laboratory, without using sperm, eggs or a womb, offering a unique glimpse into the early stages of embryonic development. The model resembles an embryo at day 14, when it acquires internal structures but before it lays down the foundations for body organs, according to the team at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science. The scientists' work was published in the journal Nature on Wednesday after a pre-print came out in June, during the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)'s annual meeting in Boston. The Israeli team emphasised that they were a long way from being able to create an embryo from scratch. "The question is, when does an embryo model become considered an embryo? When that happens, we know the regulations. At the moment we are really, really far off from that point," said team leader Jacob Hanna. However, they said the work could open the door to new ways to test the effect of drugs on pregnancies, better understand miscarriages and genetic diseases, and perhaps even to grow transplant tissues and organs. "They are not identical. There are differences from human embryos, but still, this is the first time, if you open an atlas or a textbook, you can say - yeah I can really see the similarity between them," said Hanna. He said his team took stem cells derived from adult human skin cells, as well as others cultured in the lab, then reverted the cells to an early state with the potential to develop into different cell types. They then manipulated them to form the basis of something structurally resembling an embryo. It is not an actual or synthetic embryo - a term criticised by the ISSCR and other scientists - rather a model showing how one works. "In about 1 percent of the aggregates we can see that the cells start differentiating correctly, migrating and sorting themselves into the correct structure, and the farthest we could get is day 14 in human embryo development," he said. Their next goal, Hanna said, is to advance to day 21 and also reach a threshold of a 50% success rate. Magdalena Żernicka-Goetz, a professor of development and stem cells at the University of Cambridge, said the study joins six other similar human embryo-like models published from teams around the world this year, including from her lab. "None of these models fully recapitulate natural human development but each adds to ways in which many aspects of human development can now be studied experimentally," she said. The study raises some ethical questions over the possibility of potential future manipulation in human embryo development, Hanna and others noted. He drew a comparison to nuclear physics, however, arguing that you should not stop all research in that field because somebody might choose to make a nuclear bomb. It is important to engage and fully inform the public, he said, with "nothing done in the shadows". Reporting by Rami Amichay and Ari Rabinovitch; editing by Mark Heinrich
  2. Wtf....poor girl went to take a sniff...🤮 https://www.asiaone.com/asia/caught-camera-indonesian-man-stalks-woman-and-ejaculates-her-motorcycle This is unimaginable. What kinda sick man do such a thing?? This is gross... Upon discovering that the mysterious runny fluid on her motorcycle seat was semen and not yogurt as she initially believed, an Indonesian woman was so traumatised that she could not eat or sleep well for two days.
  3. … then the irony of ironies will surface 'It was completely black inside': Humpback whale gulps up and spits out US fisherman https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/whale-of-a-tale-us-fisherman-says-swallowed-by-humpback
  4. Yahoo new report: Sperm donation the most popular job among Chinese college students Seoul (The Korea Herald/ANN) - Student sperm donation has drawn controversy in China and debate has been raised as to whether it is moral to do so. College students make up about 90 percent of sperm donors in China, Chinese news reports said. An official at a sperm bank in Guangdong, southern part of the South China Sea, said that about 2,000 students donated sperm last year, making up 95 percent of all donors. "It is hard to expect healthy sperm from stressed-out office workers. College students fulfill the qualification of sperm donors, which is young and healthy," said the official. For this reason, sperm banks prefer young and healthy college students and the number of students willing to donate sperm is on the rise. Sperm donors can earn about 3,000-4,000 yuan ($456 to $608). This is a relatively large amount of money for college students, and more than Chinese farmers can make a month. The Guangdong sperm bank selects donors through medical checkups. Those who pass the medical test get paid 300 yuan for each donation. Usually, a person donates 10 samples, receiving about 3,000 yuan. "It is hard to make more than 1,000 yuan even if you work intensely all day, but if you donate your sperm, you can get a large sum of money easily," said one student who has donated. Another student said it was a meaningful job since it helped reproductively challenged families. However, some netizens have raised moral issues over sperm donation, saying that it has turned into a way to make money among college students. Some also worried that the chances of incest would increase among children who, unbeknownst to them, were conceived with the same sperm. hmmmmmmm....... earning 3,000-4,000 yuan ($456 to $608) for a no stress job .......
  5. Picanto

    Sperm donation

    has any of you do it before? i heard its done at SGH and there will be an allowance paid for the donation. some nurses will bring you to a room to donate. what i type is hearsay from friends only any of you have actually done it and want to share your experience?
  6. First of all, who will donate?!? Second, would you dare to take the sperm of the donor who used this machine? [laugh]
  7. World's oldest sperm found inside prehistoric shrimp fossil Scientists excited by how sperm, stretching longer than its owner's body, was 'perfectly preserved' in fossil PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 14 May, 2014, 10:34am UPDATED : Wednesday, 14 May, 2014, 2:52pm Agence France-Presse in Sydney An ostracod (pictured) was a tiny shrimp species. Their sperm, which are slightly longer than their body, were found coiled amid soft tissues. Photo: Wikipedia The world’s oldest and best-preserved sperm, dating back 17 million years, has been unearthed in Australia, scientists said today. The sperm from an ancient species of tiny shrimp was discovered at the Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site, an area in the far north of the state of Queensland where many extraordinary prehistoric Australian animals have previously been found. They include giant, toothed platypuses and flesh-eating kangaroos. Mike Archer, from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, who has been excavating at Riversleigh for 35 years, said the sperm was an exciting find. “These are the oldest fossilised sperm ever found in the geological record,” he said. The sperm are thought to have been longer than the male’s entire body, but were tightly coiled up inside the sexual organs of the fossilised freshwater crustaceans, known as ostracods. The researchers, whose findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, estimate the sperm are about 1.3mm long, slightly longer than the shrimp. “We have become used to delightfully unexpected surprises in what turns up there,” he added of Riversleigh. “But the discovery of fossil sperm, complete with sperm nuclei, was totally unexpected. It now makes us wonder what other types of extraordinary preservation await discovery in these deposits.” A. Modern Australian ostracod (Newnhamia fenestrata). B. Sketch of a male ostracod, showing its reproductive system. C. Electron microscopic image of the fossil, with its left valve partly missing. D. Virtual reconstruction of the fossil showing one of two Zenker organs. E. Details of the fossilised Zenker organ. F/G. The coiled giant sperm. Photo: AFP A research team led by Archer collected the fossils in 1988 and sent them to John Neil, a specialist ostracod researcher at La Trobe University in Melbourne, who realised they contained fossilised soft tissues. He drew this to the attention of several European specialists, including Renate Matzke-Karasz from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and Paul Tafforeau from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. A microscopic study revealed the fossils contained the preserved internal organs of the ostracods, including their sexual organs. Within these were the almost perfectly preserved giant sperm cells, and within them, the nuclei that once contained the animals’ chromosomes and DNA. Archer said that about 17 million years ago the site where the fossils were found was a cave in the middle of a vast, biologically diverse rainforest. “Tiny ostracods thrived in a pool of water in the cave that was continually enriched by the droppings of thousands of bats,” he said. His UNSW colleague, Suzanne Hand, a specialist in extinct bats and their ecological role in Riversleigh’s ancient environments, said the steady rain of droppings would have led to high levels of phosphorous in the water. This could have aided mineralisation of the soft tissues. “This amazing discovery at Riversleigh is echoed by a few examples of soft-tissue preservation in fossil bat-rich deposits in France,” she said. “So the key to eternal preservation of soft tissues may indeed be some magic ingredient in bat droppings.”
  8. http://forums.asiaone.com/showthread.php?t=64276#1 KUALA LUMPUR - A Bosnian, who is a Malaysian Permanent Resident holder, is suing his former girlfriend for abusing his sperm to have "better offspring" from European stock. Ervin Ahbabovic, a 41-year-old commercial director of a private limited company, stated that he lived with the 29-year-old Malaysian woman some years ago and they had a baby boy born on Feb 7, 2010. He and the woman later separated but she contacted him often to reconcile for the benefit of the baby, but Ahbabovic claimed that he was actually being treated like a "tool" for the woman to have better children, thanks to his "superior" sperm. This, he claimed, was due to the perception that the European DNA is of an "unparallel and astonishing quality" compared to the local kind. In the statement of claim made available to the press yesterday, Ahbabovic said he had a relationship with the woman in hopes of getting married one day. his sperm got cheese isit?
  9. Like that also can? next time dun leave your sperm anyway, make sure they are all dead or dried [laugh]
  10. Yahoo report : Why should you consider donating your spermBy Health Xchange | Fit to Post Health
  11. Hopefully the 600 siblings dont bang into meet each other...
  12. This is what i call Dee Siao Sim Keng Tee, 39, pleaded guilty on Wednesday afternoon to two charges of mischief where he tainted two of his female colleagues' drinking water with his semen. This is just two of the ten offences he pleaded guilty to in court. The names of victims are not revealed to protect their identities. The civilian officer in the Singapore Police Force mixed semen into his colleagues' drinking water on two separate occasions in 2008 at his office along Irrawady Road. He has since been relieved of his position in the police force. On February 21 2008, he masturbated to a photograph of his female colleague, and collected the semen in a small bottle. He recorded himself doing this on his handphone. He then returned to his office and waited for her to leave her desk temporarily. When she did, Sim mixed his semen with the drinking water in her water bottle. He also recorded this. As the water bottle was tinted red the victim did not realised the water was no longer clear. Sim then struck up a conversation with the victim when she returned to her desk and secretly recorded her drinking the tainted water. Two months later, on April 2, 2008, Sim repeated his actions with a second female colleague. This time, instead of pouring the semen into her water bottle, he poured it into her bottle of green tea. As the bottle was wrapped in plastic, the victim did not realize the difference. Again Sim, struck up a conversation with his victim while he recorded her drinking the water mixed with his semen. Sim saved these videos on his personal computer at home. These videos and more were discovered in a police raid conducted in 2009 when a third female colleague reported him to the authorities after she caught him taking up-skirt photos of her. The police raid also revealed that Sim had taken videos of four of his colleagues and had organized the videos on his personal computer into separate folders named after each victim. How he was discovered On September 10, 2009, Sim approached a colleague at her desk and asked her to pass him a stack of documents. While she was standing up, Sim squatted on the opposite side of the desk. When she turned around she noticed that the accused was holding his mobile phone under her skirt. After a struggle, she managed to grab the phone and discovered the upskirt shots of herself She then reported the matter. Further to the ten charges that Sim pleaded guilty to, he consented to another 149 charges which will be taken into consideration for sentencing to be held on December 1, 2010. Sim pleaded for leniency saying he has voluntarily put himself through medical check ups and counselling sessions. Deputy Public Prosecutor Kumaresan s/o Gohulabalam requested for a substantial jail term because of the sheer number of charges brought to light. For intending to intrude upon the privacy of a woman, Sim faces imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or a fine, or both for each of the eight charges at hand. He also faces imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or a fine, or both for each of the two charges of mischief faced.
  13. it is a delicacy, hope to try it, i tink not cheap though http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2009/12...hi-recipes.html
  14. yes: http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A...106-178321.html
  15. Daily Sex Email your wifey now
  16. Maybe our gahmen should adopt this idea here to promote population growth. http://slamxhype.com/blogs/shanghai-that-extra-mile/
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