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Found 13 results

  1. Porker

    Public Speaking

    This question has been on my mind after watching the parties speak yesterday. Do they go for public speaking lessons? LTK's english is terrible Of course there are many others too but I will not name them. Just watch for yourself.
  2. Vote PAP out. Lets save our breath debating or keep thinking that they will change. Just vote them out.
  3. There is a funny phenomenon in SG that English-speaking people are considered higher class people. When it is a common language in certain less developed countries. Singaporeans commonly take it as so. And newer immigrants /FTs knows about this too. Even my neighbor speaking half-fark English insist on speaking half-fark English w/o making effort to improve/or not know how. And it is commonly so. And i observed many new FTs/new immigrants here do the same, probably infested by us. But when you see the way they behave,eg,speaking loudly in buses/MRT/restaurants etc,they are no less than 3rd World low class. And it seems they think they are high class and proudly doing it away. Is there a correlation between English speaking and high classiness? What you think?
  4. What language do they speak at Stomp? Passerby77 said on 22 Feb, 2011 Report as offensive Different country different lifestyle. In certain country, ladies feel like urinate when they are walking. Suddenly they will stop and squad down. When they walk off, you can see a paddle of water on the road.
  5. These Ang Moh (AW and his players) learning how to speak Mandarin before touring China.
  6. See n you will know http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/what-is-buz...-105625729.html
  7. Just recently an Indian FT joined my company as a dept manager. He is a graduate and in the middle 30s. As such, many of us are talking about FTs, talking about the pros and cons, talking about not welcoming them blah blah...the usual stuff. Basically there is so much conversation ever since he joined us. But the thing is...over the past 3 years, we have many FTs joining my company. The difference is they are from UK, Australia, US and France, joining the company on expat package as assistant managers and managers and assistant directors....But no one ever talked about them being FT or about FT systems when they joined.. I wonder why the different attitudes and sentiments...
  8. Hi Guys, if anyone of you can speak and read German, I would like some help from you in the translation of the German website and if possible to help me complete a purchase via vpost. I am interested in buying a Hama Step by Step schoolbag for my son. Please drop me a PM if you can help. Thanks a million.
  9. I find it quite a turnoff actually. As I am working in a global MCS, I have more than my fair share of encountering Singaporeans that speaks normally to you...but the moment they speak with angmoh...goosh the accents become sooo fake. If they speak with a genuine accent, maybe I can still understand....but fake accents like that.... Hehe chatted with a few angmohs about this...they felt quite funny when they hear a singaporean trying to sound angmohish....the more playful ones will answer back with a singlish accents.... Gross out....
  10. Do you agree or he is like planning his "road" to become Singapore's first elect president Monday, October 20, 2008 Right and decent thing to do for your citizens Extracted from: http://comment.straitstimes.com/showthread...?t=14228&page=2 If a war were to start today, the govt will immediately mobilise our NSmen in the country ' s defence, I have no doubt about that. NSmen will be reminded of their pledge to protect the nation and no doubt the PM and his cabinet will go whole hog on national TV to remind NSmen that they would be defending not only the country but their loved ones and remind them of the consequences should the enemy were to overrun this place. But when there is a crisis such as the present when thousands of Singaporeans watch helplessly as their life savings are going to literally disappeared into thin air THE SILENCE OF THE PM AND HIS CABINET IS VERY VERY DEAFENING AND TELLING INDEED! What has happened to all those theories about social, economic, military and psychological defence under the oft-repeated TOTAL DEFENCE concept promulgated by the govt? Are they all merely theories? Intended merely as propaganda to keep Singaporeans in line only? This current financial threat has dealt a massive blow to not only the economic defence but perhaps more importantly, the PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFENCE OF SINGAPOREANS, thousands of whom have been accummulating through several decades of hard toil, sweat and even blood, funds for their retirement and old age, since the govt don ' t believe in welfarism. Didn ' t the govt, esp. the MM, said many many times before that the country ' s reserves is for a rainy day. Hasn ' t it been rainly badly enough on Singaporeans lately? How really bad must things get before Singaporeans may expect the govt to deign it bad ' enough ' to come to their rescue? Perhaps, some mass suicide? It is amazing that while it is all right to dump billions and billions into the BLACK HOLE of the likes of failed/failing American and European financial institutions, the govt seems to deem it fit to watch the unfolding drama and tragedy being played out at Hong Lim Park and in the mass media, with arms folded in apparent disinterest. This it is doing against a global background of countries like Hong Kong underwriting the losses of its citizens caught in this massive fraud. No, not this govt here, it would seems! It would prefer to watch the carnage of its citizens, without even a speck of guilty conscience that the govt, esp. the MAS, has a part to play for the desperate situation the citizens are in because it has failed to be good gatekeepers by allowing such high risk products for sale to innocent citizens whose only fault was to stretch their dollar (so that they might be less reliant on charity in their old age and the country in general). Instead, we see very obvious signs that the govt will be the last among nations to help its citizens AND only if whatever actions it follows will protect its competitiveness, not that it is the right and decent thing to do for your citizens. Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 8:21 AM Tan Kin Lian
  11. Hi guys... I've been long disappeared from this forum... Kinda miss u all... Anywayz, I just wanna find out from u guys... I didn't mod my engine, no turbo, no CAI, all stock. I just came back from *undisclosed area* where I basically floored my accelerator... Nice feeling... 5th gear,80... 90... 100... 110... 120... 130... 140... 140... 140... Am I seeing the right number? 140km/h is the max speed Octy can travel? Can anyone explain? Or did I just reached the power cut value? But on the plus side, the car handled surprisingly well at 140km/h.
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