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After impossible burger, impossible meat, eggless egg and such, now come coffee bean-less coffee. Is this necessary in the name of food security and sustainability? Let me own up: I dislike all these lab created food products although I had never tried any of them till date. What is your take? Source: Founders Jake Berber, a former neuroscientist, and Tan Ding Jie, a food scientist, said they embarked on the project because coffee farmland is diminishing and climate change threatens to erase 50 per cent of coffee by 2050. According to them, coffee also has a big carbon footprint as 1kg of coffee requires as much as 29kg of carbon dioxide. Berber and Tan believe they are the first in Asia to have launched bean-free coffee. While other bean-free coffee producers in the world use ingredients like chickpeas, rice hulls and seeds to make their product, Prefer’s founders wanted to upcycle food waste products found locally, in line with the whole point of bean-free coffee, which is sustainability, Tan told us. To that end, they use soya pulp discard from local soya milk chain Mr Bean, day-old bread from Gardenia bakery and spent grains that are a byproduct of beer-making from local breweries. These are fermented, then roasted, and finally ground up. Consumers and partnering cafes receive the product in a form that looks like ground coffee and can be extracted using the usual methods. The point was for baristas to have to deviate as little as possible from their procedure, Tan said. So, what’s the verdict? Well, it works quite nicely when mixed into a medium, like in the Prefer Iced Yuzu Espresso Soda served at Dough cafe. And when it’s served as an oat milk latte, for example, it lends a depth of malted flavour bordering on umami. A hoppy, even slightly savoury taste is discernible to varying degrees, depending on what it’s blended with. But if I were you, I wouldn’t try it as an espresso shot. It’s not ready to be drunk black yet, Tan opined. Does it look like coffee? Yes. Does it smell like coffee? Not far off. Does it taste exactly like coffee as we know it? Not so much. But does it give you the feeling of nursing a cuppa at a cafe while revelling in the smug satisfaction that you’re helping to save the whales? Absolutely.
hi, i have some recipes for soya bean milk you can make at home. easy to follow, anyone keen?
- SINGAPORE - Combat engineers and the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team from the SAF have uncovered a 100kg armed war relic that is more than 60 years old at a construction site in Seletar yesterday. SAF said on The Singapore Army Facebook page that they were activated yesterday to assess the war relic - an aerial bomb - which had been buried at the construction site. In an update this morning, the SAF said that they are preparing for their EOD Team to carry out a safe and controlled detonation on site. Serious Qn: Do they detonate these on the spot or bring back?
First they try to pull a fast one riding on the death of LKY, now they pass off package drinks as freshly prepared, and staffs spotted icing a bengawa solo cake. What next???...LOL BreadTalk stops selling soya milk; confirms that item was repackaged from Yeo's packet drink A photograph of a BreadTalk staff member using a packet of Yeo's soya bean milk to fill up bottles for sale has drawn ire from netizens.PHOTO: THE NEW PAPER PUBLISHEDAUG 4, 2015, 1:44 PM SGT UPDATED9 HOURS AGO 91.9K 38 4 Jessica Lim Consumer Correspondent SINGAPORE - Confectionary chain BreadTalk has pulled its soya bean drink from its shelves, after a photograph showing an employee filling up plastic bottles with Yeo's brand soya bean milk made its rounds on the Internet. The post, first published on online site Redwire Times on Monday evening, claimed that the chain was selling the packaged soya bean drink as "freshly prepared". Posted by someone known as Kev, the post called the discovery "shocking". "This 'freshly prepared' soya bean milk from BreadTalk always tasted very familiar, but somehow I couldn't figure out why until now. You see for yourself why. This BreadTalk staff is just pouring Yeo's soya bean milk into bottles of 'freshly prepared' soya bean sold by BreadTalk," he said. When contacted, BreadTalk admitted that the drink was from a Yeo's packet, and that it buys the drink in one-litre packs from Yeo's in bulk. The company then repackages it into plain plastic bottles with the words "freshly prepared" on them, seals the bottles, and sells them at its stores. The problem, said the BreadTalk spokesman, arose after the chain used the bottles with "freshly-prepared" labels to package the soy milk. The bottles are also used to package fresh juice for sale. "We have heard our customers' feedback about our bottled soya bean milk," she said. "We would like to apologise for any misaligned presentation or wrong impressions created, and clarify that it is never our intention to mislead." The chain will resume selling the drink out of labelled drink dispensers instead "to prevent misunderstanding", said the spokesman. Retail experts said it is common for eateries to buy in bulk and then repackage items, especially with the current labour crunch. But it is less common for them to sell them as freshly-prepared. "Firms just buy generic products in bulk or outsource production," said Singapore Polytechnic senior retail lecturer Sarah Lim, who added that it is then up to the retailer to decide on pricing. "It depends on demand, rental and other costs." In the case of the soya bean drink, selling it as freshly-prepared would have been unethical as it gave the impression that the drink was brewed in-house. Meanwhile, a picture of a staff member icing a Bengawan Solo layered cake at an Icing Room store, which also comes under BreadTalk, was also posted on Tuesday. It led some to ask if the under-fire bakery was also using cakes from rival bakeries. Insisting that this was the wrong impression, the BreadTalk spokesman said: “A staff member brought in the cake on her own accord to be decorated by a colleague. This is not allowed, and staff will be reminded of that.”
- Dedicated to you....hope you had a hearty breakfast.
- is damm interesting...i was stunned...then wanted to laugh but happend less than 20 mins ago... i was in front of this interesting customer... seller : your order? customer : half a soya sauce chicken... after a while customer : can i have half chicken mixed like one drumstick from white chicken and one drumstick from soya sauce chicken? seller a bit confused...i was too...and the customer went on demonstrating to the seller how he could have cut the chicken..means instead of the normal way of cutting the whole chicken horizontally...he want it cut in this case it is still half chicken....but you get both the drums...and the other half will be two wings....seller was still stunned... customer : nevermind forget it.... try this before ?? half chicken that come with two drum ??? Maybe I should try buy potato without i get more potato for the same weight..ha ha ha