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Found 7 results

  1. Only someone as carefree as this cyclist would care about his plastic bags after getting hit by a motorcycle. The video starts with the cam car slowing down at a junction in Jurong West. As his car comes to a stop, he notices a cyclist ignoring the red-light signal and crossing the junction. At the same time, a motorcyclist enters from the right at a high speed. Unable to stop his bike or swerve to avoid him, the motorcyclist knocks over the cyclist and falls to the ground. Unfazed by the accident, the cyclist immediately rises and gathers the grocery bags that had fallen off his bicycle. The motorcyclist gets up soon after and dusts himself off. Weirdly enough, the cyclist's reaction to this accident reminds me of this gif of Jimmy Fallon. I don’t know if I should be shocked or relieved. On the one hand, I'm glad that both parties are not severely hurt, but on the other, what exactly is the cyclist thinking? No matter how empty a road might seem, it is never a good decision to run a red-light signal and assume that the road will stay clear for you. Netizens’ reactions I agree! However, no matter how strict we enforce our regulations, there are always that few individuals who would go above and beyond on the roads just to do things for their own convenience. 😂😂 As much as I hate additional fines, I do think the root of the problem is the fact that most road users think it's okay to jaywalk (or jaycycle) if they do it quickly and with the right timing. Cyclists (and other pedestrians) who insist on crossing these junctions under these circumstances will be found guilty of jaywalking/cycling and be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to 3 months. -------- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
  2. TL;DR – Poor cyclist travelling along the South of the 24km long Rail Corridor receives a speeding fine of $300 for going 17km/hr over the 10km/hr speed limit. Yes. You heard right. You can get a speeding fine even if you’re a cyclist. Here’s proof Where did this incident take place? The image did not precisely specify which part of the Rail Corridor (South) this incident happened. But the South Corridor stretches from Hillview MRT to Tanjong Pagar Railway station. What is Reg4(2)(b) of the Parks and Trees Regulations (Cap 216, R1)? To be honest, I didn’t even know such a thing existed either. Let’s do a quick Google search. Doesn't that means the cyclist got off relatively lucky with a $300 fine instead of the maximum $2000? 27km/hr is fast for a footpath The cyclist deserves the fine. He or she’s travelling on a footpath at nearly 30km/hr! If the bicycle hits someone, an injury is inevitable. Online Chatter What a mathematician! I was thinking about this too. It’s like what we learned in the army. Do whatever you want, just don’t….. -------------------- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
  3. What went down Just yesterday at 1:05 pm, a video was uploaded onto YouTube featuring a cyclist trying his best to keep up with traffic along the roads of Woodlands Avenue 7. Now, I’ve seen cyclists do some dangerous stuff before, but this is my first time seeing something of this nature. Honestly, I’m surprised that he even has the muscle strength to cling onto his ‘rides’ while cycling at a high speed. Based on the comments, we can only assume that the cyclist was performing motor pacing – a form of training for competitive cyclists where they draft behind a pace-controlled vehicle. While it is legal for cyclists to cycle on the road (given that they follow the proper safety regulations and wear a helmet), motor pacing is often used as an advanced technique for highly skilled cyclists. This cyclist, on the other hand, did not seem to be a competitive cyclist and was not properly equipped with the right gear for such training. Netizens’ reactions While this cyclist got off perfectly unharmed from his ‘grab & hitch’, what he did was incredibly dangerous and could result in a potentially fatal accident. Netizens also shared the same sentiment, with some complimenting the humorous background music. What do you guys think? Was this dangerous stunt part of motor pacing or was the cyclist just really overwhelmed on the road?
  4. TL;DR – Cyclist flies into a rage and blocks traffic when cam car driver honks at him. Yet another road rage incident by a cyclist who thinks he owns the road. I’m all for keeping fit and healthy. If people think cycling does that for them, I’m no one to judge. But, when it starts to endanger the lives of others, we need to draw some lines. Let’s take today’s video for example We have a cyclist who raises his right arm, indicating he would like to turn right. Under the rules and guidelines for cyclists, there’s no wrong there - 100 points for you sir. But why did he not check for oncoming traffic from behind? Putting up your hand does not automatically give a cyclist the right-of-way to ‘suka suka’ change lane and endanger other road users. You still need to check your blind spot for cars, yes? Even when you’re driving a car or riding a motorcycle, you still need to check your blind spot for vehicles if you signal left or right to make a lane change or a turn. And why so angry? The video has no audio, but from the body language of the cyclist, it’s pretty apparent that the cam car driver honked at the cyclist. The cyclist proceeds to get off his bike, obstructs the cam car and challenges the driver to come out to confront him. Comments This cyclist deserves an A for effort at following the rules and regulations but going through the motions without situational awareness is a fail. Till the next one!
  5. Just when you thought that things could not get any more ridiculous, Singaporeans will never fail to disappoint. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you today's magic trick: a cyclist with a death wish. It's pretty jaw-dropping even if I say so myself. What went down Despite this video only being 46 seconds long, I re-watched it no less than 30 times! While all the cars on the 5-lane junction wait patiently for the lights to turn green, this cyclist shoots pass the red light onto oncoming traffic adjacent to the five lanes. Like everyone in the office who watched the video, I thought he wouldn't make it, but somehow, he did! Just to clarify, I do not condone or approve of such behaviour. He could have caused heaps of trouble for many people besides himself. He almost knocks down a couple of pedestrians I counted three or four cars that could have collided with him AND A BUS If you thought he got into an accident and the camera did not manage to capture it, watch till the end of the video. you'll spot him cycling along the road with not a scratch on him. Consider my mind... BLOWN. Is he some kind of immortal being? Meanwhile, netizens had lots to say about the cyclist's stunt: I sure do hope that our cyclists in Singapore take more caution while they're out cycling on the road. It's better to be safer than sorry, right? Should more be done to keep cyclists in check? It's getting a little out of hand, don't you think?
  6. TL;DR – Ang Moh cyclist harasses Lexus RX by cycling in the middle of the road, obstructing its path and swerves between cars dangerously. Here’s another reason LTA should come up with some sort of SOP for cyclists to make them accountable for their actions. In this 70-second video, you can see the male cyclist cycling recklessly to harass the Lexus driver. Putting not just himself but other motorist in danger. Cyclist vs SUV The cyclist blocks a Lexus RX on the first lane along River Valley Road near Liang Court. Honestly, I’ve watched the video like twenty times, and I still have no idea whatafrak the cyclist is doing. 1. He’s cycling without placing his hands on the handlebars of the bicycle 2. His chest and stomach are exposed (eww?) 3. He raises his right hand as if indicating he’s turning right, but he doesn’t turn right Where it happened Just in case you’re a little disoriented and unsure where this incident took place. What’s the trigger? It looks like the cyclist was trying to indicate that he wanted to turn right on Mohamed Sultan Road, but the Lexus did not allow him to do so. In response, the cyclist gives the SUV a shove and dangerously swerves through the cars in front to get ahead of the Lexus and block the driver’s path. Chitter Chatter It’s just a matter of time. There are cyclists out there who abide by the laws. Please don’t ‘sabo’. Thanks.
  7. Do you know the story of David and Goliath? Well, if you don't, long story short, it's a story of a small boy who defeats a giant man with nothing but a slingshot. We have a Singapore version. Let's take a look at a short clip of a food delivery cyclist engaging in an argument with a bus driver driving a SBS bus. Unlike the David and Goliath story, no slingshots were used but, in true blue Singaporean fashion, lots of pointing and cursing ensued. This incident makes me think of the upcoming movie of Kong vs Godzilla (not a sponsored post. I really want to watch it though). The only difference? Both Kong and Godzilla are comparatively equal in size. This food delivery guy's bicycle pales in comparison to the bus to be frank. My take on this incident With all these dash cam cameras on the road these days, you're bound to end up online if you engage in such negative behaviour. So, what's the point in getting so worked up for? Lucky for the cyclist that this altercation was just a verbal one. Imagine if it had become physical. The internet would 'pang no chance' with this guy. Unfortunately, we cannot hear what the food delivery guy says to the bus driver. You can make your own assumptions but, from the body language, I'm quite sure it's a colourful conversation. "Thank you for giving way" 🤣 - They should put this sign next to the bus driver
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