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  1. 'Unattractive' Japanese man reveals secret to dating beautiful women A 41-year-old middle-aged man recently became an internet sensation for his below-average looks but impressive way of dating pretty women on dating apps. According to the Japanese man, nicknamed Hiraten, he can go out wit...
  2. Decode the Secret Slang and Lingo that Singapore Dentists use to talk about their Jobs, Patients, and Each Other! Very Entertaining! http://accdenteach.blogspot.sg/2017/05/secret-dental-slang-in-sg-that-dentists.html My personal fave is pumpkin positive lol.
  3. Exposed: The secret powerhouse processing millions in global fraud http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/22/news/companies/pacnet-investigation/index.html?iid=hp-toplead-intl dtd 22 Sep 2016 Editor's Note: Today, a Canadian payment processor named PacNet became one of the many targets of an unpreced...
  4. Tracking can be turned off, and apparently make the webpage load faster. http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/24/firefoxs-optional-tracking-protection-reduces-load-time-for-top-news-sites-by-44/ To turn on Tracking Protection in Firefox, follow these three steps: Fire up Firefox and open about:co...
  5. Did anyone notice how spritely, alert and ambulant Mahathir is? Surprisingly agile and fit for a 90-year old....wonder what's his secret. ..lots of exercise or maybe what he makan....
  6. My wife and I have the secret to making a marriage last: Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, have a little wine, some good food and companionship. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in Sydney and mine is in Melbourne. I take my wife everywh...
  7. the next place of interest to visit for fellow mcfers?!?!?!?! any volunteers to organise trip over? lol more from http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/britains-secret-nudist-village-meet-4719872 Spielplatz in Hertfordshire looks like any other sleepy little village, but there's something...
  8. Docuementary on the oil cartel Sociopolitical Documentary with no narration published by Al-Jazeera in 2014 - English language http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/secret-seven-sisters/
  9. Good s h i t here so be patient and keep reading to the end. If you're already as successful as you want to be, both personally and professionally, congratulations! Here's the not-so-good news: All you are likely to get from this article is a semi entertaining tale about a guy who failed his...
  10. went for a course and there was this lady who works as a Chinese Interpreter at the Supreme Court.........wow........damn stuck up boy....talk like as if she is the CJ like that...........then when course lecturer asked her how much her pay.........say she cannot reveal......then tell us...
  11. If you got watch Anime, you know sword is more powderful than guns
  12. I am sure most of us have done it before during school days. Do share your ingenious ideas here during your time. I used to write notes on my thigh which is cover by the shorts i am wearing.
  13. It seems there is a mole in WP. Now who can it be? The resigned one? The secret back up candy that wasn't to be?
  14. Click here http://www.npr.org/2012/04/04/149927290/th...th-unemployment
  15. Share this with your friends and family
  16. I juZ spoke to my auntie who have been serving in the traffic police for more than 25yrs... She stayed in hougang under WP LTK.... She's been voting WP all the way.... And she still served in Traffic Police dept without any problem till today.... She's a SSSgt some more.......
  17. Hello brothers and sisters, Do you think the voting in Singapore is really secret and unanimous? Think again. I remember back in 2006? We register at the desk with our NRIC and they compare with their serial numbered list of name/voter. They tear a piece of voting paper with serial numb...
  18. Voting is Secret P.S. There will be no NRIC tag to your name in the register and the serial numbers are not unique as before. So there are serial numbesr that repeats itself all over other polling station. (Example Tampines have 46 polling station and there will be 46 of the same serial number....
  19. who else will know the outcome of your vote!
  20. Workers Party just paid me a visit. Handed me a flyer which i though will be useful. Please pass this message on, especially to those civil servants who still think voting for the opposition will affect their careers, salary, dogs, cats, fishes, birds, aunties, uncles, mother in law, neighbour etc....
  21. Saw the 6:30pm news telecasted chn 8. How touching that this LBH cried infront of the camera. Must be receiving very good pension until so excited and dropped tears. Really worried that each tears dropped, our reserved also dropped. They are really really desperate liao!!
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