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  1. I'm not sure how many people here know Ryan & Sylvia from Night Owl Cinematics but I thought this was a meaningful and touching video to share. This is not about NOC but rather how a long time couple eventually came to a realisation that after 10 years of being together it's time to let go and eventually cope with their divorce. To those who are struggling in a relationship or marriage right now, at some point you'll have to realise that some people can stay in your heart, but not your life. And letting go will probably do the both of you more good than holding on. XOXO.
  2. Ok single guys out there , pls read and feel free to give your comments :) https://sg.news.yahoo.com/20-types-guys-singaporean-girls-020000499.html
  3. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2015/02/05/Pak-Lah-Malaysia-cannot-blame-Singapore-entirely-for-woes/ Published: Thursday February 5, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM Updated: Thursday February 5, 2015 MYT 7:24:26 AM Pak Lah: Malaysia cannot blame Singapore entirely for woes BY YUEN MEIKENG KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia cannot blame Singapore entirely for the bilateral problems the two nations faced, says former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He said that “we must also look at ourselves in the mirror” from time to time. “In seeking co-operation, both Malaysia and Singapore must recognise that we cannot expect to change each other’s policies or the way we conduct our international relations. “There will inevitably be differences between us,” the country's fifth prime minister said when launching the book Malaysia-Singapore Fifty Years of Contentions 1965 – 2015by Tan Sri Ab Kadir Mohamad here yesterday. Abdullah acknowledged that it was natural for neighbours to have bilateral issues and disputes. “But Malaysia and Singapore are not normal neighbours in a sense. “They were once a united polity that came apart as a result of incompatible ambitions,” he said. However, Abdullah said, the future for the relationship between the two countries need not be the same as its past. “When I was prime minister, I tried to remove some baggage. History will be the judge of what I tried to do,” he added. Abdullah said bilateral relations were more than any sum of events, agreements or negotiations. “They must be based on principles such as frankness and mutual respect, consistency and stability, reliability and predictability. “We must think beyond short term advantage,” he said. Ab Kadir, who was adviser for foreign affairs to Abdullah, said his 345-page book was less analysis and more narrative. “The narrative begins with an account of the difficult period when Singapore was part of Malaysia for two short years. “These two difficult years were then followed by some 50 years of ups and downs,” said the former secretary-general of the Foreign Ministry. The book, priced at RM100 each, is available at major bookstores.
  4. after the pinkdot, you should now reconnect with your spouse, i mean the man & woman type. do the 10 things above and your relationship should be quite solid in your marriage (of course its a two way traffic).
  5. Wow, can't believe ! It takes 9 years to know the sex of the partner that you are with, and somemore living together while dating ?! Really good in hiding http://news.asiaone.com/news/diva/ra...hip?page=0%2C1 Even after having dated for seven years, and being married for slightly more than a year, her husband refused to consummate their marriage. After filing for a divorce in Feb 2011, she found out from court documents that her husband was originally a woman, according to a report by Shin Min Daily News. The report mentioned that the husband had undergone a sex change, and had earlier confessed to his wife that he is unable to conceive a child. This is a rare case of divorce and division of marital assets in court, involving the 47-year-old wife, a group finance manager, and her 50-year-old husband, a tutor. They had married in 2009. According to court documents, the couple had met online in 2002 and they lived together while they were dating, reported Lianhe Wanbao. The wife said she wanted to buy a $730,000 apartment under her name as their love nest in 2009, but her husband requested to be a joint owner as a condition to marry her, according to Shin Min. After the couple married, the husband's family also moved into the apartment. The husband and his family moved out a year later, however, when the couple's relationship soured. In 2011, the wife applied for a divorce on the grounds that he refused to consummate their marriage. However, once she found out that her husband was originally a woman upon applying for divorce, she changed her reason to that her husband is a woman, said Shin Min. The husband countered and said he was born a woman, but had undergone a sex change and told his wife he is unable to consummate their marriage or have children. The court granted their divorce on the grounds that both husband and wife are female, according to the Chinese evening daily. The wife said her husband wanted to get a divorce for money, referring to a text message. In the message, the husband wrote that he had no money, and that a divorce may help him clear his debt, reported Shin Min. The wife said that her husband had planned to request to split their apartment after their divorce to help him clear his debt. Finally the judge ordered the apartment to be sold within six months and the money to be used to repay loans, after which 70 per cent of the revenue would belong to the wife, and 30 per cent would belong to the husband. Dissatisfied, the husband appealed the decision, according to Lianhe Wanbao. The wife said that since they were dating, her husband would often borrow money from her, and owed several banks a total of $80,000. Although they were divorced, the two are going through a lawsuit over matrimonial assets. The wife also said that she paid for housing loans, property taxes, fees, utilities, insurance, and even everyday items, while her husband only paid for half the utility bills while he was staying in the apartment. The wife's net worth of more than $630,000 is reportedly more than three times that of her husband's, according to Shin Min Daily News. According to court documents, she earns $8,500 a month, while the husband earns between $3,000 to $3,300 a month. The wife disclosed in court documents that she has a three-room flat, insurance, a car and more than $260,000 under her name. The husband claimed he paid monthly mortgage of $1,400, and also bore costs for renovation. The wife said that her husband had promised to return the money he owed her after their marriage, but did not do so and continued borrowing money from her to pay off bank loans - owing her a total of $20,000. According to the Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), the husband had opened seven companies between 1989 to 2004, but all had gone out of business. In Lianhe Wanbao's interview with Fang Wei Zhuang, a maternity specialist with Gleneagles Hospital, he said that a woman who has undergone a sex change will have male genitals and can have intercourse. However, without testicles, the transgendered male is unable to produce sperm and have children, said Fang.
  6. 31 People On Their Most Superficial Relationship Dealbreaker 1. laughmaker_son I don’t exactly know how to describe it, but girls whose voices sound like they’re constantly asking a question. Certain inflections and tones kind of tick me off. It just sounds odd and unintelligent to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve dated girls much smarter than me, and I know some very intelligent women who sound like this. But to me, it’s just a dealbreaker. 2. BaconTender Long nails on guys freak me out. My high school prom date had long nails and I was going to ask him if he could cut them for the day of prom. Prom day rolls around and, after forgetting to kindly ask him, it turns out he took it into his own liberty to sharpen them to a point. WTF. 3. noahtalk I really, really, don’t like belly buttons that are outies. 4. julesleo Chapped lips. I understand mildly chapped, but it’s too much when there are scabs. 5. pollydowner Slow walkers. I find it profoundly annoying. 6. HeyitsDuckman Bad tooth to gum ratio when smiling/laughing. It weirds me out. 7. skh922 This guy had a really skinny bent penis. This was one of the first penises I had ever seen so it was really a terrifying moment for me. It was really bent, think C-curve. I thought it was gonna snare my vagina. This was Captain Hook’s dick in my mind 8. Parictis I was with a girl who cheated on a boyfriend with me after lying to me by saying they had broken up. I was willing to forgive that giant red flag . . . Then I noticed that her spelling was atrocious in text messages, and I left. I mean, the phone warns you that you’ve spelled something incorrectly, then it either fixes it for you or offers you suggestions. How much more help do you need? 9. doctorpotterywood My best friend wanted to set me up with her friend. She told me all about her, and she sounded magnificent. Then she showed me a photo. She was cute. But she had a chin dimple. A really really pronounced chin dimple. I felt like a shallow a**hole, but dammit, I find them quite unattractive. 10. IVIallan Driver incompetence. I can’t handle a girl who seems clueless behind the wheel. It stresses me out way too much. 11. Thatrandomelle Guys that have lower back tattoos. 12. sethdark A girl that eats with her mouth open.. I’m sorry, I just really can’t look or hear that. Instant turnoff. 13. Udonnomi My friend broke off a 6-month relationship because the girl had bingo wings (loose arm skin). 14. teenit18 Man boobs. I’m sorry, but as a lady, I don’t want to date a guy with bigger boobs than me. 15. alicetimetable A lady who takes pride in not reading. Edit: Just to clarify, it’s not because they don’t read that bothers me, but the fact they actually think it makes them better not to indulge, that they are higher than I for it. Also, thanks for the upvotes and replies, I read through them, but haven’t much time to reply to all. 16. enncee Anyone who believes in horoscopes. I’ve had guys ask me (in all seriousness), “What’s your sign?” No thanks, bye. 17. eiviistsi Bad grammar and spelling are deal breakers for me. I know a girl who doesn’t use any punctuation so her sentences are all run on it makes me so mad that I can’t even deal with it she just goes on and on and on about nothing sometimes she even asks a question or changes the subject in the middle of the cheese pizza? 18. RSTRTOMME People who are really into theater. The people they tend to surround themselves with are super obnoxious. They also tend to have way too many plans and aren’t so great at just chilling out. So hungry for applause. 19. niam Her teeth were crooked :( Though…if I could go back in time, I would disregard the shit out of that because she was cute as shit and had an amazing personality. f**k me 20. pheebsie Those who run funny. I dont know how to define funny here, just anything less than normal I guess. I once dated this popular guy in highschool. All the girls were jealous of me. When we first started going out, every break between classes there would be a group of girls standing outside of my classroom whispering and talking shit about me for being with him. I was proud. And then that fateful day took it all away, I saw him running at the school gymnasium, chasing after some guy friend of his. That jumpy, hoppy run… It’s been 7-8 years and I still cringe thinking about it. 21. jorsiem Weird/unusual name. I once met a cute girl and we hit it off until she told me her name was “Rhianen” are you f**king kidding me? How am I supposed to explain that to people? 22. OJ_Simpson187 Too much makeup. 23. ninacheesecake A guy who is a brony. 24. JustLikeSteveSmith If she has serious problems stemming from a traumatic past. I dated a girl who’d been raped and molested, and I really loved her to pieces. But I realized it destroyed her and I just couldn’t live with her madness, infidelity or fear that resulted from it, and I couldn’t do it again. 25. JadenLZW Moles. Especially in prominent areas on the face. I feel horrible for thinking that way, though.. 26. SM3agolol Girls with no apparent concern for their weight. Yes, this is shallow. It’s not actually being a little chubby our w/e, I can deal with that, no-one is perfect. But if your attitude is, “I’m just + sized, deal with it,” while you stuff pizza down your gullet? Instant turn off. 27. Late_Night_Grumbler I can’t date someone with blonde hair. I just can’t. I don’t know why. It’s ugly to me. 28. dontlikeyouthatway Thinks Friends is funnier than Seinfeld. Nothing wrong with that, but it lets me know we have a different sense of humor. 29. trav110 Gay guy here, and I can not handle guys that are overly feminine- the kinds who you can tell are gay after the first word comes out of their mouths. I’m not some self hating homo, but that’s just not the type I am or that I am into. 30. afropowers_activate Someone who is ripped. I can’t stand big muscles. In reasonable shape, cool. Skinny, cool. A little tummy, amazing. But super ripped guys, at least where I am from, seem to be self absorbed dicks. I want someone who isn’t afraid to share a scoop of gelato with me. Guys with a little chub are cute, and often funny and interesting because they don’t rely on looks to get them everything. 31. moosemix Vegans… -------------------------------------- Just for laugh. Take it with a pinch of salt and add on yours. One of the superficial deal-breaker in a relationship for me would be bad grammar and bad spelling. Communication is important and if I can't even understand you and vice versa, then it's not gonna work out hun. and... bad breath!
  7. " 夫贵而妻荣", meaning 'husband prosperous and wife gentle' is a traditional Chinese saying. It has never been reversed and never a saying to prosper the wife. Stupid woman: focuses at the man's shortcomings, always angry; Good woman: delight in the strength of the man, always happy. Stupid woman: always argues with the man regardless of place or situation, disgraces the man; Good woman: shows respect to the man in the public, discuss matters in private. Stupid woman: cares only towards her own parents and family, cold towards husband's family; Good woman: cares towards husband's family, also loving towards her own parents and family. Stupid woman: puts down the man - in actual fact, putting down the man would mean putting down herself indirectly. Good Woman: praises the man - praising the man would also mean praising herself! Stupid woman: always bringing up bitter pasts; Good woman: focuses on building a good future with the man. Stupid woman: holding on to the fault of the man, they think they have fully known the nature of men. Good woman: always try to understand and forgive her man, treating him as a child that never grows up. Stupid woman: would say, "Get lost!" Good woman: would say, "Don't leave me!" Stupid woman: treats the man like a spring, the tighter they are held the higher it will jump. Good woman: treats the man like a kite, holding on to the string of the heart. Stupid woman: emphasizes too much on herself; Good woman: relies and trusts the man. Stupid woman: holds on tight to then man, never allowing him to leave her sight; Good woman: gives him space, but holds his heart. Silly woman: cooks and does the laundry, does not want to dress or doll up; Good woman: cooks and does the laundry, and meticulously dresses and dolls up. Silly woman: brings man depression and stress; Good woman: brings man of passion and power. Silly woman: lets the man fail in her tears; Good Woman: lets the man succeed in her smile! Old Master said: The worse the wife's temper, the more husband fails. The more the wife is gentle like water, the more prosperous the husband gets. What causes it? According to scientists the facial features of a woman that prospers a man would tend to have faces that are rounded, radiant, soft, etc.. But these findings are not a hundred percent accurate as a root reason. Now, from a Buddhist point of view, we talk about the root cause - the traditional culture believes that a woman is made ​​of water, and water for the money, the actual occurrence, a woman born to bring wealth. The women here, refers to all women, rather than any specific woman. The man is 'fortune'. Hidden in the five elements is water, which is a very small portion. As for the man is concerned, and the saying goes "成家立业". Only after marriage "成家", then will the man be able to build a career "立业", and do great feats. So, man needs a woman in order for his career to flourish, and behind every successful man there is always a woman of dedication and devotion. Let us take a look at the Water's special qualities. 1. Water will always go with the flow Water flow towards low areas, woman like water must who does well in the relationship in a family, willing to bend, will be able to provide positive support the whole family. Strong independent women who thinks she can hold up half the sky, loses the water element, and will always fight with the man. She does not give the man any space, which is certainly means "克夫" - 'husband is cursed by the wife'. Such situations generally lead to divorce very easily. Even if one has the money, they cannot even enjoy it. 2.Water detours when it meets an obstacle. Water is soft. Water flows though places and when it meets an obstacle, it will automatically detour and will not go head-on with the obstacle. Hence the water will never get hurt. When faced with the man's fury, the woman being water will use her softness to overcome the steel (fury from the man). This is because only softness and gentleness can overcome steel, and steel cannot overcome softness. Therefore, the only thing the woman (being like water) have to do is simply to act a little innocent, maybe pout, big sad puppy eyes, flirt a little, playfully begging, playfully whine a little, be a demure lady, etc, you get the picture (because there is no translation of the equivalent in English) and the man's temper will be gone. And so the woman will always be the winner in the house. Independant and 'steel' women loves to go head-on with men. This is called "鸡蛋碰石头" - 'the egg going head on with stone'. The one who ends up getting hurt and bruises all over will always be the woman. I once met a beautiful lady who loves to go head-on with his husband. She told me that her husband is very obedient before marriage. However, shortly after marriage, her husband had an affair. I told her that there is a limit to obedience in a man, it can never last your entire life time. Only when you become a real woman, then will a man give you his heart forever. 3. Water is moisturizing A woman will always be able to find good in a man, unceasingly praising her man a man, being proud of him, using flowery words to lift him, letting him feel like he's a hero, full of energy. He will be determined to protect his fragile wife. Thus the relationship of the couple will be ever so intimate as a result. On the other hand, if a woman always picks the wrong in a man, the man's heart more cold, losing confidence, he will feel like a fool eventually. He will think that he is only a pile of rubbish and will go on failing and going downhill with his life. A woman in Beijing told me that her husband found a second wife. But the second wife was not as pretty as her, not as educated, earns less than her, and she could not understand what the husband likes in her? I told her your husband loves her gentleness, considerate nature and her loving nature. She was speechless. The significance of prospering a man lies in having a complete and happy family. A woman needs to do her part, and the man need to do his. Do not let grievances befall onto your woman. If your woman suffers grievances, it would mean that your wealth suffers grievances too. How then will the wealth enter your pockets? I urge all readers to reflect on themselves on whether they are a woman like water, or if they are the man who is afraid that your woman suffers grievances. The wife is water, water is fortune, if your fortune is not well, fortune from the outside will never enter into your pockets. The woman is water, the man is steel, he must have good tolerance as well. The higher your tolerance level would mean how much fortune you can hold. If your wife does not provide enough wealth for you, wealth will come from elsewhere. Therefore, as for the man, do not be over calculative when it comes to money, be more generous and happy man giving. http://shiningknightarmour.blogspot.sg/2014/03/the-more-gentle-wife-more-prosperous.html
  8. I Will Sleep With Your Boyfriend And This Is How It Will Happen I will meet him somewhere neutral: a coffee shop, a bar, a bookstore. I will be cute, but in the way that you never are. With a light sundress that grazes the mid-thigh and a smile that says, “It’s okay, you can talk to me, I don’t bite.” Lately, you have been stressed with work and errands and family problems — you have forgotten that layer of sex appeal that you used to lacquer on before your dates together, the way it used to glimmer in the light and catch his attention from across the room. He is not a bad person, and neither are you. Times are just difficult and everything loses its shine after a while. The first time he will touch me, his hands will burn because they are still used to the temperature of your body. When he talks to me in the coffee shop, or the bar, or the bookstore, he will have forgotten how to talk to girls. What once used to come naturally to him, a language he felt he had created himself, will now be stilted and uncomfortable. Everything, he thinks, is going to be a giveaway that he already has a girlfriend and that he shouldn’t be doing this. I already know, of course, but that’s part of why I want him. That’s most of why I want him. He will edge around what he really wants to say, and I will brush my hand against his forearm and he will remember that it wasn’t words at all. When we go back to my apartment, everything will look different to him, and different has replaced actual sex appeal as the most attractive thing in his world. In my apartment, there are no problems. There are no fights. There is no going to bed in some ugly tee shirt and forgetting to touch one another because you have better things to do, such as play around on your phone. Everything in my apartment will be for pleasure and for now. There won’t be any more complicated subtext. My friends ask me why I always go for men who are in relationships. I tell them that I don’t know, but that there is something about all the sneaking around they have to do which makes me feel special and rare. I know that it means I am a secret that they need to keep hidden, but the more childish part of me still thinks that secrets are special. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I know that it can never work, and I don’t really want it to. As soon as our f**king becomes like the sporadic encounters he has with you, as soon as it carries with it even the slightest note of drudgery or repetition or obligation, he will leave. He will make up a reason and go back to you, a cleansed man who will probably find someone new to replace the monotony with. He thinks that I thought he would leave you, but I knew he wouldn’t. They never do. You are his mother, in many ways, and will one day be the mother of his children. I am a placeholder in the shape of a vagina. Madonna and whore. You think that he cheated on you because you weren’t hot enough. That’s not true. He cheated because he was the kind of man who cheats, and I sought him out because I like men like that. They thrill me even in the predictability of their deception. You let your love run cold, yes, but only in the way that humans do. A more decent man would have stayed with you through the tougher times, stayed honest, and worked with you on building something that can create sexiness in its stability. He would have found you both comfortable and exciting, because he would be capable of seeing more than one facet of your humanity. You would be better off without him. I will sleep with him by reminding him of everything he can no longer have with you, and I will lose him by showing him that, after the warmth of the first couple of f**ks dies down, I am just like you are. I am just another partner who gets colds and looks messy in the morning and snores after drinking and argues with her mother over the phone. I will sleep with him as a pixie, and I will lose him as a human. Source: http://thoughtcatalog.com/anonymous/2013/10/i-will-sleep-with-your-boyfriend-and-this-is-how-it-will-happen/#cOpf5AqHVsIQvPRC.01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Came across this article and found it interesting. Provoking words to many, thought provoking to me, but beautifully written by the author at the same time. I can't fathom how a girl would want to be the third party in a relationship, nobody in the right frame of mind would want to be. One cannot prevent yourself from falling in love (even with a attached/married man), but to deliberately want to pursue a attached/married man, that is something. Is this solely the fault of the woman? If the men in question were faithful enough, would she get her chance to exploit him? Who is the real cheater here? The man who cheats on his girlfriend/wife with another woman? Or the woman who uses her sexual appeal to hook the attached man? Just some food for thought, and I'm sure a common phenomenon in today's world.
  9. Happening sia.. Time to go back to school and retake my PSLE. http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/teacher-42-gave-p6-pupil-love-bites-20140206
  10. Being in a relationship with your partner can be a chore when you're "in the mood to be single" and can be an exciting and lovely experience when you want to share your thoughts, ideas and love with someone close and familiar. But being in love with your car can be a relatively different argument altogether. Like getting yourself involved in social media websites such as Facebook (which is pretty much everyone, I assume?), breaking up can be a tough thing to do. I have about 500 friends on Facebook, of which I consider some 19 of them as "ex-girlfriends". The necessity to highlight the word ex-girlfriends is simply because they could be make-out buddies, one-night stands, challenged-by-friends flings, and a few ladies I never fully interacted with but flirted so heavily with that they can no longer be categorised as "just friends". I was once told, a long time ago, that breaking up is one of the easiest things to do. There are so many different ways to do it I hardly even know where to begin. My friends and I have all these exes, be it wagons or women. It's not just because we are more comfortable with blurring sexual boundaries but also because not committing seems like an easier way out to finding something fresh and new. It was supposed to be the same with cars, when COE was hovering at a much lower price. But considering how much more money you'll have to invest to get into a new relationship with another car, you're better off not having another ex. Of course that's also considering you're not some rich kid on the block. I was also once told, a long time ago, that COE prices were going to drop in a couple of years. It seems like everyone knows a thing or two about the COE system, just like how every guy seems to know a thing or two about women. How true that's going to stand is beyond me, and if you're honest enough, it'll be beyond you too. Till then, we'll all have to move on. Sort of.
  11. Anybody willing openly to admit living this kind of life? Or instead like a tikus (rat) - eating outside secretly? "Open marriage destroyed Ashton and Demi's relationship!" cried one tabloid. "Did Ashton and Demi have an OPEN MARRIAGE?" spat another. When Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore split last month amid rumours of having an alternative union, the press had a field day. The astonishment and bewilderment over a couple engaging in such a lifestyle was screamed from the front pages. We live in a society that is more sexually liberated than ever before, yet open relationships
  12. i know asians are conservative, but just wondering if this is possible here cos i think its really practical logically to quote There are so many myths about open relationships. I think one of the most popular is that people in open relationships have intimacy issues and trouble with commitment. The assumption underlying this myth is that true intimacy can only be achieved between two people in a monogamous relationship. In other words, if you are emotionally and physically intimate with more than one person, it somehow dilutes the intimacy of each relationship. This is based on the notion that love is a quantifiable thing, like, if you have 100 pounds of love, you can give 100 pounds to your partner. But if you have multiple partners, you have to split the 100 pounds between them. Intimacy is about being willing to be open, honest and vulnerable with your partner and bonding on a deep level. Monogamy does not automatically equal intimacy and non-monogamy does not automatically equal lack of intimacy. Plus, non-monogamous relationships often involve the same level of commitment as monogamous ones. People in non-monogamous relationships are not avoiding intimacy or commitment, they are cultivating a relationship style that meets their needs and works for them. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...L#ixzz1SSkXHcTm i think this really makes sense, as i grow older i see no connection between love and sex and exclusivity. any thoughts and anyone tried suggesting this or went into an open relationship ?
  13. Well....so I got to know this nice girl through a friend. She's awfully sweet and kind. The kind that would make a decent wife & gf: intelligent enough to have a decent conversation etc etc....and I like her. But...now the problem comes. I'm not much of a religion person..maybe go to the temple once awhile with my parents who are buddhist. But she has been a christian since the day she was born...and she's pretty into it. She helps out at a church's children choir every week too... Do you guys think I should continue dating her? Despite knowing that it will be a problem in the future? Her parents want a guy that is a christian for their daughter...and MY parents wants a daughter-in-law thats NOT a christian..... Funny how such things matter in our ADVANCED society.....sigh... comments?
  14. heard and read that if the owner use after market air filter, the OCL need to be reduce. Some oil manufacturer like amsoil also warn that their extended oil change capability is not applicable tocars fitted with aftermarket air filter. This is because some aftermarket filter fails to remove small dust (measures in microns)... my question is, what does air filter got to do with Engine oil?? I tot the filtered air will mixed with petrol and goes into the combustion chamber?? so, even if the filtered air is not so clean, it shoudnt be affecting the oil quality ?? Is there aything I missed out?? anyone care to share??
  15. When getting quote for insurance renewal, some agents ask if car to be insured has outstanding loan. Anyone know how does it relate to the quote?
  16. How can i stop them from emailing to me From: DR. MUSA YAKUBU. <[email protected]> Subject: REQUEST FOR URGENT BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP To: Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:39 AM DR. MUSA YAKUBU TEL:234-81-244-76535 LAGOS - NIGERIA REQUEST FOR URGENT BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction .This by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and 'top secret'. We are top officials of the federal government contract review panel who are interested in importation of goods into our country with funds which are presently trapped in Nigeria.In order to commence this business we solicit your assistance to enable us transfer into youraccount the said trapped funds The source of this fund is as follows: During the last Regime here in Nigeria, some Government Officials set up companies and awarded themselves contracts which were grossly over-invoiced in various ministries.The present Government set up a contract Review Panel and we have identified a lot of inflated contract funds which are presently floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria ready for payment. However, by virtue of our position as civil servants and members of this panel, we cannot acquire this money in our names.I have therefore, been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues of the panel to look for an overseas partner into whose account we would transfer the sum of US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand United .States Dollars) Hence we are writing you this letter.We have agreed to share the money thus: 1. 20% for the Account owner (You) 2. 70% for us (The Officials) 3. 10% to be used in settling taxation and all localand foreign expenses. It is from the 70% that we wish to commence the importation business. Please, note that this transaction is 100% safe and we hope to commence the transfer latest seven (7) banking days from the date of the receipt of the following information below by Tel/Fax:234-1-759-8169, (a) Company's name (IF ANY),Beneficiary of account (b) Your Personal TeL. Number © Bank account/Sort/ABA/Routing numbers were the funds will be transferred to (d) Your Bankers Address, Telephone and Fax Number. The above information will enable us write letters of claim and job description respectively. This way we will use your company's name (IF ANY) or your name to apply for payment and re-award the contract in your company's name. We are looking forward to doing this business with you and solicit your confidentiality in this transaction. I will bring you into the complete picture of this pending project when I have heard from you. Your faithfully, DR. MUSA YAKUBU.
  17. I've got a friend.been seeing him like in agony. This is how the story goes,need relationship expert to give some guidances. He's working in a organisation.Been fine all along until this girl in his office posted out.Initially there's nothing,but colleagues been teasing him and her.Don't know when it started cause he didnt tell me,and now,he said he seems like falling for that girl.Worse thing is,he's attached but single,meaning not married yet.that girl is also attached,but bf seems like no time for her.As time goes by,my friend and her got closer and closer.Now my friend is sorta like crazy over her.He didnt express anything to her,neither did he tell his gf.The girl seems like also interested in my friend,but according to him,she's like giving him hot and cold feeling.sometimes warmth,sometimes ignore him.Been telling him to let go and stop all the thoughts,but ultimately,he's the one going through all this.He said he trying to convince himself to let go,he goes by comparing the looks of his gf and this girl.Of cause,his gf looks much better,but the factor that keep making him ponder is this girl,though not good looking,but she has a kind heart.She encourage him when he's down,give him a pat on his shoulder to push him on,buy him food when he's stuck at his desk etc etc.As for his gf,she treated him not bad,but occassionally heard him complain gf vents her anger on him over her work.My friend waited for his gf almost every other day after work,and everday spend 30 mins to 1 hr to wait for her.According to him,his gf don't even say thank you,sometimes he whine,his gf just tell him to go home,nobody asked him to wait for her. I believe this background should be sufficient.Recently didnt meet up with him,that's what i last heard from him 1 week ago.Guys,your view pls.
  18. I am just curious...how are you guys getting along with your mother-in-law? For me...its the usual dinner over her place...I am most polite of course but don't have much to chat with her. During dating days, maybe I dont drive and dont have my own house....maybe cos I am not that rich...but I know I certainly don't get a thumbs up from her then. Now slightly better...have a car now and since moved out from my parents' place to my own condo with wifey. Not that I remember how I was treated...but it's certainly hard to 'love' someone who didnt think much of you last time. Do i have any hatred in me? Nope, not at all...just a empty void thats all. Of course this has cause much grief to my wife but it's human nature leh.....to be nice and polite to someone is one thing....but to 'love' someone who look down on you before? Hoping the bros here can share your experience with me, many thanks in advance :)
  19. Dear all, Just curious what are the perspective we have here for the below scenario. Parties in volved : 1. BF 2. GF 3. TOM (another guy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BF and GF are in a relationship with one another. For about 3 months .... BF know that GF is meeting TOM for drinks .... dinner ..... go clubbing together etc. But BF was not happy with this but kept quiet. Now .... one fine day ... or maybe not so fine day. BF was at a club and saw GF having a fun time with TOM in the club drinking, chatting and laughing away, WITHOUT his knowledge. So BF went up to them ..... both looked abit shocked. But BF was angry .... so BF turned to TOM and asked .... BF - Why you always jeo my GF out? TOM - What's your problem? Your own GF you also can't control .... so don't blame it on me. If you are good, then keep your GF at home lah. I jeo her out .... she can don't meet me .... but she CHOSE to meet me, so what you want me to do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now .... could all of you make a vote and let us know who do you think is in the wrong? Do post your personal views as well.
  20. Anyone here have similar bad experience to share? -------------- By Reggie J Tue, Mar 24, 2009 The New Paper LIKE many motorists, I have a hate-hate relationship with parking wardens. I believe their sole function is to slap the maximum number of fines on the maximum number of windscreens, cause the maximum amount of inconvenience and use the minimum amount of discretion. I can remember a time when they were helpful. If you stopped and waited for another car to vacate a space without holding up the traffic behind, they wouldn't book you. They turned a blind eye if you parked briefly on a single yellow line, as long as you were not obstructing other vehicles. Now they pounce, their eyes full of dollar signs. I was in Chinatown the other day with my sister and my wife, and we were conscious that the time on our coupon was almost up. Though we had heavy bags to carry, I hurried the two women, and a short distance away, spotted the warden, hovering near our car like a vulture ready to pounce. I shouted to him that we were back. I even broke into a short run. He waved to me, slapped a fine on the windscreen, and walked off. I noted that we were all of five minutes late. An hour or so later, after we had re-parked, I spotted him again, eating at a nasi padang stall in the next street. I couldn't resist it. As I passed his table, I said: 'Enjoy your lunch.' He looked up, smiled, and said: 'Join me.' I replied: 'Can't lah, cannot afford.' And walked on. We thought of appealing the fine, but decided it was too much trouble. Sadly, this is now typical of the official approach to what is public service. It is a cash cow. And it is all rules, rules, rules. Motoring in Singapore is already stressful with the high taxes, ERP charges, traffic jams. And in addition to all that, we have these over-eager parking wardens. I would say the old adage that the rulebook is a wise man's guide and a fool's bible has never been so convincingly demonstrated as in Singapore now. Forget the public, forget service, forget sense, discretion, judgment, flexibility and long live the regulations, unto the third and fourth sub-paragraphs of page 503. What can we do, except maybe to hope they get their comeuppance when they park their car somewhere and another friendly warden slaps them with a fine. The writer is a former Singaporean marketing professional.
  21. Newbie to ICE.. anyway, would like to ask ur.. the ICE in my Sunny is stock.. it has a stock Clarion HU CD1800 (http://www.clarion.com/sg/en/products/2006...1700802949.html)>> just want to ask, possible to add a woofer to it?? need some bass.. heard of something called Amp while reading the ICE folder, but not sure how does things work.. thinking of budget of around $400-$500 to get things done.. 2nd hand i don't mind.. is this possible?? appreciate inputs..thanks in advance.. not able to go ICE MU due to work commitments..
  22. I hope that one day a programme would be impremented to educate car drivers whom have never ridden a bike on how to respect bikers safety. Was knock down by a truck whom was in the left lane and me was on the right in a two lane road. Driver just turn right suddenly to enter a right building's carpark. Gave him a crash course on road safety and sent him off. Bikers are at the mercy of such drivers everyday, and I hope our Traffic pollice or government would help create a long term awareness policy on bikers safety. What suggestions do you have as I would like to share my ideas and yours with them. Just to give you an idea, the attached is the smallest road worthy bike in town now and it's gaining interest from bikers here.....
  23. Granted that this might be marketing hype from Silkolene but it is worth a read. The test is done on motorcycle engines and can relate to passenger car engines Taken from here: http://www.silkoleneoil.com/techtip6.htm The place to look for extra power is in that 6% lost as oil drag. In a well-designed modern motor, the oil doesn't have to cover up for wide clearances, poor oil pump capacity or flexy crankshafts, so it can be quite thin. How thin? Well, take a look at these dyno results. A few months ago we ran three Silkolene performance oils in a Honda Blackbird motorcycle. This fearsome device is fitted with a light, compact, naturally aspirated 1100c.c. engine which turns out 120+ BHP at the back wheel. The normal fill for this one-year-old engine was Silkolene Turbolene GTI 15W/50, so the first reading was taken using a fresh sump-full of this grade. (The dyno was set up for EEC horsepower, i.e. pessimistic.) Turbolene GTI 15W/50 Max power 127.9 BHP @9750 rpm Torque 75.8 ft-lbs @ 7300 rpm After a flush-out and fill-up with Pro S 5W/40 the reading were; Pro S 5W/40 Max power 131.6 BHP @ 9750 rpm Torque 77.7 ft-lbs @ 7400 rpm Then we tried a new experimental grade, Pro R 0W/20, yes, 0W/20. This wasn't as risky as you may think, because this grade had already done a season's racing with the Kawasaki World Superbike team, giving them some useful extra power with no reliability problems. (But it must be said, they were only interested in 200 frantic miles before the engines went back to Japan.) Pro R 0W/20 Max power 134.4 BHP @ 9750 rpm Torque 78.9 ft-lbs @ 7400 rpm In other words, 3.7 BHP/2.9% increase from GTI to Pro S, a 2.8 BHP / 2.1% increase from Pro S to Pro R, or 6.5 BHP / 5% overall. Not bad, just for changing the oil, eh? More to the point, a keen bike owner would have paid at least
  24. People who have followed F1 for years have come to realise why Shumacher seems to always be favoured by FIA. Example : 1) Hammered Jacque Villeneuve's car with his own as a battering ram to win championship. 2) The Shumi Chop which Shumi legalised. It used to be illegal. 3) The 2002 Malaysian GP incident. Shumi ran over the kerbs, oversteered and hit Montoya's car. Montoya was penalised for dangerous driving. There are many more incidents. Puzzled ... not anymore with this pic I hope. I knew there was something going on between Shumi and Bernie Eccelstone (F1 Supremo Boss and Owner)
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