Hi bros out there. Having a dilemma now. Just dekit my humble ICE from my Protege and now contemplating whether to transfer over to my Civic FD. Below are the items:
1. PHD FB6.1Pro 6.5in component speakers
2. Audison LrX4.300 4 channel amplifier
3. 10in MTX sub in custom box powered by Sony Monoblock
Already gave my Alpine 9815 HU and 12 disc changer to my brother in law as my new car has integrated HU.
My dilemma is that I do not intend to add a processor like the H701 to my current setup. I am planning just to hook up the amps and sub using hi-lo convertors straight or the most add a preamp in between. I am not sure whether how much better will the sound be. If I reinstall back the system, I will be doing 2 layer of SP on the front door also. The whole installation process will cost anything between 300-400 inclusive of SP. I am thinking whether is it worth to install back or just sell of the above and then buy a reasonable component like CDT CL62 to replace the front speakers and let it drive my HU.
Comments appreciated as I have thinking over for more than 2 months and I have not come to a conclusion.