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  1. Singaporean wins 800 million won jackpot in South Korea: Yonhap SINGAPORE: A 45-year-old Singaporean won a mega jackpot worth 884.8 million won (US$800,000) in South Korea, Yonhap news reported on Saturday (Jun 9), citing casino officials. The 45-year-old Singaporean, who was not named, made the fortune at Paradise City, a foreigners-only casino located in Incheon's Yeongjongdo district. The winner played various casino games from Friday evening before becoming Paradise City's seventh mega jackpot winner. Paradise City's casino in Incheon is one of South Korea's largest foreigners-only casinos. Its three other casinos are located in Seoul, Busan and Jeju. All four casinos have a jackpot ceiling of 1 billion won per win. In March, a mega jackpot winner walked away with a record 988 million won from the casino's branch in Seoul. ** apparently, one of the commentators could not differentiate US$800mil from US$800
  2. Just now was filtering out left from outram road into chin swee, right lane is into CTE tunnel, then there are cars turning right the other way from outram into the tunnel or chin swee. This particular idiot, driving a nissan latio, if i am not wrong, was still at the right turn box outer lane, i estimated about 2-3 cars length away, so i just filtered out into chin swee. Soon, he caught up behind and then blasted the horn at me for nobody business. Common lah, about 3 cars length away, really eyes got problem. I think hes just not happy someone is faster than him. So i just slowed down to see what he will do. Just as i predicted, he drove beside me, then slowed down and blasted his horns again. I simply cant be bother to look at him and just carried on driving into the carpark at jln kukoh. Never follow me in leh, if he followed, then i really have a lot of time to play with him, the police HQ is just nearby, will ask him to follow me there if he want to play.
  3. Seem like all not on seat belt and kana throw out from the car https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn0OaOgkmAc...;has_verified=1
  4. From time to time threads will be dissappeared, for what we can only presume are valid reasons - would it be worthwhile noting which threads are made to dissappear and why? perhaps this could also be combined with a reason for bannings or other editing decisions so that we can better understand what is going on?
  5. Thought I'd create awareness on how we enforce rules here. Look at the article below and you will see what I mean. https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/sph-owned-hwz-forum-doing-little-curtail-racist-offensive-remarks-against-sporean-malay There are the naysayers that say we strict, rigid, etc, and compare us with HWZ. Well, look at the above and you see the kind of respect we have for members here. The mods here enforce to keep this place sane and apart from the banter we have and all, we respect the national rules lest they go afoul and create any form of tension that we do not want. Some have tried to be nationalistic and all, and that is fine, but to denigrade others really borders on sedition and I personally, do not condone that here Thus, all in all, MCFers are pretty cool, save for @enye...hahahha but it's about the continuity in this place and we hope to keep it that way. Have a great Xmas all and to a better 2017. I post the posting from ASS here(although i know this farhan is a fictitional nuisance.....this is an apt post): SPH-OWNED HWZ FORUM DOING LITTLE TO CURTAIL RACIST OFFENSIVE REMARKS AGAINST S'POREAN MALAY MUSLIMS Submitted by farhan on Mon, 19/12/2016 - 10:49am Dear A.S.S, I am very upset that Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) is not doing much to curtail the constant racist and offensive comments made by some of the members of Hardwarezone, a site that they own. From my observation, several members of that site like to make fun of Malays and Muslims. Advertisement Even a thread that initially had nothing to do with Malays or Muslims will end up having someone turning it into one which will ultimately result in another person contributing an offensive remark. The following is one instance: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/go-church-got-w... (See attached photo) The member who made that comment has been a member since 2013 and has posted about 60,000 comments. Browsing through his comments, you can see that many are insulting to Malays or Muslims. SPH should be proactive in banning such members for life. Upset Minority A.S.S. Contributor - More at AllSingaporeStuff.com https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/sph-owned-hwz-forum-doing-little-curtail-racist-offensive-remarks-against-sporean-malay FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff
  6. Many doctors and medical professionals here. Any thoughts? This seems to be a hot topic recently. Recently, I went through a procedure and was darn pissed with how much I had to fork out from my own pocket and according to my doctor, my company's appointed TPA is to be blamed. True?
  7. "The Reason Why You Love Singapore 150 Sec Challenge" Submit a video of not more than 150 secs, to share with us why you love Singapore at a location that represents this very reason and stand to win attractive prizes such as $10,000 cash and many more. Join us in this community effort for the nation! With your help we will gift the nation a record-breaking number of videos and reasons why we love Singapore. Every video counts! More information at www.facebook.com/Bean2SG and www.bean-2.com/SG50 A Record to Break, A Gift for Our Nation, Join Us Now!!!
  8. Another reason not to get sick. India-Singapore to sign a pact for movement of nurses http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/45111352.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
  9. There are at least 10 plus old trees at Canada Road and Montreal Road being cut down. These trees are strong like pine tree and don't look sick in anyway. Don't understand what are they doing. I also remember there are a few big trees near Yishun Mrt, now cut just left 1.
  10. Hi moderator, What is the reason to have 25 pts before can post new topic? Sure to get more involve/ active in this forums right ? beside that?
  11. Manpower costs the main reason for increase in food price? Really ?. http://www.soshiok.com/multimedia/photos/1999 I would think it's the increase in rent. Why no labour cost ? Due to inflation, everyone deserved a higher salary because of higher cost of living. So it natural to expect labour cost to increase in proportion of inflation. However, why does malls/food stall has their rent increase more than inflation by so much over the years... Actually, every increase in profit didnt not go the owner or those that labor.. But went to the fat bonus of the landlords.. Why is these scholars so blind not to see the real cause of the problem?
  12. http://www.sgcarmart.com/used_cars/info.ph...367&DL=2080 Just wondering, how come owner need to replace the leather interior $1000 then decide to sell? Kena flood? Also, monitored the price, Feb selling at $25.8, lately become $21.8
  13. If I am the owner I also heart pain when the sound of the impact was heard From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...g_mercedes.html Posted on 21 Mar 2013 Caught on camera: Driver flees after hitting Mercedes at carpark STOMPer Wayne's Mercedes was damaged after another car knocked into it at a carpark. The driver fled, but the entire incident was captured on the STOMPer's car camera. He managed to locate the culprit's car in the same carpark, but the police have not been able to contact the owner. The STOMPer said: "This happened at about 3am this morning (Mar 21). "The camera in my car filmed the driver of this Toyota Wish hitting my car, then driving away. "The front bumper, light and Mercedes logo were damaged. "The back bumper was also damaged because my car shifted backwards from the force of the impact. "I made a police report, and managed to find the culprit's vehicle in the same carpark. "The police attempted to contact the owner of the car, but were not successful. "A witness came forward and said the driver of the Toyota Wish was a woman." Watch driver flee after hitting car
  14. Mindless money printing- the S$308.4032B reason why Singapore inflation is so high nowadays. According to video 'Causes of inflation: Cost-push and demand-pull'[ ] Cost push inflation is input cost inflation caused by land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship- any increase in the cost of these factors increases the final product cost (i.e. an increase in CPI(Consumer Price Index)). Demand Pull inflation is caused basically by the demand upon certain goods, as measured by the number of dollars people are willing to wage to attain a certain product. In the general scheme of things, in so far that consumers and suppliers of goods and services (we are all participants in each part in our daily affairs) remain decent and honest persons, with the tendency to 'consume' measured by one's tendency to 'produce'(productivity)- then theoretically, there would be NO consistent CPI rise except the occasional isolated demand/supply imbalance due to natural disaster or war. But Singapore is quite insulated away from any significant natural disaster or war, so why has the average price of goods between 1989 (CPI=71.3) and 2009(CPI=100) increased (inflated) by (100.0-71.3)/71.3 = 40.25% over the 20 years?? [see Pict: 'Singapore Annual Inflation rate and CPI (1980-2012)/Singstat'] Studying the chart about 'Singapore Money Supply (DBU), M1,2,3, 1989 to 2012' for monetary supply changes between 1989 and 2009, one would easily note that M1 (Narrowly defined, money supply (M1) consists of currency in active circulation and demand deposits) M1 grew from S$13.7446B (1989) to S$93.4721B(2009)- a whopping 5.8fold increase over the 20years documented. (WRT to the M3 numbers of S$71.0078B(1989) vs S$378.5260(2009), the increase is a 4.33fold increase over 20 yrs) The official foreign reserves of Singapore between 1989 and 2000 are not available but according to 'Singapore official financial reserves (2001-2011)', the totals were S$139.7143B(2001) and S$308.4032B(2011)- amounting to a 1.207fold increase over the 10 year period (of course subject to variations in international currency exchange rates [SGD exc rt, 2001-2011]). According to 'Singapore Time Series on Population (Mid-Year Estimates)' using the 20 year interval where census were taken between 1990 and 2010, the local resident population increased from 2735.9K (1990) to 3771.7K(2010): a 37.86% Singapore resident population increase over the 20 years mentioned. Singaporeans have not become more lazy, on the contrary, according to 'Singstat: Trends in Productivity and Value Added by industry' 'total economy' (large olive green dot) productivity in Singapore has certainly increased between 1991 and 2011. Whilst currency exchange rates may be a proximate measure of the relative depreciation of a nation's currency relative to others due to the effect of over supply of one nation's currency as compared to that of another, it cannot be denied that all nations around the world, led by the USA, are into a conspiracy of freely printing money which is of course inflationary 'Chart: Estimated global monetary Aggregates (1971-2010)' - the chart showing an approx 3 fold increase in world M3 money supply between 1989 to 2009. Thus in 'Singapore's inflation may remain elevated for years to come: survey' [CNA, 24Jan2013] "survey by the Singapore Management University (SMU)... composite five-year-expectation is 4.97 per cent" Guess Singaporeans are all victims of a world wide government conspiracy to keep them always working (savings are always eroded by inflation) till the day they die, and also in power (the SG govt has S$308.4032B(2011) alone in foreign reserves and gold). So moral of the story is that governments all around the world should stop printing so much money to keep inflation under control and voters need to demand so (so as to safeguard one's retirement years). Guess in Singapore, recent curbs upon car loan and housing loan quantum(s) are merely cosmetic changes meant to fudge inflation statistics yet do minimal to improve the lives of the poor and downtrodden. Perhaps the Singapore government could lead the way forward by firstly not printing so much money which only breeds inflation if not hyper inflation as the population growth within a limited land area can only be so much. Perhaps the Singapore government could start the discussion by explaining to the populace what it intends to do with its SGD 308.4032B(2011) in foreign reserves (should be more by now), and please be reminded, that convenient half truths by Ministers really do not help. Picts below, Rgds, B.C. [PictSource: SG money supply] [PictSource: 'Singapore Annual Inflation rate and CPI (1980-2012)/Singstat'] [PictSource: SG official Foreign Reserves (YOS2012)] [PictSource: Time Series on Population (Mid-Year Estimates)(1970-2012)] [ ] [PictSource: SGD exc rates, finance (2001-2011), YOS2012] Tags: Inflation, foreign reserves, gold, government, Singapore, politics, printing, corruption, fraud, democracy, dictatorship, capitalism, currency, gold standard, Anyhow, nice music that I like that U too might like: .
  15. please look here..this person might cause it.... http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drin...nt-3800283.html
  16. Hi Bros, Couldn't find any opinions on the above. Since such mats are quite ex, (at least $60), why reason for replacing the original car mats to these aftermarket mats?
  17. Reason: Mr xxx hurt my feelings. Context: Resigner got by superior
  18. Question on preservation of Bukit Brown aside, why can't Lornie Rd be widened to ease traffic jam? Isn't it cheaper and quicker to widen the existing road than to build a new one cutting thru the cemetery?
  19. http://nepp.nasa.gov/whisker/background/index.htm http://nepp.nasa.gov/WHISKER/ http://nepp.nasa.gov/WHISKER/reference/tec...-app-sensor.pdf Check out the important PDF article about whiskers causing pedal sensor to fail. I think everyone should get their sensors checked once in a while to ensure its working properly. Imagine you step on accelerator, nothing happens and all of a sudden the car just launches forward (going out of control). It can be dangerous.
  20. It took me a long time but I finally find out why. Its due to Helmholtz resonance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmholtz_resonance This is brings me to think about the Ninja Air Intake. the cylinder after the filter looks like a large cavity. Then the tube (assuming it has a valve/actuator) connects to the engine valve cover (I guess to increase the pressure inside the cylinder). Hmm.... if its really true, then Ninja air intake does work on principle of Helmholtz resonance. Maybe can DIY something to test.
  21. I oso be taxi driber http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2011/12/this-m...n+%28mrbrown%29 <h3 class="entry-header" style="margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: large; text-align: left; ">This may be the reason why Comfort DelGro raised taxi fares</h3> The outrage over Comfort DelGro's upcoming fare hike and extension of peak surcharge hours to include Sunday and public holidays has been quick and visceral. I found this photo floating around teh internets which may or may not be the reason for the fare hike. Not to be outdone, there are rumours that CityCab is also planning a new surcharge for customers who want to be the Elite of Elite Taxi customers. Soon you will see the pre-peak taxi surcharge, pre-midnight-disappearance surcharge, the driver-lunch-hour & changing shift surcharge. My other predictions: 2012: "Comfort Del-Groan Taxis is pleased to announce that the new surcharge-less period of the day is now 2.15pm to 3.15pm." 2013: "Comfort Del-groan Taxis is pleased to announce that there will be no fare surcharge on days beginning with "G"." 2014: "Comfort Del-groan Taxis is pleased to announce that there will now only be two surcharges: peak and more-peak." (In case you are wondering, these are NOT real photos of Singapore cabs but are cleverly photoshopped images by witty internet persons.)
  22. Because I'm sure Greece have reasons to do so in their country! They have like, an insane unemployment rate, 18.4% in August! The young continued to be the hardest hit, with the jobless rate in the 15-24 category soaring to 43.5 percent, twice its level three years ago. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/10/...E7A92WT20111110
  23. ST News Jul 19, 2011 No reason for sharp drop in BTO prices: Khaw By Daryl Chin IT IS wrong to compare the prices of the latest Build-to-Order (BTO) flats - offered last week - and those launched in May and conclude that Housing Board's prices for new flats are coming down. National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan said this yesterday and added that there is no reason for a sharp decline in prices unless market sentiments dip. Speaking to reporters after his first official visit to the HDB Hub, he noted that 'pricing a flat is quite tricky as there are many factors at play', citing variables like the floor the unit is on, location and proximity to amenities like MRT stations. The prices of HDB's new flats are typically pegged to prevailing resale prices but are discounted. Referring to previous media reports, Mr Khaw noted that in each BTO launch, there is a range of products 'so you cannot just look at the July BTO, the lowest is so much, and then the May one, and say there is a 18 per cent drop'. In last week's launch of 3,600 BTO flats in seven locations in Sengkang, Tampines, Jurong West, Bukit Panjang and Yishun, the indicative starting prices for three-, four- and five-room flats were $137,000, $217,000 and $274,000.
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