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Found 13 results

  1. i notice alot of ppl reaction to like or praise is like u tio 4d or promoted from work. kenna dislike nia is like the whole world is falling. come on, what u say or your comment cannot be like by 100 % of the community right? giving dislike for a post that u dun like is part and parcel of this forum, ( at least till now, unless rules have been change) unless the ppl giving u a dislike start calling u names , if u receive any dislike, even if no name is given, u should not start calling him bad name, and start degrading him. i alway trash cyclist in the forum, i myself receive alot of dislike, i give my comment and view and debate with my own pov, we can have different view, but we do not call ppl name because of that.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLqCPWip7EU&feature=share&list=UUPYaGxsN6LyZ1t-akPydAJw wah... this one is fierce~! the best part is, SPF say it happened outside SG borders, so not in their jurisdiction to do anything~! what would you do if you were the cam car?
  3. During driving school, we were taught to use the horn to notify or warn others on the road of something, especially if it could advert an accident. Recently, i noticed, when you honked at some one, for any reason, be it they are blocking the road, filtering dangerously into a lane or driving in such a way it may cause an accident, they get upset. it could be a driver, cyclist or a pedestrain, the reaction is the same. what the hell is happening? If you are doing something wrong, be it delibrately or un-intentionally, a honk is usually the way to inform you. why is there a need to be irritated or agitated?
  4. Seems like even taking taxis now got choosiness......and those who can pay, will...leading to again, Elitism SINGAPORE: Taxi drivers and passengers say they are in a difficult spot because of uncertainty caused by staggered announcements on taxi fare revisions. This comes after SMRT Taxis said on Monday it was following competitor ComfortDelGro's revised rates. ComfortDelGro's rates took effect on Monday, while rates for SMRT Taxis will start on December 20. Other taxi operators say they are reviewing the situation. When it comes to taxi fare hikes, it's clearly not a case of one-for-all, and all-for-one. Different charges by taxi companies mean some customers are cherry-picking their rides. Rajamanickam, Driver of SMRT Taxis, said: "I was queuing up one early morning around 6.15. There were two taxis in front which raised the price yesterday and my taxi was the third one. The passengers refused to take the first taxi. They come to my taxi and I told them, "Can you please take the front one, because I cannot cut the queue?" They said, "I'll wait for you!" They waited for me (in the queue) and ... took my taxi. What does that show? They are against the price increase." That may be true for some, but not for all. One lady passenger said: "Sometimes when people is in a rush right, then they got no choice but they got to pay the additional (fare). Considering now like the economy is not doing so well, so I think it's quite unnecessary." Another lady passenger said: "If we really need a taxi, we don't mind about the fare." One grouse raised was how the fare revisions have been announced. Rajamanickam added that it would be better if all taxi companies announce the fare revision together. Then it would be fair for all, including the passengers. Taxi drivers said it is still early to say what impact the changes will have on their earnings. - CNA/de
  5. Hi, Mcfer Folks, Hold your steering tight upon highway speeding, defensive driving with all your 3 rear mirror's alert are as most important to watch out then your car front attention. Mitsubishi SUV Row-Over Crash occur at 0:53 Please drive safe.
  6. Wall Street Plunges as European Debt Fears Rise http://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-future...-113038760.html
  7. say you park in front of and blocking 3 cars as the car park is full and you are going to sit down for a lunch in the kopitiam next to the car, and halfway through your makan you hear someone horning (quite gently) a few times say every 2 mins as if the driver is blocked when he wants to drive his parked car out of the carpark? btw, when he first sounds his horn, there are already few other vacant lots for you to shift your car into. the cars you are blocking have their boots facing you and the kopitaim (ie hard to see the drivers, unless you move from your table and peep lower) do you: 1. sit and do nothing, continue to eat / drink? or 2. look around for the driver/horner but, still sitting down, to check if the 'horner's' car is the one blocked by your car? or 3. stand up and move closer to the peep into the 3 cars to see if one of them wants to drive off? i met one guy (having his lunch next to my table today) who parked his car as above but did nothing except glanced around sitting there when the horns kept repeating at least 5 times.... finally he took a slow walk to check and saw the driver and LL drove off, but came back to the kopitiam talked/complained loudly to everyone there why the other driver didnt stand up to show him!!!
  8. What should the correct reaction be when the airbag deploys? I know there may not be time to think, but, what should be the right reaction to avoid broken noses or bones?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U82eWptFxSs
  10. Dynaway

    B!tch Reaction

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h-uVThKygo this is wat happen if u r called a B!tch
  11. Imagine the following scenario. You are travelling 60km/h on a main road. A car from a slip road simply merge into the main road without checking that your car is just 3m behind him. (Basically the bobo driver never check blind spot) What will you do? 1. Jam Break 2. Swerve to the left This happened to me yesterday. My instinct told me to swerve to the left because if I jam break I will surely bang into his backside and get involved in a tricky claims situation. But after doing that, I felt I was lucky not to hit some bikers on the other lane. Coz I did not enough time to check my blindspot before swerving to the left. I only had a quick peep on my left mirror. What will you do?
  12. S.O.S. I need help quick and did not even search previous posts. My car just simply has no reaction - The remote did not respond (i.e. door can't open remotely), turn ignition key and no reaction, no lights, no radio, just simply DEAD ! Is it the battery ? Thanks for all you guru's advice !
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