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WASHINGTON: Nearly one in five American women has been victims of rape or attempted rape at some point in their lives, the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) said Wednesday in a disturbing report on sexual violence in the United States. Releasing the results of a first-ever survey of nearly 10,000 women contacted randomly by telephone in 2010, the federal agency said 18.3 percent of women "have been raped at some time in their lives." That includes "completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration," it added in an executive summary of the 113-page report posted on its website ( Just over half of female rape victims (51.1 percent) said they had been targeted by an "intimate partner" -- a current or former partner or spouse -- and 40.8 percent by an acquaintance. It also found that 1.3 million women had been raped during the year preceding the survey -- a substantially higher number than the 188,380 rapes and sexual assaults cited in a Department of Justice crime survey for 2010. And it revealed that 24.3 percent of women -- and nearly one in seven men -- have suffered "severe physical violence" at the hands of an intimate partner, such as being hit, slammed against a surface, or beaten. "This landmark report paints a clear picture of the devastating impact these violent acts have on the lives of millions of Americans," Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said. In a statement, she said the findings of the ongoing National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey would help the administration of President Barack Obama shape policy to combat domestic violence and sexual abuse. Scott Berkowitz, president of the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, or RAINN, the nation's biggest anti-sexual violence group, said the data on the lifetime risk of rape was "pretty close" to levels seen in previous studies. But he added "it's hard to know what to make" of the yawning difference in the number of rapes in the CDC report and the Department of Justice survey, which is based on a substantially bigger number of respondents. "We really need to look into this more," he told AFP. "But overall, it shows what crime statistics have shown for years -- that this is an enormously violent crime that affects nearly every family in America." The report also touched upon male rape, finding that one in 71 men -- nearly five percent of all American men -- had been raped in their lifetime, based on responses from more than 7,400 men who participated in the survey. More than a quarter of them, or 27.8 percent, said they had been raped before they were 10 years old. The report called sexual and intimate-partner violence a major public health concern, with survivors liable to face everything from actual physical injury to mental illness and gynaecological or pregnancy complications. "These consequences can lead to hospitalisation, disability or death," it said.
This is just unbelievable! Minor married girl raped by 400 people in 6 months in Maharashtra’s Beed, 3 arrested A 16-year-old married girl was allegedly raped by 400 people over the last six months in Maharashtra’s Beed district. A case has been registered by the police and three people have been arrested so far. A16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by 400 people over the last six months in Maharashtra’s Beed district. She was purportedly sexually exploited even by a policeman when she tried to file a complaint. She is now two months pregnant.
Grab driver accused of attempted rape, claims it was consensual
thatJDMahboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
An ex-Grab driver is on trial for attempting to rape a drunk passenger. This incident occurred in the wee hours of May 19, 2018. Here is some background information on the accused, Tan (as pictured below). Photo by The Straits Times Tan was previously a sales manager for an airline. Since 2016, he has been driving with Grab on weekends. He is a married father of 3 kids. He intended to end his Grab shift by 3 am, as he had a parent-teacher conference for his child the following day. Tan could not drive into the condo upon reaching the location as there was no one at the security guard post. Instead of just dropping her at her location (just like any Grab drivers would), this "gentleman" decided to walk the victim to the condo's side gate. Tan then escorted her back to his car. This was where things took a turn. While in the back seat, Tan searched her bag for her mobile phone so that he could call someone. They ended up kissing, and according to him, the victim initiated it. Tan felt that she was no longer intoxicated at this point (HOW CONVENIENT). He claimed that the victim straddled him and started "grinding" him. He took it as an indication that the victim wanted to have consensual sex with him. Therefore, he tried having sex with her, but he could not perform. However, he claimed that the victim performed a sex act on him. Tan drove elsewhere to continue the act, but his escapade ended when he allegedly became "more aware of his surroundings" and told the victim to stop. Imagine this This fella was trying to have sex with a stranger in the back seat of his car. And moments later, his kid will be sitting in the exact position where the incident happened. If he were the "gentleman" that he suggests he was, none of these would have happened in the first place. What makes matters worse is that after he sent her home again, another Grab driver found her lying in the middle of the road. This suggests that Tan's "gentleman" gesture was merely a blatant excuse. Consequence If convicted of attempted rape or sexual assault by penetration, the offender could be jailed for up to 20 years, fined, or caned. If found guilty of outrage of modesty, the offender could be jailed for up to 2 years, fined, caned, or be given any combination of these punishments. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today! -
why women still backpack in this country?? maybe international groups should impose sanction like they impose on terrorist country
- A teenager and his 40-year-old neighbour gang-raped an underaged girl in a lorry. The case came up in Court on Friday and the teen is expected to be sentenced on 12 December, pending a probation report. If convicted, the teen could be jailed 10 years, fined, or both. The case against the 40-year-old neighbour, Hang Tuah Jumaat, will come up for mention in January next year. The 17-year-old teenager studies in the same school as the underaged girl and is her ex-boyfriend. Hang Tuah Jumaat is believed to have instigated the crime by asking the teen to invite the girl for drinks one day in April 2010. On the day of the incident, Hang Tuah Jumaat drove his company lorry to Sungei Kadut, then change to a larger lorry and drove the two teens to a road near Kranji Camp. He then plied the girl with orange juice mixed with strong alcohol, causing her to become intoxicated and drowsy. Hang Tuah Jumaat then asked the teen to have sex with the girl, but the teen declined and went to sleep. When the teen woke up, he saw Hang Tuah Jumaat having sex with the girl. The teen was again told by Hang Tuah Jumaat to have sex with the girl and this time he did. The Court heard that the girl's eyes were closed and she appeared intoxicated throughout. Hang Tuah Jumaat then drove the teen and the girl back, but left the girl sleeping in the lorry when she complained that she could not get up. The girl later went to school where she was referred to a counsellor, and a police report was made. On the same day, the teenager was detained in school where he admitted to the offence. Court documents revealed that he claimed he was high on heroin at the time of the incident and had acted out of fear towards Hang Tuah Jumaat. Source: Lianhe Wanbao, 11 November 2011. Click here for the Chinese report. stupid c--k, confessed on taking drugs some more, double charge....
but quite shiok to hear such sentence come out from jail just nice can retire
3 counts of rape in 20 minutes? How is this even physically possible?? Mind-boggling... How does the law define "one count"?
Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City officer, sobs as he is convicted of 18 counts of raping and sexually assaulting eight women while on duty. Jurors recommended a total of 263 years of prison time for Holtzclaw's crimes. Formal sentencing is set for next month. The day of conviction was his 29th birthday.
Sunday May 25, 2008 Give them a dressing down On The Beat By WONG CHUN WAI The Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia has once again come up with a ridiculous statement that the white blouse worn by students is too sexy. THE last time Malaysians had to put up with the notoriety of the Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia was when it called for the ban of the Gwen Stefani concert last year. The student body claimed the singer was too sexy and that her concert would lead to immorality. Now, the same movement has made another ridiculous statement. Its vice-president Munirah Bahari condemned the school uniforms worn by girls in government schools, saying they were too sexy and would cause rapes and sexual immorality. The white blouse, she said, was too transparent for girls and could cause distraction to men, adding the Government should review the uniform to ensure that it would conform to Islamic ideals. She said it was important to
from Yahoo: Malaysian policemen accused of raping Indonesian Three policemen have been accused of gang-raping an Indonesian woman at a police station in a northern Malaysian town. Lau Chiek Tuan, a local politician, told AFP that the 25-year-old woman came to his office in the town of Prai just hours after the alleged rape on Friday. Lau said he held a press conference Saturday where the woman claimed the three officers in a patrol car stopped a taxi she boarded from a shopping mall in the town of Prai early Friday morning. "They asked to look at her passport but when she produced a photocopy, they still took her to the police station. It was just an excuse to bring her in. "She could identify the three cops who raped her in a room where there was a mattress - I don't know for what reason there is a mattress in a police station," he added. News reports cited Penang police chief Abdul Rahim Hanafi as confirming that three policemen were remanded for a week Friday night and suspended from duty pending investigations. "We will make sure that the policemen will not be protected if the allegation turns out to be true," he was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times newspaper on Sunday. AFP could not reach Abdul Rahim for comment. The woman, a restaurant worker, was also quoted by the English daily as saying she was scared and "had no other choice but to have sex with the three policemen". According to newspaper the Star, she said she was warned "not to tell anyone about the incident" after they sent her back to her home. Malaysian police are already under fire from rising crime fears as personal tales of abduction, assault and robbery go viral online, triggering scrutiny of official claims that offences have reduced significantly over in recent years. link: Boley land, viral online says rising crime fear, official claims offences have reduced ....
M'sian undergrad claims cops raped her after catching her having sex in car Quote: Two cops were arrested on Sunday for allegedly raping and blackmailing a 19-year-old university student, Malaysian police said. The teen lodged a report on Saturday, claiming the duo took advantage of her after catching her and her boyfriend having sex in a car on Jan 26. Assistant Commissioner Azmi Abu Kassif said the victim claimed she was made to get into the police vehicle with one officer. The other officer got into her boyfriend's car. "The victim claimed that while in the police car, the officer had asked her to give him RM2,000 (S$745) to let her go. "The victim agreed and the officer dropped her and her boyfriend by the roadside. She said the officers then took down her contact details," he said. Raped her in toilet The student said she received a call later that day from the one of the officers who demanded that she pay up. ACP Azmi said the girl alleged that the officer picked her up from her hostel, drove her to a nearby mall and forced her to perform oral sex on him in his car. "She said he later took her to a toilet in the mall and raped her. He said if she didn’t do as he asked, he would arrest her." According to the victim’s report, the officer didn’t stop there. The girl claimed the man has been calling her up the past week to demand sex again. "Upon receiving the report, we arrested the two officers on Sunday." Source: The Star
- "She allegedly made his acquaintance by borrowing a method from the millenial playbook — she started commenting on photos the teen posted on Instagram,"
saw this article a few days ago but no time to post until today to sum up the case, girl was fought off her drunk rapist. during the struggle, she broke his erected penis before fleeing. she was charged for causing intentional injury to the rapist because rapist was bleeding badly (when she broke his penis) and she didnt call for help or police in time to save the rapist. how ridiculous is this charge?! 女子拒绝强.奸,被判刑3年!难道要我张开双腿迎接你们吗? 2014-09-18 愤怒者 聆听心语 河南洛阳市一女子因为太漂亮,在被强丨奸时,不主动配合强丨奸,导致强丨奸者生殖器官折断,因失血过多而身亡。昨日洛阳市洛龙区法院审结此案,判决该女子构成过失致死罪,缓刑3年,并赔偿被害人江某家属经济损失8.8万元。 该女子在被施暴时,因不配合强丨奸而导致对方身亡。昨日,洛阳市洛龙区法院审结了这起“不配合强丨奸致死案”。本是健康快乐的宋丽,被判处有期徒刑三年,缓刑三年执行。 洛龙区关林镇一女青年宋丽加完夜班后,单身一人走在回家的路上,被刚吃过宵夜喝过酒的公务员江某盯上,江某按住宋丽的嘴将她拖到树林深处实施强丨奸,宋丽在被强丨奸的过程中没有配合江某,导致江某生殖器官折断,在明知李某喝酒有醉意的情况下,也不及时打120求救,导致江某失血过多而死亡。 洛阳市洛龙区检察院向洛龙区法院提起公诉,指控宋丽犯有故意伤害罪。 公诉机关认为,宋丽明知自己的行为会造成他人身体上的伤害,却放任这种结果的发生,最终造成他人死亡的后果,其行为已构成故意伤害罪。 宋丽的辩护律师认为,宋丽由于天黑加上慌张,没有发现强丨奸者受伤,更重点的是宋丽当时是处女,事后发现身上流的血以为是处女血,在不知道强丨奸者的受伤的情况下,所以错过了救人时间,加上强丨奸者事前服用伟哥(法医鉴定书标明),兴奋过度而忘记了流血,这是强丨奸不慎致死,所以宋丽在主观上并没有故意伤害江某。 法院认为,被告人宋丽应当预见强丨奸者江某可能造成“一日二变”的结果,可宋丽在被奸时因疏忽大意没有预见,导致江某死亡,如果宋丽在被奸后及时报案,***出警也能及时发现李某受务,能及时的抢救过来,但宋丽不相信公共安全专家机关,为自己的名声着想而迟迟不愿报案,宋丽的行为应构成过失致人死亡罪。 另外,鉴于被告人宋丽在案发后认罪态度比较好,同时,被告人积极进行民事赔偿,已取得被害人家属谅解,有悔罪表现,故从轻处罚。 强奸不但无罪,而且变得有理了。被强奸的不但要判刑,而且还要有悔罪表现,才予轻判。以后女人遇上劫色,是不是应该主动配合强奸,在被强奸过程中,还要注意男人的阴茎是否折断,要是折断了还要即时拨打120,免得流血死亡,因被强奸而坐牢,此时你如果也和小编一样感到不公平,请动动小手转发出去,这个没有任何的酬劳,我只是默默的想对手机屏幕或电脑屏幕面前的你轻轻说句:世界需要爱!!!
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An increasing number of rapes, murders, and disappearances of female university students have been making headlines recently in China, stoking fears among students nationwide. Many people have asked how they can ensure their safety, so the Wuhan police have come up with a handy list. The local Public Security Bureau for Wuhan University posted an extraordinary list of ways to avoid getting raped, which was then republished by Sina Guangdong. So, want to avoid having your dignity taken away? Here are nine suggestions from a Chinese police authority: Don’t take illegal cabs. (If you do,) get into the habit of memorizing the license plate. Sit in the back seat, and pretend to make a call. Woman on cellphone in the back: Husband, come out and pick me up! The license plate of the car is xxx Carry a small spray bottle that contains Fengyoujing (a medicated balm lotion), and spray it into the eyes of an attacker. Throw your wallet somewhere far away instead of passing it over to the attacker. Person throwing: Fly away! If you want to take a picture of the bad man, you can pretend to be talking on the phone and surreptitiously record him by pointing the back of the phone towards him. Be very careful using this one! If you are discovered doing this, you will die a grisly death. Sometimes, teeth can be more effective than your own hands Cannibal: If you’re not careful, you’ll have eaten the attacker. Cut your fingernails into this shape. A blunt cut is fine; don’t make them too long or else they may break unexpectedly. Upon being raped*, you should defecate or urinate if you can, or stick your fingers down your throat to vomit. An ordinary person will wilt at this sight. Carry a pen on your person (with the exception of a lead pencil). This is more convenient than a knife because you are able to pass through a security checkpoint. Be ugly; this is the safest way of all! * The word “rape” is censored in Chinese
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Song ah! [thumbsup]
- Indian authorities may have promised harsher punishments for rapists. But they could start by looking at politicians themselves. According to the Association for Democratic Reforms, a nonprofit organization, authorities have charged at least six members of India
Bold & Powerful Chengdu Woman ‘Rapes’ Passing Man on Street
SINGAPORE: An Indian student who was left fighting for her life after being gang-raped in New Delhi has arrived at Singapore's Mount Elizabeth Hospital for further treatment. The patient arrived at the hospital's Intensive Care Unit at 9.05am in extremely critical condition, said the hospital's spokesperson on Thursday. The hospital is working with the Indian High Commission, and has requested that the privacy of the patient and the family be respected. The 23-year-old, whose attack sparked protests across India, had been transferred from the Safdarjung hospital in central Delhi to Medanta hospital in Gurgaon, close to the city's international airport, before being flown to Singapore. "The decision was taken this morning at cabinet," a source at Safdarjung told AFP early Thursday. "Her mother and father are with her." The government had earlier announced it was setting up a special commission of inquiry after the gang-rape on December 16 when the woman was allegedly tricked into boarding a bus by six men who then took turns to assault her. The group also attacked her with an iron bar before throwing her out of the vehicle, along with a male companion. Six suspects have been arrested in connection with the attack and have been remanded in custody. - CNA/AFP/al Poor thing, let us pray for her full recover.
MORE FT!!!!! MORE RAPE!!!! A young woman was allegedly raped at a Sentosa beach last weekend. The police received a distress call at 2.25am on Sunday morning (6 May). An Indian national working as a part-time lifeguard at Sentosa was arrested at the scene. The alleged rape is believed to have taken place at a beach pavilion not far from a party that was taking place at Siloso Beach. Sentosa Leisure Group deputy director of communications Suzanne Ho said that the man is a part-time worker who had ended his work for the day. It is understood that his responsibilities include patrolling the beaches and handling its daily operations. Ms Ho added that the man had joined the company only last month and was scheduled for work only on an ad-hoc basis. The suspect is now being detained while an investigation is being carried out. Source: Lianhe Wanbao, 9 May 2012. Click here for the Chinese report.
This is reported in CNA but here's the video. The girl can be seen crying " NO, NO. I dont know him ......." The public has been urged not to take the law into its own hands after a video widely circulated online showed Chinese men beating a British tourist they suspected of indecently assaulting a woman. Police confirmed on Thursday that a British man had been detained in connection with a reported attack on a woman in Beijing's Xicheng district at 11:20 pm on Tuesday night. He was taken to Xuanwu Hospital for treatment on Tuesday night and transferred to a detention facility on Wednesday. "The investigation is ongoing and further information will be released later," Zhao Feng, a police officer involved with the case, told China Daily. A spokesman for the British embassy in Beijing said the embassy was aware of the incident but had received no request for consular support as of 7:30 pm on Thursday. Edited footage of the alleged assault, which was recorded by a passer-by on a cell phone, was posted online and sparked outrage among Web users. After showing a foreign man standing over a crying Chinese woman and being confronted by a Chinese man, the three-minute video skips to a brawl between the foreigner and Chinese men and then jumps a second time to the foreign man lying unconscious in the road. Many Web users responded to the footage by praising the people who intervened in what police suspect was an indecent assault.
A 24-year-old polytechnic student was sentenced to jail for 13 years by Singapore's High Court on Friday after he was found guilty of raping a 13-year-old. Wang Jianbin had raped the teenager in her room while her brother was in the living room with his piano teacher. The former commando pleaded guilty to rape. One charge each of criminal intimidation and sexual assault were taken into consideration as well. High Court judge Chan Seng Onn also
virgin willing to donate money for him to go geylang. These are talents small lee eager to bring in? In china, rape conviction means firing squad, no wonder all the ah tiong rapists all salivering to come here? Quote: 女郎遇色狼 求饶仍失身 不肯嫖妓,硬要强奸处女!一名客工见女郎深夜独行起淫念,强掳她入草丛,尽管女郎要给钱他嫖妓,他却硬要强暴处女身的女郎。 这名强悍的中国籍客工戴运发,32岁,已婚,有个5岁儿子。他是在两年前的08年2月,到本地当烧焊工人。他今天在庭上承认强奸,面对高达20年监禁及打鞭的刑罚。 被告原本不认罪,案定今天开审。法官在他认罪后,要安排