Hi, I have not been to this site for a long while. I am now driving a Honda Stream but it has only 2 years left. it is time to look around. Hope to hear some advice here before I decide. I need to choose a brand before I can proceed, so I choose Honda since I am driving one now.
I have seen Toyota Sienta & Wish, Honda Mobilio & Odyssey, Renault Grand Scenic, Mazda 5 & Biante. Prices ranges from $110K to $152K.
Quite obviously, the more you pay the better the quality. What would you think is the closest to my current Stream? The Renault is diesel and it is reputed to have higher depreciation value and high cost for maintenance. Finishes is great for a Euro 6 engine which is very responsive. Among them, the Odyssey and Mazda Biante are impressive in look.
Please share your thought and experiences if any.
Thank you.