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Found 4 results

  1. hey guys, I just bought a new car 5 months ago, and recently there has been some construction going on and apparently some paint primer got on the car body. I've read a few solutions about removing paint, but I was wondering if those apply to removing primer stuck on car too. So far i've been thinking about trying turpentine. Is there anything else I should consider?
  2. Following from the earlier thread on how we move forward, let's realign what constitutes the above accordingly so that we can ALL be on the same page and start threads without any hesitation. Rationale: Threads were merged as the same discussion was duplicated in different forms and the posts cut across different threads, fragmenting the discussion and making it difficult to read. Same topics of the SAME issue were posted and thus, the SEARCH function was encouraged so that the general MCF population did not have to sieve information unnecessarily, ie, all were consolidated Starting threads on the vein of getting the thread of the month leading to numerous additions Thus, on that vein, the SAME topics were then merged. Going forward, it has been too successful and perhaps diluted the threads with posters posting topics under a SAME/SIMILAR thread that had no specific context. I apologise for that as it may have been too zealously praticed. That said, the list below could serve as a possibility of variations (non exhaustive) of what constitutes merging/splitting of threads What kinds of threads could be merged? Threads of the SAME issue posted in the day/last few days that is bordering on the SAME topic. This leads to fragmentation of threads /discussions that makes for difficult reading. Threads with a trend of occurring almost every day. Case in point SMRT breakdown. If threads were to created daily on SMRT breakdown, 70% of threads will be on that. Other possibilities are flood, reckless. hoggers, etc. If at all, it's good to see big trend of the same incidents occuring What stands as a NEW thread? Any new incident that occurs, that is newsworthy. (However, this again can be debated, for eg, the OTC mountain. Clearly there was no merit in starting a new thread there that may just last 20posts and die off. Another case was the crocodile sighting where it was added in and the thread renamed on the different sightings in sg. Helpful to see a trend) New ROAD trips New cars released - reviews could be posted under this thread too These are some of the thoughts that I personally have, and it is on the premise of making things more consolidated and reader friendly. The disadvantages that could arise are: Threads run a short life and just die off. This would be natural progression of interest in a thread, Ambiguity and posters can still drift on a particular topic in a specific thread making the need to split posts from threads more prevalent. Please add on and @therock did have some thoughts so do add on here. Thanks and these are just MY thoughts
  3. Rather its primer spray can, anyone knows where I can get such stuff in Singapore? Wanna do a small diy project, many thanks in advance.
  4. A PRIMER ON CAMSHAFTS by Henry D. Manley III (of Manley Performance Products Inc, http://www.manleyperformance.com ) The camshaft has been called the heart of the internal combustion engine, and there is a great deal of truth in this statement. The camshaft controls the valve train making possible the entire four cycle event. In stock American passenger car engines the camshaft is designed to deliver smooth quiet idling and good low speed performance. To acheive these ends as much as one fifth of the potential horsepower is sacrificed for two basic reasons. First, the valves are not moved off their seats radically, and second, the valves are not left open for long durations. Of course, there is some overlapping of the valves, and this is not particularly condusive to good performance, but at high engine speeds this overlap actually becomes beneficial as will be shown later. A racing camshaft basically opens the valves higher and leaves them open longer than a stock camshaft. However, the exact profile of the cam, that is, how the cam actually accomplishes this event, is of primary importance. The ideal situation would have the intake valve snap open instantly at approximate top dead center ( TDC ) and remain open until 40
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