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Found 10 results

  1. Happy SG54 to everybody in MCF Wishing you guys having a nice Long weekend I would like to take this opportunity to thank all fellow MCFers for praising me to 2Fast2Furious Doesn’t matter you praise me dislike me warn me frame me scold me curse me or look down on me No hard feelings in MCF Wishing everybody good health good wealth and drive safe Warmest Wishes from a peasant Uncle of SG I hope everyone Heng Ong Huat ah ❤️❤️❤️ Appreciate all the information lobang jokes fun and laughter very much Kam Sia many many
  2. Recently come across more and more disgruntled voices (some that I can think of in recent memory includes @Turboflat4, @jamesc, @eviilusion, myself) with regards to the anonymous function when giving praise or dislike, especially the dislike portion of it. I do recognize that MCF points cannot be exchanged for grocery vouchers and one should not be overly mindful of the points since it has no impact in your real practical life what so ever. I also recognize that anonymous function do have it's positive role and use eg. when we want to give another person further praise and need to cycle through at least 10 other person, sometimes I will use the anonymous like to give 1 point to some posts that did not particularly shout out to me but is fair in the contents. In between 5 and 1 point, given the current "market rate" , 1 point will seem a little stingy, therefore anonymous function will be useful here. If anyone have used the dislike function before, one will know that to give a dislike, you will have to enter some reason for the dislike before the system allows you to do so. I will assume that is some sort of deterrent for wanton use of the dislike function. But frankly, is this system effective? Do the mods monitor the content entered? I did get some dislike points with the comments totally not linked to the topic the supposed anonymous person is disliking for . or Simply a "haha" or some nasty words. That to me is personal attack. And the funny thing is I have never even met the person in real life. I also realised that this function has been abused by intellectually challenged people with oversized ego to "get back at the person" when they have been out debated in the open. If the system owner thinks that giving a dislike (reasons required) should be handled differently from giving a praise (no reasons required), then shouldn't it be time to review if anonymous function for the dislike should be abolished? If the anonymous function for dislike is abolished, it will make people think harder if they really want to give the dislike and if they are willing to stand by their differing point of view and defend it in the open in an intellectual discussion rather than sniping in the dark. I must come up and say outright that I myself have used the anonymous dislike function during the early days of my forum participation when I was too hot headed and taking things too seriously. I apologize sincerely to those (not that many lah ) I have given anonymous dislike to previously. That is not something I am particularly proud of and is hoping we can make some changes for the betterment of MCF.
  3. Tianmo

    So how ah?

    This morning while reading MCF, find it quite interesting to have these 2 threads one above the other. There is this thread being refresh time and again over some small small things like getting an anonymous dislike, KPKB until like world war 3 coming. http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2706085-anonymous-dislike-function-time-for-review/ and then we have this thread being refresh whenever someone reaches a 2F2F status, thanking the world world like star award. http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2705776-yeah-finally-a-member-of-2fast2furious-too/ What caught my attention and find it interesting is, it is kind of funny when the 2 threads were one right above the other this morning. A total contrast in the reaction to the same system in a same community. One is like a funeral while the other is like a new born baby shower party. I think the praise and dislike system was put in place to reduce the work load of the mods, and to eventually get into a self regulated community without the mods getting too involve. However, after these years, I dont see it getting anywhere. Yes I see some good posts getting many praises, but there are just as many silly and stupid ones getting praised for unknown reasons, making the praising system look real stupid. And then we have the anonymous dislike making ppl going nuts, with some even making use of the anonymous as a hiding ground giving serial anonymous dislikes. Well mayb he/she was out numbered in discussions so this becomes the only way to get it back. Is this good? I seriously dont know, but what i do know is this will just lead to a lopsided discussion and killing off interest, it will also result in some unscrupulous ppl creating discord among members. Can the mods do anything? Well, first off, out of professionalism, the mods are not allowed to expose them, and if he/she was giving out dislike in proper, there is really nothing wrong or against the rule. So those close to the mods, understand that we cannot blame the mods for not taking actions as many wished for. Also, as it stands, getting many praises doent mean the post is meaningful, or that a member is contributing more towards the building of the forum. Its actually just a way of getting ard the system. Meaningful? I dont know. Now that it seem like we will still be leading more towards a moderators regulated system than a self regulated system, is it time to seriously consider doing away with the praise/dislike system, and bring back that open discussion system? Where ppl put forward their POV openly and debate it out without the worry of getting too many dislikes? So how ah? PS: this is not referring to anyone hor, it is just my general observation. So pls dont get too sensitive over my commends hor..
  4. So much tension nowadays in the forum just because of a few dislikes points. come come i make everybody happy. wanna complain or not happy come here. uncle will praise everybody. Lotsa points to give away everyday! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU
  5. It is not really amusing to find some of us naturally irked over comments or posts being junked especially when it is anonymously disliked. Somehow, it can become a pain in the pinny when the dislike is not accompanied or supported by reasons or opposing views. Perhaps, this forum should follow what facebook does i.e. have only *like* without dislike or have dislike but compel the one who junks a post to log-in as a member but deny those who want to dislike as an anonymous. This way, those who dislike a post or comment will have to take some kind of responsibility to oppose a view? Will this be of any help? Perhaps, more will feel better this way since their post may not be junked by someone with ill intention? No?? Just my 2 cents as a member.
  6. looks like got new features in MCF. still working like before? or new system with new points/reward schemes?
  7. As in u feel happy when some one praises u and get mad when ur posts r junked? For me not so though I admit feeling a smile when I see my posts praised and frown when I am junked...... What about the rest of u?
  8. When Prof Lim gave his recommendation recently, it was relentlessly attacked by all parties inclduing our political leaders but csince then changes seemed to take place though not significantly. Strange isn't it? From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Online...ory_805130.html Praise for Prof Lim, query for NTUC Published on May 31, 2012 KUDOS to Professor Lim Chong Yah, who sparked the debate about the need to increase wages for low-income earners ('NWC: Give built-in pay rises'; last Thursday). One must then question why the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), a union that is supposed to represent Singapore workers, did not take a more proactive approach to bargain for better wages and help improve the plight of poor Singaporean workers until Prof Lim stepped in. Furthermore, a wage of $1,050 a month, even after the proposed $50 increment, still makes Singapore a country that offers one of the lowest wages among developed nations. This is hard to accept, considering the other extreme where Singapore boasts of being one of the countries with many millionaires. The $50 increment should not be just a one-off; it should apply over the next 10 years. Unless it is mandatory, some employers will not feel the need to reward these workers more, even if they are more productive. While employers are justifiably concerned about increased business costs with higher wages, labour cost is but one of the factors, another being the spiralling cost of rentals. The Government can take the lead in adjusting commercial rent downwards, through JTC and various other landlords it has a stake in, or give more rental relief to help businesses. Other business costs like the necessary operating licences should also be scrutinised to achieve savings that can be passed on to businesses, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises. Terence Tan
  9. Was at Ubi Chevy showrrom this afternon to check out the pricing for the Aveo hatch (M). When i was about to leave the showroom, i saw a nicely fully kitted up black Aveo...just wanted to compliment on it. Very nice....=P i even took some pictures of it. hehe Kind of made my decision easier.....
  10. I took this from another forum (BITOG).
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