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Found 16 results

  1. I read from somewhere that Moderators need to clock post? Here's me playing my part to clock MCF posts. But please ah, only MCF mods are entitled to start a #IAMCOVIDPOSITIVE too thread. #19FebDay1
  2. Lets move on............. although ah phaik may be 'retained' by her powerful backing for another 10yrs, lets give some thoughts to the above just in case.... - Should the new CEO be someone from the rank of SAF scholars / top brass? or some elite civil servants / miw comarades? (eg TLP, to let her 'shine'?) - What Quali / track records he/she must have? ('connections' can be counted?) - What are the first things he/she must address and produce results within first 6 months? - What major changes/revamp (including making SMRT public?)?? - How to make the salary package truly performance-based? - etc etc (pls add) Thank you hor.....
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=241&v=N5nMb4_ghvg This is another one in Chinese ........ will make your eyes watery
  4. I saw this from another forum. TBH, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry when I read the portion that says medishield helped him defrayed some cost in the HIV treatment medication. But then, he claimed to be able to serve NS upon request although he has contracted AIDS. http://pozboysg.tumblr.com/post/28630808700/dereks-story-my-life-with-hiv-as-a-student Hello, I am Derek, 19 this year and in my final year of my course of study at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I was diagnosed HIV positive in November last year and it was my first ever HIV test. On that day, Actions For AIDS (AFA) was having an anonymous HIV test booth at a local gay bathhouse and I happened to be there at the same time. I’ve always wanted to take a HIV test but due to financial constraints, I shelved the idea aside. Without much hesitation, I proceeded on with the test. The test kit needed about an hour to generate results, so I left the bathhouse to attend another appointment in the meantime. They provided me with a number to call and check my result. I made the call about an hour later. I was really scared. The fear of hearing that I’m positive. While the phonecall was still waiting to be answered, I was hoping silently inside that it would be a negative result. I remember clearly how the conversation went, and the AFA volunteer asked if I could meet them in person. Those words really got me panicking. The suspense was killing me. It got me thinking, “Why is he asking me to meet him? Is my result really positive?” so I asked, “What’s my result?” and he then replied, “It’s positive.” I really couldn’t believe what I heard when they broke the news to me, my only reply was, “Orh.” It was a mixture of shock and surprise. That was the only word I could muster. * I never planned to disclose my status to my family. Unfortunately though, when I was out one night, my parents decided to peer into my bag. They found 3 bottles of my HIV medication and even went to the extent of doing some online research! My father approached me calmly when I went home and asked me about the medication. The first two questions my Dad asked were, "Can it be transmitted through saliva?" and "Can mosquito bites transmit the virus too?" I wouldn’t say that they are fully supportive of my status and I do understand where they are coming from, since they do not have much knowledge about HIV/AIDS. They even wanted to inform my siblings about my HIV. But with me insisted on not letting my siblings know, for fear maybe they would feel very sad. Thankfully, my parents acceded to my request. Things have changed slightly after my fateful disclosure to my family members. I used to always be informed of dinnertime with family but on one occasion, my family even started having dinner without asking if I wanted to join in, in spite of reaching home a little early. It’s never been the case. Because of the issue, I had a small talk with Dad last week. He claimed that he’s perfectly fine with my status, so I’d assume the person he was talking about is my stepmother (my Dad remarried) who wasn’t really okay with my HIV status and rather worried that I might accidentally transmit the virus to her children. Not too long ago, my parents even forbade me to place my chopsticks in my mouth if I’m sharing dishes with people. My Dad claimed that he had asked people around him and they told him that you can contract HIV through saliva and sharing food. I believe this is the stigma that HIV positive Singaporeans are facing still. And however hard I tried and how many times I have told him that it is a HIV Myth, it just can’t make him understand. I tell you this sad turn of events because I feel very strongly about this issue, and I really hope things will change for the better. My advice to those who have recently tested positive for HIV is DO NOT ever tell your family members; if you do, be prepared for the worst, things will never be the same again. * I have the habit of pouring out my grievances and woes to my dearest friends whenever I am unhappy, with the hope of finding solace, support and understanding from them. Indeed, they never disappoint me. My friends are very supportive and always give me encouragement to persevere in life. I feel really blessed to have them as my confidantes. * I started my HIV anti-retroviral medication about 3 months ago. I was really scared initially whether I would be able to cope with the financial burden as well as the side-effects of the medications. The first week after I started was a little tough. There was this ‘hangover’ feeling that I’d get the next morning which would last all the way until the evening. I must say that I was very lucky to experience minimal side effects. My first line HIV medications are Efavirenz, Tenofovir and Lamivudine. CDC pharmacy prices for these medications are as such: Efavirenz (SGD $200) Lamivudine (SGD $200) Tenofovir (SGD $550) I am thankful to be a recepient of the Medifund and it helps pay for the entire cost of my medications, especially since I am a student. HIV+ young men are usually exempt from National Service responsibilities but I actually made the concious decision to serve my country. The good news is that the government would also help with the subsidies as a serviceman. I am glad to say that I have acclimatised to my medications now, though I now realise the importance of ample rest, especially as a PLHIV. * If you haven’t been tested, please do so, its bad form to only seek treatment when you start falling very sick and you are realising that something is terribly wrong. Sometimes its difficult to get back into the pink of health. And to people who have tested positive, live life to the fullest - HIV is only a small part of your life. I always tell myself, "No point crying over spilled milk. Life goes on. Dont let HIV control you. You still have your life ahead of you to lead." Be like me! Obtain a happy-go-lucky spirit. And also, don’t think too much. Whatever problems you are having, if you can, solve it. If you can’t, leave it. Or if you can, do seek help from friends who understand. Don’t be stubborn and keep all your problems to yourself. If you’re positive, I recommend you to find out more about the support group events that the Communicable Diseases Centre (CDC) organises every few months or so. The safe confines of the support group provides emotional and psychological support for HIV+ participants and you’re able to learn from each other and also be in the warm company of people who will most understand what you are going through. Also, you’d be able to gain a better knowledge of HIV through the events and you get to make new friends too! If you’re positive, all the more you should be positive! :)
  5. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/most-elderly-singaporeans/1415888.html Aside from reading this as a piece for increasing the age of retirement, but somehow the numbers don't seem to match...80% confident, 37% feel little to worry, 46% ave or poor finances? Generally on the ground, I find the elderly more negative about their futures. Sitting in older estates kopi tiam can hear alot of stories... Also wondering whats the rational in determining our life starts dropping at 65?
  6. We may have encounters with the mata in our daily lives, some positive and others, well, not so. Here are two that are definitely [thumbsup] : ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Online...ory_747802.html Help from men in blue, out of the blue Published on Dec 23, 2011
  7. Yahoo news : Gay casanova with HIV plays out 200 in M'sia Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - A HIV-positive gay casanova is believed to have conned nearly 200 young men in Malaysia of their money and valuables besides having sex with them. So far, 193 youngsters have claimed to be victims of the man with at least 100 saying they had sex with him before they were cheated of money, laptops and other items. The victims, some teenagers, said the casanova claimed to have fallen in love with them to gain their trust. His conquests were discovered after one victim posted a photo of the man on Facebook, and other victims recognised him. One, who only wanted to be known as Lee, 24, said he met 'Alvin' through Facebook last August and they soon carried on a relationship. "He came to my house last month and stayed with me for three days," said Lee, who lost 3,000 ringgit (US$990) when the casanova made off with his laptop, wallet and credit cards. He lodged a report with the Kota Damansara police station. Another victim, Kor, 22, said he had been conned into sleeping with the man two years ago. "He said he loved me and wanted me to be his boyfriend," he said, adding that they had spent a night together in a hotel before the man ran off with the 400 ringgit in Kor's wallet. "I want him to be stopped before he harms more people," said Kor, who has yet to get himself tested for HIV. The youngest victim, 17-year-old student Tai, met 'Kelvin' through a pen-pal magazine last October. "He invited me to come over to a hotel room," said Tai, adding that they had sex before going back to Tai's home. 'Kelvin' then disappeared after stealing Tai's laptop worth 3,000 ringgit. Tai has already tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease. Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Public Services and Complaints Department chief Datuk Michael Chong said the number of the casanova's victims was shocking. "We believe there are many more who do not want to come forward due to shame."
  8. Hi all, Generally, do you think our Taxi Drivers have given positive image to the public and to other road users? This includes driving manner and helpfulness to passengers and other drivers. If Yes, No or not sure, kindly elaborate. Thank you very much. Regards,
  9. Hyundai triples its third-quarter profits on surging global sales! Hyundai announced its third quarter net profit jumped to a record $827 million from a year earlier, with profits more than tripling from last year’s $264 million. Hyundai profits were fueled by surging sales at automaker’s key markets, such as China, USA and Europe. Hyundai has been particularly successful in China, where it has sold more than 155.000 new cars in the last three months. In September alone, the automaker sold more than 60.000 units in China, while its sales in India have been boosted by 17 percent. Thanks to “cash for clunkers program”, Hyundai also managed to boost its new car sales in the US market. In August, the company set its best sales month ever, with sales crossing 60.000 mark. The US goverment program, which ran out on August 24th, provided rebates worth as high as $4.500 to those consumers who traded their old gas-guzzlers for new, more fuel efficient vehicles. In the first nine months Hyundai’s US sales increased 1.3 percent to 342.217 units, while automaker’s global market share rose from 5 to 5.5 percent. If Hyundai’s sales continue to grow, industry analytics speculate that the automaker will likely post an impressive 40 percent increase in net profit to $1.72 billion for the whole of 2009. With such a performance, Hyundai now looks to challenge Volkswagen as the world’s most profitable automaker in 2009! The automaker now looks to flood the market with a slew of new models, such as 2011 Sonata sedan and 2010 Tucson crossover. Both models have been on sale for about a month in the Korean market, where they posted strong initial sales. International sales of new Hyundai Sonata and Tucson / ix35 is expected to commence later this year or early next year. Hyundai originally planned to show off the all-new Sonata in the United States during the Jan. 11-24 Detroit Auto Show, but the automaker now is considering a release at the Los Angeles, which opens its doors in December. KIA TOO HAVE POSTED GREAT RESULTS Kia’s global sales in September 2009 skyrocket 40 percent compared to last year’s figures. With September sales skyrocketing 40 percent compared to last year’s figures, Kia continues to post impressive sales throughout the 2009. Today, the Korean secon-largest carmaker announced it has sold 155.223 units in September 2009 (+40 percent), while its cumulative sales in the first nine months reached 1.187.795 units. With more than 208.000 units sold in the first nine months of fiscal year, Kia Forte remains the best-selling Kia car in global markets. The all-new Forte leads Sportage SUV and B-segment Rio taking second and third spot with 127.342 and 125.092 units sold, respectively. Completing the group of five best selling Kia models in the 2009 are cee’d hatchback with 92.124 units sold and Kia’s mini-car Picanto with 73.991 units sold. Last month, Kia experienced the largest sales gain in China where Kia cars attracted 25.356 new consumers (+130 percent). Korean sales totaled 39.006 units (+60 percent), while European and North American sales increased by 27 and 23 percent to 36.037 and 26.138 units. Cumulatively, through the first nine months the Chinese market experienced the highest gain with 166.869 units sold to date, while Korea and North America showed cumulative year-on-year sales increases of 27.2 percent (291.525 units sold) and 6.4 percent (274.976 units sold), respectively. “We are pleased to see Kia post sales growth across all markets this month. Although scrappage programs in many key markets are currently being phased out, we are confident that we are well positioned for continued growth with our new, exciting product introductions that will continue into next year and beyond.” said Hyoung-Keun Lee, President of Kia Motors Corporation.
  10. Dunno where to post tis request, so try my luck here. Need the pros and bros/sis expertise in tis. Which is better? Positive or negative? Or both? I reali know nuts abt tis stuff. Stil new to car stuff la. And i got a situation where i changed to a 2nd hand coilovers where go tyre shop and do alignment, my other rims all can get negative camber but only my front driver side has a positive 0.3mm(is tis correct reading?). Can tis b cured? All ur feedbacks and advise is much appreciated. So thanx in advance!
  11. Starting this thread for positive experiences My contirbution: On way back in from HKG, at the immigration counter manned by a Senior looking Immigration lady, the queue was for citizens only....some ang moh took the line as it was short anf guess what? The immigration lady asked if he could read and turned him away! Steady lah!
  12. When I top up battery water today, found some white powder/chemical sticking on the battery positive cable terminal, is it normal? or the battery will be flat soon? My battery is 19 month old, and voltage output is 14.2V / 12.4 V when engine is turned on the off respectively.
  13. Taken from another forum posting is somewhat funny but also pity this guy:Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got to know I am Genital herpes positive on 14 Feb 2008, valentine's day. My heart was smashed into pieces and I almost cried in the DSC counsellor's room. Till now I am still puzzled when and how I got it. Let me briefly tell u my limited cheonging experience. 20.09.2006 PRC Jiang Hong. BBBJ but quick capped penetration. Jiang - pleasant looking SNRT PRC 06.10.2006 PRC Xiao Ye. Protected BJ and quick capped penetration. 15.11.2006. OKT's Thai gal. 2 times capped BJ. 06.01.2007. PRC. Protected BJ. 12.02.2007. PRC. Xiao Yu. Protected BJ. 01.03.2007. RTF. PRC Jiang Hong. (See above) 03.05.2007. PRC. Protected BJ. 12.06.2007. Singapore FL. Jessy. 10.10.2007 PRC. groin massage & handjob. For her , I remember that she did not wash her hands before starting groin massage on me and she just had finished with another customer. Not tried any one since then. I went to DSC for Oral & Genital Herpes tests on 30 Oct 2007 since have time. Positive for Oral but negative for Genital. Thought very heng. Late Jan or early Feb 2008, I had pimples on my chest, arms, waist and penis. As I have atopic dementatis (sensitive skin problem) and out-break often, I though nothing of it. I though my new tremendous work stress triggered them. On 4 Feb 2008, I had unprotected oral and virginal sex with wife first before using Durex Performa. The next morning, my penis was itchy and I discovered 4 pimples near the base of my penis. More pimples on the skin near the head. I thought I am allergic to local anaesthesia in Durex performa. How CNY was close I thought better to a check up at DSC. Causasian doc said could be Herpes or could be atopic dementatis so better to do a culture test. So it do. As I know my wife would want sex on Valentine's day, I called DSC and rushed down to get result. Was told to see counsellor. Was told positive for Genital Herpes!!!!!!!! My last commercial sex - protected oral sex was in June 2006 and my Oct 2007 blood test for genital Herpes was NEGATIVE. Long enough for window period to be over, isn't it? In between only had groin massage & HJ and sex with wife. What went wrong? can groin massage & handjob transmit Genital Herpes? Can anyone enlighten me? As my last sex with wife was on 4 Feb 2008 and I already had 2 pimples on my dick, is my wife likely to get genital herpes from me since she did bbbj and i did her raw before putting condom? I am extremely worried as she had said that if I fooled around, she will divorce me and take the 2 kids way. I rejected her sexual advance on 15 Feb 2008 morning and I am still suffering from my primary infection. I don't know for how long I can avoid her... Before my primary attack started, i hand high anxiety and high stress month and I experienced body ache and flu. That could be the reason of the trigger. I just read that men usually get 4 to 6 recurrent attacks a year and will decrease as years go by. I have to suffer till I die. I am going to AFA to do HIV test next week. If thing goes wrong, I won't know how to face my wife and kids. I may commit suicide. To new cheongers, quit commercial sex. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had to physically reject her sexual advance this morning, 17 Feb, saying that my penis was cut by shaving blade when I shaved in the afternoon. So just rubbed her to climax. Should I just own up to her before she develop any symptoms or wait till she has the symptoms and diagnosed by doctor? She does complain of itch in groin area on and off. Should I suggest she shares part of the blame? The reason i eat out is because my wife deprived me for a long period of time. I posted the following on 11 Oct 2006. "Sex --> mostly off, rarely on. Last count is 2.5 months of no-action. Just requested for her to do HJ for me but been rejected outright, "Don't you know it is very late now? Don't you have to wake up very early in the morning?" What the fxxk! No FJ, no BJ, no HJ. Sexless marriage!!! No wonder my premature ejaculation problem deteriorates over the years. Other guys' stamina get better while mine is the reverse. Emotionally and sexually frustrating to have such a wife." Our second child is born on Jun 2006. A few months after her delivery, after many many traumas at home, absence of child care support, and absence of sex, she told me she felt like committing suicide. Then I realised she is down with post-natal depression. But when she recovered from postnatal depression, she was busy with the baby and deprived me. I always ask myself during that period, "Why can't she gives me half an hour per week for sex? I don't last very long and, apart from sex, I need her love too". As such, I always reckon my wife to be a good mother but not a good wife. Now is too late. Don't know how to face her and the kids. Extremely afraid of passing the disease to them, esp kids. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been tearing these few days and spending more time with my kids. I become more tolerant of their annoying behaviour. Every time, I hug them, I become more emotional. I once teared in office and my male colleague saw. 19 Feb 2008, Tuesday I went back to DSC for further checkup, to clarify many doubts, and ask for daily oral suppressive medicine. I was seen by the same Caucasian doc. Said that the culture test is 100% accurate so don
  14. Hi guys I read about this PCVV thingy recently . . . Do most cars have this? Any maintenance necessary? PCVV - Part of the positive crankcase ventilation system, which reroutes crankcase blowby to the intake manifold and back to the engine, where it is reburned in the cylinders as part of the fuel-air mixture. This cuts emission pollution and improve fuel economy because unburned fuel in the blowby is consumed the second time around. It also keeps the blowby and water vapor from fouling the oil in the crankcase, thus reducing the formation of engine sludge.
  15. hi guys, i drive a suzuki carry 1.3 petrol van, and notice that the front wheels have a positive camber, ie the wheels 'tilt' outwards at the top. if you look from the front view of the vehicle, the front wheels form a mild V shape, and this is causing uneven wear, the outside edge of my front tires wear out real quick, like in 10k+ km. but i noticed this is not only my problem, other same model vans i observed also have this, but is there any way to fix it? im changing to a new set of G3's soon, dont want uneven wear to kill my new 'sports' tires
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