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- Was watching an extract of a speech from the Shangri-La Dialogue By Malaysia's Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu. He has been widely criticised by many for his poor command of English on geopolitical issues. I listened to the entire dialogue as it is and though broken at times it was easily understood and the gist of the message was not lost. He used simple English instead of bombastic words. English may not be a country first language. Are politicians expected to speak a certain level of English? I would certainly be more concerned about getting the main facts right than working hard to be a grammar nazi. English is lingua franca, widely spoken in many countries. When we go overseas to countries whose native language isn't English we speak to them in English expecting them to understand. Looking at the shift of major power in the world today should we be shocked if the lingua franca one day becomes Mandarin? Fair enough to assume the rise of China will be accompanied by the rise of Mandarin? Where will that leave the Americans? Who are widely known to perceive the world as "It's okay everybody speaks English anyway." Just interested to hear more opinions. Here's his message for those unable to view the video: So what did Mohamad speak about? Christchurch terror attack “accident” in New Zealand The video began with Mohamad touching on the Christchurch terror attack in March 2019. He condemned terrorism and praised the response of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to the attack. Mohamad said: “So, we understand that terrorist is no border, and no ideology, and no religion. So we have to fight with them in soft way and hard way. But I am very appreciate the role of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, how she faced with the accident in New Zealand. We appreciate him, that’s the way the world leader should behave when that thing happen in their country. So I salute the Prime Minister of New Zealand.” Mohamad then addressed the sources of terror funding, calling them the “father” and “mother” of terrorists. Elaborating on how terrorists have access to advanced weaponry and funding, Mohamad said: “These terrorists, who’s the father and mother? Because they have a lot of money, they have very sophisticated weapons. If they’re an NGO, I think they cannot afford to have that modern weapon.” Mohamad then referenced the presence of terrorists groups in Idlib, Syria, adding: “And now in Idlib, they even have rocket launcher. So who’s the father and mother? We must our intelligence must share and expose who the mother and father, then we can reduce their activity throughout the world.” China’s regional activity: “The China coast guard is bigger than Malaysia warship” Subsequently, Mohamad talked about the behaviour of China in the region and stressed the need for diplomacy, given that “the China coast guard is bigger than Malaysia warship”. Mohamad highlighted: “We know China is a border with us, China is near to us. So, any they changing of the policy will affect us. That’s why we — I know… sometimes they send their coast guard. The China coast guard is bigger than Malaysia warship. So how can we begin to chase them? So we cannot fight with them. But we will always talk to them, defend diplomacy, respect sovereignty…” Mohamad then referenced the opening speech of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, on May 31, who stated that a clash between America and China will see many nations affected. “… and if they (China) send a warship there, then America will also challenge them. So, when the elephant fight, the grass will suffer. When elephant laugh, the grass will suffer. That’s mentioned by Prime Minister Lee last night. So we must active defend diplomacy, that we must get together, many time, this not the first time, second time or third time, many time to dialogue, because we want to keep the peace neutrality zone in this area, especially in South China Sea.” Mohamad concluded his speech by criticising the behaviour of large countries for not sticking to their rhetoric of respecting the sovereignty of other countries, as laid down by international treaties: “Big powers, they come and they give speech, they say we respect sovereignty, we respect UNCLOS, we respect COC (Code of Conduct), but their behaviour is different. That is we, the small country, especially ASEAN, we must unite together to face this problem. Thank you very much.”
- Female French journalists fed up with lecherous politiciansParis (AFP) - Fed up with bawdy remarks and wandering hands, dozens of female French journalists have signed a petition published Tuesday denouncing sexism from male politicians. "Get your paws off me!" read the front page of the Liberation newspaper, where 40 female political reporters detailed sexist and lewd behaviour suffered while working in the corridors of power. One describes waiting in the heart of the National Assembly only to be greeted by a lawmaker saying: "Ah but you're on the game, hustling for a client." Another mentions a deputy running his hands through her hair, while a minister's advisor asked a journalist upon her return from holiday if she was "tanned all over". From a political spokesman taking photos of sleeping female journalists onboard a plane during the last presidential campaign, to a "friend of the president" declaring that journalists are "much more interesting when they have big breasts", the female hacks have had enough. In the petition, they condemn the fact that little has changed after the downfall of International Monetary Fund chief and presidential frontrunner Dominique Strauss-Kahn, whose notorious sexual appetite landed him in court on several occasions. View gallery Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, seen here on February 17, 2015, whose notorious sexual appe … "We thought that the DSK case had shifted the line and that chauvinist attitudes were on the verge of extinction. Alas!" read the article. Strauss-Kahn's career imploded after his arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting a New York hotel maid. The charges were dropped but the case revealed details of his often crude behaviour with women, highlighting sexist attitudes from French male politicians. The journalists writing in Liberation also described insistent text messages or phone calls seeking late night meetings, suggestions to pop into a nearby hotel "for a bit of fun" and one official who had to be threatened with sexual harassment charges to get him to back off. "There are also condescending sighs when we ask questions in press conferences: 'That is such a girl question'", wrote the journalists. View gallery French Minister for Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, Marisol Touraine, delivers a spee … However the petition highlights that there are also many politicians who do not act in this manner, especially the younger generation. "The fact that these practices -- which mirror those that happen every day in the street, factories and offices -- involve elected officials charged with creating policy, leads us to denounce them." - Rampant sexual harassment - The petition was signed by 16 reporters from the main French media houses including Liberation itself, Le Monde and Le Parisien newspapers, Radio France International and Agence France-Presse. The rest of the journalists preferred to remain anonymous due to their "complicated professional situation". Women's Rights Minister Marisol Touraine said the petition was a good reminder that sexism permeates the whole of society. "This must also be an opportunity to recall the sexism confronting millions of women in their daily life on public transport, in their place of work and on the street," she said. "Sexism is more insidious than before, but it is well and truly present." Sexual harassment in France has come under the spotlight in recent weeks after the High Council for Equality between Women and Men urged government to crack down on the phenomenon, saying 100 percent of women using public transport have been the victim at least once in their lives.
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Thanks to YSL's ballessness and MIW's excessive gloating earlier this year, WP took drastic actions which set the bar very high. Now MIW have to fall on their own sword. To prevent future circuses and waste of taxpayer monies on BE, I think politicians should have a gentlemen's "Code of Conduct". By Code of Conduct, I don't mean a set of standards to govern their morals. Rather, I am talking about a list of personal lapse of judgement that will not be politicized. So for example if the media reports that yet another MP is having an affair, just have the guy explain the situation for transparancy and then carry on with business. Honestly speaking, adultery is a highly personal and complex issue that in itself is not a sackable offence. Bill Clinton was a tiko and a good President. If we are going to demand exceptionally high moral standards from office bearers, we are going to have BE every other year, and I think it is a waste of time that only excites internet trolls. Opinions?
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From a time, consistency of posting and "cleverness" of posting issue, as well as the legitimacy of paying someone to do it - which, if any, of our politicians do you think manage their own facebook pages? (note - I am talking PAGES as opposed to PROFILES) If you are a celebrity, do you think it is ok to pay someone to manage a facebook page for you? If so, does this extend to politicians? And do you think that "Mr. Selfie" is doing the right thing with the posts he makes that are narcisscistic?
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this guy real tok kong! [thumbsup]
'Wise' words coming from Vivian... Saw this guy talk big on TV tonight..what do you guys feel?
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Here is a list of both senior public officers and politicians (except one) charged and convicted in court of corruption as accordance to CPIB's website: Senior Public Officers Choy Hon Tim : the largest total bribe amount in CPIB's history Choy Hon Tim, the former Director of the Electricity Department as well as the Deputy Chief Executive (Operations) of the Public Utilities Board (PUB) may not be the most senior public officer investigated by the Bureau, but his case involved the largest amount of bribes uncovered. He was investigated in 1995 following allegations that he had received kickbacks in return for awarding contracts to suppliers and contractors of PUB when he was a Chief Electrical Engineer of PUB. Choy was subsequently charged for obtaining gratifications totalling $13.85 million. He was convicted and sentenced to 14 years' jail term and the $13.85 million bribe obtained by him was forfeited to the State. ***** Yeo Seng Teck : Trade Development Board Chief Yeo Seng Teck, then Chief Executive Officer of Trade Development Board was investigated in 1993 for cheating offences dating back to 1988. Investigation revealed that he had used forged document to cheat his principals (in this case, the organisations he was working for) involving the purchase of Chinese antiques worth about $2 million. He was subsequently charged and convicted for cheating offences and sentenced to 4 years' imprisonment. ***** Lim How Seng : Director of Singapore History Museum Lim How Seng was charged for corruptly receiving two loans of $20,000 each from a private vendor named 3G Studio. In return, Lim recommended a contract for the production of a new 3-dimensional show at the museum to be awarded to 3G Studio. He was sentenced to 3 month's imprisonment and ordered to pay a $20,000 penalty. **** Andrew Goh Keng Guan : Assistant Head, Talent Group, Economic Development Board. Andrew Goh, the Assistant Head of Talent Group took bribes totalling $380,000 from seven Chinese nationals between February 1999 and June 2001. In return, he helped the 7 Chinese nationals by processing their application for permanent residency in Singapore. Andrew was sentenced to 26 months' imprisonment and the money he took from the seven Chinese nationals was forfeited. ***** Ong Beng Leong : Commanding Officer of Training Resources Management Centre Ong Beng Leong, a Lieutenant Colonel in the SAF, was the Commanding Officer of Training Resource Management Centre (TRMC) from 1st April 1999 to 14th December 2001. During this period, he knowingly accepted fictitious quotes submitted to him by the sole-proprietor of Sin Hiaptat Construction. According to financial procedures, he should have sourced for quotations from other contractors. Ong had then gone on to award contracts to the Sin Hiaptat Construction. He was later charged and convicted for using false documents to deceive his principal (i.e. his employer in this case), an offence under section 6© of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Cap 241. He was sentenced to 1.5 months' imprisonment. ***** Politicians "There is no way a Minister can avoid investigations and a trial if there is evidence to support one". - then Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, quoted in the Straits Times, Jan 27, 1987 Tan Kia Gan : Minister for National Development Tan Kia Gan, then Minister for National Development, was investigated in August 1966 for attempting to help his close businessman friend Lim Tjin Hauw and his son William Lim to clinch the sale of Boeing aircraft to Malaysian Airways. He also acted as an intermediary for his brother-in-law in the sale of a
I despair after hearing about the furore about COE prices appearing on papers, internet and TV. This is not rocket science, and after many years of trial and error, no one has got it right. The politicians in charge are very worried since the poor showing in the previous elections, and the turmoil brewing on the widening rich-poor gap. As a developed country, there is a need to address the rich-poor gap, human rights, equality, environmental wellness, traffic conditions, and public transportation. The system of COE, ARF, Road Tax, does nothing but line the treasury coffers, hence certain political party got the nickname Pay and Pay. The impending carbon emission tax rebate/charge is a welcomed change however, there is no need for such a complex rule to implement. Vehicles that are modified after sales, or poorly maintained will still produce more carbon than it should. Different driving styles and road conditions will also change the carbon emission by a big margin. We often see many drivers leaving their engines on while idle, how are you going to charge that? There are simple and effective solutions which do not cost a bomb to implement and will also satisfy the lower income group, vehicle sales market, environmental concerns, improved public transport and traffic. 1) Drop the COE - they are not effective. 2) Drop the ARF - no difference from the COE, just another tax that is not effective. 3) Drop the Road Tax - it is not a fair representation of road usage, carbon emissions. 1) Increase fuel prices - you use, you pay simple. No need for satellite tracking, ERP gantries. If the vehicle has high emissions, it will consume the relative fuel. If you can't afford to pay for fuel, you won't drive much. 2) Increase Parking charges - you use, you pay simple. Existing infrastructure, no need to change anything. If you cannot afford parking, you will not drive to the place. If the carpark is at it's maximum capacity, they can command higher premiums. If people cannot afford to park, they would not buy a car. 3) Cars are sold on OMV only, lower income group can afford cars. They have the freedom to use it but of course there's a premium to pay to use it. They can find cheaper parking lots with less demand. 4) Fuel tax, ERP, and parking fees will give the same amount to the treasury, there is no impact. 5) Use taxed funds to support public transport to reduce cost of operation and improve efficiency, not just adding monies to the reserve. It's public transport, the governing body of the public should contribute, not let it be run by "private operators" who are only concerned of profits. These results in a fair vehicle system, everyone has a fair chance to purchase vehicles on their market price, less usage, less payment, leading to less traffic, less emissions. Those who can only afford public transportation will enjoy cheaper and more efficient system.
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How come we don't have these in our parliament?
Inside the factory where limos of Soviet officials were built
FaezClutchless posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
[extract] Russian company, Zavod imeni Likhachova (commonly known as ZIL), is a major heavy vehicle manufacturer. They are well known for their trucks and buses but they also manufacture armoured limos and up-scale sedans for rich and influential Russians (including former Soviet officials) for many decades. The pictures you see here are from Zil- 1 comment
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- The TOP 30 highest paid politicians in the World are all from Singapore !! 1. Elected President SR Nathan – S$3.9 million. 2. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong – S$3.8 million. 3. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew – S$3.5 million. 4. Senior Minister Goh Chok Thong – S$3.5 million. 5. Senior Minister Prof Jayakumar – S$3.2 million. 6. DPM & Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng – S$2.9 million. 7. DPM & Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean – $2.9 million 8. Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo – S$2.8 million. 9. National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan – S$2.7 million. 10. PMO Miniser Lim Boon Heng – S$2.7 million. 11. Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang – S$2.7 million. 12. PMO Minister Lim Swee Say – S$2.6 million. 13. Environment Minister & Muslim Affairs Minister Dr Yaccob Ibrahim – S$2.6 million. 14. Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan – S$2.6 million. 15. Finance Minister S Tharman – S$2.6 million. 16. Education Minister & 2nd Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen – S$2.6 million. 17. Community Development Youth and Sports Minister – Dr Vivian Balakrishnan – S$2.5 million. 18. Transport Minister & 2nd Minister for Foreign Affairs Raymond Lim Siang Kiat – S$2.5 million. 19. Law Minister & 2nd Minister for Home Affairs K Shanmugam – S$2.4 million. 20. Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong – S$2.2 million. 21. PMO Minister Lim Hwee Hwa – S$2.2 million 22. Acting ICA Minister – Lui Tuck Yew – S$2.0 million. 23 to 30 = Senior Ministers of State and Ministers of State – each getting between S$1.8 million to S$1.5 million.
Got this email from a friend ============================= Singapore's World Records On this small island lives the 30 best-paid politicians in the world, comments a blogger. MySingaporeNews. Apr 3, 2009 As the economic crisis worsens and thousands are being retrenched, the huge salaries of Singapore's political leaders have come under the spotlight not only here - but overseas. With G20 leaders gathering in London to work out solutions to the global crisis, the Times compiled a list of "the 10 best-paid politicians in the world" - naturally with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong taking the top spot. The story was picked up by The Australia, which also works out their salaries when ranked against population. Mr Lee earns S$3.76 million (US$2.47 million) a year, excluding bonuses, allowances, pensions, etc which add on a significant bit. This is about 54 cents per head of population. In second position was his counterpart from New Zealand at 9 cents. The rest of the world are all down there, below even the lowest-ranking minister in Singapore. But Singaporean blogger redbean's "My Singapore News" carries a calculation from its reader, Green Peas, expanding on the UK and Australian reports. It pointed out that the world's 30 best-paid politicians (a definition that will include ministers, elected president, etc) are all from Singapore. Here's what the blogger says: The TOP 30 highest paid politicians in the world are all from Singapore:
Other Military Acronyms That Can Be Applied to Our Politicians Posted on Sunday, November 18, 2007 Topic: Politics by Pak Cham Kai Hey, our Dear Leeder recently described the opposition Workers Party team that contested Aljunied GRC as having gone
Other Military Acronyms That Can Be Applied to Our Politicians Posted on Sunday, November 18, 2007 Topic: Politics by Pak Cham Kai Hey, our Dear Leeder recently described the opposition Workers Party team that contested Aljunied GRC as having gone