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- Why government hate the west so much? I really thought the next line will be serving the west to city.
Hi Just to check for those who frequent malaysia, other than data passport, is there any cheap alternative in getting data plan? Most of the ICC only provide data for short term? Any advice on getting 6 months and above data sim? thanks
oh my god... hope passengers will be safe...
- 云顶梦号游轮超额预订 逾百人出游泡汤 “云顶梦号”邮轮出现超额预订的情况,超过百名乘客星期天(9月4日)提着“大包小包”抵达游轮中心后才被告知客房已满,无法上船出海。 一艘原定星期天傍晚时分从新加坡起航的名胜世界邮轮“云顶梦号”出现超额预订的情况,导致大批提前预订的乘客抵达滨海湾游轮中心后无法办手续上船。 《新明日报》记者接获通报后,星期天傍晚6时许到场了解情况。 根据其中一名乘客在办理登船手续柜台附近拍摄的照片,大批公众在等候区等候,有的则仍在排队等候办理手续。受访乘客说,共有超过100名乘客到场后被告知,因超额预订无法登船。 这艘四天三夜的游轮从本地出发,经过马来西亚的巴生到槟城后,再返航回新加坡。 到了晚上7时许,陆续有人推着行李箱等离开滨海湾游轮中心。 其中一名败兴而归的乘客杨先生(43岁,销售员)受访时说,趁两名念小学的女儿放假,打算带她们出海,还为了此趟行程请假,岂料计划却被打乱。“两名女儿也因此大失所望。我打算临时带女儿到新山游玩,但又担心关卡塞车和订不到酒店,因此左右为难。” 庄女士(72岁,家庭主妇)一行八人到场后,才发现预订好的三间房间,有其中一间落空,众人从下午5时许等到晚上8时许,最终不得不离开。 据悉,游轮直到晚上8时许仍未能起航,现场仍有订了票的公众在等候。 名胜世界邮轮证实超卖 受影响者将获全额退款 名胜世界邮轮回复《新明日报》询问时证实,星期天从本地出发的“云顶梦号”出现超额预订情况。 公司感谢自愿更改出游日期的顾客,并强调所有受影响的乘客都会获得全额退款。 发言人说,公司也向受影响乘客提供一次同等级别的免费游轮旅程,但得在明年4月28日前使用。 “我们对乘客造成的不便致歉,也再次感谢顾客的体谅。
Anyone on Starhub sim. Got this problem whereby 4G data will suddenly stop working. Then after awhile. It works again. But during down time.. whatsapp msg cannot come in
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- Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Ministry of Food winding up, fails to pay debt of $200,000 SINGAPORE - Home-grown restaurant chain Ministry of Food is winding up after failing to pay a debt of $200,000. We all know Charles Darwin so I'm not going to explain his theory of natural selection. Nevertheless, I created this thread because it's pretty amazing we're 1 year plus into the pandemic and there are businesses/individuals that still refuses to evolve. They continue to think the world will return to normal and rely on government aid (tax payers money) or cheap labor (maximize margin) to drive their organizations (plus complain a lot). Do you think they are worth saving?
Great! We're finally going to have cars, albeit electric cars, manufactured in Singapore! The manufacturing facility is slated for completion in 2020, with its first electric vehicle rolling out by Dyson in the following year. You're reading correctly ...... Dyson, the maker of household appliances including bagless vacuum cleaners which it invented :) Good to diversify our economy and create more jobs! Hopefully, it will be able to rival Telsa and serve as a catalyst for more automotive makers to set up assembly plants here!
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This was published in the Straits Times way back in Mar 07. 2 years on, what's the status? === Name your own plates soon for Singapore cars By Christopher Tan, Senior Correspondent ILUVROCK, BOND007 or even LIMTUATOW - these may be some of the special number plates on cars here, perhaps later this year. Also called personalised or vanity plates, they are a common sight in many countries, including the US, Britain, Australia and Denmark. They could hit Singapore's streets as soon as this year, sources told The Straits Times. The Land Transport Authority said it is still working on details and has not decided on the implementation date. 'This came out of the blue and seems to be in line with the loosening of rules here,' an observer said. In the meantime, said the LTA, it has been working with the motor trade industry and others to make changes to its systems to allow the use of personalised numbers on vehicles. As in other countries where they are allowed, such plates are likely to cost quite a bit. In Hongkong, tycoon Albert Yeung paid HK$13 million (S$2.5 million) for a simple '9', which in Cantonese connotes longevity. Other popular plates there include HANDSOME, K1NG and 1 LOVE U. The Straits Times understands the LTA is studying various pricing options, but a flat fee is more likely than an auction system. Various agencies such as the Housing Board, the Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Association of Hire Purchase are being informed of the plan. 'Apparently, the computer system needs to be upgraded to accommodate the changes,' said a spokesman for the Singapore Vehicle Traders Association. The new number plate may take up to 12 characters - compared with the maximum eight now. Motorists and dealers welcome the move. Mr Glenn Tan, chief executive of Subaru agent MotorImage, said: 'It is a great idea. When I was studying in the States, I had a personalised number, TCH18. TCH are the initials for my Chinese name, Tan Chun Hong.' Plates with offensive or sensitive messages are unlikely to be allowed. Five years ago, the LTA banned vowels in number plates in what was seen as a pre-emptive move to prevent SEX on Singapore's roads.
I don't use a mobile phone and my missus only uses a couple of dollars worth of whatever a month. But she just told me that M1 are scrapping nearly all of their 19 mobile plans and reducing them to just two, the cheapest of which cost S$25 per month. Is this correct. She said Singtel and Starhub already do this. Is there a Mobile Plan with any provider which would suit her small usage. Thanks.
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Latest post to this saga: click here what are your views? considering the previous hoohaa about the population white paper.
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Currently i am paying $48 for 26GB of data, 100 mins talk time at Circles Life. This new mid tier plan by Starhub not bad. Talk time 300 mins. And also no contract. Think shortly Singtel and M1 will announce similar plans. SINGAPORE: Local telco StarHub on Wednesday (Dec 5) announced three new SIM-only mobile plans which it said come with “extra large data bundles”. The mid-tier S$50 SIM-only plan, for instance, offers customers 30GB of data a month, with free incoming calls and 300 minutes of local talktime. Caller number display and international roaming – previously chargeable as add-on services - are included free of charge. The first 10,000 customers to sign up will get an additional 10GB of data every month for a year as a “launch bonus”, said StarHub. The plans are contract-free and customers are not bound by any minimum subscription period. “The plans are devoid of hidden charges for customers to enjoy peace-of-mind,” said the telco. “In a market-first, StarHub is scrapping all one-time administrative, activation and SIM card fees, which add up to about S$200 over 12 months for a typical customer.” Read more at
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Honda refused Dyson's plan to build car at its factory
chitchatboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
The company that is best known for making vacuum cleaners wanted to build its new electric cars at Honda's U.K. Swindon production site but was rejected. As seen in an article published by Carscoops, Dyson was said to have sent a letter to a local MP in Wiltshire, which revealed Dyson wanted to make the most of unused parts in Honda’s local factory. “The most annoying thing is that 12 months ago we went to see Honda at Swindon,” he wrote. “We knew that they were only using one of their assembly buildings, (and we asked) if we could rent the unused one. They refused.” That said, Honda denies the rejection and in a statement, stated, “We are aware of a letter between Dyson and James Gray MP, the contents of which are factually incorrect.” Since then, Dyson has already committed to building its electric vehicles in Singapore and recently moved its global headquarters to our sunny island. After announcing its intentions to make electric cars in 2017, Dyson also released sketches of an electric SUV being developed by the company. Dyson hopes its plant in Singapore will become operational in 2020 and intends to launch its first model in 2021. -
StarHub job cuts result of strategic transformation plan Sources: We thank Mr Tan Kar Quan for his comments (Laying off staff not always the best strategy, May 25). Telecommunications companies globally and in Singapore are being disrupted by issues ranging from digitalisation and cloud-based services to changing consumer preferences and the ongoing convergence in information and communications technologies (ICT). As mobile, broadband and content penetration rates are already very high in Singapore, StarHub has to continually transform its operating model and seek growth in adjacent segments, such as cyber security and enterprise ICT solutions. As part of our strategic transformation plan aimed at consistently delivering a better customer experience, we embarked on simplifying and redesigning our company structure, product offerings and internal processes last year. This regrettably led to a reduction of roles and colleagues from our team - reducing our workforce is not our strategic intent. Increasing our capabilities, accelerating growth, offering a better brand experience, and adapting to the realities of the rapidly changing market we operate in are among targets at the core of our strategy. To this end, our transformation plans will always include the reskilling, retraining and redeployment of our employees to be able to handle future functions. We will also continue to explore opportunities to accelerate our growth through the launch of innovative services and the acquisition of companies. The acquisition of companies offers us access to services, technologies, customers and new talent that otherwise will require many years of development with no certainty of success. A successful business strategy is inclusive of many growth initiatives, home-grown and acquired, and leverages the collective wisdom and capabilities of everyone at StarHub. Peter Kaliaropoulos Chief Executive Officer StarHub
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Number two on the way! Woohoo! Another girl. Was having this discussion with my Wife. She was worried I will make her give birth until we have a boy. LOL. Just curious. How many kids do you guys intend to have? And what are the factors that will influence the number of kids you have?
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Hi Just to get a rough sensing, how much do I need to save for my kid studies in future. For local university, not overseas. My daughter is almost 3yrs old. So, I should have about 15yrs to save. How much do I need to save monthly to hit the minimum (prudent) sum for her?
Part of our 2014 NDP funpack, to promote: Now you can buy puppies in S’pore like furniture with 0% installment plan Yes, I am a dog lover, and this is really WTF.
Will be heading in to KL this Saturday morning, crossing Tuas around 6.30am. I have always driven in one breath(plus toilet breaks of cos) all the way from SG to KL without taking breakfast stops along the way. However, because there are some "VIPs" in this trip, a stopover at Malacca(or maybe some other towns) is planned, preferably not too far off the NS Highway. That means exit NSH > stop > jiak > pee > continue trip. Any good restaurants serving timsum or local style foods in Malacca or towns to recco? Should be looking at reaching Malacca around 8.30 to 9 am. Food price is not an issue as prices there are always reasonable.
- "Helsinki's ambitious plan to make car ownership pointless in 10 years"
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Land-abundant Malaysia, which is approximately 500 times the size of Singapore, is planning on reclaiming land by creating a 2,000ha island in the Strait of Johor below the Second Link. This is approximately three times the size of Ang Mo Kio estate and will take 30 years to complete. Part of the man-made island will be under the Second Link, which connects Tuas in Singapore to Johor. This proposal for a massive land reclamation project has prompted Singapore to request for more information from Malaysia to study the possible impact it has on our sovereignty environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed. The original report of this project came to light in the Malaysian daily, The Star, on June 16, 2014. The reclamation project is tentatively called Forest City. China property developer Country Garden Holdings and a Johor government company, Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor, were planning it for luxury homes. The Edge Review online magazine reported last month that Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim Ismail Sultan Iskandar is behind it and it is being actively promoted by powerful politicians. China property developer Country Garden Holdings and four other mainland companies have bought land in the state of Johor with plans to launch more than 39,000 residential units, including on land to be reclaimed off Singapore’s Tuas.
Will char kway teow lead to sugar spike? An upcoming Glycemic Index of Asian food will help public plan their diets. Each time Ms Juliana Lim goes grocery shopping, she lingers longer than most patrons along supermarket aisles. That is because she has to decipher the Glycemic Index (GI) of foodstuff from its fibre, sugar and fat content. For the last two decades, the diabetic has been sticking to a low GI diet because spikes in her sugar levels will make her tired at work. The GI is a measure of how quickly carbohydrate-containing food raises a person's blood glucose level. "But choosing low GI food has not been easy as its information is not readily available on the Internet or food labels," said the 44-year-old executive. WHAT IS THE GLYCEMIC INDEX? THE Glycemic Index, or GI, is a scale which measures how much a food containing carbohydrates raises blood glucose levels. Foods with a higher GI, such as white bread, can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Those with a lower GI, such as whole oats, are digested more slowly, causing more gradual and smaller changes in blood sugar levels. GI is computed on a scale of zero to 100. Foods with low GI register a value of 55 and below, medium GI ranges from 56 to 69 and high GI means 70 and above. Low GI foods include dried beans and legumes such as kidney beans and lentils, green leafy vegetables, most fruit, and many wholegrain breads and cereals. Fat and fibre tend to lower the GI of a food and generally, the more cooked or processed a food, the higher its GI. Knowing the GI values of food can help with better planning for a healthy diet. Research has shown that a low GI diet can help prevent heart disease and diabetes, control cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy weight. Source: Full Article:
My iPad data plan is up for renewal. I need a plan that allows me to use the tablet as a tethering device to allow my mobile phone to serve the net. Data plan normally is 50GB and mobile plan only 2GB. Any recommendation to which service provider should I go to? My current plan is with Singtel. But I was told Singtel data plan does not allow tethering.
Happen to come across this blog on the above....pls read
Anyone here can do this? Please leave contact. Txs