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Found 11 results

  1. Hi, i looking to buy a few plain Hanes Beefy-T tee shirt to replace my old ones. Anyone know which department stores/shop still selling them? Thanks.
  2. Tuesday we had a worst power failure in 14 yrs. Wednesday MRT broke down for more than half a day. Thursday M1 data down, and I think is at least from jurong to clementi. other area unknown to me yet. Hotline busy for last 30 min. So, are we under some form of attack or simply just plain suay? So whats going down tomorrow? is there a line up for Sat and Sun also? Let the guessing game begin..
  3. Baal

    Is it the Govt

    http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/05/14/is-it-the-govts-fault-or-plain-old-singaporean-greed/ Is it the Govt’s fault or plain old Singaporean greed? May 14th, 2014 | Author: Contributions Blame our own True Blue Singaporeans, not others Recent discontent with influx of foreign workers has always placed blame on the Government. There is always another story to other side of the coin. I did a renovation project for a wealthy Singaporean family years back, I spent quite a long time in their bungalow for almost a month. Somehow, I followed their life a little bit and heard many of their conversations. When it comes to spending on themselves, name it Prada bags, cars, overpriced restaurants, renovation, they NEVER complain. They can spend $2k for a feast at a restaurant to please their friends or relatives (to show off), or $35k for a watch, or half a million for a car, but when it comes to increasing their maid’s salary by just $100, they can argue for an hour with the agency. YES, that’s our True Blue Singaporean. Their $1 is very big when it comes to your salary. But a $5,000 Prada bag is cheap. In fact, those foreign workers are VICTIMS. They are being used as cheap labour for years without any prospect of getting better, because the bosses in the first place never had intention to spend more on them. Do you know that those foreign workers have to work for FREE for months to pay the employment agency fees? Nobody forced them to come here, it’s your own TRUE BLUE SINGAPOREAN BOSS that asked them to come here!!!! And the Government is a VICTIM too. We have nothing in this small island, therefore, Gov has no choice but to be PRO BUSINESS for our country to survive. Gov tries their best to keep as many businesses alive as possible, but it’s been taken advantage of by those greedy Singaporean bosses. They will do anything they can to get a cheap source of workers. They will declare their uncle, mother, sister, auntie as working at the company, just to get a bigger quota of foreign workers. One of my True Blue Singaporean friends who runs a very profitable business, gets so angry that his application for foreign workers is rejected by MOM. He went to MOM, bangs at the door of the officers, and scolds them for not being pro-business. Then he goes to the Business Association and laments his woes and asking for help. The Association then helps him to talk with MOM. He also goes to speak to his MP, complaining how tough the business environment is, but in fact he is doing very well. So he goes through all the hassle just to avoid hiring locals. Somehow, our own Singaporeans never trusts our own Singaporeans. Because of these greedy people, the Government gets the blame for bringing the foreign workers. But in fact, it’s our own True Blue Singaporeans that die die must get foreign workers. They will do whatever they can to get the cheapest manpower they can. Somehow, Singaporeans are always not in their choice. They will share experiences among bosses on how to get around Gov rules and regulations to get as many foreign workers as much as possible. I lost count on how many of my own Singaporean boss friends always complaining about Singaporean workers, and always find ways to get cheap foreign workers, even though they drive BMWs and have a couple of properties. The only Singaporeans they hire are their own family members. And how about Singaporean doctors? You blame Government for importing foreign doctors? Not because we are short of good doctors, but because True Blue Singaporean Doctors prefer to be RICH then serving the society. Irony isn’t it, our own Singaporean serving rich overseas patients, and we import foreign doctors to serve Singaporeans. Is it Government fault? Can Government stop them? NOP….simply human GREED. I can guarantee you, even one day when Singaporean is ruled by another party, this problem will NEVER go away. This is the MENTALITY of our Singaporeans, plain and simply GREEDY. If GREED is at the first place, they will close the option FOREVER, no matter what rules and laws you implement. In America, where law is super tough, there are still companies hiring illegal Mexican workers, although the companies are generating billions in revenue. They can actually hire many homeless Americans, but they just don’t bother. For shareholders, PROFIT is above everything, including humanity and country. We all talk so much about nationalism, but when it comes to money matters, the color is only green. Yeah, this is capitalism. Have you heard recently that many rich China’s businessmen want to switch nationality? Do they care about their own country that gave them wealth in the first place? And do you think our own Singaporeans will not do that? SAME, LAH !!! There are netizens saying that if war happens, foreign workers will flee first. Let me tell you, it’s our own True Blue Rich Singaporean that will run first. They already own properties in other countries. Recently, you heard many FAMOUS eateries closing shop, complaining that cost is too high. Netizens quickly blame the Government for their problems, without realizing the other side of the story. Those famous eateries have basically been operating for decades, and reaping HUGE profits, some eateries’ profit will make your jaw drop, really. They close down NOT because of the cost, but because they had ENOUGH and are not willing to share with others. They simply do not want to spend more on manpower. If they can’t get cheap foreign workers from China/India, they threaten to close down, and tell the media that the cost is too high. But have you checked their bank accounts and previous sales figures? These are our own True Blue Singaporean BOSSES. They just can’t share their profits with their workers. For them, to get cheap workers is their right. And how much they want to pay, is their choice… without realizing that the workers are humans too, and have families to support. So, before you put the blame on Government, you should see the real culprit in your office… your own BOSS. Your boss wants to buy a new BMW series, therefore, he needs to hire another Pinoy… greed knows NO limits. This is my proposal. I find it’s ok for small companies, or newly started companies to hire foreign workers. This is not only to lighten their cost, but they also can’t find Singaporeans to fill the positions because most of us are not interested in small or startup companies. BUT, for those companies that have been running for a while, or at least where sales exceed $1M (meaning those who pay GST), they should no longer be allowed to hire as many foreign workers anymore; die die must hire locals. Cut their quota. They should be able to afford hiring locals and give proper salaries already in their financial situation. NO EXCUSES. If those bosses threaten to move out, let it be… there is ALWAYS another company to take over their market. Once again, our problem is not the Government or the foreign workers. There is NO SUPPLY if there is NO DEMAND. You can’t blame those sex workers in Geylang for coming here if not for our local uncles’ needs. They are simply working like you and me. But it’s our own Singaporean who gets them here, sells them, profits from them, and abuses them. It’s our own True Blue Singaporean after all… SUSU BESAR * Submitted by TRE reader. http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/05/14/is-it-the-govts-fault-or-plain-old-singaporean-greed/
  4. As above. But must be specific hor, pls don't give answers like that one in Jln Kayu or that one in Upp Thomson Road, haha Also, since this is a car forum, can also comment about the situation of parking. OK, for me, if u like your prata extra crispy, can try The Roti Prata House, 246M Upper Thomson Road. But best don't see how they cook it, the amount of oil used is scary. Parking is road side illegal, extremely limited.
  5. Video quite long but but the horror starts at 1.30 mins. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F...aWyeQJIftKn5fmQ
  6. Anyone seen before a nobody looking person standing at bus stop with a video cam? I was at sims ave and there's this fella with a video cam in his hands pointing to e road and pretending to look elsewhere. Can see his smug look lah. I was in a bus lane with a few more walking steps to the dotted lines after filtering out. Suay things is got a big lorry sped up and block me from moving out of e bus lane. I seriously hope he is just a tourist! Haiz. Driving can be so stress man.
  7. I parked at Geylang Bahru Blk 50plus carpark.. I saw the whole row was red parking lots for season parking.. so i drove right to the end where white lots were available.. it was 930pm, so I used a half-hour coupon, and 4 one-hour coupons even though I am not parking overnight. I knew I might leave abt 12-1am.. I came back after my visit, to see an offense ticket.. I read the details and he indicated that I parked without a valid SEASON PARKING ticket! He must be farking blind to not see those are white lots.. Or he didnt know red are strictly for season parking ticket holders? Or I am not aware that now I cant park in white lots as they are now just like red lots for season parking ticket holders only too? Frustration! I now need to call hdb to clarify and to appeal.. need to call, being put on hold for many minutes, then write in.. all for an offense I didnt commit! And this Iskandar Bin Mohd Ismail is from Chubb.. Doesn't Chubb train them to differentiate red and white?
  8. Do You Think Cars Should be Kept Plain and Simple and be more reliability? After reading up so many cases about car recalls because of electronic problems, I feel too much electronics simply make a car overly complicated and sacrifice reliability. Things like E throttle, which I feel is totally redundant. Whats so bad about having a cable to the throttle? Does it make the car less efficient and harder to drive? I only read about people complaining about the throttle lag...... I have also read about BMW's valvetronic problems and problems with the i drive etc. Of course, I do agreed that all these advances in cars and make the car easier to drive, safer and improve FC etc. But the amt of R&D and testing done to cars because its roll out is nowhere near that of other high tech equipment like planes etc. With the stiff competition, manufacturers would be rushing to push out new models and hence even less time for adequate testing.
  9. LUCA BADOER'S face was as red as his Ferrari after an embarrassing return to Formula One yesterday. Italian Badoer, 38, was well over a second off the pace set by team-mate Kimi Raikkonen as he hit the track for the first time in 10 years. F1 Race Centre - Click here to follow the live action And he racked up
  10. Hi, would like to know if anyone knows where to get the chrome stickers (plain type)? Thinking of adding some "chrome lines" on my ride Thanks.
  11. It had been widely publicised in the press that many Singaporean had been conned in MY over the scratch-and-win scams and still Singaporean still falling for it. I had posted once is this threads of several couples been conned at the car park of Makotar Parade, Malacca in the form of lucky draws & scratch-and win. Its happen again on Monday, this time at a petrol kiosk in Johor Baru. As reported in today New Paper and last Monday Sin Min Daily. The report: His holidays made him poorer by $6,500/-. All because Mr. Zhang, 40, a Singaporean businessman, fell victim to the "scratch-and-win" syndicate. Mr. Zhang was approached at a Johor Baru petrol station (name not given) just as he was about to drive back to Singapore. He said that a Chinese woman in her 20s approached him, asking if he was interested in taking part in a lucky draw. He agreed, thinking there was nothing wrong with trying his luck. He scratched a card that the woman gave him, and it revealed a picture of several cars. The woman congratulated him and asked him to follow her to an office near the petrol station. At the office, a man claimed to be the woman colleague told Mr Zhang that he stood a chance of winning a PDA, a car, cooker hoods, television sets and a trip to Japan. Mr Zhang was told that if he paid RM15,000 ($6,500) for taxes and fees, he would have a chance of winning four cars. Believing the man, Mr Zhang made payment with his credit card. When he scratched the booklet, it showed he had won only four cooker hoods. The man refused to give a refund, saying that Mr Zhang was unlucky and could not blame the company. Paying $6,500/- for 4 cooker hoods...... Its show that the man is either plain ignorant or boh chap attitude as he believe that it will not happen to him. Ignorant is out as he is a businessman and should able to think and make decision. So......... it left to his attitude that misfortune will not happen to him or blinded by the 20s years old ..... Also reported that billions reaped in annual profits as millions of consumers cheated in MY.
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