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I have this little bump at the tip of my nose for years already and plan to have it removed so seeking some recommendations as to whether to seek a cosmetic surgeon or any other alternatives. Its not a mole but more like excess flesh like a pimple at the tip of the nose. If cosmetic surgery, would anyone have any recommended clinic or hospital for it and what kind of budget am I looking at? Thanks
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Anyone else here trims their nostril hair? I am someone who gets incredibly disturbed and distracted if I see another person (male/female) having nostril hair sticking out while I am talkimg to them face to face. So I myself will make sure I do not have these hair visible from my nostrils. Used to secretly "borrowed" my wife's eyebrow plucker to pluck those stray nose hairs. Never fail to bring wetness to the eyes with every plucking. Then I also secretly "borrowed" my wife's eyebrow scissors to try trim the nostril hairs. Much better but takes abit of dexterity to get the angle right for the snip. And then I found this: Just stick it into the nostril and move it around the walls, quick 1 minute job can last me a month.....
I have this colleague who is quite a nice guy. However, he has this habit of digging his nose whenever the opportunity arises. He is not conscious about it and could dig it right in front of people throughout a group conversation. It affected me as we share the common door knob to exit the workplace. Sometimes, he even touched my mouse to access some data on the computer screen. I am sure our folks here might have encountered people around us with similar habit. How to hint to him without hurting/offending him? He is quite a nice guy though.
Somebody mentioned booger to me and I suddenly thought of an old friend @nkps LOL
Hi folks I have seen cars putting up reindeer horns on top of their front doors (both sides) and red nose ball in front of car. A anybody know where to get them in Singapore? Thanks
Thursday, Sep 26, 2013 Reuters CHINA - Xiaolian, 22, neglected his nasal trauma following a traffic accident in August 2012. After several months, the infection had corroded the cartilage of the nose, making it impossible for surgeons to fix it leaving no alternative but to grow a new nose for replacement. A hospital in Fuzhou, Fulian province, China, came up with an innovative idea to do just that. Doctors decided to grow him a new "nose" using his own skin and part of a cartilage. The new nose was grown by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian's forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting a cartilage taken from his ribs. Guo Zhihui, head of plastic surgery at Xiehe Hospital said that the hardest step has been completed, and he does not foresee and complications regarding the transplant surgery. The surgeons said that the new nose is in good shape and the transplant surgery could be performed soon, local media reported. - See more at: I know this is innovative but what happen when it rain, when he swim and snowing?
pretty amazing that they can keep changing it.
from Yahoo : Ferguson mulling United retirement - reports AFP News
Hi Folks, For many years, I have been bugged by my sensitive nose problem. I tend to have running nose easily and if it is not well-taken care of, it will result in more problems such as sore throat, cough and fever. The problem can be recurring. Thinking of going for a nose operation and have the problem resolved once and for all. Does anyone have any experience with such a nose operation? What is the cost, procedure, operation duration, side effects etc? Would appreciate your sharing of information. Many thanks.
Do you dig your nose when you pee? I see alot of nose s--t on the wall of cubicles
This season's EPL is very "kan cheong" with 3 teams fighting till the end. Chelsea is leading the pack with a 1-0 victory over Bolton and I'm sure ManU is feeling sore from the draw with Blackburn. Don't write off Arsenal who has a game in hand over ManU and we shall see tonight if Red Nose monkey's team is going to slip to 3rd! Good work Man C, you have the fighting spirit to slug it out for 4th spot. Tottenham is goner and I'm pretty sure HR is going to dump the game against you-know-who. What a season!
Was at IMM noon today and waited at ground floor parking lots for almost 10 mins before a family got back to their car with their shopping. Lined up 2 car width ahead of their car, on hazard lights and waited with a red Mazda 3 further behind me. Family drove off and I was about to reverse into parking lot when a lorry zoomed up from behind the red Mazda and took the empty lot! Wind down my window and gestulated angrily at the lorry driver who looked at me and laughed with his passenger The red Mazda driver also joined in and gestulated at him (or that's what I thought I saw him doing). Thanks bro! Gave up and went all the way up to 5th floor. Hmmmmmmmmm!!! Felt at that point of time, to come down to the lorry and rip off his side mirrors But good sense took hold of me and stopped me from doing that as it would be dangerous for the lorry and also other drivers on the road. What a day! Sorry for my evil thoughts
So Sad...she work her lungs out for many many years to pay for his medication and hospitalisation but at the end he still cant recover from the cancer ...hope she can move on...Rest in Peace Mr Wan...I like most of Michelle's movies. I really admire her for her perserverance. I mean, there are only a handful who can remain so faithful...and she is even not officially married yet... HONG KONG: Veteran Hong Kong actress Michelle Yim's boyfriend Wan Chi-Keung died from nasopharyngeal cancer on Tuesday. He was 53. Yim and his family were at his bedside when he passed away at 8.45am. Wan, a soccer player-turned-actor, and Yim have been together for almost 30 years. While Wan had been calling Yim "his wife" since 2001, they were never officially married. Yim stayed with Wan throughout the 18 years he was suffering from cancer. Yim had been researching medicines that could help improve her boyfriend's health and was constantly looking for the best doctors when she found out about Wan's condition but to no avail. Despite Wan's passing, the actress did not talk to the media about the matter, but has continued to turn up for work on the set of her new drama series "Women Hurt The Most" to honour Wan's lifelong belief that "people need to be more enthusiastic and proactive". "She [Yim] is very strong and never asked for a break during filming because she did not want to delay the progress of the shoots. She is really professional," said the producer of the series. (香港讯)米雪男友,香港足球选手尹志强,昨早8时45分因鼻咽癌不幸过世,享年53岁。 米雪通知
Dear folks, Have been bugged by my sensitive nose for many years since childhood. I would easily sneeze in a dusty environment and would get runny nose rather frequently. Certain nights can get very warm without the air-conditioner, but my nose gets blocked badly when the air-con is on. Both ways, my sleep gets affected. When my runny nose is untreated, it can translate into fever, cough etc. Do you have the same problem? Any remedy? Help!
The guy who molested his maid in Today's paper was sentenced to 10 months + 3 strokes rotan vs the Navy guy who broke the doctor's nose in a road rage and got away with $1000 fine, which do you think is a more serious crime?
A WOMAN driver cut into his lane, so he honked at her. This led to hand-gesturing, more honking, tailgating and finally a confrontation that ended with a headbutt. The road rage incident landed Lai Yew Sing in court in April. He pleaded guilty to one count of voluntarily causing hurt and was fined $1,000. Lai, 40, a major in the Singapore Navy, had headbutted the woman driver's passenger on his face. The attack left Dr Jason Chia Kok Kiong, 34, an associate consultant with the Changi Sports Medicine Centre at Changi General Hospital, with a fractured nose. The court heard that Dr Chia was in a car driven by his colleague, Ms Sharon Seah, on 18 Mar last year, around 1.30pm. They were travelling along South Buona Vista Road heading to The Village Centre near Pasir Panjang when Ms Seah, an occupational therapist, filtered into the right lane. Lai, who was driving behind Ms Seah, sounded the horn at her. His heavily-pregnant wife was with him. GESTURED WITH HER HANDS Ms Seah gestured with her hand at Lai through her rear view mirror to indicate her displeasure. She applied her brakes intermittently on the winding road and this further enraged Lai, who tailgated her and honked again. On arriving at The Village Centre, Ms Seah drove into the basement carpark. Lai followed and parked his car first. Dr Chia alighted from Ms Seah's car before she parked. He walked towards Lai's car to look at and memorise its licence plate number, court documents revealed. Meanwhile, Lai headed toward Ms Seah's car and shouted at her while she remained seated inside. As Dr Chia was walking back to Ms Seah's car, both men crossed paths. Lai was still shouting at Ms Seah, scolding her for driving badly. As the two men stood close to each other, Lai suddenly headbutted Dr Chia on his face. His nose started bleeding profusely and he called the police. Lai did not leave the scene. Dr Chia received treatment for his fractured nose at the National University Hospital. Lai's lawyer, Mr Thangavelu, said in his mitigation that Lai had followed Ms Seah's car because he wanted an explanation from her. He said: 'The driver flashed her middle finger twice into her rear view mirror. 'She also stuck her hand outside the window showing the same gesture and later braked intermittently for no apparent reason.' He added that Lai had felt intimidated by Ms Seah's behaviour and was concerned for the safety of his wife, who was eight months' pregnant. Mr Thangavelu said Lai had regretted his impulsive behaviour and had apologised to Dr Chia and offered to compensate him for his injury. The court heard that after completing his national service in 1987, Lai signed on with the navy and had an excellent service record. He reached the rank of major in 2003. Mr Thangavelu said Lai would lose his entire retirement benefits of $283,000, which he accumulated over 20 years, if he was sent to prison. In her written judgment, District Judge Hamidah Ibrahim said she saw Lai's actions as a momentary loss of temper or control. 'I find that there was some provocation on the part of Ms Seah in the manner in which she drove her car that day,' she said. SWERVED SUDDENLY 'She swerved suddenly into his lane, forcing him to take evasive action by jamming his brakes and sounding the horn.' The judge added that Ms Seah's waving of her hands could have been perceived by Lai as the flashing of her middle finger. 'It was unfortunate that Lai had used his head to headbutt the nose of the victim,' she said. 'However, I find it in his favour that he did it only once and it was not premeditated and no weapon was used.' She also noted that the conviction was adequate punishment for Lai since it was fairly obvious that his career would now be ruined. While there is a need to protect the public from acts of violence, she did not think Lai deserved a jail sentence. Lai was fined the maximum of $1,000, which he paid. The prosecution appealed against the sentence. The appeal will be heard in the High Court on 17 Jul. For voluntarily causing hurt, Lai could also have been jailed for one year. This article was first published in The New Paper on 14 June 2008.
Abstract from CNA "On the same issue, opposition MP Chiam See Tong asked why tracker dogs were not used in the manhunt. Mr Wong replied that he is not an expert on tracker dogs and he could only inform the House based on what he has been told by the professionals. He said: "The moment the escape was discovered, the guards turned out and searched the area, with lots of people on the ground. I was advised by professionals that in those situations, no value would be added by tracker dogs. I was also told that tracker dogs were deployed in certain locations in the vicinity of the Whitley Road Detention Centre." However, Mr Wong added that he would pass Mr Chiam's views and knowledge about tracker dogs to the police and let them assess whether it would indeed be beneficial to use them in such situations." everybody knows that tracker dog capability and those "professionals" think no value added, are they buying mobile phone packages looking out for VAS (Value added service)? Despite the trainings these "professionals" underwent and the amount of tax payer money spent, these "professionals" ought to be fcuk by the tracker dogs, eat dog poo and clean kennels.
Courtesy of ukstarletclub and austarletclub. Heads up though: They are huge files... Enjoy! Hyper Rev 44 Glanza Brochure
Hi, I'm looking for a good specialist that specialise in the nose. Any recommendations? Thanks!!
A very very good deal i must say even for a OPC. Even if wana convert to normal car, the price is still very worth it after adding in the conversion fees. Bidding stops tomorrow at 5pm!
I noticed in some of my previous cars, some cars does a nose dive when doing hard braking and some doesn't - you just feel the entire car going lower. Does it have anything to do with rear disc brakes vs rear drum brakes? Or its essentially the brake pump system thats the culprit?