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Found 5 results

  1. Nope, you didn't wake up in the world of Grand Theft Auto. There was indeed, a plane on the highway! Wondering what's happening? No this isn't a publicity stunt or a movie scene. Those with a sharp eye might notice that it happened on the North-South Highway in Malaysia. This plane ended up on the side of the expressway due to an emergency landing after experiencing some technical difficulties - the pilots heard a small explosion from the plane engine. Wah, if its me I confirm pray to all the gods liao, hear explosion while in the air... this one not tyre puncture wor. This private plane was en-route from Seletar Airport to Melaka, operated by two Singaporean pilots. You might be wondering, why they can go Malaysia with the current COVID situation. But it seems that private planes are still allowed to fly out of Singapore, but they will be subjected to the destination country's COVID restrictions. But ah, end of the day, the pilots really very zai sia, although the highway looks really wide, the plane easily take up all the lanes already. If I'm the one flying the plane, confirm become like this one:
  2. http://news.asiaone.com/news/relax/bus-10-...rns-n-s-highway nowaday go holiday also high risk ...
  3. If any of you had traveled the Malaysian Peninsular by car during the recent Chinese New Year holidays or any other long weekend you may have noticed the horrendous traffic that occurs during those periods. In fact things were so bad on the saturday before the new year's eve that I have read friends posting on their twitbook social sites that that a normal 3 hour drive from the Jalan Duta Toll near Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh took 7 hours and some others did the trip from Johor to Penang in around 15 hours or so. You could actually fly all the way to London in that time frame. What this shows is that the main throughfare, the tolled North-South Highway, cannot cope with the volumes of traffic. Even on normal early of the month weekends, the NS Highway especially the Seremban-Kuala Lumpur and the Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh stretches are jammed packed with cars. It seems Malaysians love motoring these days and every weekend the NS Highway gets filled up with cars. It doesn't seem to cope with weekend traffic and when it comes to holiday traffic, the highway gets worse. Of course the only other alternative is to take the non-tolled road but there are some who do not enjoy the slightly slower pace of the secondary roads (which actually may be faster these days). So it seems there should be an alternative to this. And there is. Or part of it anyway. In a recent newspaper report the Malaysian Government had awarded a local company West Coast Expressway Sdn. Bhd. (64.2% owned by Malaysian conglomerate Kumpulan Europlus Berhad) an estimated RM7.07 (SG$2.91) billion contract to build, operate and later transfer back to the Government after 60 years a new highway linking Banting (which is near Klang, Selangor) to Taiping, Perak. The company will build and operate a highway which would cover a distance of 316km, 224 of which will be tolled. The report also states that Europlus should implement the project soon. Of course this isn't something that's going to happen really soon. It should take three to four years or so before the first stage of the highway opens. Provided land acquisitions and other stuff go uninterrupted. So would this reduce traffic jams in the near future? Or would the Malaysian car population grow until that new highway becomes as jammed as the NS Highway even when it is newly opened?
  4. I was surfing the Internet recently and one of my friends shared this video link on his Facebook profile which made me rather confused. It was on the verge of being funny, yet I felt quite disgusted at what I saw. I'm sure some of you have seen this video before but here it is for those who haven't got the chance to see it. If you burst out laughing because the man is practically flailing his arms everywhere, I won't blame you because that part is genuinely funny.. The part that's not funny is how these fights even occur. I've realised that driving on the roads somehow increases tensions between motorists; people begin to judge others by the car they drive, and the way they drive. The car and driving style become the sole basis that people are judged on the road. The funny thing is, if the 'bad' driver was your friend, you wouldn't want to take out a baseball bat and hit him to that state as shown in the video, sometimes you'd just laugh off his mistake. But when it comes to other drivers, its a whole new world of hell. There is little humanity on the roads these days in Singapore and in Malaysia. However, I'm also quite certain that many of you readers have travelled overseas and experienced different roads, drivers, driving styles, from my personal experience, I think the UK is one of the best places to drive, and its something that we can all try to emulate. Its civilized and people are courteous on the road. Over here, you signal early to change lanes, 90% of the time, the car behind accelerates past you leaving you stranded on your unwanted lane while other cars blaze past, not giving you any room to move over. In contrast, while I was in the UK, this phenomenon hardly ever happened! Motorists slowed down and clearly gave way to the car I was in and everything went smoothly. Its the same for parking. People here tend to get impatient and start to have hands that are glued to the horn and repeatedly blast it while someone else is trying to park in a congested carpark. I was just one of the people waiting behind while the car in front of mine created a symphony of horn blasts in the multi-storey carpark. Where is the love? Waiting a few seconds longer or slowing down to give way wouldn't kill you would it. Trying to save those few seconds could. For that guy who got beaten up in the video, I'd say that was his unlucky day but I guess it still takes two hands to clap. We can all make driving a much more pleasant experience if we want to. So what do you think? Have your say here under the comments!
  5. Okay this CNY period many of us will be using the NSHW it seems. Here is a list of Tips and recommendation .. please help add in the list so others can benefit from it. 1. Do not Overinflate your tires - due to the high temperature generated over the long drive the air will expand and this prevents good contact with the road. I prefer to under inflate a little. 2. Bring a Pee-bag, so that you can pee when you need to a plastic bag with a cut out plastic bottle as a funnel works best. 3. Make sure your spare tyre is well inlfated 4. Get a steering wheel lock 5. Prepare $50-$100 RM note and put these in your wallet. The rest of the cash please put it somewhere else .. e.g. in your underwear 6. Make sure your coolant and water in your tank is sufficient.. 7. Take note of speed trap location (You can refer to the LIST HERE) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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