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Found 10 results

  1. Hi Guys,Got into an accident this morning at Newton Circus Roundabout,Would like some advice if whether I am in the wrong or I had the right of way? Thanks Guys 1st Video(Before I entered the roundabout): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZJinuDgRgg 2nd Video(Full video of the accident): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_vfQ7YywNo
  2. Hi, I am looking for the above services in Newton/ Novena area. Could someone let me know any of the service provider within this vicinity? Thanks.
  3. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1253887/1/.html SINGAPORE: A fire has broken out at Newton MRT station on Wednesday morning. The Singapore Civil Defence Force says officers are now at the scene. Train services on the North South Line have been affected. There are no train services between Newton and Toa Payoh towards Jurong East. SMRT says free public and shuttle buses are now available at affected stations between Toa Payoh and Newton.
  4. This gas station service staff are simply crap. I was there and wanna alight to get something from the convenient store but was trap behind a queue of car waiting to do wash. I didn't see them cos there was a van blocking so LL stuck there. I see they had cones in between the pumps and gesture to the pump attendant to help shift it so I can drive thru and get out and not be trap behind the queue. The attendant signal cannot so I wind down window to ask nicely and he snapped at me. I was like WTF. Move a cone doesn't kill u so why the fock u snap at me. So I alighted and go ask the foking pump manager why can't they help so he said ok. I ask that foker attendant why he needed to shout at me saying cannot then in front of the manager he diam diam. WTF. I wanna spend money in their store and kena a scolding for a small matter that they can help. If cannot shift then just tell me nicely la. I din know what kind of service training Caltex provides but pls look into this. One experience enough to leave an impression that all service staff from Caltex are the same. I drove away to the next pump and bought my stuff and was greet nicely by that station staff. Kudos to that pump just down from that Caltex.
  5. I was at Newton Hawker Car park 2 days ago at 9.50pm. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a CARPARK WARDEN issueing car park summons. FYI, this car park is free after 10pm. This warden Damn ON THE BALL.
  6. from 09/09/09 till 11/09/09 for spring cleaning regards
  7. remember that seafood bbq stall who overcharge a group of tourists over seafood and tiger prawns? they have opened for business after suspension. do take note when going to newton to eat. we locals also dun want to be chop carrot by them.
  8. Newton Hawker Ctr just came back to business totally revamped, err, but except for one thing.....bad reputation. recently, a few foreigners got sort of conned. http://travel.asiaone.com/Travel/News/Stor...318-129428.html does anyone have any bad experience? i heard of good food there, but wouldn't dare to recommend anyone after hearing such news.
  9. Hi bros, I got into an accident last night at the above mentioned location and timing. Initially, the other driver (a P plate) admitted it is her fault and keep saying sorry, and now, after consulting with her dad and insurance company (NTUC), now it seems like she might have other "ideas". I know it is a shot in the dark, but anyone out there witness this accident? Mine is a 07 Honda Civic and she's in a white toyota Corolla. I saw some witness standing around and many cars drove pass, but forgot to stop someone for details. Details It happened at Newton circle when I was at the most outer lane continuing in my lane and she was on the inner lane on my right, suddenly turning left and hit my right doors. Initially I though it is straight forward case until the assessors told me my case is 50-50 because although she hit me on the side, she can turn around claim that I turn in front of her, especially when she seems to be denying fault now. Nevetherless, I managed to draft out the accident reporting form and draw the accident diagram, ticked the boxes saying she is changing lane and turning left. And I made her signed it. However the assessors think this is still 50-50. What I screwed up is that I should have made her write down in black and white saying she changed lane and hit me. sighz. Need help and maybe advise. Anyone?
  10. got this from a friend, I hope it's not a repost ------------------------------------------------------------ *Some Important Laws that Newton forgot to state* *LAW OF QUEUE: * *If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now. * *LAW OF TELEPHONE: * *When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.* *LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: * *After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.* *LAW OF THE WORKSHOP: * *Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.* *LAW OF THE ALIBI: * *If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire. * *BATH** THEOREM: * *When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.* *LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: * *The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. * *LAW OF THE RESULT: * *When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will!* *LAW OF BIOMECHANICS: * *The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.* *THEATRE RULE: * *People with the seats at the furthest from the aisle arrive last.* *LAW OF COFFEE: As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold. *
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