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Cambike screams CB after near-miss with blind Toyota PHV driver
Fadevfast posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
As expensive as cars are nowadays, I doubt this driver has enough money to get away from the consequences if this almost turned into a snuff film. What happened? On the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) a cambike was just minding its own business when a Toyota Sienta forced its way through on the same lane. You can hear the cambike swear at the car after the near miss. I would too if I almost died like that. Unfortunately, it also seems that the penalty for vehicular manslaughter is surprisingly low. Motorists caught causing death performing a negligent act may be punished with imprisonment for no longer than 5 years, or with a fine or with both. It is also not guaranteed to ban the offender from driving for life, and can instead be reduced to a period of time as the court sees fit. Online chatter. The driver was of course criticised for his dangerous driving. The car being under the Private Hire scheme didn’t help and added to the driver’s ridicule (and the bad rep of PHV drivers). Someone in the comments had an interesting plan to get an insurance claim and commit insurance fraud. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today! -
TL;DR – A Honda Fit cuts into the path of a cam car in an extremely reckless manner, nearly causing an accident. Caption from the video post on Facebook page. Watch the 10-second video below to find out what it means. What happened The incident occurred along Bukit Panjang Ring Road at about 6.45pm on 7th of December 2022. A blue/purple Honda Fit filters onto the main road and immediately changes lane recklessly. This abrupt lane change causes cam car to jam the brakes and depress the horn. It’s a short one today but let this serve as a public service announcement of sorts. Moral of the story There will always be idiots on the roads like this. It doesn’t mean that nothing will happen to you even if you have the right of way. Keep that in mind folks. Online Chatter As always, let’s see what people have to say. True stories. It refers to the Honda Fit. Just in case anyone’s wondering. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
TL;DR – BMW 216I nearly hits school children at a pedestrian crossing in a school zone after blatantly ignoring two traffic marshals. A 14-year-old boy whom a BMW had hit in Punggol passed away yesterday after 3-weeks in hospital. You would think some people would be more careful on the roads after such a tragedy. Not this driver (coincidentally, the culprit in question drives a BMW 216I). Watch this 50-second video to understand why some people are fuming mad with this driver What happened Everything you need to see occurs in the first 8-seconds of the video. There are not one but TWO traffic marshals on either side of the pedestrian crossing. They raise their hands (and blinky light thingy) to stop oncoming traffic as a couple of Bukit Timah Primary school kids attempt to cross the road. But the BMW driver doesn’t give a rat’s @%#. It just charges forward without hesitation. Here’s a gif (just in case) In case you missed out on the moment and you’re lazy to scroll back, here’s a gif! Online Chatter You can be certain that no one was kind to the BMW in the comments section. IZZIT?!!!! Why are they like that ah? Idiots. Idiots everywhere! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
TL;DR – A Toyota Wish with p-plates dangerously cuts in front of a cam car, beats the red light and almost gets t-boned by another car There’s a reason why car insurance companies charge a premium for new drivers. This 62-second video is one of the reasons: What happened? The video starts off by highlighting the exciting bits (think that’s the format SGRV is going for these days). A Toyota Wish dangerously cuts in front of the cam car and it looks like it’s a very tight pocket of space too. But, that’s not all, the Wish then blatantly beats the red light too! Which then also results in another car almost t-boning it. The heck is wrong with this driver? How many demerit points? Let’s count the number of demerit points this new driver racked up shall we? Failing to conform to traffic signals – 12 points Reckless or dangerous driving (where no hurt is caused) – 24 points Stats taken from: - it's legit That’s a whopping 36 points! There are some people who commented that new drivers now only have 12 points to lose instead of the 13 I had in my time (I’m old dammit). But, even so, 36 is way past 12 or 13! Online Chatter Important to note that whether hurt or no hurt was caused, it’s a straight 24-point deduction. With hurt could include a higher fine or possibly jail time. This driver needs to get a call from Singapore Traffic Police and think about his/her actions for the next two years before being allowed to retake a new license. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Have you ever encountered one of the worst nightmares a driver could ever have? No, I'm not talking about cyclists or saman aunty... I mean, dashing pedestrians! You may think I am kidding, but I am not joking. One wrong move from them, and you could easily become a murderer. See this example here: 297064227_415562567214847_4853208197817188327_n.mp4 That was close. I'm sure we all gasped in shock seeing the lady step out of nowhere like that. In case you missed it, here are extra snapshots I compiled: Nothing there. Or so we thought. And a split second later: Boo! The nastiest shock of the cam car driver's life! Thank God the cam car driver did not collide with the jaywalking pedestrian. It didn't stop there, however. Here's the worst part - the pedestrian did not learn her lesson. She stubbornly attempted to dash out onto the unsuspecting incoming traffic yet again... My goodness, can you believe the sheer foolhardiness? The utter audacity. Instead of learning her lesson, she blatantly ignored what had almost transpired and decided to charge back in🤦♂️ Netizens weigh in Many commentators had some choice words to say. Yes, we too, are speechless. I am betting this isn't her first rodeo. Unpopular Opinion: The presence of the bus indirectly contributed to the near-miss accident, but you should always check your blind spots, pedestrian or driver! Yes, this person said what we were all thinking. SMH! Being mindful all day keeps the hospital bills away! For pedestrians, if you don't want to: 1) get a fright; and 2) be scolded online like this pedestrian did, always look left and right before you cross! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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"Zebra crossings give pedestrians the right of way to cross the road ahead of motorists". However, for motorists to give way to pedestrians, they must be visible to motorists. Watch this video to understand what I mean: What Happened? This near-miss incident occurred at a zebra crossing in Boon Lay Way. A kid attempted to "cross" a zebra crossing by sliding across a skateboard while sitting to the other side of the road. In his first attempt to cross the zebra crossing, the cam car spotted him at the very last minute and performed a timely emergency brake. At the same time, the kid saw the oncoming cam car and managed to stop in his tracks. After the cam car passed, the kid made a second attempt to cross the zebra crossing while sitting on the skateboard AGAIN. The second attempt was worse than the first. He paddled while sitting on the skateboard, WITH HIS HEAD DOWN AND LOOKING ON THE GROUND. Fortunately for this kid, all the stars were aligned. He looked up and stopped in his tracks as an oncoming Toyota Prius drove through the zebra crossing. Subsequently, the kid paddled back to the pavement for safety. What's Going On? The real question is, where are the parents/guardian of this kid?! An incident such as this highlights the importance of instilling road safety and awareness in kids. Hopefully, the kid learnt his lesson on the importance of road safety from this traumatising incident. Netizens' Comments Let's not go there😱 @Parents of the kid Time to be a better parent. Really lucky af. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Since young, our parents will constantly remind us time and time again to always check for traffic before attempting to cross the road. Unfortunately, all these bits of advice seem to enter and exit this jogger's ears, without the organ in between his ears retaining any advice. Watch this short clip to find out why: What Happened? The cam car and a Toyota Harrier formed up on the left lane of a two carriageway road. A man clad in a perspiration-soaked Army singlet walks along the pavement from a distance. As he approaches the cam car and Toyota Harrier, the traffic light turns green in both cars' favour. Instead of stopping by the grass patch and checking for oncoming traffic, the man simply hops onto the road and attempts to illegally dash across the road. At this moment, a Toyota Prius drives past the cam car and almost collides with the pedestrian. As a result, the pedestrian performs an "e-brake" to stop himself and does an odd dance-like action. Luckily, the oncoming Toyota Prius also performed an e-brake and avoided colliding with the pedestrian. After this encounter, the pedestrian takes his own sweet time and nonchalantly "jogs" across the road while navigating around several vehicles. Too Shag To Think Logically? Is saving those few minutes spent waiting for the green man so important that it is more important than one's life? The more time I spend dwelling on this incident, the more ridiculous this pedestrian becomes. Netizens' Comments No wonder he got the audacity to perform such an act. Looking at his face, I think he just woke up lah. During National Service, he's the type of guy that your Encik will call blur f@#k!! ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️
Yishun Dam is a well-known spot for two things - a scenic place to 'lepak' and an accident hotspot. Watch a near-miss freak accident caught on dashcam here: What Happened? It was any other usual day for the cam car, cruising along lane 1 of Yishun Dam towards Yishun Ave 1. A black lorry from the opposite direction mounted the kerb out of the blue. As a result, it almost caused a head-on collision with the Lexus in front of the cam car. At this juncture, both the quick-thinking Lexus driver and cam car performed a sudden evasive manoeuvre to avoid getting swiped by the lorry. However, in the process, the Lexus driver seems to have contacted the motorcycle on its left. From the footage, it is not clear if the lorry managed to dismount the kerb on its own afterwards. Netizens' Comments Undeniably true. NGL the Lexus driver does have a splendid reaction time 👏 MMMM...interesting theory. I must admit that this has never crossed my mind. What do y'all think?🤔 ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️
TL;DR – A BlueSG car signals right but changes to the left lane, almost sideswiping cam car who swerved away just in the nick of time. Most of us should be familiar with the whole ‘pay by the minute’ business model of BlueSg, a car-sharing company. Paying by the minute is indeed a lot more affordable than driving your car or booking a private hire vehicle. Moreso if you can reach your destination quickly. But, that doesn’t mean drivers should rush from point A to B with blatant disregard of traffic rules. Like this BlueSG driver In this 35-second video, we see a BlueSG car cutting across two lanes from lane 1 in just under three seconds. Signalling right but changing to the left lane? Nice one lah! 👍🏼 Cam Car driver’s amazing reflexes If not for cam car driver’s lightning-quick reflexes, this would have resulted in an accident. Someone sign this guy as Singapore’s national team goalkeeper. Maybe we can qualify for the World Cup. Online Chatter ----------------------- Witnessed an accident? See something interesting on the roads? Submit your image/video/news via MyCarForum's WhatsApp. We'll pay you $10 per post!
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TL;DR – A Range Rover enters the main road via a small lane along Braddell road without looking out for oncoming traffic. Cam car manages to evade a T-bone incident with the Range Rover, but it almost came with a huge cost. Wow. I know the Range Rover is a big a#@ car, but shouldn’t that mean you can see almost everything as the driver? Not this guy Watch this 35-second video and see how oblivious the Range Rover driver is. Dangerous evasive manoeuvrers By some miracle, the cam car managed to avoid T-boning the Range Rover, but it had to swerve into the next lane and cut across double white lines in the process. If there had been another vehicle on its right, the crash would have been devastating. Not to mention, the cam car would have to foot the damages. Online Chatter A little harsh. Not! Sounds legit. Very vindicative bunch of comments. Love it. Looks like just smashing the Rover might be the best option here. ----------------------- Witnessed an accident? See something interesting on the roads? Submit your image/video/news via MyCarForum's WhatsApp. We'll pay you $10 per post!
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Whoever taught this driver how to drive, what do you have to say now? 😥 There is definitely no way that this is being taught at driving schools. The video starts with a camcar driving along a junction at Geylang Road in the second lane. Intending to go straight after the junction, the driver slowly continues when all of a sudden, a grey car pops out and attempts a right turn. TBH the way he just slides across the junction kind of reminds me of this: A playback of the video shows that the grey vehicle is traveling along the fourth lane of the road. Upon reaching the junction, the driver realizes that he didn't form up properly to make a right turn. Not wanting to miss his turn, he slides across four lanes to make a reckless right turn right in front of our camcar driver. Luckily for him, the camcar quickly notices the vehicle's intentions and slows down. The video ends with a statement from the camcar driver, berating the other driver's selfish actions. Honestly, what is the driver thinking by sliding across so many lanes in such a short amount of time? Is it worth being so reckless and endangering the safety of others just to make a turn? Netizens' reactions Exactly! Missing a right turn is not the end of the world and yet, this driver is willing to risk it all just to have his own way. 🙄 Legit everything goes.. 🙄 If I were the camcar driver, I would be calling and reporting this to the TP the second it happened. However, as I was viewing the footage, I realise that it is fairly difficult to identify the license plate of the grey car, no matter how slowly the video was played back. Hopefully, the camcar driver is able to get a better look and bring this reckless driver to justice! ---------------- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
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You've probably seen the video of the Toyota C-HR that almost hit an innocent father and son duo. If you haven't, here you go What do you think? 1) Negligence 2) Inexperience 3) or.....
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Father and son almost get crushed by C-HR with p-plates
jameskarlchan posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
TL;DR – A parked C-HR with p-plates suddenly accelerates and almost mauls a father and son at an open-air carpark. Things would have gotten ugly if they had been one second slower. There can be miracles While some of us might not be believers, a recent video uploaded on might change your mind. The incident occurred on 10th September 2021. Here’s the 35-second video: A one-second difference between life and death In an open-air carpark, location unknown, a father and his son casually walk past a cam car. If you observe the video, you’ll notice a black Toyota C-HR directly opposite the cam car slowly inching forward as the father and son enter the frame. The C-HR then suddenly accelerates and crashes into the cam car just as the lucky duo clears the danger. If it had been a second earlier, the father and son would have been caught in the collision. Let’s address the elephant in the room I’m sure everyone noticed the p-plates on the C-HR. Could it be because of the driver’s inexperience? Or it could have been a case of the driver talking on his phone? He was wearing his wireless earphones. And, if so, why wasn't his handbrake up? Online Chatter But, by 2040, no more manual car already. If everyone drives like this in 2040, scary eh! I’m just glad that by some miracle, a family did not lose a father and a son to a negligent driver. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!- 8 comments
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The conflict between motorists and cyclists never ends. Every time it happens, a dashcam video emerges on the internet for us to spectate the drama between them. Here's one such video that occurred over the weekend. Where? The incident occurred at Kranji dam, along Kranji Way, which is a two-lane road. It seems as if Tour de Singapore is the favourite pastime of Singaporeans these days and it's commonplace to see big groups of cyclists on the road nowadays (as though the pandemic is already over). Road regulation reminder for cyclists Cycling abreast is allowed, but only on roads with more than one lane in the same direction. Below is an example where cyclists are allowed to cycle abreast. In this case, cycling abreast is prohibited since Kranji Way is a two-lane road going in opposite directions. Increasing the number of cyclists does not mean you can flout the regulations. Don't give me that 'strength in numbers' bull crap. The Van Driver The van driver was obviously feeling a tad bit frustrated from the road hogging of the entire kampong of cyclists. As such, he took matters into his own hands by crossing the double white lines to go against the traffic flow to dangerously overtake (but failed) the group of cyclists. That's three offences committed within quick succession of one another – The perfect formula to getting your license suspended or revoked. Netizens' Comments Straight facts. They are undoubtedly the cause of the incident. Maybe next time the cyclist should 'ownself check ownself' before posting the video online. Unpopular opinion edition. I guess you could say that... --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
TL;DR – Mazda 3 driver exits a carpark, does not stop at the stop line and almost collides with cam car. The driver then proceeds to wave his hands to “give way” to the cam car. Whut? This incident happened on the 17th of August 2021, Tuesday @ 11.15pm A Mazda 3 driver exiting the Sengkang General Hospital carpark failed to stop at the stop line which almost led to a collision with the cam car that was travelling on the road perpendicular to the Mazda 3. While incidents like this are commonplace, what happens next is what makes this story interesting. Here’s the 51-second video YaYa Papaya You’ll notice that the Mazda 3 driver makes some hand gesture of sorts initially. If it’s unclear, don’t worry, it gets better. He then winds down his window and you’d think that the Mazda 3 driver would apologise and carry on with life. But nope! He waves his hand to ‘allow’ the cam car to move! Eh hello?! You were in the wrong, and now you’re acting all high-and-mighty ff? Online Chatter A lot of unnecessary problems if you ask me. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
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Jaywalker thinks he can use the "force" to stop oncoming traffic
thatJDMahboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
Jaywalking is a common sight in Singapore that is done WHEN TRAFFIC IS CLEAR ( I am sure we are guilty of doing it before). But then, there's this guy. Watch this short video to see how this dumb pedestrian jaywalks: This incident took place along Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, towards Ang Mo Kio Ave 5. Plain dumb or ignorant? Of all the times to jaywalk, this fella decides to jaywalk when an oncoming car approaches the traffic light. And the worst part is that he doesn't even bother to look left and right for traffic before crossing. A near-miss The jaywalker can be seen raising his hand and using the "force" to stop the cam car just before it hits him. (Nah, I am kidding - If not for the cam car's quick reflexes, an accident would have already occurred.) The worst part about it is that the jaywalker did not seem to realise that he almost got into an accident and walks off, cool as a cucumber Netizens' comments LMAO, the ending got me. Ah boy, stop jaywalking and learn your lesson ok? If there is really a need to jaywalk, at least ensure traffic is clear before doing so. Please cherish your life. You may not be so lucky the next time around. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today! -
Driving School 101: Always check them blindspots before changing lanes
thatJDMahboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
A grey Honda Stream driver almost caused an unnecessary accident, by abruptly changing lanes without checking its blindspots. A Honda Stream driver that did a last-minute lane change, resulted in a near-miss with a motorcyclist. Luckily for that ignorant driver, the motorcyclist’s defensive reaction kicked in, and he managed to perform an impressive evasive manoeuvre to avoid the Honda Stream. Subsequently, the enraged motorcyclist rode alongside the Honda Stream to confront the driver but was shrugged off. Our road community could certainly do without entitled drivers who show blatant disregard for road safety. #Respectforbikers According to Singapore’s traffic rules, offenders will face a composition fine of $100 for their failure to signal. While offenders who drive without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users will face 9 demerit points and a composition fine of $300. Netizens' Reaction Facts, facts, facts. Lesson learnt: Change starts from within. Let’s start inculcating a safer road culture for our fellow road users. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!- 4 comments
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TL;DR – Ang Moh cyclist harasses Lexus RX by cycling in the middle of the road, obstructing its path and swerves between cars dangerously. Here’s another reason LTA should come up with some sort of SOP for cyclists to make them accountable for their actions. In this 70-second video, you can see the male cyclist cycling recklessly to harass the Lexus driver. Putting not just himself but other motorist in danger. Cyclist vs SUV The cyclist blocks a Lexus RX on the first lane along River Valley Road near Liang Court. Honestly, I’ve watched the video like twenty times, and I still have no idea whatafrak the cyclist is doing. 1. He’s cycling without placing his hands on the handlebars of the bicycle 2. His chest and stomach are exposed (eww?) 3. He raises his right hand as if indicating he’s turning right, but he doesn’t turn right Where it happened Just in case you’re a little disoriented and unsure where this incident took place. What’s the trigger? It looks like the cyclist was trying to indicate that he wanted to turn right on Mohamed Sultan Road, but the Lexus did not allow him to do so. In response, the cyclist gives the SUV a shove and dangerously swerves through the cars in front to get ahead of the Lexus and block the driver’s path. Chitter Chatter It’s just a matter of time. There are cyclists out there who abide by the laws. Please don’t ‘sabo’. Thanks.
You know, usually when I think of swaying side-to-side, I think of something like this. Side-to-side motion, everyone looking good and enjoying themselves. However, when it comes to our local roads, swaying side-to-side usually means this.... Yup. Someone new is getting their 15 minutes of fame today. First of all, a Lexus GS300? I'm giving you props for that as I personally quite like that car. After all, a creamy 3.0-litre V6 from Toyota producing 245bhp and 310Nm of torque in something that comfortable is nothing to sneeze at. What I unfortunately cannot commend you on is your driving, because not only is this Lexus swaying back and forth plus in and out of their lane, they damn near kissed the wall as well. Looks like the Lexus just barely missed the wall too, the lucky bugger. My fellow motorist, if you are feeling rich and dare to risk damage to your car like that, would you mind donating it to me instead. There are a lot of things I would do with that money, starting with not driving like you so I wouldn't have to risk expensive bodywork to my car. Seriously, if you're tired or unable to drive for whatever reason, DON'T DRIVE. Do you know that you can be just as complicit for tired driving just as you are for drunk driving? When you are tired, your reactions are slow and dulled, and you are unaware of what's going on around you, thus making yourself a danger not only to yourself, but also to other road users. Research has shown that driving while tired is almost as good as driving under the influence of alcohol. Either way, it's not going to end well for you because you aren't in full control of your vehicle, making you even more susceptible to other users on the road. But, there is still one more thing with this Lexus. How is it possible to not realise that your road tax has been expired for over 3 months? Either you have ignored all the notifications sent you with regards to this issue, or you are just plain ignorant and refuse to pay your dues. Whatever it is, Lexus driver, due to your appearance online, people are reminding you that your road tax has expired a really long time ago, and this should be enough prompting for you to get your road tax renewed. Being a considerate driver is more than just signalling, not road hogging, and having good road manners. It also entails not putting the other road users around you in danger because you are unable to drive properly, thus causing more danger not only to yourself but everyone around you on the road. It's already stressful enough to drive in Singapore. Don't give yourself a reason to end up on this blog even though we do enjoy writing about your stupidity!
- lexus gs300
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This cute, 24-second video could have turned horrific in a heartbeat. What dog? In this video, we see a man chasing his dog across the road. I’ve tried to identify the breed of the dog, and it looks like a Maltese or a Maltese mix. Image by The playful dog prances around its owner evading capture. Under normal circumstances, this would be a cute scenario (watching the helpless owner failing to catch the dog and even falling on the road is quite funny). Enter truck But then, the dog, oblivious to traffic, almost gets run down by a truck. The truck manages to swerve out just in time and saves the pooch from doggy heaven. What the people say Yes owner. Get a leash.
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Stupidity has no cure!! If she was killed by her own reckless behavior, it will be extremely unfair to the train operator, IMO.
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Come across many near misses online, as well as misc automotive related news all the while, but don't feel right to create a thread for every single article. Thus starting this thread for all forumers to share their interesting read. For a start, these are what I deemed as near miss or news to be shared here. Massive WW2 Bomb Found Under Greek Gas Station Forcing 50,000 People Out Of Their Homes One of the things you don’t want to find when digging a hole in the ground is a massive 250kg / 550-lbs unexploded bomb from WW2, especially if you’re digging next to a gas station. This unbelievable discovery happened in Greece, when construction workers were digging to install a new tank for the gas station and according to local Voria they were able to stop the works just 4mm shy from hitting the bomb. The local authorities had to stop the original deactivation procedure as the bomb was much larger than initially anticipated, weighing 250kg in total (550lbs), and now are planning a massive evacuation in a 1.2-mile radius before they attempt one more time. The bomb was found at Thessaloniki in a densely populated area and the evacuation plan involves moving more than 50,000 people away from their homes this Sunday, February 12th. It’s been reported that the explosive weapon is an aerial bomb dropped from a plane during WW2 that didn’t explode when employed. Massive 700-Car Collection Liquidating In Ohio Includes Studebakers & DeLoreans, Tractors & Trucks There are lots of people who collect cars. Some amass more than others, but we've never seen anything quite this big. It's the Hackenberger collection, and it's going up for auction – all 700 cars, trucks, tractors, and motorcycles. The collection is the life's work of Ron and Eunice Hackenberger based out Norwalk, Ohio – about halfway between Cleveland and Toledo. Ron bought his first Studebaker at 15 years old with money borrowed from his grandpa, and set about a lifetime of expanding his collection after marrying Eunice. The rest, as they, is history. Hackenberger ran a trucking company before expanding into real estate, hospitality, and even cattle ranching, crisscrossing the country and picking up any and every type of unusual wheeled vehicle he came across along the way. Sometimes he would even take an empty car transporter out to the West Coast and bring it back packed with motorized oddities. At this point the collection has swelled to over 700 vehicles. There's some 250 Studebakers, reflecting his lifelong passion, with the rest of the collection including everything from European micro cars to John Deere tractors. There are some 1940s motorcycles, a series of mid-60s muscle cars, and even some Checker limousines – all in various conditions. There's even a DeLorean, Bricklin, Porsche, a couple of Jaguars, some Citroëns, and a Cadillac ambulance that looks straight out of Ghostbusters. It's all still being catalogued, but what's clear already is that the breadth and scope of it all is staggering. And it's all going up for auction over the course of one long weekend. Apparently Ron had planned to restore it all, but having reached this late stage in his life, realized it was too much to undertake. Everything will be up for grabs, with no reserve prices on anything when VanDerBrink Auctions handles its liquidation this coming July 14-16. Check out some of the highlights in the gallery below, or visit the auctioneer's website for more. Best Speeding Excuse Ever? Driver Tells Cop “Wind Was Pushing Me” Just when you think you've heard it all, an Australian driver finds the airiest excuse ever to get out of a speeding ticket. After being pulled over by the cops for allegedly speeding 17km/h or 10mph over the limit (127km/h or 79 mph in a 110km/h or 68mph zone), the unnamed man from Western Australia told the police “The wind was pushing me”. No, seriously, that’s what he said and it went on record with the Three Springs Police department sharing the citation on their Twitter account with the humorous caption ‘And the excuse of the day goes to…’. As you’d expect, the cops didn’t buy the excuse and handed the driver a AU$200 fine while also deducting two demerit points on Monday. Canadian Driver Masterfully Avoids Four Moose On Snow-Covered Road It seems that the driver of this car had a pretty good idea about what to do when he confronted a small herd of moose. According to the description of the video, once the driver saw the moose ahead, he started braking and the car kept sliding, which is when he cleverly lifted his foot of the brake in an attempt to steer around the animals. Thankfully, everything turned out OK for everybody involved. Seeing animals get hurt is always horrible, though from the driver's perspective, a direct hit with a moose would have probably been the end of the road for that vehicle, as these animals can weigh anywhere between 380 (837 lbs) to almost 700 kg (1,543 lbs). During the evasive maneuvers, the Canadian managed to steer his vehicle right in-between the animals, which at that point were simply trying to get away from the incoming projectile's path. By the way, is it us or does the guy's laughter sound a lot like he's saying "Ho Ho Ho?" A Mustang Almost Caused A Train Crash, Was Pushed Away Seconds Before Locomotive Rolled Through Four men helped prevent a disastrous situation when a Ford Mustang got stuck on a railway crossing in Portland, Oregon, on Friday morning. According to reports, bad weather conditions led several cars getting stuck in ruts crossing MAX lines along NE 99th and East Burnside, but the red second-generation Mustang got stranded just as a MAX train was approaching the crossing. “We saw a red mustang coming down the road. It was fishtailing a little bit. It got to that stop light up there. It went to go across those max tracks and got stuck,” said Andrew Rasmussen, a physical therapy student who followed the scene with his mentors at Laurelhurst Physical Therapy, KATU reported. “Rear wheel drive, real low sports car, yeah probably not the best to be on these kind of roads,” he said. A news helicopter flying from above captured the moment on film, when four men ran to help the Mustang driver. “About four or five people rocked the car to get it off the tracks in about 10 to 15 seconds before the max came by,” Rasmussen explained. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and the pony car will have another chance in making it to this year’s Top Mustang Crashes – see last year’s here. If there’s a lesson to be learned here it’s that, drivers should use common sense, and avoid things like, you know, heading out with a rear-wheel drive sports car, especially without appropriate tires, when the roads are covered in snow.
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- This guy on the bicycle must be thanking his lucky stars to escape unscathed from this accident. This aside, looking at videos on youtube, russian and chinese drivers are insane!
this courier rider almost swerved into my lane without signalling, my honk somehow woke him up & he later apologised(not seen on vid)....wonder if he really dozed off, if so my honk would have saved him from the barrier....