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  1. hello comrades, was at the Malaysia High Commission last Friday (15th Jan 2010) .....wasn't allow to park car inside, hence joined the band wagon to illegally park at the private estate opposite...resulting joining the same band wagon to kena fine for parking along single white line.....guess at least 10 cars were given a ticket. any idea where i can park car within walking distance to the MHC ? will be going again in 5 months' time. any bros happened to kena fine along that stretch of road that day ? any chance to appeal ?
  2. Hi guys, any advise on the above? the nearby serviced apartment is full this mth :(
  3. Just curious, anyone knows which condos that are Freehold and also situated near a mrt? Let say less than 1 km. I think these condos will not depreciate even in bad economic time?
  4. Sorry if this has been asked before and answered - but I did a search and could not find... Can anyone help to share info about cheap or free whole day parking near Singapore Expo - I need to attend a 2 day seminar, and need to drive and park near there. Thanks in advance.
  5. Can anyone let me know where is the cheapest season parking near HarbourFront or Vivo? Any idea what are the season parking rate around there? Thanks in advance !
  6. As per subject? Anyone knows if there is any? Planning to go there tomorrow morning. Thank you :)
  7. 4 Sri Lanka crab above 2kg $812? 1 person Pu Er tea cost $80? I know their fried rice is well known to be expensive (and standard drop when the two sisters died) but then the pricing is too ridiculously high man... Original post here http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=473...e=1&theater P.S..chio mm posted this...
  8. The traffic jam on TPE starting from Punggol Exit toward Changi Airport lasted from about 1.30 pm till now (5.20 pm). From the MSCP at Blk 185, Rivervale Crescent (Just Opp Punnggol Mee Toh School), I could see the Msg flashed on the EMAS Msg Board that there is a traffic accident near Lor Halus. At least 4 or 5 ambulances were seen going to the accident area around 2.00 pm. Looking out from my house's window, I can see the jam on TPE (after Punggol exit) is still on now. It appears to me that the accident is quite serious? Anybody has any news?
  9. Anyway know based on the above condition. What could be wrong? I have been experienced some sort of grinding noise around the front area of my vehicle upon steering when I'm moving of my carpark lot usually full lock steering. This only happens when moving off and not an issue when moving or parking into a lot. It only happens when I just did my vehicle alignment few days ago..
  10. any suggestion ? or any kind soul giving up their lot soon ??
  11. A VAN driver in his 50s died after his vehicle collided with a trailer carrying about 50 steel pipes. Some of the metal pipes came loose, smashed the van's windscreen and hit the driver, who had multiple fractures on his face, according to Chinese evening paper Shin Min Daily News. The incident happened on Monday at 12.10pm on the Kranji Expressway, near the Sungei Tengah exit. The van belonged to a food caterer, reported Shin Min. The crash mangled the front of the van. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officers had to extricate the driver from the vehicle. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...h-exit-20130710 --------------------- death similar to the scene in the movie final destination
  12. where to park for free near Ampang yong tau foo area at siglap area? feel like gng there to eat tomorrow.. thnks
  13. Saw these pics from my FB feeds.. Anyone nearby knows what happen?
  14. Hi all, Some may have seen my post in another thread. Decided to post here instead in order not to clog up further for that thread. Some corrections made, guess i remember some of the sequence of events wrongly. I have also uploaded the first half of the video to show. First half (skip to 4:25 where is started) Second half (just watch first 10 seconds and skip the rest) Sequence of events: First Half 1. Initially I am behind this errant van, keeping a distance from him. 4:20 onwards 2. I change to first lane. 4:26 3. Van signal left and change to left lane. 4:35 4. I also signal left and change back to 2nd lane at same time black car infront of me do the same 4:42 5. At 4:49, the van is still signaling left while at the same time I am keeping a distance from the black car infront and also going to speed up to keep pace. Second Half 6. At 0:06 , the van signal right and next second he start turning very fast and I didn't expect that. At 0:07, he is already very near my car just 1-2 cm near collision. At this moment, I cannot speed up as explained earlier cos my speed wun be quick enough to shoot ahead of him and if i do so and he still dun slow down or stop, he will bang my back passenger door or rear of my car. so i slow down instead so the van can see my car presense and he did and he literally slow down or ebrake (not shown in video.) 7. At 0:09, the van literally stop or ebrake, i move forth and switch to his lane cos at 0:15 there is already a car behind me and i dun want to obstruct him. I admit after switching to his lane, i did slow down a little but i did not ebrake (see 0:10-0:13) cos i am asking if my gf is ok before I move on with my pace, all this while the van behind me still stopped or slowered his speed (cannot remember). Hope this gives a better clearer picture what happen. I know i should honk at the van but i dun have habit to honk if i must to... but in this case, it was too sudden all i can do is to slow down to prevent collision. Advise is appreciated how to handle such situations next time.
  15. Was on my way home from Mustafa with wifey and kids taking south bound CTE. There were road works going on and this taxi almost caused an accident when he did not check for clear traffic before making this dangerous maneuver. Replayed the video when I got home and thought I saw he pointed middle finger at 0.25s.
  16. Hi All, Yesterday, I was a victim of hit-and-run accident. My car was parked at road side lot at Tyersall Avenue to attend the wedding at Halia Restaurant. When I came back to my car after wedding, I had found that there was a big dent on the right side of the fender. I can't believe that it was happened. Regret that I didn't install in-car cam which I already had (a gift from my friend). Driver side door was not able to open due to fender alignment. The detail; Location: Tyersall Ave (lot 25A) Date: 22 Dec 2012 Time: Between 12 to 3pm (Clear day) Car Make: VW Golf March Although chances are slim, hopefully there was witness to this accident. My holiday trip was ruined because of this accident.
  17. Apparently there was a fatality. RIP
  18. A car overturn along PIE towards Tuas near Chantek flyover this early morning (26 Feb 2013).
  19. Hi Bros, Need some advice on cheap and available seasonal parking near Raffles MRT, besides Golden Shoe Carpark.....anyone can advise? Sians....may need to take MRT loh if cannot find reasonable afforable carpark....park near wifey's office and take MRT.....sians.....
  20. Anyone saw it? The accident like Farrari case. Bus beat red light and hit a motorist.
  21. Having a function this fri evening at Meritus Mandarin Hotel. Like to know cheap and nearby carpark. Complimentary parking is out of qns cos duno will get or not so need to play safe.
  22. hi i have just witness a accident. im the car driver behind the civic who hit the taxi in fact its the taxi who beat the red light as the traffic light turn green for our side a few second and yet the taxi rush over it can be clearly seen in my car camera i havent upload the video will upload it soon let me know if i can help sorry was in a hurry so when i notice no one was injure and traffic was heavy i drove off
  23. Posted on 26 Dec 2012 Near miss: Malaysian driver cuts into lane suddenly at TPE exit A Malaysian driver was caught on STOMPer Raymond's car camera cutting his lane suddenly at the Loyang Avenue exit of the TPE. The STOMPer wrote: "This video was taken using my vehicle's recorder showing one Malaysian vehicle overtaking dangerously and almost causing a serious accident." http://dswww.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/thi...expressway.html
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