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Found 3 results

  1. CHOOSE NanoTech specializes in manufacturing high performance coatings for industries for years Since 2010, CHOOSE starts to have it's own brand - CHOOSE NanoTech - to develop high performance coating for consumer market. For years, CHOOSE NanoTech has specialized in manufacturing high-performance coating solutions for industrial applications.Since 2010, CHOOSE NanoTech started expanding its product for the consumer market, based on our in-depth research and experience in the high-tech industry of photoelectron semiconductors. We stay initiate to stand on the edge of innovation, together with development and adaption, and hence offer you top notch coating technologies. With best team and instruments we always aim for global trusted certifications in order to set benchmark in the coating industry. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN NANOTECHNOLOGIES Material at nanoscale is generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, United States, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers, nanoscale exhibit properties significantly different, more catalytic and conductive and anti-microbial compares to materials made by traditional methods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gi8Iv-pgcc
  2. We will first like to thank MCF for having us into this wonderful community of car lovers. Just a Brief introduction of ourselves. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CV_lHYlN6t7UrfvsUlIZjgqQRA9jK_pNbfzJ3bxRmdKLJ6g4D_0WD_9LBqCTJG-bi0hcdlEH4jd-9PZqTxus6QjPvE_TjNEYev90zAZTZFa-kK0o3CAC36HS8ej-1LxpIBYEuG39u2Olbfchx7yqWSQOhi0yjo50dXFJjmOrDTDCNJIw7KED1Gpqc6hjnYLLqGSDsp8P7Ar24x2d_9HZo72CHH-7-RxB3aNbozw5t27gYYObZgxrs-kkxyKyolWl_s-tvm4JbOm2N05eNppu-Vf5hJB3WCFPgALEnE5FRv5cAh9lvZD8WzRcHv8p7kQCBZ7SvhhID2vAVdp10pI9GzzM9ppefTg8yC9UZbjFQ5cani3jpyyyY3CUDiF2JEHH5GbnQiiN1R8BfCLaNGShrdyFSmrlAKtgRQEsSx6PRj5W6W0R7drlYVD1gTLK5jlNN1U0w9FwtbJPYgPgW-NwOpiricGCXu0I89Mjz4mVgqMy_569Ic4wbi8raYA8jtMf06j5bL6PFVrDq21Bwh17C-51i_NDv4NYmxiCuhVtJz3WP8OOyGw-o0ZJbAWLyOCulRoRlPazQ_CRPwGnxZj3ZVpT9aUGNAXU9RbbeCKTQw=w760-h200-no?.jpg 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S609966 (Near to Jurong East MRT) Monday to Saturday 9am to 7pm. Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays For Enquries, please SMS / Whatsapp Bryan 9146 5566 David 9879 2202 We will get back to you the soonest we can! Cheerios to the MCF Community. We hope to be of great service for all of you. Warmest Regards, B'Shine Crew
  3. KubeBond Full Range Coating Solutions Products CHOOSE NanoTech has developed a line of KubeBond coating solutions for the professional auto detailing. The key factor of the KubeBond is the Revolution Bonding Technology, which has excellent bonding strength with the coated surface forming a hard cubic ceramic layer. It protects surfaces from damaging contaminants and harsh chemicals, the hydrophobic effect makes it easy-to-clean. and keep dust and dirt harder adhesion to, without affecting the look or feel of it. KubeBond can be applied on various surfaces in a car , such as metal, glass, leather, textile, wood, plastic, rubber, which allows our customers to improve the performance of their products drastically. KubeBond Products: KUBEBOND DIAMOND 9H (PERMANENT BOND) KUBEBOND DIAMOND PLUS (FOR DIAMOND 9H MAINTENANCE) KUBEBOND NANO X (DURABILITY UP TO 12 MONTHS) KUBEBOND GLASSSHIELD (FOR EXTERIOR GLASS PROTECTION) KUBEBOND LEATHERSHIELD (FOR LEATHER PROTECTION) KUBEBOND NU INTERIOR (FOR INTERIOR RUBBER / PLASTIC PROTECTION) KUBEBOND FABRICSHIELD (FOR FABRIC / TEXTILE PROTECTION) KUBEBOND GERMSHIELD (BACTERIA DISINFECTANT) ✴Hardness scale of 9H & above ✴Revolution Bonding Technology ✴Super-Hydrophobic ✴ Anti-Graffiti ✴ Advanced Chemical Resistance ✴Oxidation & Corrosion Resistant ✴Temperature resistance ✴ UV protection ✴High Glossy Shine; retains colour ✴Self Cleaning Effect ✦Tested & Certified by SGS ✦ISO Certified ✦REACH Compliance ✦Wind Drag Reduction Tested NEW AGE POLISH PTE LTD AUTHORIZED APPROVED APPLICATOR Our advantages: RBT - Revolution Bonding Technology There are some solutions providing hydrophobic effect and surface protection, but soon they will be wear off due to lack of bonding strength, once they worn off from the surface, as the result, the substrate lost the protect that it should have, like a tree without tree bark. Revolution Bonding Technology provides superior coating bonding strength, this bonding strength is not simply physical viscosity, but through chemical bonding between moisture in the air, liquid glass and the material of substrate, forming up cubic matrix structure during the curing process, it will tied up with surface permanently and the bonding strength is so high that even the smooth, glossy glass surface can be banded together. This bonding strength will not decay and wear off in time, like the Tatoo, with this technology, CHOOSE NanoTech coating solution provide the substrate ultimate protection permanently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dkrzZamQxk KUBEBOND DIAMOND 9H (PERMANENT BOND) KubeBond Diamond 9H Ceramic glass coating is the revolutionary product that create a superior layer to keep car surfaces strong and shiny, just like a diamond. Also known as " Liquid Diamond", this 9H ceramic coating simply transforms from a transparent liquid to a transparent 9H pencil-hardness glass film when applied on surfaces. All it takes is just one application and proper maintenance. A permanent nano-ceramic coating that gives the best protection and excellent resistance against water, weather & temperature. KubeBond Diamond 9H is a Permanent nano-ceramic coating, Hard Cubic layer gives the best protection, Excellent resistance against water, weather & temperature, High glossy shine; retains colour , Protect against scratches, damaging substances & harsh chemicals, Hardness scale of 9H and above. ✔ Permanent Protection ✔ Anti-Scratch by 9H Hardness ✔ Enable Easy-to-clean Surface ✔ Super Hydrophobic effect ✔ Anti - Graffiti ✔ Excellent weather Resistance ✔ UV & Thermal Resistance ✔ High Gloss & Color Renew KubeBond Products has been tested by "SGS" - A world's leading Inspection, Verification, Testing and Certification Company. Recognized as the global benchmark for Quality and Integrity. ISO 9001 Certified -An International standard that specifies requirements for a quality management System (QMS). REACH Compliance - European Union address the production and use of chemical substances, and potential impacts on both human health and the environment. KUBEBOND NANO X (DURABILITY UP TO 12 MONTHS) KubeBond NanoX a high gloss finishing with a strong protection layer that lasts up to 12 months and excellent resistance against water, weather & temperature. Just one application transforms all the paintwork into a shiny surface that is resistance to all weather conditions. This is a result of the ceramic molecular net of the coating that enables a strong protection and creates a surface that stays clean for a longer period. ✔ Strong protection as a result of its ceramic molecular net ✔ Up to 12 months protection ✔ Repels water - hydrophobic effect ✔ Surface become easy to clean ✔ Excellent resistance to weather, UV & Temperature ✔ Giving a High Gloss finishing KubeBond Products has been tested by "SGS" - A world's leading Inspection, Verification, Testing and Certification Company. Recognized as the global benchmark for Quality and Integrity. ISO 9001 Certified -An International standard that specifies requirements for a quality management System (QMS). REACH Compliance - European Union address the production and use of chemical substances, and potential impacts on both human health and the environment. KUBEBOND GLASSSHIELD (FOR EXTERIOR GLASS PROTECTION) KubeBond GlassShield a Strong, transparent finishing that repels water to keep your windows & windshields clear, even in thunderstorms. GlassShield Keeps the glass surfaces sparkling and easy to maintain. With no visible finishing after application, it's like a protective layer. It increase the visibility during raining day as when the rain contacts to the glass surfaces it become beads and roll down off the glasses, hence it increases your visibility when you are driving. Activation of the front wiper will also be reduce. ✔ Strong Protection as a result of its ceramic molecular net ✔ Excellent hydrophobic effect ✔ Surface becomes easy to clean ✔ Excelllent resistance to weather, UV & temperature ✔ Transparent Finishing KubeBond Products has been tested by "SGS" - A world's leading Inspection, Verification, Testing and Certification Company. Recognized as the global benchmark for Quality and Integrity. ISO 9001 Certified -An International standard that specifies requirements for a quality management System (QMS). REACH Compliance - European Union address the production and use of chemical substances, and potential impacts on both human health and the environment. KUBEBOND LEATHERSHIELD (FOR LEATHER PROTECTION) KubeBond LeatherShield protects your leather surface for a longer period of time with a strong protective layer that helps keep it soft, repels water and lets you maintain it effortlessly. Having with a clean, soft-touch leather seats. ✔ Strong protection as a result of its ceramic molecular net ✔ leather become easy to clean ✔ Repels water - super hydrophobic effect ✔ Contain No Wax ✔ Keeps leather Soft KubeBond Products has been tested by "SGS" - A world's leading Inspection, Verification, Testing and Certification Company. Recognized as the global benchmark for Quality and Integrity. ISO 9001 Certified -An International standard that specifies requirements for a quality management System (QMS). REACH Compliance - European Union address the production and use of chemical substances, and potential impacts on both human health and the environment.
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