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  1. Is the weather really that warm that you need to ride without clothes? This motorcyclist thinks so. Spotted on SGRV's Facebook and many other sources, a short-hair motorcyclist can be seen riding nude by the camera bike traveling along PIE towards changi. The nude rider then left the highway via the Bedok North Rd exit with the camera bike following closely, allowing us to get a closer look at this bewildering sight. Thankfully, the video that has been uploaded to the web doesn't show his private parts...
  2. You probably have seen a video that went viral recently about a woman removing her clothes in anger on Middle Road. She even went as far as pulling down her panties! If you haven’t, here’s the video courtesy of Roads.sg In the video, you can see a woman taking off her clothes in response to a man (a cab driver) walking away from her. She is believed to have done this to play the victim card and make false accusations that the cab driver was the one who did it to her. Crucial eye witness account An eye witness of the incident posted the video on Roads.sg According to the witness, he saw the lady kicking the cab. She then began chasing the cab driver, scratching, punching and going all bat shit crazy. The driver did not retaliate to her provocation. So what triggered this? There have been no reports (as of yet) as to what led to this behaviour, but theories are being thrown around on social media. Even I would be offended. At least give me $10 What happened in the end In a recent STOMP article posted earlier today, it’s been confirmed that the lady, a 31-year old woman was arrested for PUBLIC nuisance. Yeap, I spelt that one right. You can read the full article here Header image by STOMP
  3. should the agencies have flexibility toward these people? i can't find the old thread on the news few years back
  4. Given that Mrs. Donald Trump has appeared in a nude photo shoot I'd be curious Which wife of a current MP do you wanna see naked??? * and yes, this is a joke thread making fun of Donald in general but also supporting the wife of a public figure to eat whatever peanuts she likes.
  5. Cant embed the photo. Looks like a beached whale...one Hell of a lump of Lubber Blubber. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...620-354157.html AsiaOne Wednesday, Jun 20, 2012 SINGAPORE - Passers-by were shocked when they saw a man lying stark naked outside Somerset MRT station yesterday afternoon. Pictures sent in to citizen journalism website Stomp show a man who appears to Chinese lying face down on the empty grass patch opposite the station entrance. Stomp contributor and eye-witness Mrbz said he believes the man is a cleaner at the MRT station. He said he saw the man drinking Tiger beer in the cleaners' room facing the skate park earlier in the day at about 4pm. "I saw many beer bottles inside the room," he said. What happened next shocked him as the Chinese man then went outside into the open to shower himself in beer and strip naked. He was later caught by the police about 10 minutes later.
  6. His parents want you to watch this video. 24 Sep 2015 - Michigan Man Jailed Over Traffic Fine Suffers 17 Days of Untreated Drug Withdrawal, Dies Naked on Cell Floor
  7. Hmm in UK / US , i won't even flinch, but to happen in singapore?? Maybe becoz they are not locals Naked Couple in Holland V
  8. 18岁女郎一丝不挂,从武吉班让组屋组屋7楼坠下,重伤入院。 案件发生在武吉班让环路大牌第431座。据悉,女郎是从7楼角落单位的房间内坠下,事发时只有哥哥和她在家。 哥哥陈先生(21岁)受访时表示,他当时在睡觉,并不知道妹妹坠楼了,直到警方来敲门。 Source: http://news.omy.sg/News/Local-News/story20140819-286277 ----------------------------------- 18 years old naked girl plunged from 7th floor from Bt Panjang Blk 431 suffered serious injuries..she fell from a corner unit HDB flat..only the brother & the victim were at home when the incident happened..the brother claimed that he was sleeping when his sister plunged from the flat & was unaware until the police came knocking on the door
  9. Jman888

    i bet nobody will against buying FT for this sport
  10. Amazing Artistic Performance
  11. 宏茂桥一名妇女,一丝不挂搭巴士,吓坏一车乘客,惊动警方到场将妇女逮捕。《新明日报》热心读者杨小姐(30岁,活动策划员),这名妇女今早9时25分左右在宏茂桥4道第641座组屋的巴士站上了一辆新捷运76号巴士。杨小姐说,妇女当时一丝不挂,面无表情,而且上下车时还不忘扫描易通卡。 完整报道,请翻阅15.07.2013《新明日报》。
  12. This type of local news also can make it to CNN.. peekture got show Mediacorp HD5 somemore..
  13. Gitanic

    Naked girl

    April Fool's Day
  14. She alighted and turned her jeans pockets inside out, showing she had no money to pay the $5.40 taxi fare.
  15. Thought only Ah Tiong doing it but this one, 100% not Ah Tiong doing.... A naked man sits on top of the statue of the Duke of Cambridge outside the Ministry of Defence building in Whitehall. The man brought parts of central London to a standstill after he installed himself on a statue near Prime Minister David Cameron's office for nearly three hours from Yahoo : Naked man brings London to standstill AFP News
  16. From: STOMP http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...sultan_and.html A nude man was spotted walking against the flow of traffic along Jalan Sultan before finally lying down on the road. Passers-by tried to aid him by diverting traffic and covering him with a white sheet.

 STOMPers Francis, Shaik and Kai all sent in videos and comments about the man's behaviour in public.

 Francis says passers-by tried to render assistance to the man. He wrote: 

"A naked man entered a lift on the 15th floor of Keypoint Building at around 6.30pm, then walked on the main road against the flow of traffic outside the textile centre. 

"All cars tried to avoid the naked man and eventually he laid himself down on the road. 

"Kind souls were trying their best to divert heavy oncoming traffic away from him and at the same time advise the man to stand up and move away from the danger. 

"The naked man refused to move and remained motionless lying on the floor until three police cars and one ambulance came to the rescue. " 

Shaik was at the scene of the incident. He commented:

"I captured a video of a naked man running along Jalan Sultan. 

"I work at the area and we were hanging out at the area. 

"Suddenly my boss shouted 'naked man!', and we all turned to look at him.

 "He was running against the flow of traffic and trying to stop motorists there.

 "The police arrived after 10-15 minutes but they had difficulty getting him off the road. 

"He was eventually taken away by an ambulance that arrived later. "

STOMPer Kai also sent in footage of the incident. He wrote:

"I would like to report a video about a naked man seen on Jalan Sultan today, June 28." What has driven these people goes crazy nowadays. It seems that life in Singapore is getting more and more stressful that make these people doing unthinkable acts in public.
  17. From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._ambulance.html Posted on 27 Jun 2012 Woman strips naked after hitting cyclists and prevents ambulance from leaving A woman knocked down a mother and daughter in Shandong province last Sunday (June 17). When the ambulance arrived, the female driver stripped naked and and laid down on the road to block the paramedics from sending the victims to the hospital. The daughter was pronounced dead at the hospital while the mother was left in a critical condition. The driver, Mrs Zhang, was said to be a lecturer at a local junior medical college, specialising in Traditional Chinese medicine and used to teach anatomy and psychiatry. Ironically, witnesses talked about how emotionally unstable she was before and more so after the accident, being rough to her own injured mother who was in the car with her at the time. The article was contributed by the STOMP Team.
  18. A half-naked woman was seen chasing four men in the early hours of yesterday morning in Clarke Quay. Shin Min Daily reported that a photo of the woman was taken by a surprised 16-year-old showing the woman naked from waist down. The woman, who looked like she was in her 20s, was reported to have the clothing on her upper body torn off and her lower body was completely naked. The report in the Chinese evening daily said she was holding her pants and underwear. Witnesses told Shin Min that there were not many people around at the time of 5.25am as she chased the four men, ignoring by-standers. Her friends were also running after her. When the woman reached the men, they became violent towards her by pushing her to the ground and kicking and punching her, according to witnesses. She fought back and tried to stand up, using her hands to block her face. Only when witnesses shouted that the police were coming was when they stopped. Police arrived on the scene and arrested the four men who are currently helping police with investigations. Three of the men are reported to be in their 20s while one man is in his 30s. The woman was also reported to have been seen entering a convenience store to buy a drink, while half-naked, earlier. She is described to have long hair and to have worn a dark-coloured top. [email protected] pic
  19. Naked maids, accountants take (it) off in South Africa AFP Relax
  20. http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?act=po...w_post&f=15 'Naked sushi' club founder's late and loud parties irk neighbours They are not the only ones who are complaining. At least two other neighbours said they were unhappy over the noise. -TNP Thu, Jan 05, 2012 The New Paper A NEW Year's Eve party in the Holland Village neighbourhood caused such a stir that police had to be called in at two in the morning. It was the sixth time in the past 10 months that Dr Denisa Kera's next-door neighbour, Mr Ivan Loh and his wife, called in the police. They said the noise was too much to bear. They are not the only ones who are complaining. At least two other neighbours said they were unhappy over the noise. According to Mr Loh, Dr Kera's parties - which often last into the wee hours of the morning - caused such a ruckus that his family, which includes his 10-month-old daughter, has trouble sleeping. RELATED STORIES Diners eat sushi off topless woman But her parties are only part of the problem. "Even when she plays music or has one or two friends over, we can hear everything from our home. "That's fine, except that when it goes past 10 or 11 in the nightand we can't sleep," said an exasperated Mr Loh, 41, a photographer. Dr Kera, 36, who is from Prague, is teaching at the National University of Singapore as an assistant professor at the school's Department of Communications and New Media. She and co-founder of the Secret Cooks Club, Frenchman Florian Cornu, 26, made headlines last year when they organised a dinner where diners ate sushi off a naked woman. Secret Cooks Club, which meets once a month with about 20 guests each time, is part of a growing trend which hit the local dining scene over the past couple of years. The club invites members of the public to sign up and collects donations for the dinners, which have different themes and locations. Last May's dinner, attended by six professionals who did not know each other, was inspired by Nyotaimori, the Japanese practice of serving sashimi or sushi on the body of a woman, typically naked. A previous report said that the dinner took place at a private home in Holland Village. Dr Kera, who lives in Jalan Kuning in Chip Bee Gardens, declined to confirm this yesterday, saying that the club's activities and the dispute with her neighbours were two separate issues. But she acknowledged that two of the club's dinners were held at her home, a state-owned inter-terrace house managed by landlord JTC Corporation (JTC). Mr Loh, who has lived in his home for the past seven years and is currently renting it for $3,900 a month, said that problems began in February or March last year. "It's always been a rather quiet neighbourhood and that's one of the reasons we like living here. The noise spoils that. "There were times (when) we heard glass being broken and men railing away outside her home at 6am." Dining club He got angrier after finding out that she was running the dining club. "She was already intruding into our lifestyle and on top of that, she is running what, to me, resembles running a business, " he said. He added that the frequent loud chatter and music played from Dr Kera's home prompted him to confront her on two to three occasions, but an agreement could not be reached. "When my wife went over to ask her to lower her music volume, she said we must be lunatics. "We had an exchange of words, which ended up with both parties not being very happy. Subsequently, I decided to call the police," he said. Dr Kera looked distressed when asked for her side of the story. She said: "I did apologise, but I feel that she (Mr Loh's wife) has become more and more intolerant because I have a different lifestyle, and the dispute has escalated." She added: "I respect it when her baby cries at 11pm. "(But) how am I supposed to make peace with them when they come over here screaming and threatening that they will do all they can to get me kicked out?" Dr Kera's other neighbours said that it is understandable for parties to last late into the night if it is a festive occasion, such as New Year's Eve or Chinese New Year. The problem is that the parties are sometimes held on week nights, said human resources manager Roman Matla, who lives in a terrace home directly opposite Dr Kera. "I think she has every right to hold parties in her home. In fact, we often hold parties in ours - but when we do, we tell our neighbours about it and invite them to come," he said with a chuckle. "It starts getting difficult when the party is on a Tuesday night on a random week and lasts till about 3.30am and guests sit outside the house, talking and laughing. "I would be all right with it if after about 10 at night, they took everything inside the house and closed the windows," said the father of two children. Another neighbour, who wanted to be known only as Mr Ng and lives two houses away from Dr Kera, added: "My wife and two daughters wake me up when they cannot take it. We try to endure it till after 10 or 11 at night, before SMSing JTC." Dr Kera declined to elaborate, mentioning that she will be meeting JTC today to try to see what she can do to settle the dispute. Mr Loh said he plans to seek further help from his MP to solve the problem. This article was first published in The New Paper.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...xrRZ-Avg#t=276s boleh land loss.....
  22. Chinese netizens are outraged over a set of photos that had recently spread like wildfire through China's forums. The photos depict a fully nude 11-year-old girl begging in the streets of Hu Cheng City, in Jiangxi, China. Posted by an anonymous Chinese netizen, the photo came with the caption, "Nude 11-year-old girl begging in the streets. Who is shamed?" The photos also come with a poetic description of the netizen's apparent outrage. It said, "1700 years ago, the court official Mi Heng went nude as he sounded the drums and reprimanded the warlord Cao Cao. The one humiliated in this case, is Cao Cao, not Mi Heng. "In the story 'The Little Match Girl' by Hans Christian Andersen, the little girl died in the cold of the streets on Christmas Eve. It is not the little girl's fault, it is the evils of society." "Today, this nude little girl kneels on the ground, and it is not her who should be ashamed." To many Chinese netizens, this is yet again a reminder of the recent Yue Yue incident, where the 2-year-old girl died after she was ignored when she got run over by two vehicles. Netizens are incensed by the photos, especially as many pedestrians could be seen nonchalantly walking by the nude little girl. Someone even said, "Why didn't anyone at least stop to cover her up?!" Many speculate that the little girl is likely being used by a local syndicate to make money. Netizens cannot help but admit that this seems to be the state of China's society these days.
  23. SINGAPORE - A naked woman sat on a sixth storey ledge of a HDB flat for more than one and a half hours yesterday, as alarmed neighbours looked on. The incident happened at a block of flats around Toa Payoh yesterday at 9am. A Lianhe Wanbao reader sent in a photo of the scene showing a naked woman perched precariously on the ledge below the kitchen window. Below her were SCDF personnel and police who had rushed on the scene. They were setting up an inflatable mattress below her. The reader told Wanbao she had initially thought there was a fire at a neighbouring block, but upon closer look, found the woman sitting on the ledge between the fifth and sixth storeys of the block. "She was so high up, everyone was worried she was going to jump," said the reader. Another eye-witness, an 82-year-old retiree who stays in the same block, said the woman was crying and mumbled to herself at times. The retiree said the woman did not seem to care about the danger and continued to move her legs about. She said the situation was tense and everyone watching was nervous. The woman was eventually pulled to safety by an SCDF personnel. According to Wanbao, the woman, 45, is a housewife of Indian ethnicity and stays on the sixth floor unit. Police say the woman has been admitted to Tan Tock Seng and has been arrested for attempted suicide
  24. From Yahoo news : 'Naked chef' to debut on Hong Kong adult channel HONG KONG (AFP) -
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