Something extraordinary has happened in Aurangabad, a small industrial town in India. 150 individuals, consisting of lawyers, engineers, doctors , IT specialists and so forth had made a group purchase of 150 different Mercedes Benz at one go. Now how the group buy came into being is a story all by itself.
Awhile ago, a group of friends decided to buy a luxury car each. And according to a local news channel and a few motoring sites from India this group of affluent Aurangabadians (I suppose this is what you call people who live in Aurangabad) were not sure of which brand to buy as a group. The discussion must have also spread by word of mouth and via local car forums as well as meet ups and this ended up involving more and more people from around the area. Somehow, after all the talk Mercedes Benz was selected and somehow the State Bank of India (SBI) got to know about this intention to purchase as a group and came with a offer which helped buyers who wanted to buy with loan options. I would imagine that the bank manager