20th Jul 09, was driving from PIE to CTE AMK, saw a white cat lying motionless in a pool of blood, it is in the middle of two lanes, along the white striped lines...was a really a sad scene when i saw it, dunno how long it was there..
and tonight, i saw another animal, not sure if it is a cat because it was dark, lying motionless in a pool of blood at SLE Lentor Exit, this time round, saw a red honda stream i think, stopped a few metres in front, at the traffic light with the hazard lights on, the driver and his passenger came down the car as i drove past them..
i'm not sure if they are the culprit, but i hope if they are going to look at the animal, hope that it could still be saved..
haiz..it makes me wonder, what will fellow drivers do when:
an animal dash out of the road during an expressway exit or just on normal road? Jam brake? but what if there are cars behind you?
p.s mod, if i have post this in the wrong section, please kindly move it, thanks.