OP want to have a first world parliment... but one minister want them to show him what is a first world parliment look like first.......
If during the 60s, LKY had this kind of minister, dont think we can get to where we are now...
in the 60s, where can u find a country like ours existing??
For every thing to work, must first have a sample to see... nb... no wonder the FIRST YOG over-run budget like no tml...
i had no issue with OP wanting a first world parliment... even if it did not exist in this world... we still can formulate them in the mind and then put it into reality.... at least this ability is what leaders should have...
I really worry that we had minister who dont dream a better tml and then work towards it...only copying... i think copying.. China is 100 times better than us... like that how to compete in the world?
vote wisely