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TL;DR: C-HR driver is unhappy cam car driver did not let him into lane, proceeds to brake-check, confront and attempt to cause accidents “When in the wrong, just continue heck care since already wrong once” a motto this crazy C-HR beng believes in. To get an idea of the madness involved, watch the following 3.5-minute clip: What started it From 0:55, we can see “King Ander” — as inscribed on the C-HR’s driver side window — wanting to switch into the cam car’s lane, since his lane is left-turn only. He’s already left a significant gap from the white Serena ahead, and doesn’t seem to have signalled right, since there are no flashes from his mirror-mounted indicators. The cam car driver is having none of “King Ander’s” entitlement, so he just drives on. Displeased, the C-HR encroaches into the cam car’s lane as an attempt at intimidation, to no avail. Just before approaching the junction, the C-HR finally turns on its right indicators. Seeing the road clear up ahead, it gives up trying to merge, driving straight on and squeezing out the cam car in the process. Tyrannical behaviour commences Not satisfied with getting ahead, the C-HR seizes the opportunity to “punish” the cam car, flooring it across some chevrons and abruptly cuts across 2 lanes, just to perform a double brake check. At least he remembered to use his signals this time. Having boxed the cam car in traffic, he gets out for a confrontation to act tough. Another angle of this beng’s mug taken by the cam car’s passenger, with profane gestures and all; certainly not behaviour befitting a king. Realising they have all sorts of incriminating evidence, he finally retreats to his car, but not before a final "dirty trick”. As the cam car switches lanes to distance itself, this tyrant attempts to force the cam car off the road right across 4 lanes beyond his own, before switching again to the next lane, all without signalling. All in, the 8 (at least) infractions included: Failure to signal intention (multiple) Failure to stay in lane Driving over chevrons Driving into an oncoming lane Brake-checking Stopping on a double zigzag Causing an obstruction Attempting to cause an accident Online reactions The majority of comments appear to condemn both parties, stating that the cam car driver was partly at fault for not giving way to “King Ander”, despite his lack of signalled intention early on. While in the minority, there were still a few condemning his actions. What do you think, should the cam car driver be more gracious even if he was entirely in the right, or was this C-HR beng wrong to bully even if he's "King (Ander)" of the road? Let us know in the comments! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
Why sports/performance cars are called sports/performance cars is pretty self-explanatory — they are either fast on a straight line or possess superb handling abilities. And these cars are pretty impressive...until a d0uchebag driver gets behind the wheel of one of these cars. Watch it here: What Happened? The driver of a Mercedes-Benz CLS63 thought it was a good idea to cut into the path of a heavy vehicle while joining into the main road. And he did so by literally "crawling" into the truck's path. As the German coupe was in the truck's blindspot, the truck almost t-boned the coupe if not for the kind cam car driver who intervened by alerting the truck driver with a honk. Immediately after hearing the honk, the truck driver slammed onto his brakes, came to an abrupt halt, and avoided colliding with the CLS63 by inches. The Middle Finger It was apparent that the Mercedes knew what he did was wrong and decided to test his luck by entering the main road despite oncoming traffic. After the cam car sounded his honk, the Mercedes coupe stopped in the middle of the road and pointed a big fat middle finger out his driver's side window. NGL, that's a unique way of "thanking" someone🥴 Netizens' Comments LOL FACTS. Yes, not all honks are aggressive/bad. Sometimes it's just a friendly honk or a honk to warn you/others of the surrounding. Yessir, the cam car driver definitely dropped this 👑 ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Manners maketh man is a phrase popularised by the movie 'Kingsman: The Secret Service'. The phrase refers to 'A person may be judged according to his behaviour towards other people'. Now, watch this video of what a well-dressed man in a suit and tie did to this cam car driver: 'WAH CH$$B*E! CHUA SAI AH!' The cam car driver was driving along Orchard Road when a man in a suit and tie blatantly disregarded the red man and jaywalked across the road. The cam car driver sounded a very long honk at him to alert him of his dangerous act. In response, the well-dressed man performed some hand gestures toward the driver from afar before walking up to his car and flashing the driver his middle finger. Despite the upfront confrontation of the jaywalker, the driver remained calm and did not retaliate back. Instead, all he did was exclaim, 'WAH CH$$B*E! CHUA SAI AH!' in his car (Something we are all too familiar with doing). Netizens' Comments 🤷♂️ Sad reality, everything is the driver's fault. Just Singapore things: People thinking you are a restaurant/hotel manager when you wear a suit and tie😂 ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Chiu cheng drivers, road hoggers, self-entitled pedestrians have one thing in common - they make drivers lose their temper and anger them. And naturally, we find ourselves making comments about them, staring and even hand gestures, similar to how this BMW driver flashed his finger. Watch it here: The "Centre" Finger It is unclear what happened between the BMW X5 driver and the pedestrian before the video, except that the BMW X5 driver supposedly gave him a big "centre" finger to his face and "attempted to run him over". This infuriated the pedestrian, who whipped out his handphone and started filming the BMW driver and passenger while going berserk and ranting non-stop. All this while the driver avoided eye contact with the pedestrian and continued to talk on his phone. On the other hand, the passenger, presumably the driver's sister, was observed trying to reason with the pedestrian. Throughout the video, the pedestrian repeatedly called the driver rude and insisted that the driver apologised to him for his misdeed. Not to anyone's surprise, the video ends without the driver apologising. NGL, if what the pedestrian recounted is true, the BMW driver deserves a good telling off. P-Plate Driver NGL, P-plate drivers are usually the ones angering others, not the other way around. More often than not, these P-plate drivers can't drive around confidently, let alone have the confidence to flip the bird at others. Maybe this P-plate driver is different since he's behind the wheel of a BMW X5 M. Who knows? I am certain that this incident has taught him a lesson on accountability - be prepared to face the consequences of giving others the finger. Netizens' Comments Haha kena exposed. Big car that's why act big! "Don't start something you cannot end." - Very wise words! I literally LOL-ED after reading this comment. ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️
Adults behaving like children over a parking dispute
jameskarlchan posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
TL;DR – A man and a woman harass another couple over a parking dispute in Yishun. No one was hurt, but their childish behaviour is mind-numbing. Just another day in Yishun - Two men and two women engaged in a road rage dispute over parking. Before I carry on, please have a look at this 61-second video. What an ugly start to a video The video begins with an unattractive (to me) lady making faces and flipping the bird at the occupants of a Toyota Altis. From the article published on STOMP, we understand that this was in response to the cam car couple trying to park their car next to these two crazies in a Toyota Sienta. Crazy 1 (C1) Tf is wrong with this crazy? YOU HAVE A CHILD WATCHING WHAT YOU’RE DOING FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Crazy 2 (C2) Then we have this guy who comes out to challenge the cam car driver making stupid noises and acting like a monkey. Uncle, you look like you’re 60. WTF you doing? This is you right now. The uncle even tried to snatch the phone from cam car driver. Online Chatter All four of them are assisting the police with investigations. I say, go back to Primary school please.- 3 comments
- parking dispute
- road rage
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- Transit link bus 190 driver cuts into my lane aggressively, forces me to gently steer into the left lane and brake to a stop. video captured him showing a middle finger to me as I drove past. driver is indian race, please advise me on the channels to lodge a complain. Thank you. Incident happened at 3 30pm on Orchard Road on a weekday afternoon, traffic condition is light and smooth. I seriously got no idea why the bus is doing on the fourth lane and then have to cut through 3 lanes just to stop at the bus stop which is just after the traffic light. Is there a need for such impatient and reckless driving? Please advise or assist me with regards to the various authorities which I can file a proper complaint against this selfish public bus driver who does not give a damn to other road users' safety. I only tap my horn lightly. I do not think that this tapping of the horn warrants a middle finger from him. Driver was caught on video showing me the middle finger as I drove pass him.
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- transitlink
- orchard road
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Driver caused nine-vehicle pile-up on PIE
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Angry driver gives lorry both fingers for blocking his turn This man flashed both middle fingers at the driver of a lorry for apparently blocking his turn. According to Stomper Weldon, who contributed the picture, a police report has been lodged over the man's behaviour. The Stomper wrote: "Is this how a Singaporean should behave? "Just because you drive a big car doesn't mean you can do anything. "This guy overtook and stopped people from using the road just because the lorry blocked his way when making a turn . "Worse of all he came down from his car and start pointing centre finger at the lorry driver. "The driver of the lorry has filed a Police report regarding this matter." Sources from: