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Found 12 results

  1. Hi all, i am going for a Tioman trip...Would like to ask if there is any safe carpark at mersing jetty for park my car for 2 nights, and how much does it charge? heard the old fenced car park is no longer there... thanks
  2. Am going to be driving up there on Sunday morning. Ferry to island 11am. Any bros coincidentally planning a trip to Mersing too? Or has anyone driven up recently? Not done this before. How is the road condition. Am supposed to be able to park next to the jetty in a gated CP run by Rawa resort. Would appreciate any helpful info. Thanks.
  3. hi.., can someone give opinion, how safe to put car over night(5 nights) in mersing jetty car park? or better take bus if want go to tioman with big family
  4. Hi All, With the recent heavy rains, I understand that certain parts in Malaysia are now flooded. For those that have updated info or know which is the safer route to avoid the flood, kindly advise. I am only familiar with the Ulu Tiram -> Kota Tinggi -> Mersing route. (136km) Would this be more risk of flood compared to Air Hitam -> Kluang -> Mersing (220km) Thanks
  5. I am planning a trip. Day 1, drive to Mersing. One night stay at Mersing resort. BBQ in the evening. Day 2, go to UK farm, Zenxin farm, Kluang for food, then proceed to BP and stay for 2 night. Day 3, shop, eat, see in Batu Pahat. Day 4, drive back SG. Anyone other itinery I should include?
  6. Planning a cycling trip from SG to Mersing. Anyone keen SMS 92708297. Planned to leave early Sat Morning 7th Aug via Causeway. Distance to Mersing about 130km. Estimate time to reach Mersing about 6hrs. Stay overnite and start return trip to SG on Sun morning 8th Aug.
  7. Hi all, Have not stayed in these 2 places before, though I've made a day trip to Kukup years ago. For Kukup, I would not have the comofrt of seeing the car within sight, though my GSM anti-theft system would alert me for intrusion. I once left my car at the jetty for 2 days when I visited the Pulau Jerejak Resort in Penang. Ok, now seafood wise, which is better? Regards,
  8. Hi, Anyone been there can give some feedbacks/review? How is the drive there? Easy to find? What can we do there? Thanks
  9. Appreciate if advise can be given on where to park in Mersing, if one is taking the ferry from there to Tioman. If the parking there secure and how much does it cost? Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Hi all, Thought of asking brothers here for advice. I'm planning to drive up to Mersing on Friday night (3rd August 07) for a dive trip in Tioman. Few things I sincerely need to ask your advice for: 1. Directions I understand that I would need to hit highway 3 to reach Mersing. Is there any turns I need to make? Is this highway single lane each way? Heard they have improved the roads to make it 2-3 lanes. Is this true? 2. Parking Is parking in Mersing safe? Any particular carpark I should use? 3. TP Any particular stake-out location? (e.g. the stretch between Tuas and main NSE is 'well policed') 4. Food Any particular restaurants or mamak place along the way or at Mersing that serves excellent food? I'm a huge foodie lah... Thanks alot. Cheers.
  11. Any brudders here know the best spot for star gazing at Mersing? Mucho Gracias in advance
  12. While some of the brudders/Sisters went to PG. A couple of us decided to head further up North to relax and some sun tanning session. Having to sleep only at 1:30am after returning from our Regular Friday Meetup. I had to wake up at 4:30am (but alarm didn't work). Lucky thing was, Sparrow gave me a morning call at 5am. At 6am, I reach Tua West Road. Waiting for another 2 fellow to join the Convey, But one of them decided to wait at another place. At about 7am, we are on our way to Ayer Hitam - Mersing. A total of 8 cars. I was kind of disappointed with Gadie, cos she only managed to clock 180.... Scooby have done it better than her. Anyway, Princess managed to took a snap on the meter (after trying for 5 mins).... P.S: Picture is blur.
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