Hi MCFers,
It came to my attention that some of you have experiencing points flactuation. In the past, you are 60,000pts, but you happen to chance upon that you are 55,000pts.
If you have encountered this issues, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the inconvience caused! I appreciate that you all take pride in the points you have collected along the years!
This issue happens is because of our transition to the new MyCarForum last year and some of the posts don't support those "points" that were not tied to a thread or blog comment. But the points are still stored but not counted altogether.
My IT team is working on this now. However, we have a few new implementation going on too. And after some discussion, this recovery of points will be secondary to what our new implements for MyCarForum is.
Fret not! I will still help you all get back all the points you just deserved! For now, just hang on and create more interesting posts so more members can like and give you points!