Just realize that Mac has stopped giving out mayonnaise packet source and we can no longer request for extra tartar source in a saucer...
Initially just simply don't understand cuz the staffs just told me this : "we stopped giving out already for safety reason"
Thought they just wanna cut cost by taking away the mayonnaise source. But for the tartar source??? Can't be cutting cost since they put it in their fish fillet. Frankly, I didn't quite get it...what safety reasons?? The staffs will slip & fall in kitchen hence can't walk inside to take for me the tartar source??
No notice or memo shown to the public and worse if u do not educated your staffs well on the reason....
End up, I finally got a acceptable explanation from a mgr....they started implementing this becuz I think someone had prob gotten some mild food poisoning and blamed it on the tartar source....and becuz when they give out extra source separately, they can't control when the customer gonna consume it & the source may turn bad easily if it's not kept chilled...
Now I know....