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  1. Hi all bro, Im going overseas posting and intend to sell my car to my brother who never own a car before, but he got his license for 11 years. My question is, he untitle for any NCD? can my ncd transfer to him?
  2. Some random video I came across. Singapore and Sweden compared part 1: the market Singapore and Sweden Compared pt 2: Public Order
  3. Up for awareness for those driving up north, do be careful. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singaporeseen/this-urban-jungle/watch-how-thieves-in-malaysia-make-off-with-car-in-a-matter-of-seconds Watch how thieves in Malaysia make off with car in a matter of seconds Posted on 06 September 2014 | 9,130 views | 4 comments This short footage of an incident in Malaysia shows how important it is to lock your car immediately after you alight from your vehicle. A footage circulating online shows a couple's car being hijacked by men who appeared out of nowhere in another vehicle. The incident reportedly took place in Kuala Lumpur. The couple was seen exiting their vehicle and was about to lock their car doors when an intruder snatched the key and drove off.
  4. Hey peeps just to warn you guys about the U-turn at Lornie Road towards AMK/Bishan/Toa Payoh/Upper Thomson. Yesterday I almost got into an accident and I'm sure there were a few others who shared the same sentiments. At around 6.30pm, I was happily travelling at 80-90 km/h on lane 2 along this route and suddenly a lorry emerged from the U-turn. The manner in which he did the U-turn was slow and it took up 3 lanes altogether! And all these happened for at least 5 seconds. The Merc on lane 1 which was travelling around the same speed had to come to virtually a stop as well as a few others, including me. I could smell the rubber being burnt and I'm very sure some vehicles applied emergency brakes to avoid collision with this lorry. To the lorry driver, please don't be so inconsiderate. Do not think that by getting a Bangladesh to stick out his hand out of your lorry we must all stop for you. To the rest, please be warned along the stretch of Lornie Road near this U-turn.
  5. A friend bought an used Cayman S, told me yrly dep about $24k+-. We were chatting: $24k can go with wife for a Alaska Cruise or similar each year, or have $2k each month for fine dining, or be utilised as yearly interests for property loans, etc etc. To each his own. Maybe we should ask wife to sacrifice a yearly cruise but enjoy a fine / fast car for a change? Of course, the elites will have all the above without a blink Some will say donate the $24k every year to charities, the good feeling is priceless besides making many poor happy.
  6. Dear all, i would like to introduce myself as i'm a newbie in this forum, i only joined the forum before i purchased my golf gti mk5, everything seems to be ok, till recently, things starts floating out of standard equation, it's wrong.. very wrong i would say, so wrong that i will have to disclose this case that i'm going thru now, hence... i'm seeking advices here or if it's appropriate, seek address from a lawyer whom understand my situation at this moment, i shall begin then which i finally concluded the whole situation, with full black and write copies in original and photocopied form ) 4/12/2011 I met up with Mr Andrew( from vagsg.com ) with intentions to place a deposit for the purchase of his vehicle, after a test drive, i placed a deposit of $500/- with a written letter with signature from Mr Andrew himself, following up was my agent ( Mr Ken ) who came to my place to fill up a sales agreement as followed: 4/12/2011 I called up my agent ( Mr Ken ) who works for a company with his designation as a manager whom i dealt with before for my other car which i currently still own, it was 20 months back, everything went so smoothly and he was so efficient with his work, everything was settled in his office and voila, car was handed to me in 2 days, a call from UOB was received and i clearly requested for a $60,000 loan. We have a sales agreement which consist of the following: Mr Andrew Particulars My Particulars address blah blah car model: VW Golf GTI Agreed price: $78500 ( the altered UOB statement reads $90,000 ) Less Deposit: $500 ( Mr Andrew covered with letter so no problem ) Less Loan required: $60000 interest @ 1.88% suppose to be total $66576 ( But it's altered to $65,000 @ 1.88% total $72,124 ) Downpayment: $18000 ( it's altered to $25,000 ) Add Advance installment: $952 ( actual $1031, credit agency paid 1st instalment, weird huh ) Add Insurance Premium: $2100 ( he claim AXA, only got to know now, the insurance that was dealt by the car company is a paper that cost me $2380 that won't cover anything should something happen, things that matters life and death is fake, doctored by the dealer or the insurance agency agent/broker ) Add LTA Transfer fee: $1745 ( it's fake, transfer of ownership is only $1148 which was done by the credit company, the boss told me himself that it's deducted from his GIRO, how come? ) Of which i came out with a company cheque of $4796 cash cheque (silly) for the payment of the advance installment, insurance premium and LTA transfer fee with faith and all confidence in Mr Ken ( has his signature on it ). 6/12/2011 Made my cashier order with DBS bank in the morning for downpayment; delivery of vehicle was done on that day itself when Mr Ken presented the cheque from UOB Bank of $60000 at 4.30pm. vehicle was handed to me and i happily drove home. 13/12/2011 ( Document was dated 8/11/2011, i received it only 5 days later ) I received a letter from UOB bank stating i have a loan from UOB of $65,000 instead of the $60000, was home late, called the bank and they were having a maintenance hence unable to check either, and i received another Hire-purchase agreement from UOB stating i bought the car at $90,000. with $25000 as deposit and $65000 loan, i only have the pink carbon note with a really faded signature of my mother / Witness to hirer is Mr Ken/ a credit agency stamp and signature on it/ acknowledgement from UOB bank representative ) Informed Mr Andrew about what happened, he confirmed with total amount of $78,000 being deposited into his bank. (inclusive of the $500, everything was right) Informed Mr Andrew to get a bank statement print-out which clearly says $78000 being deposited into his bank ( he sent to to me on 20/12/2011 as he's on holiday and assist me by contacting his bank to get all print outs ) 16/12/2011 Called up Mr Andrew as i confirm something was wrong, very very wrong because i bought a car from a direct seller with assistance from Mr Ken, but however, there was another agreement from UOB which states a different story which goes like this: Agreement from UOB car price with accessories + coe: $90,000 cash: $25,000 total: $65,000 Interest:$7128.33 Called up Mr Ken and ask him what happen, his reply was: it's an honest mistake 21/12/2011 Made a report with the Police, however due to the poor description and tormenting 4 hours, they only manage to uncover 1/4 of the story, need advises if i am allow to make one more report for the cheating of my family in this whole thing: insurance details: Owner name: My mum gender: male ( weird huh ) NRIC: my mum NRIC marital status: married ( my dad passed away 3 months ago ) driving experience: 15 years ( my mum only got her 3a 5 years ago ) the whole thing is a mess... the car company boss and credit agency boss just ask me to pursue everything from Mr Ken and so helpful to testify against him if i need to, i checked everything thru, everything is wrong/ forged/ fake, please advise on the channels i can take to take actions, they were so into telling me a legal pursue isn't worth it, saying the sum is so small, i have to emphasize, THE CAR COMPANY DID NOT POST ME THE INSURANCE UNTIL I MET THE CAR COMPANY BOSS TODAY WHICH HE HANDED IT TO ME AND I FOUND THE PROBLEMS, EVERYTHING IS FAKE. 22/12/2011 ) 22/12/2011 i met up with the agency people and the car dealer. Everything was revealed, he work behind his own car dealership boss to make additional income by handing my case file to these car dealer and credit agency, what happen was he somehow manage to turn Mr Andrew car to this company in west coast and he in turn sold the car to me, meaning, instead of a proper deal of $78,500, arrangements between Mr Ken, The car dealer, the credit agency did something... My car purchase value was marked up to $90,000 and the credit agency did a loan of $65,000. only know the insurance was so wrong when i saw the photocopy which they did not even mail to me after 2 weeks of purchase. now the insurance is a mess too... if something had happened in the past 2 weeks, that's it for me because the insurance definitely void and the car insurance was done by this particular car company. the credit company involved said everything in black and white. Mr Ken Admitted he pass my company cash cheque of $4796 to a 3rd party ( his friend ) and Mr Ken is currently enjoying his holiday in Auckland, only to know i made a police report when his good friend, the car dealer informed him about a police case being made against him, he started to tell me he's going to die etc, he sms me with records in my phone that the car dealer will pass me the balance, why hand me any balance? that's weird, it's all in the records though, in my phone. 22/12/11 Meet up with Mr Andrew ( he was only back from a 10 days holiday yesterday even and kept following up with me on how's everything going) right after meeting the car dealer and credit agency boss; Mr Andrew wrote a letter to reconfirm that the sale of the car was $78,500 and not $90,000 as claimed in the written UOB agreement, he even put in his address in London and local address, he was suppose to leave singapore yesterday, think they thought they could pull a fast one on me. after doing some math and thinking, everything is clear now; 1) Car was considered consigned to the car dealer who fixed the $90,000 price tag with so called $25000 as deposit ( Mr Andrew wrote the letter to specify the deal is just Him and Me at $78500 ) 2) Insurance contents are fake, credit company issued car dealer amounting $4553.50 for car insurance, car on 6/12/2011, UOB bank rochor issued Mr Andrew Dearman $60,000. The UOB agreement states $65,000 loan was taken when whole actual amounting to only $64553.50, aint exactly bothered with the $446.50 that went missing but i am really keen to understand what's wrong but i'm heading to UOB HQ / ETIQA and CPIB directly later. At least i understand why they didn't want me to see a lawyer over these, it's so dirty.. To Everyone here, i hope i ain't confusing anyone of you, for the legal experts that have gone thru my long boring note and have a further interest in my current situation, please contact me at Mobile: 91050003. P.S Mr Andrew is willing to meet me up with a legal council in regards should i decide in pursuing this matter in court, because i am fully ready to stop this form of injustice. As of 1 am, Mr Ken is in auckland telling me he wants to end his life there because he's finished when his car dealer friend told me i lodged a report, his 2 best friends wish to testify against him if i decide( i will ) to go to court. Warmest Regards, Gary Tan Mobile: 91050003
  7. hope schumacher makes a comeback man Michael Schumacher is convinced that he and Mercedes now have all the ingredients they need to be successful in Formula 1 and remains utterly confident that his squad can be a title-winner. Although Schumacher's second season back in F1 has so far not seen much improvement over his difficult comeback year, he says more progress has been made than the results suggest. "Probably last year I wasn't where I wanted to be," he admitted in an interview with the official F1 website. "But this year I would say nothing is missing. All ingredients for success are here - we now to have arrange and optimise them. "Then we will be on the go, just like Red Bull is now. I know that we will do it." Schumacher reiterated that he never expected Mercedes to immediately continue the results it achieved as Brawn in 2009, suggesting that he always knew the team's title success that year was an anomaly. "Of course we would have wanted faster development - and a faster swing onto victory lane - after Ross [brawn] had won both titles in 2009," he said. "But that was the exception to the rule. I have been racing long enough to understand that it takes at least three years to push a team to the very top. "I know that good things come to those who wait. I am absolutely sure we are on the right track and that we are doing all we can to be successful in the end." He also shrugged off the criticism his form this year has received. "I am aware that there are many out there mouthing off about me, but I have been in the business long enough to know what is really important - to stay calm and work in a goal-oriented way on what we want to achieve," Schumacher said. He added: "In reality everything happens so quickly in Formula 1. If I have a good race here, who cares about Turkey two weeks ago? You have to free your mind and not ponder what might have been. It is useless to look back. You have to concentrate all your energy on your goals."
  8. who got the bigger BHP wins .... kekeke http://www.subaru.com.sg Forget Golf this weekend. Go for a 300bhp drive instead. STI. The Hotter Hatch -> err is this statement targeted to Golf GTI ? kekeke another dimension of 3-series vs C-class ... hahaha
  9. Well....so I got to know this nice girl through a friend. She's awfully sweet and kind. The kind that would make a decent wife & gf: intelligent enough to have a decent conversation etc etc....and I like her. But...now the problem comes. I'm not much of a religion person..maybe go to the temple once awhile with my parents who are buddhist. But she has been a christian since the day she was born...and she's pretty into it. She helps out at a church's children choir every week too... Do you guys think I should continue dating her? Despite knowing that it will be a problem in the future? Her parents want a guy that is a christian for their daughter...and MY parents wants a daughter-in-law thats NOT a christian..... Funny how such things matter in our ADVANCED society.....sigh... comments?
  10. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/no-small-matter-i...ed--pm-lee.html PM Lee says losing Aljunied GRC would be 'no small matter'. (Reuters photo)
  11. Hi all, I would like to find out from the English Guru here, which is more correct ? 1. On this matter? 2. In this matter? 3. With this matter? Thank you very much . Regards,
  12. don't you think it'd make our cars more efficient while saving the environment?
  13. Any transaction involve money is a selling and buying process despite what names you call financial compensation just like a casino is still a casino even if you call it IR what really confuse me is the authorities always justify themselves with all sort of (some near stupid) reasons that why they are right and most of us (66%) and those labour union members - cannot do anything about I think we will be like mini India or mini philipines with regards to organ donation underground activity will definite occur the timing cannot be more perfect to OK the law on organ transplant with the recssion here again the poor with no alternative may have to sell first we sold our on believe and trust (66%) we sell our hard earn money that we will never be able to see in our life time (CPF) then now we sell our body then we sell our soul believing in the future there is nothing anymore I dont intend to sell b a c k s i d e to defend ourselves from terrorist too something just cross my mind since we are so in love with FT why dont we part or whole source out our military this would save our billions of dollars so we can have free health care from the money saved why not even sensitive installation such as power stations have been sold even power station that is no longer in use is also sold - ST James Power station just a thought can anybody really make any sense what is truly happening is there a consistent in authorities to what they try to achieve for the nation as a whole I am lost can some kind sheperd lead me back to the flock thank you http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A...115-100858.html Most say: Pay organ donors By Ng Wan Ching TO pay or not to pay organ donors. That has been the ethical dilemma facing those involved in the raging debate on whether organ trading should be legalised. Last week, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said the law will be changed to allow financial compensation for organ donors. First, the Ministry of Health (MOH) wants some feedback from healthcare professionals and the public, it said today. But how do the people on the street feel about the issue? In a poll of 100 people conducted by The New Paper, 70 per cent said yes to monetary compensation for organ donors. Student Lorraine Koh, 27, said: 'Compensation will help to promote organ donations. It will also help to stem black-market trading. 'But monetary benefits shouldn't be the primary reason to donate an organ.' But those who were against financial compensation feared it may turn organ donation into a trade. Executive Priscilla Soh, 24, 'Paying defeats the notion of donation - instead of donating, it becomes selling of organs.' Of the 70 people who were in favour of compensation, most feel that the recipient should pay all or part of the compensation. Thirty-seven per cent said only the recipient should pay, while 43 per cent feel that the recipient and the Government should split the payment. Some worry that making the recipient pay the full sum might mean that only the well-to-do can afford to get a kidney. Housewife Jane Lim, 58, said: 'The recipient should pay if they can afford it. If not, the Government should subsidise.' But 20 per cent think the Government should be responsible for compensating the donors. Mr Sanjeev Thavarajaloo, 22, an administrative executive, said: 'If the recipient has to pay, then the poor won't benefit.' Eight people suggested that a charity organisation like the National Kidney Foundation raise the money needed to compensate donors. Ms Susan Lee, 57, a businesswoman, said: 'The charity can then disburse the money as it sees fit to donors. The Government should not get involved directly in the payment part of the compensation. 'Perhaps what the Government can do is to help with certain subsidies for the donors when they go for health follow-ups after donating their organs.' Donor's sacrifice But what is the price we should put on an organ donation? How do you calculate a donor's sacrifice in dollars and cents? Out of the 70 people who approve of financial compensation, 43 per cent said $50,000 is a reasonable sum. Eleven per cent said $25,000 was enough, while another 26 per cent feel that donors should be paid more than $75,000. Madam Wahidah Abdul Rahman, 42, a restaurant owner, said: 'It's hard to say what the right amount should be, but $50,000 is about right. Medication costs a lot in Singapore nowadays.' Mrs Faith Toh, 33, a producer, thinks donors should be paid more. 'What if he suffers from complications? What if he himself gets kidney failure?' Some people could not put a price on an organ donation. Twenty per cent of the people who said yes to monetary compensation said the amount would have to be decided on a case-by-case basis. IT manager Moses Lim, 35, said: 'The compensation can be a token of appreciation for the pain the donor goes through.' The right amount would depend on the type of organ donated, the relationship of the donor and the recipient, and the donor's age and financial status, he added. Additional reporting by Eoin Ee, Lediati Tan, Elaine Yeo, Amanda Yong
  14. People News Verne Troyer sex tape 06/11/2008 - Verne Troyer - "The Love Guru" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals - Grauman's Chinese Theater - Hollywood, CA, USA ?David Gabber / PR Photos 'Austin Powers' actor Verne Troyer is the star of a new celebrity sex tape. The 2ft 8in star - best known for his role as Dr. Evil's diminutive sidekick Mini Me in the spy spoof movie series, also starring Mike Myers - reportedly filmed himself and his unnamed ex-girlfriend indulging in sexual activities in their apartment. The footage was taken by a third party and now celebrity porn broker Kevin Blatt - who was instrumental in the releasing the now infamous Paris Hilton sex tape - is allegedly set to pay $100, 000 for the footage. In one short clip, which appears on gossip website TMZ.com, Verne is seen passionately kissing his female partner. Verne - one of the smallest movie stars in the world - has not yet commented on the tape. He is the latest in a long line of stars who have had their recorded bedroom activities leaked to the public. As well as Paris Hilton's 'One Night In Paris', Pamela Anderson, Colin Farrell and Tom Sizemore have all appeared in sex tapes. The 39-year-old actor - who is currently starring alongside Mike Myers in 'The Love Guru' - recently revealed he has no problems with people ridiculing his size in movies. He said: "The way I look at it is - it's a movie. You've got to be able to have fun with it and laugh at it. If it were outside the movie, yeah, some of that stuff would be insulting. Get over it. I'm sorry - it doesn't offend me. Why should it offend you?" http://www.monstersandcritics.com/pe...royer_sex_tape
  15. Good or Evil, it's a matter of your illusion and the way you look at things...... If you see it as "GOOD" , than good luck to you this weekends..... HUAT AH...... If you see it as "EVIL" , ke...ke...ke... , do it and don't get caught........
  16. Ha.....MCF can be a survey site le...hee... following up on the petrol branding ( Least fav, Most fav) think something closer to heart would be the key determining factor tat matters to you. The factors here may be areas those cartels can review to pass savings on to consumer and become a leaner company. No basis for saying this here but I received a letter saying Mc Donald is terminating their reward system. I personally think tat's a bold and good move. The expenses of maintaining a Ezlink link hardware and software system can be saved and allow MCD to reduce their op expenses and not raise prices due to global agflation. Jus to define the terms better The poll is voting to Do away with Either 1) Express mart service Can they shut it down n reduce operating costs n pass savings to us? Eg if Esso no mart is say 10% cheaper vs Shell who hv 7/11. Wonder which company started it first and how other companies join the bandwagon just to be the SAME. However chances of doing away with mart is almost impossible cos of the stable rental revenue generated for the landlords.Perhaps in a way the mart operators helped us cos of their revenue generation assuming revenue from mart rental EXCEEDS cost of land rental or LAND is already acquired so might well as earn from it. Highly controversial unless we know their arrangement. 2) Engine cleaning additives in petrol Is this a real or perceived benefit? Case in pt, techron. With techron same price as other cartels....if without??? 3) Location Guess should put this in cos ppl will actually travel to JB and knowing SG, we will travel the whole island for food also :) 4) Price per km Guess this do away with brands, and octane cos different car, different driving habits. Do VOTE for the one that MATTERS LEAST TO YOU Hope some forward looking scholar from the cartels offer service that we really need.
  17. http://www.todayonline.com/pda/233669ag.htm Then is good ministers motivated by pay alone, since they keep saying they can earn much more in private sectors???
  18. They keep pushing "made in Japan" type saying its a lot more quiet and worth the additional dollars. Is it true or just psychological effect?
  19. Wat say you? http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20071112/tts-...fo-972e412.html
  20. during an interview, does it matter to your colleague and boss where you stay?
  21. Sitting with friends at kopi tiam, most shrugged off the $4 ERP. The reasoning is most company actually reimburse them on all transport related expenses. So parking fee goes up? no problem. Petrol price goes up? no problem. ERP goes up? again no problem. So does not matter if the ERP is at $4 or $10, the road will still congest.
  22. Do you guys find that audio tuning is just a matter of personal taste? I had my car tuned by different reputatable installers. They usually come in the top 3 in I.C.E. Meet. But none to my liking. It seems that tuning vocal and pop is not a problem. But none can tune heavy metal to my taste. So, what do you guys think?
  23. hi all member, 1)may i know if i can't get coe for the 6th time of the bidding...what should i do??? 2)heard that people saying that during bidding time my se will call me to top up for coe is it true??? 3)let say the last bidding still can't get...my se will call me top up for open coe is it? 4)if i don't want to top up how fast they will refund my deposit? b'cos i need to buy other model car...... pls reply me thanks a lot.........
  24. Hi all I have just uprated my rear brake lights illumination. If u all have realised, the brake lights at Aveo end only lights up at the top section while the middle section is meant for night driving illumination. ( 4-dr type) That is to say the top section brake lamp is using double- filament bulb for braking and night illumination while the middle section brake lamp is also double filament but purpose is for night illum only.. I find it damm funny why the middle section is not connected to braking light so I remove the whole lamp assembly and connected an extra wiring to the braking lamp.. WOOLALA... Now when I step on the brakes, all the brake lamps lighted up instead of factory original top section.. So I tested it at night and the when I stepped on the brakes, the car behind me was lightened in red.. Can see the owner's face also redden.. But if you think my brake lights are distracting, try stopping behind a brand new Sport series Lancer w Spoiler LED brake lights, Those lights are even stronger and brighter.. Not only face redden, rear passgeners face also redden. As for HB, the two rounded brake lamp cluster have only one lamp for braking as the other has a reflector in the centre.. Have any of u all discover that..
  25. okie... my car needs to go in for the first 5k maintenance soon, but I need to go to Kuantan next week so .... by Thurs next week, I will do probably about 4200 km, but if I go and come back I will sure to hit about 5500km. so should I do it next thurs (clear my mind for all maintenance requirements such as oil, water etc...) or should I wait till I return? will it be ok if I do it around 4k? Thanks
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