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Found 12 results

  1. i got a burning question about this. recently got a new Tab 3 tablet, and a new case that has a magnetic tab. The problem is the tablet keep going to standby erratically, no screen touch sensitivity, and just hang for whole day. Was so pissed with it, i thought i got a lemon tablet. Decided to go to Samsung Service Centre. They were kind enough to change the entire screen. Collect it back and the problem is the same. So mad, went back to service centre again. The counter service staff took a look at my tablet and my case. Asked me to try using the tablet without the case. He explained my case has magnets that may affect the device. Ok, i ever read online about this magnetic problem, where some ppl complained about the magnetic cases. Decided to go with his advice. Sure enough, the tablet works like a charm now, without the stupid case. Anyone has this problem as well? The pic of the case i was using
  2. Surprised our new series coins are magnetic [stick to magnet],older series are non-magnetic,cut costs.? ,older coins used Nickel based material,new one made of steel.??
  3. SINGAPORE: There is an industry wide move by banks in Singapore to disable magnetic stripe on all credit and debit cards. This means those cards can no longer be used for overseas retail purchases outside of Singapore. The move is believed to be led by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS). However when contacted, an ABS spokesperson declined comment and said it will make an announcement on July 30. In response to queries from Channel NewsAsia, some banks said they are ready to join the industry in the move. HSBC said it plans to implement the disabling of the magnetic strips within the month of August. HSBC added that it will exempt customers and auto-enrol their credit and debit cards for overseas use if, according to its records, they have a history of overseas use of their cards, or have an overseas address, so that they can enjoy greater convenience without the need to enrol their cards each time they travel. Meanwhile, DBS said the magnetic stripe on all DBS and POSB cards will be disabled for overseas use starting September 22, 2013. DBS added that this is part of its continuous efforts to enhance card security. Customers can allow or disallow overseas magnetic stripe transactions for both overseas ATMs and point-of-sale terminals at any DBS/POSB ATM and branch or internet banking. - CNA/fa http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singap...ble/760010.html DAFUQ?!
  4. Planning to go for servicing within this mth thus thinking if replace the OE nut to a magnetic 1 will be useful. Any one had that in your ride? Wonder if it is really useful in sucking metal debris from EO.
  5. Hey, any of you wear those magnetic necklace? Seems like some friends and relatives say it "works". Wondering if it's plain rubbish or what...? Anyone here tried? A kiosk I visited said "single technology" necklace selling $50 and "triple technology" sell for $70. I was wondering got VVTI? Maybe "triple technology" = turbocharged? Hehe... _________________ No Signature Intended.
  6. saw it on the local news (taiwanese tv channel).... no need clip/hook, it's replaced with magnetic overlapping tiny metal pieces so easy to open whether front or back... no more hooks... the danger is: if not careful, the hand phone of the guy standing next to her in MRT train may be suddenly stuck to it............ and if he tries to take it back.... during foreplay.... just before going full naked, guy's metal frame glasses suddenly sticks to it..... his keys and belt buckle also.... whahhahahahaa MOLEST!!!!!!!
  7. TOYOTA OEM TOUCH-UP PAINT PEN MAGNETIC GRAY 1G3 Anybody knows where in singapore can find this pdt. The colour code must be 1G3 - MAGNETIC GRAY Pls help, I need it urgently.
  8. I do not know how many members have a magnetic turning beacon light place on vehicle roof top either plug into the cigarette lighter charger or battery operated in their vehicle. As for me, all my cars has one each and I find them very handy. I would not hesitate to provide assistence to the driver whose vehicle either breaks down or vehicle collisions. This is despite sustaining a permanent and chronic injury on my left foot from a fall 2 years back at the Bird Viewing Tower in Pasir Ris Park 2 while descending from a flight of steps. The above incident occurred due to irregularity of the 1st step height which is very much lower than the rest. Being in the building industry myself, I am well knowledgeable in the building regulations and bye-laws. All attempts by a team of specialists to save my left ankle for the last 2 years were unsuccessful. I still have to undergo various physiotherapists, orthopaedic consultations to monitor my left ankle condition, having to put on an ankle brace to minimise movement and pain at the ankle joint and use of a walking stick to support myself when walking. Anyway, I have taken a civil suit against the government and the case is ongoing in court. Despite my foot condition, I would park my car behind the back of the last vehicle and place the beacon light on my car roof and provide whatever assistence they needed. Last evening peak hour was an example. While driving along the ECP outermost lane towards Changi Airport just before the ERP gantry, there was a massive traffic jam resulting from 3 cars collision and no drivers border to stop their vehicle behind the last collided car to provide any assistence. All vehicles were horning away as they either want to change lane and other vehicles refused to give way. But as for me, I just drove slowly until I reached the back of the rear vehicle involved in the collision and place the beacon light on my car roof. The vehicle drivers involved in the collision were surprised to see a car stopping behind the last car involved and placed a beacon light on the roof. As the beacon could be seen from far as it is placed on the car roof, it is effective as vehicles can see the turning light from far away and give ways to a certain extent. The respective drivers involved in the collision contacted their tow truck company and AAS but the latter 2 were unable to reach the scene due to the packed jam. They thanked me for my assistence but I told them that I always stopped my car in any traffic accident to help in whatever I can A few minutes later, a traffic police in white uniform on motorbike rode towards my car. He thought that my car was involved in the collision but I told him that I was not but stopped to render assistence. He told me and the drivers involved in the collision that he was riding on the opposite lane towards Keppel Road and my beacon light caught his attention and turned around somewhere infront of him. If not for my beacon light, he thought that it was just a typical enening traffic congestion. The traffic police than radioed his traffic police station for backup and several on motorbikes arrived. The traffic police team thanked me for helping the drivers of the vehicles involved in the collision and told me that the roof top beacon light that I have is a very good idea and that vehicle owners should have it in their vehicles. Who knows, if one's vehicle will to break down, this beacon light would be very effective. Thereafter, the traffic police team stopped all vehicles to enable me to drive out and I drove home. A month back, I was driving my Porsche during an evening peak hour massive traffic congestion and all vehicles were horning away. As I suspected that there might be an accident or something, I just drove along the lane where all vehicles were attempting to get out of that lane. Realised that a taxi had broken down and an old man was moving from one vehicle to another which I suspected was the taxi driver, to seek assistence but none bordered to do so. The old man looked like he was at a loss as his 2 hands were on his head. I then drove my Porsche behind his taxi, placed the beacon light on my car roof and told him that I have stopped my car to help him. He mentioned to me that he was involved in an accident earlier and was on his way to the taxi operator's workshop to have the taxi repaired. The bonnet was wreaked I found that he is 71-years old, deaf on one ear, doesn't speak English and does not carry a handphone and in a confused state. He kept telling me that he doesn't know what to do as no drivers bordered to help him despite his approaches, worried that he has to pay S$1,000k to his taxi operator and earned very little on that day. It was only after assuring him that I will help him and accompany him until assistance arrived, he began to calm down. I contacted his taxi operator's tow truck company and the receiver thought that I was the taxi driver. She sounded very surprised when I mentioned that I have stopped my car to help this old man. Due to the traffic congestion, the tow truck was unable to reach the scene and we waited for more than an hour. By then, it was already dark and the old man was worried but I told him that I would be with him regardless of the time. Out of nowhere, a traffic police on motorbike approached us with siren on. The traffic police told me that while taking a road bend to another road, he saw my beacon light. He then turned on his bike beacon lights, siren and managed to meanuvour to reach us. I could see the relieve on the old taxi driver's face and kept thanking me for standing by him. What the traffic police told me that surprised him was that a Porsche owner who is handicapped, could border to stop and help someone in trouble whereas other drivers don't even border to do so. He thanked me for helping someone in need and my innovative idea of having a beacon light instead of the triangular emergency reflective signage. He then contacted his station for back-up and with minutes, 3 traffic police on motorbikes arrived and controlled the road congestion. While talking with the traffic police on the taxi driver's behalf, a tow truck managed to arrive at the scene from a different direction after one traffic police freed the road in front of the taxi for the truck driver to reverse the truck towards the taxi's front. Again, the traffic police stopped all vehicles to enable me to reverse my car and drive home. I simply do not understand why our road users are not civid minded. Is it so difficult as to to stop their vehicles to help someone in need of help. Why shunt away someone who approaches them for help. How will one feel if their vehicle will to break down on the road and no one borders to stop and provide assistance in one way or other.
  9. I have a reflective triangular emergency stand alone signage and a magnetic type turning beacon light place on the car roof that plugs into the cigerette lighter jack in all my cars. Recently, while driving home along a 3-lanes road during an evening peak hour heavy traffic & I was on the centre lane, there was a massive jam as vehicles on the centre lane tried to change to the left and right lanes. Some drivers simply don't give way and kept horning. As I suspected that there must be something wrong in front on the centre lane, I kept on the lane. While approaching nearer, I noticed an old Chinese man walking from one car to another but the drivers just drove off. This taxi driver seemed confused as he was putting both hands on his head and looked confused and panic. It was only was I was nearer when I realised that the old man is the taxi driver and that the taxi has broken down right in front of the traffic light. I then stopped my right behind the taxi, turned on my hazard lights and approached the old taxi driver to help him. He was in a panic state as no one borders to help him. I tried calming him down and asked what had happened to his taxi as his taxi's front and bonnet were damaged. He told me that he had a collision with a van somewhere and was about to drive to Delgro (from NTUC) to have the damages repaired and the engine suddenly died off. I placed the beacon light on my car roof that plugged into the cigerette lighter and the triangular emergency signage 20m behind my car. Despite several attempts to start the engine, it couldn't and so I asked him to put on neutral gear while I try to push his taxi to one side but the gear couldn't engage. As I found out that he is Hokkien, I spoke to him in broken Hokkien as I am Teochew and realised that he can't speak English, 73-years old and left with one year before he has to surrender his taxi licence, deaf on his right ear and without a handphone. Worst off is that he would be penalised S$1,000.00 by NTUC for the accident, pay for the damages and that NTUC may withdraw his taxi licence following this accident. I then helped him to call NTUC vehicle towing line for a tow truck and was told that it will take one-and a-half hours to reach. The lady from NTUC who took my call was surprised that I am a road user, not lated to the taxi driver and yet stopped to help a stranger, especially an elderly person. As this old man was still in a dazed, worried on paying penalties, telling me that he has grand-children, all his grown-up children doesn't give him and his wife money and that's why he is still driving the taxi for income. I told him that I will accompany him until the tow truck arrives and he kept thanking me for helping me. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound and discovered that a big lorry did not notice the red triangular road signage and ran over it and drove off. As I always carry an LED mini touchlight in my key pouch, I used it to re-direct on-coming vehicles. As the tow truck did not arrive even after one-and a-half hours, I contacted NTUC towing line and was informed that we would have to wait longer. By then, it was about 7.30pm and the beacon light was still on. Seconds later, a traffic police arrived at the scene and told me that while filtering to another road about 50m away, the turning beacon light caught his attention. Using his walkie-talkie, he called for more police and about 4 subsequently came and re-direct the traffic until the tow truck arrived. Even as I was about to leave the scene as the policemen are there, the policemen and the old man kept on thanking me b'cos no drivers have bordered to stop and help this old man despite the latter approaching them. The question that kept hovering in my mind since the above incident is that is it so difficult for drivers to stop their vehicles and help someone and especially this old man. So to all vehicle owners, try to get a turning beacon in addition to the triangular refelective emergency road signage as it is very effective.
  10. Check out this joke! http://www.newspress.co.uk/DAILY_LINKS/arc...09/57340bmw.htm http://www.nickburcher.com/2009/04/bmw-mag...pril-fools.html Please send any feedback to [email protected]
  11. hi.. anyone using/wearing one of those magnetic bracelet? can share ur opinion about the product?
  12. Hi, Need help. Anyone got lobang where I could go and duplicate the magnetic transponder that usually put in the car and use to auotmatically access gantry (e.g. those of private estat, commerical buildings)? I have one but need to duplicate another...any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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